2022 Oct. OSC Session in O-RAN f2f meeting

2022 Oct. OSC Session in O-RAN f2f meeting

The O-RAN ALLIANCE F2F meeting will be held from Oct. 17 to 21 in Madrid, Spain.

The OSC session is scheduled from 16:30 to 19:45 CET local time on Oct. 20.

For logistics, please visit

https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OAH/pages/2530770991/Registration+to+the+F2F+Meeting+October+17-21+2022+Madrid, from which you could register for the meeting and any sessions you are interested;

You can also find the agenda of all the sessions, including the dial-in information from the link.


Also, see below the link to the contributions, including the demo from projects for this session.

Attached is the draft agenda for the OSC session.