Multiple E2T Instances Design

E2Manager DB


NodebInfo (existing, protobuf)

We shall add a new property to the NodebInfo struct,
AssociatedE2TInstanceAddress string

E2TInstance (new, json)

Address string
AssociatedRanList []string
KeepAliveTimetamp int64
State E2TInstanceState

E2TInstanceState (new, enum)

type E2TInstanceState string
Active E2TInstanceState = "ACTIVE"
ToBeDeleted E2TInstanceState = "TO_BE_DELETED"

E2TInstanceResponse (new, json)

e2tAddress string
ranNames []string


New keys:





E2TInstance JSON

E2T instance is saved here by address key, and contains it’s associated RANs

Calculation of the chosen E2T instance will be the E2TInstance with the minimum RAN count


[]string JSON

List of E2T Addresses

Rnib Reader

New methods:

GetE2TInstance(address string) (*E2TInstance, error)

GetE2TInstances(addresses []string) ([]*E2TInstances, error)

GetE2TAddresses() ([]string, error)

Rnib Writer

New methods:

SaveE2TInstance(e2tInstance *E2TInstance) error

RemoveE2TInstance(address string) error

SaveE2TAddresses([]string) error

struct E2TInstancesManager

method SelectE2TInstance() (e2tAddress string, error)

method GetE2TInstance(e2tAddress string) (*E2TInstance, error)

method GetE2TInstances() ([]*E2TInstance, error)

method GetE2TAddresses() ([]string, error)

method AddE2TInstance(e2tAddress string) error

1. Create *E2TInstance{e2tAddress, AssociatedRanList} and set E2TInstance:<Address>

lock -

2. Get E2TAddresses

3. Add e2tAddress to E2TAddresses key (add to list)

4. Save E2TAddresses


method RemoveE2TInstance(e2tAddress string) error

lock -

1. Delete E2TInstance key from DB

2. Get E2TAddresses

3. Delete e2tAddress from E2TAddresses key

4. Save E2TAddresses


method AddRanToInstance(ranName, e2tAddress ) error

lock -

1. Get E2TInstance key

2. Add ranName to its AssociatedRanList

3. Save E2TInstance key


method SetE2tInstanceState(e2tAddress, currState, newState) error

lock -

1. Get E2TInstance key

2. If E2TInstance.state = currState

2.1. Set state

2.2. Save E2TInstance key


method RemoveRanFromInstance(ranName, e2tAddress ) error

lock -

1. Get E2Instance key

2. Remove ranName from its AssociatedRanList

3. Save E2Instance key


method ClearRanFromInstances() error

lock -

1. Get E2T Addresses

2. Get E2T Instances (addresses)

2.1. Foreach E2T Instance

2.1.1. Clear E2TInstance AssociatedRanList

2.1.2. Save E2TInstance key


method ResetKeepAliveTimestamp(address, count) error

lock -

1. Get E2TInstance key

2. If E2TInstance.state = ACTIVE

2.1. Set KeepAliveTimestamp = now

2.2. Save E2TInstance key


struct E2tAssociationManager

method AssociateRan(ranName, e2tAddress) error

method DissociateRan(ranName, e2tAddress) error

method RemoveE2Instance(e2tAddress, ranNameListToBeDissociated []string, ranAssocList []*E2tInstance) error

struct E2TKeepAliveWorker

method Execute()

struct E2TKeepAliveResponseHandler

method Handle()

struct E2TShutdownManager

method Shutdown(fqdn)

struct e2tController

method getAllE2tInstances()


Add keep-alive timestamp interval to helm-chart

E2M Init process

Set all ACTIVE E2tInstances' timestamp to now()

E2T Init Flow

RMR INIT message

E2T sends an INIT message to E2M.
In the current implementation, message is EMPTY.
Now, it should contain the instance’s Address.

Sequence Diagram

Setup Flow

Sequence Diagram

Lost Connection Flow

Sequence Diagram

Red Button Flow

Sequence Diagram

E2T Instance Keep Alive Flow - KeepAliveWorker

Sequence Diagram

E2T Instance Keep Alive Flow - KeepAliveResponseHandler

Sequence Diagram

E2T Instance Keep Alive Flow - E2TShutdownManager

Sequence Diagram

Selection of E2T Instance

Dissociate RAN

Associate RAN

Remove E2T Instance

Get all E2T Instances

Set E2T Instance state