Skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam ParticipantPadding 5
skinparam BoxPadding 10
Box "SMO/Non-RT RIC Framework" #gold
participant NFO as "NF Orchestration" <<INT OTF>>
Boundary MC as "Model Catalog" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
Boundary VI as "Virtual Inventory" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
Boundary IC as "Instance Config" <<SMO MVC State Manager>>
Participant AppMgr as "rAPPMgr" <<NRTRIC>>
end box
Box "RIC\napplication execution environment " #goldenrod
participant App as "Application" <<RICAPP>>
participant Sidecar as "APP Sidecar" <<RICAPP>>
end box
Box "O-Cloud Platform" #lightseagreen
participant IMS as "Cloud Manager"
participant DMS as "Deployment Manager"
End box
== Building Block Identity & Legend ==
note over NFO, DMS #royalblue
**<color: yellow>Building Block : Deploy Application - Common - E2E </color>**
end note
== Assumptions and Prerequisites ==
note over NFO, DMS #darkorange
xAPP Standard Software Package has been onboarded and a configuration for rAPP deployment is installed via Application LCM Use Case Step 4.
end note
== Begin Building Block ==
NFO -> IC : GET ..serviceConfig/v1/ServiceConfigurations/<serviceConfigurationLabel>
NFO -> IC : GET ..serviceConfig/v1/ServiceConfigurations/<serviceConfigurationLabel>/Resources
loop foreach resourceConfigID to Deploy
NFO -> IC : GET ..serviceConfig/v1/ServiceConfigurations/<serviceConfigurationLabel>/Resources/<ResourceConfigID>
NFO -> VI : GET deployments/v1/deployments/<RICDeploymentID>
NFO -> VI : GET ..OCloud/v1/OClouds/<hostingOcloudID>
NFO -> VI : GET ..OCloud/v1/OClouds/<hostingOcloudID>/deploymentServices/<hostingOcloudDMSID>
Group Install Images in O-Cloud
NFO -> MC : GET ../applications/<applicationID>/deployments/<deploymentID>/images
Loop for each image in images
NFO -> MC : GET ../applications/<applicationID>/deployments/<deploymentID>/images/<imageID>
NFO -> IMS : <<O2-M>> PUT https://<IMDEndPoint>/api/v1/images {resourcePoolID, imageURL}
Note left of IMS
The Resource pool where the image is expected to be deployed should be specified,
this could be a list of locations. The O-Cloud being distributed may have its own
strategy for image repository distribution.
End note
IMS -> IMS :
Note left : Check if ImageInstanceExists
Alt if ImageInstance Exists then
IMS --> NFO : Return 200 OK
IMS -> IMS :
Note Left : Store Image
IMS --> NFO : Return 202 Created
End if
Group Application deployment to O-Cloud
NFO -> DMS : <<O2-D>> POST https://<DMSEndPoint>/api/v1/deployments {\n\tlocation, \n\tdeploymentDescriptor, \n\tinstanceConfig.deploymentParameters}
Note left of DMS
Normally the O-Cloud would iterate through all deployments in the descriptor
In this example we remove the iteration for the two known workloads that will
be in the descriptor
End note
DMS -> App ** : create
DMS -> Sidecar ** : create
DMS --> NFO : <<O2-D>> notify Workload created
NFO -> VI : PUT ../deployments/v1/deployments/{deploymentID} {deploymentRecord}
Alt if Apptype was xAPP then
NFO -[#blue]>] : execute Enable xAPP in near-RT RIC
note over NFO, DMS #royalblue
**<color: yellow>Building Block : xAPP Startup in Near-RT RIC Instance </color>**
end note
]-[#blue]-> NFO : Status (Success)
Else if Apptype was rAPP then
NFO -[#blue]>] : execute Enable rAPP in Non-RT RIC
note over NFO, DMS #royalblue
**<color: yellow>Building Block : xAPP Startup in Near-RT RIC Instance </color>**
end note
]-[#blue]-> NFO : Status (Success)
End if
NFO -> IC : ../serviceConfig/
Group Update Resource Config
Note over NFO
set resourceConfig.State = DEPLOYED;
set resourceConfig.DeploymentID = DeploymentID
end note
NFO -> IC : PUT ..serviceConfig/v1/ServiceConfigurations/{serviceConfigurationLabel}/Resources/{ResourceConfigID}?revisionID={resourceConfig.revisionID} {resourceConfig}
Group Check serviceConfig.State
Note right of NFO
Set serviceConfigTargetState = DEPLOYED
End note
Loop For each resource in ServiceConfig
Alt if resourceConfig.State <> DEPLOYED then
Note left of IC
Set serviceConfigTargetState = DEPLOYING
Exit loop
End note
End if
Alt If serviceConfig.State <> serviceConfigTargetState then
Note right of NFO: set serviceConfig.State = {serviceConfigTargetState}
NFO -> IC : PUT ..serviceConfig/v1/ServiceConfigurations/{serviceConfigurationLabel}?revisionID={ServiceConfig.revisionID} {serviceConfig}
End if