Time | Item | Who | Notes |
05min | admin | Martin Skorupski | Next meetings - Tue 2025-01-27 9pm EST by Rittwik Jana
- Wed 2025-02-05 8am EST by Martin Skorupski
- Tue 2025-02-11 9pm EST by Rittwik Jana
- Wed 2025-02-19 8am EST by Martin Skorupski
L Release Timeline |
10min | Email Thread: Access to OSC INT Server | @all | Related debugging session are scheduled. - Jackie has issue remote access to O-Cloud.
- Ashutosh has no similar access issue. Will try to use OpenVPN instead of Wireguard. Bimo will share OVPN account to Ashutosh and Jackie.
- Connection issues to the Taiwan Lab
by Ashutosh now - - Please raise status in Slack!!!
10min | Configuration with OAI at Taiwan Lab | bimo fransiscus asisi c/o Martin Skorupski | INT plan will support to do testing using OAI because we have successful integration attempt with i and rather than trial-and-error approach with OAI, we want to use what proven to be successful in OAI into OSC |
10min | E2E testing |
| bimo fransiscus asisi: can this section be deleted from the agenda in future?!?! __
Creation of a link list to get an overview (docs, readmes, wiki, ....): Existing Information Rest missing - needs to be discussed by email (ptl-private)
- did not happen - sorry

k-Release - reported page for deployment testing
- continuous of functionality - > xTesting - robot test
L-Release - it/test continuation needs confirmation from RIC and AIMLFW PTL to update the robot test file
15min | OSC integration use case | @all | - Details should be documented here: Release "L"
- copy from B and reuse for L
- use case setup by INT or by PTLs
- each PTL provides a proper documentation
- feedback by INT if it works
- validates and approves documentation
- INT requires definition of use cases
- definition by PTLs
- describe flows to be integrated and tested
- AI: Martin send to PTLs
- OAM/SIM / O-DU /OAI (example)
- deploy OAM →
- connection supervision
- what is a health check
- PM to OAM to Grafana
- flow related
- FM flow
- Ankit Barve will take the lead for OAI + WLS + OSC DU HIGH integration
- integration lab must work!!!
- xFapi
- Servers required
- currently in OAI lab and Radisys lab
- NTUST: end-to-end test - see also slack
- AT&T-Lab → COSMOS-lab → Ivan Seskar
- AI: Martin: kick off an email
- OAI team will be back from new years vacation and will start discussion this week with Ankit.
- Goal: O-DU Integration
- Ankit share the parameters that need to be tested.
- Table for ODU High parameters in https://hackmd.io/fx7gYOpHSNSJOe0De1aaRA?view#Configuration have been confirmed Ankit(parameters are OK).
- Slack discussion is ongoing but no response from Intel yet.
- Ankit:
- RAN Integration should be come together since need expertise from each component and cannot be done by only a single person.
- Suggest to have debugging call regular week to solve the blocker.
- ODU High still testing K release so stick with I Release.
How to address e2e?!?!? - required for e2e testing
- What are O-RAN WGs/FGs defining!
- Module up health check
- Interface periodically health check
- e.g. OAM O1 WG#10 → ves healthcheck
- e.g OFHM WG#4 → supervision
- best practice from OTIC → TIFG
AI working on it! - security
- e2, a1, o2, r1, ...
- 3gPP interface → F1, E1
Idea of a "private" session in 2 to 3 weeks. |
05min | O-RAN F2F Paris 2025-02-24+ | Martin Skorupski | Per ToC - would be nice of have a running demo in the "networking area" - time until ~mid January
- Martin - reach out to OAI for a joined
Email conversation is ongoing - no decisions yet... |
10min | Q/A | @all | bimo fransiscus asisi