2022-10-12 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC / SIM Community meeting
Time & Location:
Meeting Detail: Times & Joining Info
Wednesdays at 16:00 UTC in Summer (DST), 17:00 UTC in Winter !
Zoom Bridge : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89069708424?pwd=aGJOZm54eTUxd0FXR0VCU1N0ejBrUT09
- Ensure you are signed into your Zoom account to join.
- Meeting ID: 890 6970 8424.
- See the Calendar: (https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/main/calendar)
- NOTE: During the "Daylight Savings Time" changeover periods (US vs Europe vs Asia) the time of the meetings may fluctuate.
- Summer Daylight Savings time eventually stabilizes to: 9am PDT | 12pm EDT | 16:00 UTC | 17:00 BST | 18:00 CEST | 19:00 EEST | 21:30 IST | 00:00 CST (Thurs) | 01:00 JST (Thurs)
- Winter (non-DST) time eventually stabilizes to: 9am PST | 12pm EST | 17:00 UTC | 17:00 GMT | 18:00 CET | 19:00 EET | 22:30 IST | 01:00 CST (Thurs) | 02:00 JST (Thurs)
- (During Winter→Summer DST changeover follow US time. Summer→Winter DST changeover follow Europe time
Please checkout the calendars:
Anti-Trust Notice
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) (Ericsson EST & OSC NONRTRIC)
- Martin Skorupski (Highstreet & OSC OAM)
- James Li (CMCC & OSC INT)
- Alex Stancu (Highstreet & OSC SIM)
- Carsten Höseler(TU Dortmund)
- Halil Cakal (Ericsson EST)
- Kevin Timoney (Ericsson EST)
- Sonia Sangari (Ericsson EST)
- N.K. Shankaranarayanan (STL)
- May not have captured a full attendee list for this meeting ... please add/remove yourself
See also / co-located (ONAP/O-RAN-SC/SMO - Meeting)
Co-located with ONAP 2022-10-12 Meeting notes (ONAP/O-RAN-SC/SMO - Meeting)
- Not sure if next week's meeting will go ahead - Will check with agenda at O-RAN F2F meeting - Happening at the same time.
Watch the Calendar: - OSC SMO calls now move to its own time slot - Thursdays
- See OSC RSAC Calendar: https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RSAC/calendars
- See also OSC Meetings calendar: https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/main/calendar
- (Note this meeting to open to anyone, including non-ORAN members)
- We will maintain this slot for ONAP Alignment, and try flag issues/question to/from SMO meetings.
- See OSC SMO Project meeting notes
- See OSC AIML Project meeting notes
OSC Project roundup:
News from OSC TOC call last week
- https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TOC/#ORANSCTechnicalOversightCommittee(TOC)
- Last week's TOC (Thursday):
- Prep for OSC session at O-RAN F2F continues
- Still waiting on revised SCCL CLA for review
- Slice SLA management seen as a good candidate to work with 5G Super Blueprint team in H release
- This week's TOC (Tomorrow):
- Last week's TOC (Thursday):
NONRTRIC (John Keeney (Ericsson EST))
- This week: Will demo Service Exposure Enforcement (R1-ish)
- See below!
- Next week: Will demo either/both (see below):
- PM delivery to rApps (R1-ish)
- (Next weeks meeting may not go ahead - depending on O-RAN F2F agenda.
If not next week then the following week
Watch the Calendar!)
- Working on Logging & metrics reporting A1-PMS (ONAP & OSC)
- Requested a new repo for Service Management & Exposure work (R1-ish)
- Approved at last weeks TOC - but still no minutes, so cannot proceed as yet.
- Considering if CSIT/verify tests could be kubernetes-based instead of docker-based
- Would catch earlier deployment issues & integration issue
SIM (Alex Stancu)
- Implementing newer model for o1NotifyPnfRegistration in O1 Sim.
- video for o1NotifyPnfRegistration on O1-Sim using version 1.5.2 (10004) (link at ht-cloud)
- NS3-E2 now in gerrit - documentation to be improved
OAM (Martin Skorupski)
- Working on a new data model for o1NotifyPnfRegistration
- - OAM-301Getting issue details... STATUS
- https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-1730
- preparing a demo video (for O-RAN F2F)
- video for o1NotifyPnfRegistration on O1-Sim using version 1.5.2 (10004) (link at ht-cloud)
O-DU (Hariom Gupta Vidhu)
- No Update
OSC Integration / INT (James Li )
- James Li Working on & All PTLs please check testing updates
- PTLs will need to contribute test cases for XTesting framework
- Automated Testing via XTesting
- Video available at https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/12518526/XTesting-demo.mp4?api=v2
RSAC/SMO (David Kinsey [AT&T])(James Li)
- Minutes & Meeting: 2024 RSAC Meetings
- Calendar: https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/main/calendar
- Pulling together agenda for O-RAN F2F
- https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/discuss/topic/93968093
- Videos & presentation being compiled
AI/ML platform project
- No update
- Setting up repos & preparing seed code.
- Some functionality will be demoed at O-RAN F2F
- Meeting notes
- https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/main/calendar
ONAP Use cases (N.K. Shankaranarayanan)
- ONAP SON use case
- Finishing & Documenting - Especially A1 Support
- Halil Cakal Integration & integration testing going well
Demo: Enforcing Service Exposure (Towards R1) (John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Kevin Timoney)
- "Architecture & prototyping SMO Service Exposure & Discovery: Using Keycloak & JWTs to expose & secure services used by rApps"
- Abstract:
"We moving towards an open disaggregated service-oriented SMO, where multi-vendor rApps can easily use its services, and where some parts of the SMO may also be provided by 3rd parties. It is therefore vital that we can control how services are exposed and accessed - whether those services are provided by the SMO platform or by rApps. This is a key requirement for the new R1 interface between SMO services and rApps.
In this talk/demo we explain & show service exposure for rApps to support service discovery and exposure. We demonstrate a secured service- and rApp-execution environment, we show how platform services and rApp services are secured, registered, discovered and used in a secure manner manner - protected by enforcing access control enabled by access tokens."
- Slides
- Recording:(Ref Meeting Recording15:25-1:10:00)
- High Res
- Low Res
- High Res
Meeting ends