Running A1 and O1 Use Case Flows


Some old videos

Outdated (last updated in 2020): O-DU HIGH - NearRTRIC E2 setup: odu-high.mp4

Outdated (last updated in 2020): A1 flow: a1.mp4

Outdated (last updated in 2020): O1 flow: o1.mp4

A1 flow

This information is outdated (not updated since 2020):

Prerequisites: RIC and SMO Installation completed.

The SMO A1 (policy) flow is almost identical to what we have shown in the xApp (Traffic Steering) flow, with the difference that the policy operations (i.e. policy type creation, policy instance creation) are coming from the SMO instead of directly calling A1 mediator API.

In SMO cluster, the Near RT RIC's coordinates (IP, port, etc) is specified in the recipe for the NonRTRIC.   To check whether SMO has successfully established communication with Near RT RIC,

Run the following on the SMO cluster:

$ curl http://$(hostname):30093/rics

To create a new policy instance under policy type 20008 (Traffic Steering's threshold policy),


$ POLICY_TYPE_ID="20008"
$ curl -v i-X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
"http://$(hostname):30091/policy?id=FROMOTF&ric=ric1&service=dummyService&id=${POLICY_TYPE_ID}" \
--data "{\"threshold\" : 1}"

O1 flow

This information is outdated (not updated since 2020):