Configuration Management In Kubernetes

Configuration Management In Kubernetes

A1 Policy Management Service

The runtime configuration of the A1 Policy Management Service is done by means of a Kubernetes configmap object. As described in the Run page, this configuration is mainly a repository of NearRT RICs and their endpoints.

The syntax and contents of this configuration file is described in the Run page.

The name of the configmap is policymanagementservice-configmap-data and is located in the nonrtric namepace.

The contents of the configmap can be shown by command:

sudo kubectl -n nonrtric describe configmap policymanagementservice-configmap-data

A configmap can updated in several ways this is an example where the file application_configuration.json  is stored in a local file in a directory named ./config:

sudo kubectl create configmap policymanagementservice-configmap-data --from-file=./config --dry-run=client -n nonrtric -o yaml | sudo kubectl apply -f -

Dmaap Adaptor Service

The runtime configuration of the DMaaP Adaptor Service is done by means of a Kubernetes configmap object. As described in the Run page, this configuration is a list of published Information Types (to be subscribed by an application using the Information Coordinator Service Consumer API) and how the information can be collected from DMaaP or directloy from the Kafḱa bus.

The syntax and contents of this configuration file is described in the Run page.

The name of the configmap is dmaapadapterservice-configmap-data and is located in the nonrtric namepace.

The contents of the configmap can be shown by command:

sudo kubectl -n nonrtric describe configmap dmaapadapterservice-configmap-data

A configmap can updated in several ways this is an example where the file application_configuration.json  is stored in a local file in a directory named ./config:

sudo kubectl create configmap dmaapadapterservice-configmap-data --from-file=./config --dry-run=client -n nonrtric -o yaml | sudo kubectl apply -f -