2024-08-07 RSAC Meeting notes




Time:  6pm PDT | 9pm EDT |  03:00 CEST +1 |  09:00 UTC 08:00 +1

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  • Define demo Details for O-RAN F2F in Montreal (Oct28 - Nov01)
  • Define requirements for O-RAN-SC


<to be updated after the meeting>

Table of Contents


Please add yourself, if you like.

Discussion items

05minadminMartin Skorupski
05minO-RAN F2F demo
  • Details should be documented and tracked here:
    Release "K"

Request to all PTLs

  • Please think about what are you going to demonstrate at the O-RAN F2F in Montreal Oct28 to Nov01.
  • We would like to understand how to structure the demo sessions.
  • Format does not matter much - content matters - live demo and/or recorded, with and with out slide set - you decide
  • Message to O-RAN: O-RAN-SC is alive and needs further support


  • to be selected by Jackie - maybe updates on Monitoring and Performance - on a Dashboard?

O-DU and OAI integration

  • description by email

Non-Rt-RIC - with AI/ML

  • candidate - details will be discussed

SMO - Tacker

  • EtSI profile - fault management, performance management is target

SIM Alex Stancu 

OAM Martin Skorupski 

  • <still to be done>
  • Martin plans to be in Montreal, but it is not finally confirmed.
10minOSC integration use case@all

Q: Would it make sense to start with "health-check" again? ... followed by "network slicing" and "Traffic steering"?

Details should be documented here: Release "L"

Previous meeting(s)

target: drive collaboration

integration use case across o-ran-sc projects

  • have a look at the MVP use cases - as inspiration
  • MVP might be not the target

int - focus on pairwise testing to focus on feature implementation by the projects 


Blockers - general discussion:

(copy from previous meeting)

Problems uploading / committing code to O-DU low repo

bimo fransiscus asisi Pls update here regarding xFAPI code availability and whether you are ready to test with Ashwini, peng Lu  and Ankit Barve 

  • still waiting...
  • depending on issue above


gerrit clean uphttps://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/q/status:open,25
  • if any

End of the meeting

 Action items



  • if any


  • if any