To validate an xApp descriptor, you can utilize either the CLI tool or the REST APIs of xapp onboarder.
- A working RIC instance. Please refer to "RIC Installation Guide" for details.
- xApp descriptor JSON file
- Schema JSON file
Testing using xapp-onboarder RESTAPIs
- Find out the ingress IP for your RIC instance. If you deploy RIC using it/dep deployment script, it should be your host(VM)'s IP.
We recommend to use postman for rest API calls.
- Download postman
- (optional) you can download and import our postman API collection file here. Set ingress_host to the INGRESS IP. ingress_port_http to 32080, xapp_onboard_path to /onboard, and appmgr_path to /appmgr
- Onboard xApp
- Send a POST request to http://INGRESS_HOST:32080/onboard/api/v1/onboard
- Header Content-Type is application/json
- Body includes two entry:
- config-file.json: The xapp descriptor JSON. Copy your xapp descriptor file content into the config-file.json section of the body.
- controls-schema.json: The schema JSON for controls section. Copy the schema file into the controls-schema.json section of the body. (OPTIONAL, if you don't have controls section in your descriptor)
- (Optional)Download
Testing using xapp-onboarder CLI tools
- Find out the ingress IP for your RIC instance. If you deploy RIC using it/dep deployment script, it should be your host(VM)'s IP.
Install xapp-onboarder CLI
git clone "" cd dev/xapp_onboarder pip3 install ./
Set up the environment variables for CLI connection
export CHART_REPO_URL="http://<INGRESS_IP>:32080/helmrepo" # It should return True if your CLI tool is properly connected to the RIC instance cli health
Onboard your xApp. Please refer to xApp descriptor for preparing for the xApp descriptor
# Make sure that you have the xapp descriptor config file and the schema file at your local file system cli onboard CONFIG_FILE_PATH SHCEMA_FILE_PATH
If onboarding fails, the cli will return you messages that indicate where the errors are in the descriptor.
(OPTIONAL) Download the xApp helm charts
cli download_helm_chart XAPP_CHART_NAME VERSION --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH
(OPTIONAL) Download the xApp override values.yaml file
cli download_values_yaml XAPP_CHART_NAME VERSION --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH