Release K - Build

This page describes how to build Release K version of Non-RT RIC. 

Do you really need to build?

In general, there is no need to build the images manually.

Building from scratch is error-prone, and some development experience is required.

All images for the release are available in nexus image repositories. 

Please refer to the page  Release J - Run in Docker  for running the release I Non-RT RIC.  

Details of the architecture can be found from Release J page. 

(Note: The actual docker image version numbers/tags may be different from the instructions below as development continues in the relevant repositories)

Project Requirements

  • Java 17 (make sure that JAVA_HOME environment variable points to correct Java version).
  • Docker and docker-compose (latest).
  • git (latest) -  for downloading code repos.
  • Maven 3.6 and in some cases Maven 3.8.

Build Code

Build NONRTRIC Docker containers

Coming soon.

In the meantime - see Release J - Build