2021-06-08 Dawn
2021-06-08 Dawn
Schedule, see calendar for Jun-8. (meeting starts 9am ET)
Zoom = Zoom 1 bridge: https://zoom.us/j/9644759813 (this is not the same as we used earlier for demos)
Near-RT RIC platform:
- 15 min: RIC-707 O2 CLI (DMS CLI - Subhash wished for this as REST API is the next step) [xapp Onboarding_demo.pptx]
- 10 min: RIC-80 REST interface for E2 subscriptions (incl. xapp framework changes as well)
- 10 min: RIC-422 VES events for statistics from E2T
- 10 min RIC-129 as slideset demo as real data cannot be used in public demo [A1-EI_demo.pptx]
- 15 min RIC-754 KPIMON xapp validation using nanobot (Sunil,Sangeetha&co) [KPIMON xApp Nanobot Testing]
- 15 min RIC-748 OTF and xtesting study slideset (Sunil,Sangeetha&co) [xTesting-OTF-Slides]
- 10min: influxDB demo to show how to use from xApps RIC-734=RICAPP-169 (Sunil&Deepanshu&co)
- Not in this demo: RIC-773 (abstract API on top of libe2ap's asn1c generated code)
- Traffic steering use case with AD and QP xApp (Sunil&Deepanshu&co)[AD&QPxAPPDemoSlides]
- E2E performance benchmarking of RIC platform – Bouncer xAPP (Himesh)[Performance-RIC-Benchmarking.pptx]
Please upload slides as attachment to this demo page.