Run Helm Manager in kubernetes


The helm manager is a service for managing helm charts.  The service provides a REST API for onboarding of charts as well as installation and uninstallation of applications based on these charts.

In addition to the helm manager, a chart repository is used to store the available charts for onboarding and installation.

The Helm manager (and chart repo) can be executed in one of the following deployments:

  • As kubernetes service and pod on a local machine with kubernetes or in minikube
  • As kubernetes service and pod on a kubernetes cluster
  • As docker container on a local machine with kubernbetes (see Release E - Run in Docker)


The following need to be installed, latest version,  on the machine 

  • Kubernetes or minikube including kubectl
  • curl
  • git (for downloading of the repo
  • docker ( image registry) 
  • helm


Clone the nonrtric repo from gerrit and change dir to helm-manager. Make sure to use the correct branch when cloning, use "master" until the branch for E Release is available.

All needed scripts for starting and running the helm manager, in docker or kubernetes are in this directory.

If the Helm Manager shall be installed in a kubernetes cluster the actions below shall be made on a node in cluster. 

$ git clone "" -b e-release 

$ cd helm-manager

Create helm chart for test

Create a helm chart for this test. Package the chart into an archive. Run these two commands. The result should be a file named simple-app-0.1.0.tgz.

$ helm create simple-app

$ helm package simple-app

Run in kubernetes

This instruction is valid for running both in a local kubernetes or in a kubernetes ccluster

If running in a local kubernetes, set the env KUBE_HOST to the host of the kubernetes control plane

$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443
$ KUBE_HOST="kubernetes.docker.internal"

If running in a kubernetes cluster or in minikube, set the env KUBE_HOST to the ip of the kubernetes control plane.

$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at

Check if the nonrtric names space exists. If not, create the namespace

$ kubectl get ns nonrtric
$ kubectl create ns nonrtric

Start the chartmuseum service and pod

$ kubectl apply -f kube-cm.yaml

Add the chart, created in the section 'Create helm for test', to the chartmuseum repo. The node port of the chartmuseum service is obtained and env var CM_PORT is assigned that port number.

$ CM_PORT=$(kubectl get svc chartrepo -n nonrtric -o jsonpath='{...ports[?("'http'")].nodePort}')
$ curl --data-binary @simple-app-0.1.0.tgz -X POST http://$KUBE_HOST:$CM_PORT/api/charts

Create a service account for the helm manager. This example service account bind to the "cluster-admin" role which normally has full permissions to the add/change/read/delete any kubernetes object. It is advisable to bind the service account to a ClusterRole with less permissions if desired.

$ kubectl apply -f helm-manager-sa.yaml
serviceaccount/helm-manager-sa created created

Start the helm manager. Four objects will be created. Note that the service is defined as a NodePort. This enables access from outside the cluster and is also a precondition for the test script to work. Change 'type' to 'ClusterIP' in the 'helmmanagerservice' service definition in the file helm-manager.yaml. 

$ kubectl apply -f helm-manager.yaml
service/helmmanagerservice created
pod/helmmanagerservice created
persistentvolume/helm-manager-service-pv created
persistentvolumeclaim/helm-manager-service-pvc created

The chartmuseum repo need to added to helm. This operation must be called with a url accessible from the helm manager pod.

Go into the helm manager container and add the repo.

$ kubectl exec -it helmmanagerservice -n nonrtric -- helm repo add cm http://chartrepo.nonrtric:8080
"cm" has been added to your repositories

The helm manager is now running and configured with a chart repo.

Run the script to execute the sequence for installing the application 'simpleapp' namespace 'ckhm':

  • Namespace 'ckhm' is created in kubernetes if not existing
  • Onboard chart
  • Install chart
  • Uninstall chart
  • Remove (the onboarded) chart

All operations should report "OK".

$ ./ kube $KUBE_HOST

Example output of the script

Start test
Get apps - empty
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[]}

Add repo
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/repo -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d @cm-repo.json
 Curl OK
  Response: 201

Onboard app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/onboard/chart -X POST -F chart=@simple-app-0.1.0.tgz -F values=@simple-app-values.yaml -F info=<simple-app.json
 Curl OK
  Response: 200

Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartId":{"name":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0"},"namespace":"ckhm","repository":{"repoName":"cm","protocol":null,"address":null,"port":null,"userName":null,"password":null},"overrideParams":null}]}

Install app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/install -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d @simple-app-installation.json
 Curl OK
  Response: 201

Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartId":{"name":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0"},"namespace":"ckhm","repository":{"repoName":"cm","protocol":null,"address":null,"port":null,"userName":null,"password":null},"overrideParams":null}]}

helm ls to list installed app - simpleapp chart should be visible
NAME     	NAMESPACE	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART           	APP VERSION
simpleapp	ckhm     	1       	2021-12-14 08:10:33.785870875 +0000 UTC	deployed	simple-app-0.1.0	1.16.0     

sleep 30 - give the app some time to start
List svc and  pod of the app
NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
simpleapp-simple-app   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    30s
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
simpleapp-simple-app-675f44fc99-mr7lp   1/1     Running   0          30s

Uninstall app simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/uninstall/simple-app/0.1.0 -X DELETE
 Curl OK
  Response: 204

sleep 30 - give the app some time to remove
List svc and  pod of the app - should be gone or terminating
No resources found in ckhm namespace.
No resources found in ckhm namespace.

Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartId":{"name":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0"},"namespace":"ckhm","repository":{"repoName":"cm","protocol":null,"address":null,"port":null,"userName":null,"password":null},"overrideParams":null}]}

Delete chart
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/chart/simple-app/0.1.0 -X DELETE
 Curl OK
  Response: 204

Get apps - empty
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@kubernetes.docker.internal:30712/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[]}

Test result  All tests ok 
End of test

Cleanup of all created kubernetes object

$ kubectl delete -f helm-manager.yaml
service "helmmanagerservice" deleted
pod "helmmanagerservice" deleted
persistentvolume "helm-manager-service-pv" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "helm-manager-service-pvc" deleted

$ kubectl delete -f kube-cm.yaml
service "chartrepo" deleted
pod "chartrepo" deleted
persistentvolume "chartrepo-pv" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "chartrepo-pvc" deleted

$ kubectl delete -f helm-manager-sa.yaml
serviceaccount "helm-manager-sa" deleted "helm-manager-sa-clusterrolebinding" deleted