Testing End to End call in release A

Testing End to End call in release A

This page describes how to demonstrate the entire flow from Non-Rt RIC Controlpanel  -> Policy Agent -> (A1 controller in SDNC) -> Near Realtime Ric Simulator. Optionally A1 controller can be left out.

Overview of the End to End call

Details of the architecture can be found from the following link: Release A 

End to End call from Dashboard to NearRT-RIC simulator


See Release A - Build/Run for building and starting the environment.

Either option A or B can be setup and all end to end actions from Dashboard should work same way.

Perform Policy Operations via Dashboard

  • Click on Config and the screen below with STD_QosNudging_0.2.0 policy type should open

  • Click on '+' icon to create new policy

  • Choose your ric (ric1 or ric2) from drop-down menu and provide any arbitrary values for QoS Id, Ue Id and Priority

  • Submit the policy (you then need to also press Close to return from creation view)
  • An entry to the chosen nearRT-RIC simulator console/log should appear (see, for example, docker logs ric1 in case ric1 policy was created): - - [02/Apr/2020 07:33:57] "PUT /A1-P/v1/policies/ac3e914a-b39c-4d93-b77c-d2ebac756267?policyTypeId=STD_QoSNudging_0.2.0 HTTP/1.1" 201 - 
  • You may repeat the creation process a few times for different rics - below we see one policy created to ric1 and two to ric2

  • Click the pen icon to modify any policy

  • Even though the dashboard allows changing any value, the simulator will only accept Priority changes
  • Modifications are submitted in the same way as in creation, and the resulting simulator log should also be identical to the one we saw in creation - - [02/Apr/2020 07:51:19] "PUT /A1-P/v1/policies/ac3e914a-b39c-4d93-b77c-d2ebac756267?policyTypeId=STD_QoSNudging_0.2.0 HTTP/1.1" 201 - 

  • Delete any policy by clicking the red trashcan icon

  • Confirm deletion and verify the log on simulator side: - - [02/Apr/2020 08:02:21] "DELETE /A1-P/v1/policies/ac3e914a-b39c-4d93-b77c-d2ebac756267 HTTP/1.1" 204 - 

Call from CCSDK A1 Controller to NearRT-RIC simulator

Limited tests to verify just OSC CCSDK A1 Controller calls towards NearRT-RIC simulator can be done by using ODL GUI. Dashboard and policy-agent are not needed in this case.


See Release A - Build/Run for building and starting the environment. If following those instructions, just skip the following steps:

Now only "a1-controller-container" and "sdnc_db_container" and simulators are running.

Perform Policy Operations via Open Daylight GUI

Get policy types


POST /restconf/operations/A1-ADAPTER-API:getPolicyTypeIdentities
  "A1-ADAPTER-API:input": {
    "near-rt-ric-url": "http://ric1:8085/"

Create policy


POST /restconf/operations/A1-ADAPTER-API:putPolicy
  "A1-ADAPTER-API:input": {
    "near-rt-ric-url": "http://ric1:8085/",
	"policy-id": "my-policy-instance1",
    "policy-type-id": "STD_QoSNudging_0.2.0",
	"policy": '{
      "scope": {
      "qosId": "999",
      "ueId": "5001"
      "statement": {
      "priorityLevel": 5

Get policy instances


POST /restconf/operations/A1-ADAPTER-API:getPolicyIdentities
  "A1-ADAPTER-API:input": {
    "near-rt-ric-url": "http://ric1:8085/"

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