Cherry Application LCM Step 4 - Create Config
David Kinsey [AT&T]
Sequence Diagram
Title Application LCM Step 4 - Create Instance Config
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 10
skinparam ArrowColor #blue
Box Personnel #lightblue
Actor sOP as "SMO Operator" <<INT OTF>>
End box
Box "SMO" #gold
Boundary MC as "Model Catalog" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
Boundary VI as "Virtual Inventory" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
Boundary IC as "Instance Config" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
end box
== Configure ==
Note over MC,IC
In this step the VI frameworks is expected to be populated.
Normally the configuration would provide back the "definition" to enable a GUI
since we don't have a GUI the sOP has a predefined configuration instance.
end note
sOP -> IC : PUT ../serviceConfig/V1/serviceConfigurations/{serviceConfigLabel} {serviceInstanceConfig}
note left of IC
The Service Config is a container for resource configurations. As such there
Is nothing to modify therefore PUT is used for create since the user defines
The label. However there is no update allowed.
End note
IC -> IC :
Note Left : Check if Label already exists
Alt if ServiceConfigLabel already exists then
IC --> sOP : 409 conflict: {ServiceConfigLabel} already exists.
IC -> MC : GET ..modelCatalof/v1/applications/{serviceInstanceConfig.applicationVersionID}
Alt if 404 not found then
IC --> sOP : 412 Precondition failed: {appVersionID} not found.
Else if application.state is NOT Available then
IC --> sOP : 412 Precondition failed: Application state Available expected but found {application.state}
IC -> MC : GET ..modelCatalof/v1/applications/{serviceInstanceConfig.applicationVersionID}/applicationServiceModels/{serviceInstanceConfig.serviceModelID}
Alt if 404 not found then
IC --> sOP : 412 Precondition failed: {ServiceModelID} not found.
IC -> IC :
Note left: Create record, State=CREATING
IC --> sOP : return 202 created
Loop for each serviceResource in the ServiceModel
sOP -> IC : PUT ../serviceConfig/V1/serviceConfigurations/{serviceConfigLabel}/resourceConfigurations/{resourceConfigLabel} {resourceConfig}
IC -> IC :
Alt if 404 not found then
IC --> sOP : 412 Precondition failed: {serviceConfigLabel} not found.
Note left of IC
serviceConfig = GET ../serviceConfigurations/{resourceConfig.ServiceConfigID}
end note
IC -> VI :
Alt if 404 not found then
IC --> sOP : 412 Precondition failed: {RICDeploymentID} not found.
Note left of IC
managementFunction = GET ../deployments/v1/deployments/{resourceConfig.RICDeploymentID}
end note
IC -> MC :
Alt if 404 not found then
IC --> sOP : 412 Precondition failed: {ApplicationID}.{ServiceModelID} not found.
Note left of IC
serviceModel = GET ../modelCatalog/{resourceConfig.applicationID}/applicationServiceModels/{resourceConfig.serviceModelID}
end note
IC -> MC :
Alt if 404 not found then
IC --> sOP : 412 Precondition failed: {applicationID}.{serviceModelID}.{resourceID} not found.
Note left of IC
resourceModel = GET ../modelCatalog/{resourceConfig.applicationID}/applicationServiceModels/{resourceConfig.serviceModelID}/serviceResources/{resourceConfig.resourceID}
end note
alt if {managementFunction.appType} <> {resourceModel.resourceType} then
IC --> sOP : 412 Precondition failed: expected {managementFunction.appType} but found {resourceModel.resourceType}
end if
IC -> IC :
Note left: Create record, State=READY
group serviceConfig State Check
Note left of IC : Set serviceConfigTargetState = READY
Loop For each resource in ServiceModelResources
IC -> IC
Note left: GET resourceConfig with resourceID={resource}
Alt if 404 not found then
Note left of IC
Set serviceConfigTargetState = CREATING
Exit loop
End note
End if
Alt If serviceConfig.State <> serviceConfigTargetState then
IC -> IC :
Note left: Update ServiceConfig State to READY
End if
IC --> sOP : return 202 created