How to install the VES Collector?

How to install the VES Collector?

Instructions below are no longer accurate. Download the most recent version of Master branch using the link https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/smo/ves. Installation instructions are available at https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/projects/o-ran-sc-smo-ves/en/latest/installation-guide.html

This zip file supports the VES collector interface in O-RAN. It makes use 
of three containers, the ves-collector container that collects VES events posted by other parts of the O-RAN solution, Grafana, which acts as a dashboard and is used to display
Performance Measurement (PM) data posted by other entities and
InfluxdB which is used to persist the data received by the collector. PREREQUISITES: The prerequisite to use this solution is that you need Docker running on the machine, where you want to run these containers. BUILD: To build the solution, you need to do the following in the collector folder. % make RUN: There are two scripts in the collector folder. A ves-start.sh script which starts the VES collector and other parts. A ves-stop.sh script can be used to stop the collector. Note, the VES collector runs on port 9999 of the machine where this script is launched. The URL for sending a POST of the event would point to: http://<IP address of the host>:9999/eventListener/v7/events