2024 Q2 (Apr, May, Jun)

2024 06 27


Meeting Recording: Link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): David Kinsey [AT&T] (AT&T)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: AT&T

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Scribe doesn't apprear to have update privilege. Will review notes from last two sessions at the next meeting

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. Call for June Scribe - David Kinsey (AT&T)

    2. Review meeting minutes, all since 5/30.

      1. 05/30 Motion to Approve jboudani Second avinash.bhat ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,

      2. 06/06 Motion to Approve jboudani Second  John Keeney (Ericsson EST) ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,

      3. 06/20 Motion to Approve jboudani Second  John Keeney (Ericsson EST) ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,

    3. Next Meeting 11 Jul 2024 ; 04 Jul 2024 Meeting cancelled due to US Holiday.

    4. June Release Activities

      1. Project readiness 

    5. AoB Future New Agenda Items

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items


    2. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review

        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.

        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.

        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete

        4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week

        5. 06-27: Sunil Singh to finish highlights for RICAPPS

        6. 06-27: Ankit Barve will get with Ganesh Shenbagaraman or Sridhar Rao to assist in providing closing release activities hampered by the problems with his LF account.

        7. 06-27: peng Lu will update the release notes for xFAPI technical review, but note the push to "K" due to the delayed legal review.

        8. 06-27: Sridhar Rao will get with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to finish SMO highlights

        9. 06-27: Jackie Huang will update the release highlights from the status

        10. 06-27: James Li will get with Weichen Ni to update the Docs and be ready for the release.

        11. 06-27: Checked with PTLs on release readiness. Most are closing out final release activities by COB 6/28.

        12. 06-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a motion to approve the release for 6/30, Seconded by jboudani motion was approved.

      2. Other

        1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

        2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

    3. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

        4. Upcoming F2F meeting

          1. 05-30: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service

          2. 06-06: David Kinsey [AT&T] No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions

          3. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.

          4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei

        5. White Paper

          1. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available. Irfan gave the status on 05-30. Closed.

          2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear

          3. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out

          4. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision

          5. 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? OpenAir Interface Yes, that is the intention

          6. 05-30: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.

          7. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Need status on Whitpaper

          8. 06-20: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL

          9. 06-20: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Status is now target for November train.

        6. Other

          1. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

          2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.

          3. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Some upcoming Org Changes

            1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation

            2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position

            3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position

          4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] & Julian Garrett Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great

            1. Lots of Demos

            2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.

    4. Standing/old business

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC

    • 06-20 jboudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva

    • 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.

    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.

    • 06-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] Nominated Bimo to take over PTL for INT project. Nominations are open, voting set for next meeting 11 Jul 2024 

    • 06-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] noted nominations still open for RSAC Co-Chair. Encourages those interested to submit their nomination.

    • 06-27: avinash.bhat made the suggestion that we open a slack channel. Sridhar Rao confirmed there is budget to cover. Discussion to follow on e-mail with vote on the next meeting 11 Jul 2024 

    • 06-27: jboudani Sylva presentation, he will be out the next meeting so it will be scheduled the week following that 18 Jul 2024 

    • 06-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] Still would like a Nephio update but the right people to ask/schedule are not on the call. Will have to work that later.

    • 06-27: Sridhar Rao Shared O-RAN SC logo options and identified which one is recommended. He will share the options with the TOC and we will vote on our next meeting 11 Jul 2024 

    • Next Meeting 11 Jul 2024 

2024 06 20


Meeting Recording: link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve (Radisys)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Scribe doesn't apprear to have update privilege. Will review notes from last two sessions at the next meeting

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. Call for June Scribe - Ankit (Radisys)

    2. Next Meeting 27 Jun 2024 ; 04 Jul 2024 Meeting cancelled due to US Holiday.

    3. June Release Activities

      1. Scans, etc - scan reports to be available Next Week, PTL's to be ready for the release. 

      2. expected release approval TOC on 27 Jun 2024 

    4. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week. Irfan briefed at a high level the contents of white paper titled - Delivering Open Source Vision of 5G Super Blueprint, DARPA OP_5G, O-RAN Reference Implementation. White paper to be reviewed by OSFG group next week.

    5. Organization Changes

    6. O-RAN F2F - summary

    7. O-RAN Summit @ Taipei - Summary

    8. AoB Future New Agenda Items

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items


    2. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review

        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.

        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.

        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete

        4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week

      2. Other

        1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

        2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

    3. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

        4. Upcoming F2F meeting

          1. 05-30: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service

          2. 06-06: David Kinsey [AT&T] No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions

          3. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.

          4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei

        5. White Paper

          1. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available. Irfan gave the status on 05-30. Closed.

          2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear

          3. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out

          4. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision

          5. 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? OpenAir Interface Yes, that is the intention

          6. 05-30: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.

          7. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Need status on Whitpaper

          8. 06-20: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL

          9. 06-20: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Status is now target for November train.

        6. Other

          1. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

          2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.

          3. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Some upcoming Org Changes

            1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation

            2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position

            3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position

          4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] & jboudani  Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great

            1. Lots of Demos

            2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.

    4. Standing/old business

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC

    • 06-20 jboudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva

    • 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.

    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.

    • Next Meeting 27 Jun 2024 

2024 06 06


Meeting Recording: link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve  (Radysis)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for previous TOC meeting 30 May 2024Motion to Approve by ; Second by ; result:

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. Call for June Scribe - Ankit (Radisys)

    2. Next Meeting 06 Jun 2024 ; 13 Jun 2024 Meeting cancelled due to F2F activities

    3. June Release Activities

      1. Scans, etc - scan reports to be available Next Week, PTL's to be ready for the release. 

      2. expected release approval TOC on 27 Jun 2024 

    4. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week. Irfan briefed at a high level the contents of white paper titled - Delivering Open Source Vision of 5G Super Blueprint, DARPA OP_5G, O-RAN Reference Implementation. White paper to be reviewed by OSFG group next week.

    5. O-RAN F2F - details here - f2f event

    6. Project Updates

      1. ODULOW - xFAPI integration (no new updates)

      2. Internship program for comparative study of RIC's was approved by TOC. Proposal page - link

      3. others

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Proposal from  LilianHsu@ITRI on  2024 Open RAN Summit at Taipei 17th,18th June 2024, Invitation to attend the meeting, draft agenda of Day1 and Day2 was presented. Slides available here. Registration link to be announced on 20th May 2024. Remote registrations also possible.

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

      1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.

    2. Other

      1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

      2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

        1. 05-30: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service

        2. 06-06: David Kinsey [AT&T] No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions

      5. White Paper

        1. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available. Irfan gave the status on 05-30. Closed.

        2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear

        3. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out

        4. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision

        5. 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? OpenAir Interface Yes, that is the intention

        6. 05-30: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.

      6. Other

        1. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

        2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao

      1. 05-09: Sridhar Rao mentioned "License scanning will be done on week starting 3rd June. Please let me know if you have any concerns". J release preparations will be started soon.

      2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.

      3. 05-30: Sridhar Rao Checklist is ready scanning to begin starting Monday

      4. 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] PTLs need to start updating the release page.

      5. 05-30: Martin Skorupski OAM is ready for scanning

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • LF Support for project activities

    • 05-09: “Analysis of Opensource O-RAN Near-RT and Non-RT RICs – A comparative study” - this is proposal for interns who would work on preparing the report and present it to TOC. Limited support for this activity from PTL's mostly 30min/week. Background for this proposal is due to the feedback recieved from One Summit Work shop(more clearity is needed on different open src RT/NRT RIC's that are available). AP PTLs: To provide comment on the topics that can be covered or anything in general. AP  Sridhar Rao also proposed to create Wikipage for each of the topics to get more clarity on requirements.

    • 05-09: F2F meetings.  AP PTL's: To check for any demo that can be given during this time.

    • Intern/Mentorship program

      • 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Motion to approve the mentorship for RIC analytics. A comparative study. avinash.bhat Seconded the motion. no objections. Motion carried.

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 20 Jun 2024 

2024 05 30


Meeting Recording: Link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid  or abdulwahid.w (Nokia)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for previous TOC meeting 23 May 2024Motion to Approve by Ankit Barve ; Second by John Paul Lane; result: Approved 

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. Call for June Scribe - Ankit (Radisys)

    2. Next Meeting 06 Jun 2024 ; 13 Jun 2024 Meeting cancelled due to F2F activities

    3. June Release Activities

      1. Scans, etc - scan reports to be available Next Week, PTL's to be ready for the release. 

      2. expected release approval TOC on 27 Jun 2024 

    4. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week. Irfan briefed at a high level the contents of white paper titled - Delivering Open Source Vision of 5G Super Blueprint, DARPA OP_5G, O-RAN Reference Implementation. White paper to be reviewed by OSFG group next week.

    5. O-RAN F2F - details here - f2f event

    6. Project Updates

      1. ODULOW - xFAPI integration (no new updates)

      2. Internship program for comparative study of RIC's was approved by TOC. Proposal page - link

      3. others

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Proposal from  LilianHsu@ITRI on  2024 Open RAN Summit at Taipei 17th,18th June 2024, Invitation to attend the meeting, draft agenda of Day1 and Day2 was presented. Slides available here. Registration link to be announced on 20th May 2024. Remote registrations also possible.

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

    2. Other

      1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

      2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora

          1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

        1. 05-30: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service

      5. White Paper

        1. 04-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: OpenAir Interface 

        2. 04-25: OpenAir Interface the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.

        3. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available.

        4. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear

        5. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out

        6. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision

        7. 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? OpenAir Interface Yes, that is the intention

        8. 05-30: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.

      6. Other

        1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.

        2. 03-14: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,

        3. 03-21: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.

        4. 03-28: Regarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 

        5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 

        6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site

        7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC.

        8. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

        9. 05-30: OpenAir Interface OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao

      1. 05-09: Sridhar Rao mentioned "License scanning will be done on week starting 3rd June. Please let me know if you have any concerns". J release preparations will be started soon.

      2. 05-30: Sridhar Rao Checklist is ready scanning to begin starting Monday

      3. 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] PTLs need to start updating the release page.

      4. 05-30: Martin Skorupski OAM is ready for scanning

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

  • Lab updates, lijian56

    • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 

    • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.

    • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.

    • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 

    • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor vipin rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extention by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI commercial gNB and 5G Genius Core for e2e testing.   

    • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan

    • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

      • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal

        • John Keeney (Ericsson EST) presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

        • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call

      • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources

        • David Kinsey [AT&T] lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 

    • RIC Platform Enhancements - Abdul Wahid

      • 05-09: abdulwahid.w :Agreed to provide an update within the next 1 or 2 weeks

    • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu

    • 05-30: ODULOW peng Lu Status is still pending, pretty much no change.

    • Others

      • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. huangjinri@chinamobile.com Jinri will resend the request to PLT

      • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)

    • 03-07: OpenAir Interface presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] will send out email to discuss futher.

    • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.

    • 03-21: OpenAir Interfacementioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 

    • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 

    • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics

    • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.

    • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with OpenAir Interface . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 

    •  CVE

      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

      • 03-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 

      • 04-11: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey [AT&T] proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   

      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey [AT&T] This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.

    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  

    • LF Support for project activities

      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

      • 05-09: “Analysis of Opensource O-RAN Near-RT and Non-RT RICs – A comparative study” - this is proposal for interns who would work on preparing the report and present it to TOC. Limited support for this activity from PTL's mostly 30min/week. Background for this proposal is due to the feedback recieved from One Summit Work shop(more clearity is needed on different open src RT/NRT RIC's that are available). AP PTLs: To provide comment on the topics that can be covered or anything in general. AP  Sridhar Rao also proposed to create Wikipage for each of the topics to get more clarity on requirements.

      • 05-09: F2F meetings.  AP PTL's: To check for any demo that can be given during this time.

    • Intern/Mentorship program

      • 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Motion to approve the mentorship for RIC analytics. A comparative study. avinash.bhat Seconded the motion. no objections. Motion carriered.

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 07 Jun 2024 

2024 05 23


Meeting Recording: Link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid or Abdul Wahid (Nokia)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for previous TOC meeting 02 May 2024Motion to Approve by Jinri; Second by John-Paul; result: APPROVED

    2. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 09 May 2024 Motion to Approve by Jinri; Second by Avinash; Result: APPROVED

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. 05-23 Update on Proposal from Prof vipin rathi  //link to presented material < fransiscus bimo uploaded >

      1. xFAPI proposal. https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/download/attachments/78217260/xFAPI%20Proposal.pdf?api=v2   

      2. xFAPI blueprint: https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/12948665/xFAPI%20Blueprint.pdf?api=v2

      3. xFAPI introduction: https://youtu.be/1oO_DIiZfug

    2. Update on Open RAN Summit @Taipie link: https://openran.tw/

    3. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week.

    4. 05-23 Status on OSC East Lab move to integrate with ACCORD lab; Next step is meeting between ACCORD and O-RAN.

    5. 05-23 Status on ODULOW/RUSIM in TUWU Lab; Still waiting on Intel, however current focus is on xFAPI integration. Current flexran is old image, with xFAPI we can use new binary which may fix this problem.

    6. 05-23 RSAC recommendation on xFAPI project integration. Will revisit OAI ODU-HIGH to OSC ODU-LOW scenario on 04 Jun 2024 RSAC call.

    7. Update on O-RAN F2F Sessions

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Proposal from  LilianHsu@ITRI on  2024 Open RAN Summit at Taipei 17th,18th June 2024, Invitation to attend the meeting, draft agenda of Day1 and Day2 was presented. Slides available here. Registration link to be announced on 20th May 2024. Remote registrations also possible.

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

    2. Other

      1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

      2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora

          1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

      5. White Paper

        1. 04-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: OpenAir Interface 

        2. 04-25: OpenAir Interface the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.

        3. 05-09:  To be discusse dnext time as Irfan was not available

      6. Other

        1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.

        2. 03-14: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,

        3. 03-21: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.

        4. 03-28: Regarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 

        5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 

        6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site

        7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC.

        8. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao

      1. 05-09: Sridhar Rao mentioned "License scanning will be done on week starting 3rd June. Please let me know if you have any concerns". J release preparations will be started soon.

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

  • Lab updates, lijian56

    • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 

    • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.

    • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.

    • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 

    • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor vipin rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extention by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI commercial gNB and 5G Genius Core for e2e testing.   

    • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan

    • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

      • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal

        • John Keeney (Ericsson EST) presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

        • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call

      • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources

        • David Kinsey [AT&T] lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 

    • RIC Platform Enhancements - Abdul Wahid

      • 05-09: abdulwahid.w :Agreed to provide an update within the next 1 or 2 weeks

    • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu

    • Others

      • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. huangjinri@chinamobile.com Jinri will resend the request to PLT

      • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)

    • 03-07: OpenAir Interface presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] will send out email to discuss futher.

    • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.

    • 03-21: OpenAir Interfacementioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 

    • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 

    • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics

    • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.

    • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with OpenAir Interface . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 

    •  CVE

      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

      • 03-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 

      • 04-11: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey [AT&T] proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   

      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey [AT&T] This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.

    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  

    • LF Support for project activities

      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

      • 05-09: “Analysis of Opensource O-RAN Near-RT and Non-RT RICs – A comparative study” - this is proposal for interns who would work on preparing the report and present it to TOC. Limited support for this activity from PTL's mostly 30min/week. Background for this proposal is due to the feedback recieved from One Summit Work shop(more clearity is needed on different open src RT/NRT RIC's that are available). AP PTLs: To provide comment on the topics that can be covered or anything in general. AP  Sridhar Rao also proposed to create Wikipage for each of the topics to get more clarity on requirements.

      • 05-09: F2F meetings with — TBD. AP PTL's: To check for any demo that can be given during this time.

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 30 May 2024 

2024 05 16 - Meeting Cancelled


       huangjinri@chinamobile.comcouldn't attend the TOC call and instructed to cancel this meeting.

2024 05 09


Meeting Recording: Link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid or Abdul Wahid (Nokia)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-05-2 didnt go through.

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Proposal from  LilianHsu@ITRI on  2024 Open RAN Summit at Taipei 17th,18th June 2024, Invitation to attend the meeting, draft agenda of Day1 and Day2 was presented. Slides available here. Registration link to be announced on 20th May 2024. Remote registrations also possible.

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

    2. Other

      1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

      2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora

          1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

      5. White Paper

        1. 04-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: OpenAir Interface 

        2. 04-25: OpenAir Interface the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.

        3. 05-09:  To be discusse dnext time as Irfan was not available

      6. Other

        1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.

        2. 03-14: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,

        3. 03-21: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.

        4. 03-28: Regarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 

        5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 

        6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site

        7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC.

        8. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao

      1. 05-09: Sridhar Rao mentioned "License scanning will be done on week starting 3rd June. Please let me know if you have any concerns". J release preparations will be started soon.

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

  • Lab updates, lijian56

    • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 

    • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.

    • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.

    • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 

    • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor vipin rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extention by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI commercial gNB and 5G Genius Core for e2e testing.   

    • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan

    • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

      • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal

        • John Keeney (Ericsson EST) presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

        • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call

      • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources

        • David Kinsey [AT&T] lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 

    • RIC Platform Enhancements - Abdul Wahid

      • 05-09: abdulwahid.w :Agreed to provide an update within the next 1 or 2 weeks

    • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu

    • Others

      • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. huangjinri@chinamobile.com Jinri will resend the request to PLT

      • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)

    • 03-07: OpenAir Interface presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] will send out email to discuss futher.

    • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.

    • 03-21: OpenAir Interfacementioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 

    • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 

    • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics

    • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.

    • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with OpenAir Interface . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 

    •  CVE

      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

      • 03-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 

      • 04-11: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey [AT&T] proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   

      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey [AT&T] This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.

    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  

    • LF Support for project activities

      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

      • 05-09: “Analysis of Opensource O-RAN Near-RT and Non-RT RICs – A comparative study” - this is proposal for interns who would work on preparing the report and present it to TOC. Limited support for this activity from PTL's mostly 30min/week. Background for this proposal is due to the feedback recieved from One Summit Work shop(more clearity is needed on different open src RT/NRT RIC's that are available). AP PTLs: To provide comment on the topics that can be covered or anything in general. AP  Sridhar Rao also proposed to create Wikipage for each of the topics to get more clarity on requirements.

      • 05-09: F2F meetings with — TBD. AP PTL's: To check for any demo that can be given during this time.

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 2024/05/09

2024 05 02 


Meeting Recording:  link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid or Abdul Wahid (Nokia)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-04-25 : Motion proposed by  James Li and seconded by Arunkumar Halebid Motion was approved.

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. Update on Powder Update

    2. Proposal from Prof vipin rathi  //link to presented material < fransiscus bimo uploaded >

      1. xFAPI proposal. https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/download/attachments/78217260/xFAPI%20Proposal.pdf?api=v2   

      2. xFAPI introduction: https://youtu.be/1oO_DIiZfug

    3. ONE Summit Update

    4. Project reports

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

    2. Other

      1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

      2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora

          1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

      5. White Paper

        1. 04-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: OpenAir Interface 

        2. 04-25: OpenAir Interface the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.

      6. Other

        1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.

        2. 03-14: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,

        3. 03-21: Regarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.

        4. 03-28: Regarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 

        5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 

        6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site

        7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC.

        8. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

  • Lab updates, lijian56

    • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 

    • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.

    • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.

    • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 

    • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor vipin rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extention by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI commercial gNB and 5G Genius Core for e2e testing.   

    • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan

    • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

      • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal

        • John Keeney (Ericsson EST) presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

        • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call

      • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources

        • David Kinsey [AT&T] lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 

    • RIC Platform Enhancements - Abdul Wahid

    • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu

    • Others

      • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. huangjinri@chinamobile.com Jinri will resend the request to PLT

      • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)

    • 03-07: OpenAir Interface presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] will send out email to discuss futher.

    • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.

    • 03-21: OpenAir Interfacementioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 

    • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 

    • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics

    • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.

    • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with OpenAir Interface . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 

    •  CVE

      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

      • 03-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 

      • 04-11: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey [AT&T] proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   

      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey [AT&T] This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.

    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  

    • LF Support for project activities

      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 2024/05/09

2024 04 25


Meeting Recording: Link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM) 

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-04-18 : Motion proposed by jboudani  and seconded by avinash.bhat  Motion was approved.

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. GitUpdates

    2. OSFG White Paper update

    3. ONE Summit

    4. Project report

    5. Evaluation of TE&IV SMOS Proposal (slides)

    6. SMO Integration Needs

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

    2. Other

      1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

      2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora

          1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

      5. White Paper

        1. 04-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: OpenAir Interface 

        2. 04-25: OpenAir Interface the current version of the WP need a redrafting to synthetize the material provided. Target date is now mid of May.  bimo fransiscus asisi a request was sent to LF to verify the CI/CD part.

      6. Other

        1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.

        2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,

        3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.

        4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 

        5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 

        6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site

        7. 04-25: James Li still waiting for the final feedback from EC.

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

  • Lab updates, lijian56

    • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 

    • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.

    • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.

    • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward. 

    • 04-25:  Bimo introduces professor vipin rathi who is working on integrating O-DU/LOW with the new release of the Intel FlexRAN API. peng Lu OCU-ODU integration already done so update with the new FlexRAN code release still possible within K release. fransiscus bimo for O-CU we are waiting for license extension by Radysis. Also integration ongoing with OAI gNB and commercial gNB with a commercial 5G Core donated by CampusGenius, a start up from TU-Dresden, for e2e testing.   

    • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan

    • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

      • 04-25: TE&IV Proposal

        • John Keeney (Ericsson EST) presented a proposal for contribution on open source "Topology and Inventory SMO Service" according to O-RAN WG10 specifications, with clear separation between the API and the information models. Initial seed code available for analysis before submitting to SMO project and call for contributors. Code can be temporarily hosted in an existing SMO repo before moving to an official dedicated repo. To be managed with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

        • Martin Skorupski mention a presentation by Alex Stancu on Topology aspects in support of CNF deployment. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti To be discussed at the next SMO project call

      • 04-25: SMO Lab Resources

        • David Kinsey [AT&T] lack of resources for SMO build in Bedminster. Request to support from Taiwan how to get some resources e.g. from POWDER (3 servers is the estimated amount for the task). James Li and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti will propose a way forward. 

    • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy

    • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu

    • Others

      • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. huangjinri@chinamobile.com Jinri will resend the request to PLT

      • 04:25:  postponed to the next call due to lack of time

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)

    • 03-07: OpenAir Interface presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] will send out email to discuss futher.

    • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.

    • 03-21: OpenAir Interfacementioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 

    • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 

    • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics

    • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.

    • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with OpenAir Interface . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 

    •  CVE

      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

      • 03-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 

      • 04-11: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey [AT&T] proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   

      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey [AT&T] This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.

    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  

    • LF Support for project activities

      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 2024/05/02.

    • Scribe in May: Nokia

2024 04 18


Meeting Recording: Link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM) 

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-04-11 : Motion proposed by  avinash.bhat Bhat and seconded by John Paul Lane Motion was approved.

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. POWDER

    2. ONE Summit

    3. Project report 

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora

          1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

      5. White Paper

        1. 04-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com A white paper is being drafted, with several contributors working on it. Current focus is on CI/CD/CT. Status will be reported at the next call.  AP: OpenAir Interface 

      6. Other

        1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.

        2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,

        3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.

        4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 

        5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 

        6. 04-18: James Li text for news quotes was finalized and sent to O-RAN EC for approval. Once received back it will be sent to POWDER for publication on their site

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    1. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update

      1. O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by feature

  • Lab updates, lijian56

    • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 

    • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.

    • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.

    • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward.  

    • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan

      • 03-28:  The project was the phase of starting development.  Sagar Arora would present the detail in the next meeting, including how to make project tracking transparent.

    • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

    • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy

    • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu

    • Others

      • 04:18: O-RAN TSC cochair requested information about the activity at project level (companies, releases). This is expected by next week meeting (Apr 25th). Projects to prioritize: NON RTIRC, NEAR RTRIC, RICAPPS, AIMLFW. huangjinri@chinamobile.com Jinri will resend the request to PLT

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)

    • 03-07: OpenAir Interface presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] will send out email to discuss futher.

    • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.

    • 03-21: OpenAir Interfacementioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 

    • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 

    • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics

    • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysight) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.

    • 04-18: Sridhar Rao We have booth and it would be good to show some demos / recordings from previous workshops to be played along the week. AP: Check with OpenAir Interface . Sagar Arora : a demo about deployment of O-RAN components with Nephio will be given in the week 

    •  CVE

      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

      • 03-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 

      • 04-11: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey [AT&T] proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   

      • 04-18: Sridhar Rao presents some LF practices and tools for security analysis. David Kinsey [AT&T] This seems appropriate for project certification and badging; but for CVE we need to check "per-function" against the security requirements defined by O-RAN. Also the level of maturity of the feature is relevant to understand if security aspects were addressed in the version developed.

    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  

    • LF Support for project activities

      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 2024/04/25.

2024 04 11


Meeting Recording: Link 



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM) 

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-04-04 : Motion proposed by James Li  and seconded by Ganesh Shenbagaraman   Motion was approved.

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. ONE summit

    2. POWDER

    3. Project report

      1. Change of AIMLFW PTL Joseph Thaliath 

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora

          1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

      5. Other

        1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.

        2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,

        3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.

        4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 

        5. 04-11: James Li reported that the point was discussed in the last OSFG meeting and will report next week. 

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    1. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update

      1. O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

  • Lab updates, lijian56

    • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 

    • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.

    • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.

    • 04-11: Bimo: work to the solve the testing of compressed mode options is still ongoing. FW gateway needed to be reconfigured and tests will be performed in the next days. Security testing is ongoing. O-CU license is expiring and a request to the vendor was put forward.  

    • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan

      • 03-28:  The project was the phase of starting development.  Sagar Arora would present the detail in the next meeting, including how to make project tracking transparent.

    • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

    • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy

    • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu

    • Others

      • 04-11: AIMLFW PTL Joseph Thaliath announced that he is taking a new role in the company and proposes subhash to take over as PTL. Subhash already started to contribute to the project and will continue in the new role of PTL. Motion to approve Subhash as new PTL of AIMLFW project made by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by avinash.bhat . The motion is approved.

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)

    • 03-07: OpenAir Interface presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] will send out email to discuss futher.

    • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.

    • 03-21: OpenAir Interfacementioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 

    • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 

    • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics

    • 04-11: Sridhar Rao : ChiLin cannot attend in person. Jin Li (Keysite) can replace in the role of moderator however “introduction to O-RAN” will be covered by David Kinsey (from remote). Change of the order in the agenda will be addressed by Sridhar.

    •  CVE

      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] concerns to record vulnerabilities in a public database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

      • 03-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 

      • 04-11: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) suggests to proactively address the need to define a process. Proposes to request guidance as this should have been considered by LF already. Product readiness can be a condition to address vulnerability, but the categorization is per feature, not per project. Sridhar Rao proposes to give a presentation of various options considered in LF to perform the static security analysis.  David Kinsey [AT&T] proposes to keep track of the status of the security scanning at project level (using project wiki pages).   

    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  

    • LF Support for project activities

      • 04-11: Sridhar Rao announced that LF would be able to provide support by means of new internships, e.g. for security testing or other activities. AP PTLs: contact Sridhar in case support is needed in project activities.

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 2024/04/18.

2024 04 04


Meeting Recording:



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM) 

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2024-03-28 : Motion proposed by Masahiro FUJII (Deactivated)  and seconded by Andrea Buldorini [TIM].  Motion was approved.

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. Nephio report

    2. ONE summit

    3. Project report

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review

  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

    1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

      1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

      2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        1. 04-04: Update from Nephio on integration activity: Sagar Arora

          1. Clarified that user stories 1-4 are planned to be completed by June 2024 and may be demonstrated at the next F2F

      3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

      4. Upcoming F2F meeting

      5. Other

        1. 03-07: The draft of OSC and POWDER joint news quotes for review. The contents should be gone through the O-RAN agenda before TSC. James Li will dubble-check intention of the news, and Tracy Van Brakle will check it with PR point of view.

        2. 03-14: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned about the situation of going through process. The process has been started and feedback is being collected,

        3. 03-21: Reagarding POWDER, James Li mentioned that the process is still on reviewing of OSC.

        4. 03-28: Reagarding POWDER, it was still under reviewing. After the review, the document would be publised on the website. 

  6. Standing/old business

  1. OSC Lab

    1. 03-14: OSC Taiwan Lab Update

      1. O DU High "J" release status has been presented by Ankit Barve. Discussions were held on about nFAP and the status of debugging issues.

    • Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 

    • Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

  • Lab updates, lijian56

    • 03-21: Bimo NTUST presented situation of OSC ODU integration with TM500 RUSIM. The status is pending since O-DU had a issue on statice compression mode while RUSIM does not support uncompressed or dynamic compression mode. There was a discussion about the need to integrate the latest software. 

    • 03-28: Meetings was being held to move the integration testing forward.

    • 04-04: No progress on integration issues between the OSC O-DU and RUSIM.

    • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan

      • 03-28:  The project was the phase of starting development.  Sagar Arora would present the detail in the next meeting, including how to make project tracking transparent.

    • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

    • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy

    • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu

      • 02-01: Energy savings dataset from Viavi - it is acceptable to encrypt it and let Viavi control the password. Process to request the dataset/password to be sorted. Help from Alex Stancu needed.

    • Near RT RIC PTL

      • 02-15: Abdulwahid (Wahid) introduced himself as a candidate for new RT-RIC PTL role. David Kinsey [AT&T]  asked Wahid to stand in the role of PTL during the official process. Vote day will be 29.2.

      • 02-29: No other candidate besides Abdulwahid. Motion proposed by huangjinri@chinamobile.com and seconded by jboudani , motion was approved without objection. 

  1. Any Other Business (AoB)

  • OSC half-day workshop (co-located with ONE SUMMIT)

    • 03-07: OpenAir Interface presents tentative plan of the workshop. Potential title of workshop, programs, speakes have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] will send out email to discuss futher.

    • 03-14:  Potential programs and speakers have been discussed. The title and subtitle of workshop was approved as "Accelerating the Open and Smart RAN, (subtitle) Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design" : Motion proposed David was approved without objection.

    • 03-21: OpenAir Interfacementioned the state of preparation for the workshop. Some speakers will be confirmed by next week.  Speakers were required to upload bios and pictures. 

    • 03-28: The state of preparation for the workshop was discussed. The mailing list of speakers for easy communication was prepaired. Sridhar Rao would send e-mail summarizing the information necessary for workshop participants later. 

    • 04-04:Sridhar Rao provides an update workshop agenda and logistics

    •  CVE

      • 03-07: How to handle CVEs in O-RAN SC have been discussed.  David Kinsey [AT&T] concerns to record volunerabilities in a pulic database and mentioned about security requirements. Revisit in the next call. 

      • 03-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned about discussions of the security requirement 

    • Intelligence perspective on gap analysis between 3GPP and O-RAN  

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • Next Meeting 2024/04/11.