Cherry - <<SMO>> ModelCatalog

SMO - Model Catalog

The Model Catalog provides a list of Applications that are onboarded to the SMO after delivery of an "Application Package" from a vendor. It presents a Model-View-Controller for management of the data.

For the purposes of this implementation we will assume the following:

  • The Controller will be RESTful from the service endpoint of {apiRoot}/ModelCatalog/v1. The initial REST resource tree is show below. Additional resources may be added to represent aspect of ML Applications which have additional data elements.

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scale 1.5

  • The Model is represented in the class diagram below

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Class Application {
   applicationVersionID : string
   vendor : string
   applicationName : string
   version : string
   serviceModels : ServiceModel[]
   state : string
   revisionID : string

Class ServiceModel {
   serviceModelID : string
   modelName : string
   modelDescroption : string
   resources : ServiceResource[]

Class ServiceResource {
   resourceID : string
   resourceType : string
   resourceVendor : string
   resourceName : string
   resourceVersion : string
   deploymentDescriptor : DeploymentDescriptor
   descriptorVariableOverrides : Tuple[]
   applicationConfigurationSchema : string
   policyTypes : PolicyType[]
   dataFeeds : DataFeed[]
   publications : Publications[]
   requiredImages : ImageID[]

Class Tuple {
   key : string
   value : string

Class DataFeed {
   sharedDataName : string
   mandatory : boolean

Class Publication {
   sharedDataName : string
   mandatory : boolean

Class PolicyType {
   policySchema : string
   policyStatusSchema : string

Class DeploymentDescriptor {
   descriptorType : string
   descriptor : string

Application "1" *-- "1..*" ServiceModel
ServiceModel "1" *-- "1..*" ServiceResource
ServiceResource "1" *-down- "1" DeploymentDescriptor
ServiceResource "1" *-down- "0..*" Tuple
ServiceResource "1" *-down- "0..*" PolicyType
ServiceResource "1" *-down- "0..*" DataFeed
ServiceResource "1" *-down- "0..*" Publication


  • The View will be JSON.

The Application record in the Model Catalog follows a Stateful lifecycle. The State can be updated with a partial update (PUT) as long as the current revisionID is supplied as a query parameter. Upon a successful update the revisionID will be changed by the system to a newly generated value.

The valid values for State are "VALIDATED", "TRAINING_REQUIRED", and "AVAILABLE". The state transitions allowed are:

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VALIDATED : The validated package is sequestered into the catalog. This protects the process from a
VALIDATED :  non-validated package from being supplied to the cataloging step that is different from the
VALIDATED :  one provided on the validation step.


TRAINING_REQUIRED : Training Iteration is tracked. It is initialized with a zero at validation.
TRAINING_REQUIRED : During training multiple training iterations may be applied.
TRAINING_REQUIRED : Therefore the count returned from training may increment by
TRAINING_REQUIRED : more than one. How we manage the availablity for different
TRAINING_REQUIRED : trained instances is FFS. For now only the latest trained

AVAILABLE : This is an application in which the Run-Time can create a configuration for.
AVAILABLE : However, we may need to consider training iteration count as after a
AVAILABLE : configuration is created, additional training might become required
AVAILABLE : a determination needs to occur as FFS if we invalidate existing configuration
AVAILABLE : which raises a question on "RUNNING" instances. Or do we allow the
AVAILABLE : deployment of any iteration that reaches the AVAILABLE state.
