

1. Introduction

This page provides the installation guidelines for all the RANPM NONRTRIC components.

2. Minimum Requirements

  • Cores : 8

  • RAM : 20G

  • Storage : 50G

  • Operating System : Ubuntu (20.04/22.04)

3. Installation

RANPM components can be installed along with other NONRTRIC components as part of it/dep repository using the page Standalone NONRTRIC Installation - Non-Realtime RIC - Confluence/Wiki.

Step by step installation instructions for the standalone RANPM installation without other NONRTRIC components are available in https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=nonrtric/plt/ranpm.git;a=blob;f=install/README.md.

Steps provided below provides an overview of the expected steps.

3.1) Step 1: Install base components

Expected Result: Base components(Kubernetes, Chartmuseum, Helm 3, jq…) should be installed and available to use.

3.2) Step 2: RANPM expects couple of images to be build manually. Build the required images and upload to any external repository

Expected Result: https-server, pm-rapp docker images are build and available to use.

3.3) Step 3: Install the charts

Expected Result: All RANPM components are up and running.

4. Post-Installation Verification

All the expected pods should be up and running. It can be verified using the commands below.

kubectl get po -n nonrtric kubectl get po -n ran

5. Troubleshooting

  • Issue 1: Installing standalone RANPM along with existing NONRTRIC installation may raise port/name conflict with other NONRTRIC components.
    Solution: Try using a fresh environment for the standalone installation or modify the charts to avoid the conflicts.

  • Issue 2: Unable to pull the external image.

Solution: Make sure the image uploaded properly to kubernetes or any external repository and point the repository properly in installation configuration.

6. Additional Resources