2022 Q4 (Oct, Nov, Dec)

2022 12 15


Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/XJ0wGqP2nI_4b1HBRHNatF25LuMYjQUjoQDhQt6AKcDWanmgXlXE3Lo6wD_IigsE.xrY3c_dDw1cubYhJ


  • Roll Call & Quorum Check



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveY


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangYJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyYBaruch Freidman

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash BhatY

Quorum reached.

  • Review of last week's minutes

Review was deferred due to fact minutes not posted. Next meeting to review 2022 12 08 & 2022 12 15 Minutes

  • G Release Vote

There was a motion called for the conditional G-release. Two projects are incomplete (RICAPP and O-DU Lo) but the respective PTLs have an opportunity to update with release summary by Friday December 16th 2022, otherwise they will be excluded from the release and potentially added to the maintenance release in the new year. Specific project discussions:

      1. SMO: Updated Release Page for G
        Non-RT RIC, John K confirmed they are Good to go. Some Documentation outstanding.
      2. Near-RT RICPLT, Thoralf reported complete
      3. RICAPP – Sunil to update by 16th December to make the release.
      4. O-DU High, Ankit: Released and Documented. May have fixes for the maintenance release.
      5. O-DU Lo: There is no O-DU Lo in the release and was removed from release page. Need to confirm status by December 16th but PTL needs to update release page.
      6. OAM, Alex:  Good to go with G-Release page updated.
      7. SIM, David. Ready for G Release however there is an issue that needs to be discussed for the H-Release. In the case of the ETSI Mano, Tacker is part of DMS and hence part of O-Cloud. When with is used the kubernetes Interface, it is a consumer of DMS and part of the SMO. Hence, the proposal is that orchestration to determine tacker that is either part of the Cloud or part of the SMO. OSC is looking for a contributor for Orchestration.
      8. INF, Jackie: Ready to go. H-Release may require more interaction with OAI and have O-Cloud roadmap impact.
      9. AI/ML, Sandeep: Complete

The motion was carried for the G-Release. If the conditions above are met by Friday 16th December.

  • Motion for New Repo for an xAPP for Anomaly Detection (AD)

Sunil described the standalone AD xAPP for consideration for the H-Release and the request for a new Repo. Question was raised if the xAPP had been reviewed and approved by the RSAC, to see how it aligns with the AI/ML project, how to get the Cell Data and how it fits within the infrastructure. Consensus was that it had not reviewed so a discussion about the application, that it is not linked with the AI/ML framework, is part of the RIC Application and that the data is generated from the Viavi RIC Test Platform. Thoralf noted the platform is independent of the service model.  

Motion vote was help and approved to create the new Repo.

  • Ericsson will Scribe for January, except for the first week of January, where Viavi will be scribe.

2022 12 08


Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/YCmMs7rNd1U4P_Iop_242Jn7r1oZ-oinBen9oTOxeLceviMzBy92OXDhVwF8D5YH.vGX0HExIs9puOclu


  • Call for Scribe (minutes owner):  Viavi is scrive for December 2022
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveY


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang Y
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyNBaruch Freidman

JinGuk Jeong

YAvinash Bhat

Quorum reached.

  • Release vote:   Outstanding repo request from RICAPP from last week - PTL, Sunil not present, moving to next week

  • Copyright update:

Copyright discussion ongoing now. O-RAN alliance new chair elected Alex Choi from DT. Jakub from DT will cover the copyright topic.
John-Paul would like to get an overview of what the current SCCL discussions are about.

  • O-RAN related business:
    F2F June mtg, will be held in Osaka, Japan.
    F2F Oct mtg has not been decided yet.
    Call for Demo MWC Barcelona, Dec 6 has passed

  • G release status
    License scanning: Reports have been shared to all PTLs. System idenified only 1 issue. GPL license issue for NS3. Good to go according to scans. All reports are fine.
    Sridhar to send scan reports to Ankit. Send it to TOC list.

    SMO: On track for completion. Missing highlights and source code image link
    Non-RT RIC, John K: Almost ready to release. Few clean up items. On track to finish by next week.
    Near-RT RICPLT, Thoralf: Need 1 more week.  
    RICAPP - Sunil: Report status by email
    O-DU High, Ankit: Working on documentation. Will complete by Dec 15.
    OAM, Martin: Reachout offline
    SIM, Alex: Reachout offline
    INF, Jackie: Completed all release images. Created a branch for G release. Some documentation to be updated.
    INT, James: Jinri to touch base with James for release certification by the 15th. Xtesting still in progress.
    AI/ML, Joseph: On track. Src code committed. Images are getting built and end-to-end testing is ongoing. Reach out to DOC PLT to include AI/ML docs.

2022 12 01


Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/9BoINTXYAAnMlWqta6uLpO8QNrLrc5f8nNhu1uWC7OnJRnRruWdIzc9_gTHarEaW.zgaPmCC6htNJCcxq


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner):  

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair

David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda

Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichy


William Diego

Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Kexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash Bhat

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-11-17) approval: Motion to be proposed by X second by X and the Motion was Accepted/Declined.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-10-06: John Paul Lane request revised Technical Charter and CCLA before to be submitted to the validation by the board. 
      2. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com request from Hank: how many codes under O-RAN software license? How many code of that have being donwloaded from our website? how many os those code have being integrated in our main gerrit? Thoralf Czichy can check it from our gerrit. There are currently 4 projects coming up, and none of them are active (no contribution, or the contribuition was probably replaced by another). Action Sridhar Rao will provide a report to Jinri https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/q/filter:scp (number of repos, description, how many times was downloaded, etc.). Action Martin Skorupski: will provide a description of yang model repo to Jinri.
      3. 2022-10-20: Jack - there are meetings ongoing with the legal team in meeting, they are trying to work out some details on the charter, an e-mail vote will be set up.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the charter is the main issue, there are 2 options: (1) to have 2 license O-RAN and SCCL depending on the project or (2) to have only one license for all the projects (the future ones). It does not impact the Apache v2.0 in the OSC.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com one slide on the topic was presented at the board meeting, Jinri will continue follwing this topic. 
      6. 2022-10-27: Martin Skorupski https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/toc/message/812 → Licensing Headers. Jinri will update on that as soon as legal aspect will clarified.
      7. 2022-11-17: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: No update, but there is a call about it happening right now.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. Plugfest

      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th

      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
      4. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the process is ongoing. summary session will be held at the end of Nov.
    2. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
      2. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: We need a place where to record the relationship between our activities and ORAN specifications. Right now we have one page with projects describing the release highlights. We can add a table to identify which specification the project covers and what specification it targets. Jack Murray: Architecture team can discuss it during their meeting to see what makes sense.
    3. Budget:
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack  - budget plan will be reviewed during the next board meeting. OSC stayed under the budget, it covers cost relative to the repos, support for the community. OSC founds 100% of the community fees.
      2. 2022-10-13: Sridhar Rao: two types of scanning: (1) license scanning of release code, twice a year, and (2) dependecy scanning (nexus). There is an increase in the license scanning part by ~30%, there is a discussion on going with team with is responsable. Action Sridhra: will provide a short presentation on the existing years budgets where the major line items spends. Two options: (1) accept the increase, (2) look for a new provider (and (3) cut budget from somewhere else).
      3. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao  he is finalising the slides, it should be ready for next week. The previus AP should be adress next meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com some budget alocation from EC could be possible, some contributors are planning to buy some equipments in particular vendor members, you will be contacted.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com OSC budget was validated by the board, Junri is working with James and David to the allocation. 
      6. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : Board meeting approved budget to buy simulation tools. There will be a call with David Kinsey [AT&T] and James Li to discuss the details. Besides that the budget stays flat.
    4. F2F
      1. 2022-11-17: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : There will be three F2F meetings in 2023: first in February in Prague, second in June in Japan, and one during October (location unknown).
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack - New Jersey OSC lab will experiment a small window of the disruption mid next year (one week at the most).
    2. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
      3. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] meeting with people from the 5G super blueprint organization, the slice SLA has been identified as a use case of interest, so we will work on that (H release). Connection from OSC lab to their lab is expected as part of H release.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
      2. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao have being working with James on the use of xTesting, and also updating wiki page with the use of xtesting.
      3. 2022-10-20:  avinash.bhat AI/ML project is doing well afetr some issues with the creation of repos,the seed cide is completely committed, they have a basic version of the C code available, they will presnet a demo during F2F meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: Jack - the scan of new code has to be planned in advance in order to avoir last minute issues. Sridhar Rao is planning to scan all the current release in the midle of the release schedule. Jack - November the 10th should be a good Time. AP Sridhar Rao launch a code scan on November 10th.
      5. 2022-10-27: avinash.bhat AI/ML project has been started in the group, work is ongoing and cross-project coordination is also ongoing, a presentation on topic can be expected by December.
      6. 2022-11-10: Jack MurrayAP huangjinri@chinamobile.com and David Kinsey [AT&T] - to check with Sridhar Rao about the security tests. 
      7. John Keeney (Ericsson EST)AP Sridhar Rao - to look into the insight portal. It looks it is not up-to-date, it would be better to take it down until it is working properly.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: request to share the notes for the press release over the next 2 weeks - send them individually to huangjinri@chinamobile.com with some evidence of contribution as a justification.
        2. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: people should start with defect managements and last demos. We would like to branch everything before the Christmas break. The PR will go out after the new year.
        3. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: PTLs should update the project overview for the G release (add links to demos, mark shifts of the WI to the next release, etc.)
        4. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T]: Dev sprint 4 should be now done, we should work on demos which are left. Security releases for SMO may be in danger but that is discussed with Linux foundation separately.
      2. "H" Release
        1. 2022-11-10: Former user (Deleted) : there was an initial discussion during the F2F: to improve the O-cloud instance, track down the touch points of AIML project and SMO. TOC can recommend a use-case to follow.
          1. AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com : to check MVP-C and WG co-chairs which use-case to follow.
        2. 2022-11-10: David Kinsey [AT&T] Big topic to address are the Blue prints. We will need to understand how we will create Blueprint for OSC SMO project. 
        3. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T]: No RSAC meeting this week. But they are occurring. There may be confusion with the SMO call which is alternating.
      3. 2022-11-03: Jack Murray: David and Rittwick working with RSAC for some time, we need someone else who will drive a broader view across the project and the ORAN
      4. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T] will be in RSAC till end of year, but it is difficult to manage together with TOC co-chair position.
      5. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T] : At the summit there was an interest of development of DU on AMD architecture. It is not clear who should be responsible for that in OSC. It has to be clear what would be the value for ORAN.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC):

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP):

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC):

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU):

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH):

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW):

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM):

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework (AIMLFW)
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
    2. 2022-11-17: huangjinri@chinamobile.com there is a discussion about it again in ORAN, need to check for details. It may be good to check with Orange if they have some news.
    3. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T]: If we want to run it in our lab, it is a licensing issue - only Taiwan lab is university lab. We can do it as a super Blue print and link the labs, but it is not ideal. We need to work on the relationship between us and OSC, from the discussion with people from OAI it seems that it may have a solution. 
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  10.  Planning for Next Meeting 
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
    2. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray will leave the AT&T before the end of the month and will handle the role of the co-chair to David Kinsey [AT&T] starting next week. Thank you for the great work here in OSC, Jack!
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 11 17


Meeting Recording: 



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner):  Jakub Novy [DTAG]

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair

David Kinsey


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda

Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego

Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangXJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXKexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

XAvinash Bhat

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-11-10) approval: Motion to be proposed by Jakub Novy [DTAG] second by huangjinri@chinamobile.com and the Motion was Accepted.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-10-06: John Paul Lane request revised Technical Charter and CCLA before to be submitted to the validation by the board. 
      2. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com request from Hank: how many codes under O-RAN software license? How many code of that have being donwloaded from our website? how many os those code have being integrated in our main gerrit? Thoralf Czichy can check it from our gerrit. There are currently 4 projects coming up, and none of them are active (no contribution, or the contribuition was probably replaced by another). Action Sridhar Rao will provide a report to Jinri https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/q/filter:scp (number of repos, description, how many times was downloaded, etc.). Action Martin Skorupski: will provide a description of yang model repo to Jinri.
      3. 2022-10-20: Jack - there are meetings ongoing with the legal team in meeting, they are trying to work out some details on the charter, an e-mail vote will be set up.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the charter is the main issue, there are 2 options: (1) to have 2 license O-RAN and SCCL depending on the project or (2) to have only one license for all the projects (the future ones). It does not impact the Apache v2.0 in the OSC.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com one slide on the topic was presented at the board meeting, Jinri will continue follwing this topic. 
      6. 2022-10-27: Martin Skorupski https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/toc/message/812 → Licensing Headers. Jinri will update on that as soon as legal aspect will clarified.
      7. 2022-11-17: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: No update, but there is a call about it happening right now.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. Plugfest

      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th

      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
      4. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the process is ongoing. summary session will be held at the end of Nov.
    2. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
      2. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: We need a place where to record the relationship between our activities and ORAN specifications. Right now we have one page with projects describing the release highlights. We can add a table to identify which specification the project covers and what specification it targets. Jack Murray: Architecture team can discuss it during their meeting to see what makes sense.
    3. Budget:
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack  - budget plan will be reviewed during the next board meeting. OSC stayed under the budget, it covers cost relative to the repos, support for the community. OSC founds 100% of the community fees.
      2. 2022-10-13: Sridhar Rao: two types of scanning: (1) license scanning of release code, twice a year, and (2) dependecy scanning (nexus). There is an increase in the license scanning part by ~30%, there is a discussion on going with team with is responsable. Action Sridhra: will provide a short presentation on the existing years budgets where the major line items spends. Two options: (1) accept the increase, (2) look for a new provider (and (3) cut budget from somewhere else).
      3. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao  he is finalising the slides, it should be ready for next week. The previus AP should be adress next meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com some budget alocation from EC could be possible, some contributors are planning to buy some equipments in particular vendor members, you will be contacted.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com OSC budget was validated by the board, Junri is working with James and David to the allocation. 
      6. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : Board meeting approved budget to buy simulation tools. There will be a call with David Kinsey [AT&T] and James Li to discuss the details. Besides that the budget stays flat.
    4. F2F
      1. 2022-11-03: James Li There was an Open Source session during the Fuse event in Madrid, participation was good.
      2. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : Next F22 will be on Feb 13-17 in Prague. 
      3. 2022-11-17: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : There will be three F2F meetings in 2023: first in February in Prague, second in June in Japan, and one during October (location unknown).
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack - New Jersey OSC lab will experiment a small window of the disruption mid next year (one week at the most).
    2. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
      3. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] meeting with people from the 5G super blueprint organization, the slice SLA has been identified as a use case of interest, so we will work on that (H release). Connection from OSC lab to their lab is expected as part of H release.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
      2. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao have being working with James on the use of xTesting, and also updating wiki page with the use of xtesting.
      3. 2022-10-20:  avinash.bhat AI/ML project is doing well afetr some issues with the creation of repos,the seed cide is completely committed, they have a basic version of the C code available, they will presnet a demo during F2F meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: Jack - the scan of new code has to be planned in advance in order to avoir last minute issues. Sridhar Rao is planning to scan all the current release in the midle of the release schedule. Jack - November the 10th should be a good Time. AP Sridhar Rao launch a code scan on November 10th.
      5. 2022-10-27: avinash.bhat AI/ML project has been started in the group, work is ongoing and cross-project coordination is also ongoing, a presentation on topic can be expected by December.
      6. 2022-11-10: Jack MurrayAP huangjinri@chinamobile.com and David Kinsey [AT&T] - to check with Sridhar Rao about the security tests. 
      7. John Keeney (Ericsson EST)AP Sridhar Rao - to look into the insight portal. It looks it is not up-to-date, it would be better to take it down until it is working properly.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: request to share the notes for the press release over the next 2 weeks - send them individually to huangjinri@chinamobile.com with some evidence of contribution as a justification.
        2. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: people should start with defect managements and last demos. We would like to branch everything before the Christmas break. The PR will go out after the new year.
        3. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: PTLs should update the project overview for the G release (add links to demos, mark shifts of the WI to the next release, etc.)
        4. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T]: Dev sprint 4 should be now done, we should work on demos which are left. Security releases for SMO may be in danger but that is discussed with Linux foundation separately.
      2. "H" Release
        1. 2022-11-10: Former user (Deleted) : there was an initial discussion during the F2F: to improve the O-cloud instance, track down the touch points of AIML project and SMO. TOC can recommend a use-case to follow.
          1. AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com : to check MVP-C and WG co-chairs which use-case to follow.
        2. 2022-11-10: David Kinsey [AT&T] Big topic to address are the Blue prints. We will need to understand how we will create Blueprint for OSC SMO project. 
        3. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T]: No RSAC meeting this week. But they are occurring. There may be confusion with the SMO call which is alternating.
      3. 2022-11-03: Jack Murray: David and Rittwick working with RSAC for some time, we need someone else who will drive a broader view across the project and the ORAN
      4. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T] will be in RSAC till end of year, but it is difficult to manage together with TOC co-chair position.
      5. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T] : At the summit there was an interest of development of DU on AMD architecture. It is not clear who should be responsible for that in OSC. It has to be clear what would be the value for ORAN.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
        1. 2022-11-03: James Li updated how the cross-demonstration is done, updated wiki page.
        2. 2022-11-17: James Li worked on PoC with Keysight during last week
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. 2022-11-03:Mahesh Anjanappa O1/VES interface the focus was on internal operability with Radisys ODU, expand standard message format support, O1 interface stable with only some bug-fixes. O2 interface making progress as well.
        2. 2022-11-17: Mahesh Anjanappa closed all the project and ready for G-Release. Only 2 issues to be still resolved.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC):

        1. 2022-11-03: John Keeney (Ericsson EST)  making good progress. Three main activities in this release: Demo of service exposure and management; data management exposure (demo with PM bulk data use-case); rApp. rApp had slow start but hopes for demo before the end of the sprint. 

        2. 2022-11-17: John Keeney (Ericsson EST): A lot of cross release activity happening. G-Release: packaging things up, running tests. 
      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP):

        1. 2022-11-17: no update

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC):

        1. 2022-11-03: Thoralf Czichy no meeting last week, still implementing many items, November 13th set as a last day of the sprint.  

        2. 2022-11-17: no update
      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU):

        1. 2022-11-17: no update

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH):

        1. 2022-11-03: Ankit Barve Good progress on integration side with the labs, debugging between L1 and L2. Focus on integration in the labs, mobility mode support feature shifted to a next release. Big achievement will be to see the broadcast.

        2. 2022-11-17: Ankit Barve In Taiwan lab there is new server and they will bring up the image of OCU. ODU - RX feature will be finished. Integration - debugging broadcast from RU in one lab, Kernel and OS update happening in AT&T lab. Would be good to have the full link to the core there. 
      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW):

        1. 2022-11-17: no update
      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM):

        1. 2022-11-03: Martin Skorupski VES messages integrated, improvement on version updates. O1 notify PNF registration message implemented with the SIM project. Still working on Fire Readz

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2022-11-03:Alex Stancu New VES format for some messages, alignment with the latest YANG models, code from the Northeastern University is right now in Gerrit
        2. 2022-11-17: Alex Stancu On track, documentation preparation.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2022-11-03: Jackie Huang on track, most of the main features completed for both platform and O2 interface.

        2. 2022-11-17: Jackie Huang: We are going to wrap up soon and start the release process. David Kinsey [AT&T]: Servers for Duplex+ are still pending.
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework (AIMLFW)
        1. 2022-11-03 Joseph Thaliath source code for training flow committed, working on deployment scripts. Working on a prediction. Jack Murray would like to see a flow/block-diagram for AI/ML based application deployed as part of the r/xApp framework - what are the steps, flows, etc. with description of current status of each block.
        2. 2022-11-17: Joseph Thaliath: Source code committed, deployments scripts completed, working on documentation. Only pending is xApp which will be hopefully early next week. Sridhar Rao : Are there any repos still to be open? Joseph Thaliath :All reports are already created, but one is empty. Better to postpone security testing by 1 week..
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
    2. 2022-11-17: huangjinri@chinamobile.com there is a discussion about it again in ORAN, need to check for details. It may be good to check with Orange if they have some news.
    3. 2022-11-17: David Kinsey [AT&T]: If we want to run it in our lab, it is a licensing issue - only Taiwan lab is university lab. We can do it as a super Blue print and link the labs, but it is not ideal. We need to work on the relationship between us and OSC, from the discussion with people from OAI it seems that it may have a solution. 
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  10.  Planning for Next Meeting 
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
    2. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray will leave the AT&T before the end of the month and will handle the role of the co-chair to David Kinsey [AT&T] starting next week. Thank you for the great work here in OSC, Jack!
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 11 10


Meeting Recording: 



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner):  Jakub Novy [DTAG]

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego

Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Kexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash BhatX

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-11-03) approval: Motion to be proposed by Jakub Novy [DTAG] second by huangjinri@chinamobile.com and the Motion was Accepted.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-10-06: John Paul Lane request revised Technical Charter and CCLA before to be submitted to the validation by the board. 
      2. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com request from Hank: how many codes under O-RAN software license? How many code of that have being donwloaded from our website? how many os those code have being integrated in our main gerrit? Thoralf Czichy can check it from our gerrit. There are currently 4 projects coming up, and none of them are active (no contribution, or the contribuition was probably replaced by another). Action Sridhar Rao will provide a report to Jinri https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/q/filter:scp (number of repos, description, how many times was downloaded, etc.). Action Martin Skorupski: will provide a description of yang model repo to Jinri.
      3. 2022-10-20: Jack - there are meetings ongoing with the legal team in meeting, they are trying to work out some details on the charter, an e-mail vote will be set up.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the charter is the main issue, there are 2 options: (1) to have 2 license O-RAN and SCCL depending on the project or (2) to have only one license for all the projects (the future ones). It does not impact the Apache v2.0 in the OSC.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com one slide on the topic was presented at the board meeting, Jinri will continue follwing this topic. 
      6. 2022-10-27: Martin Skorupski https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/toc/message/812 → Licensing Headers. Jinri will update on that as soon as legal aspect will clarified.
      7. 2022-11-10: No update
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. Plugfest

      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th

      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
      4. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the process is ongoing. summary session will be held at the end of Nov.
    2. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
      2. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: We need a place where to record the relationship between our activities and ORAN specifications. Right now we have one page with projects describing the release highlights. We can add a table to identify which specification the project covers and what specification it targets. Jack Murray: Architecture team can disuss it during their meeting to see what makes sense.
    3. Budget:
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack  - budget plan will be reviewed during the next board meeting. OSC stayed under the budget, it covers cost relative to the repos, support for the community. OSC founds 100% of the community fees.
      2. 2022-10-13: Sridhar Rao: two types of scanning: (1) license scanning of release code, twice a year, and (2) dependecy scanning (nexus). There is an increase in the license scanning part by ~30%, there is a discussion on going with team with is responsable. Action Sridhra: will provide a short presentation on the existing years budgets where the major line items spends. Two options: (1) accept the increase, (2) look for a new provider (and (3) cut budget from somewhere else).
      3. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao  he is finalising the slides, it should be ready for next week. The previus AP should be adress next meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com some budget alocation from EC could be possible, some contributors are planning to buy some equipments in particular vendor members, you will be contacted.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com OSC budget was validated by the board, Junri is working with James and David to the allocation. 
      6. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : Board meeting approved budget to buy simulation tools. There will be a call with David Kinsey [AT&T] and James Li to discuss the details. Besides that the budget stays flat.
    4. F2F
      1. 2022-11-03: James Li There was an Open Source session during the Fuse event in Madrid, participation was good.
      2. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : Next F22 will be on Feb 13-17 in Prague. 
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
      1. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: request to share the notes for the press release over the next 2 weeks - send them individually to huangjinri@chinamobile.com with some evidence of contribution as a justification.
      2. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: people should start with defect managements and last demos. We would like to branch everything before the Christmas break. The PR will go out after the new year.
      3. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray: PTLs should update the project overview for the G release (add links to demos, mark shifts of the WI to the next release, etc.)
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack - New Jersey OSC lab will experiment a small window of the disruption mid next year (one week at the most).
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
      3. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] meeting with people from the 5G super blueprint organization, the slice SLA has been identified as a use case of interest, so we will work on that (H release). Connection from OSC lab to their lab is expected as part of H release.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
      2. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao have being working with James on the use of xTesting, and also updating wiki page with the use of xtesting.
      3. 2022-10-20:  avinash.bhat AI/ML project is doing well afetr some issues with the creation of repos,the seed cide is completely committed, they have a basic version of the C code available, they will presnet a demo during F2F meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: Jack - the scan of new code has to be planned in advance in order to avoir last minute issues. Sridhar Rao is planning to scan all the current release in the midle of the release schedule. Jack - November the 10th should be a good Time. AP Sridhar Rao launch a code scan on November 10th.
      5. 2022-10-27: avinash.bhat AI/ML project has been started in the group, work is ongoing and cross-project coordination is also ongoing, a presentation on topic can be expected by December.
      6. 2022-11-10: Jack MurrayAP huangjinri@chinamobile.com and David Kinsey [AT&T] - to check with Sridhar Rao about the security tests. 
      7. John Keeney (Ericsson EST)AP Sridhar Rao - to look into the insight portal. It looks it is not up-to-date, it would be better to take it down until it is working properly.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-09-22: Former user (Deleted) : rounding up demos for f2f event (links are posted to wiki), intend to gather representers from almost all project and provide summary of lab status during f2f.
      2. 2022-11-03: Jack Murray: David and Rittwick working with RSAC for some time, we need someone else who will drive a broader view across the project and the ORAN
      3. "H" Release
        1. 2022-11-10: Former user (Deleted) : there was an initial discussion during the F2F: to improve the O-cloud instance, track down the touch points of AIML project and SMO. TOC can recommend a use-case to follow.
          1. AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com : to check MVP-C and WG co-chairs which use-case to follow.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
        1. 2022-11-03: James Li updated how the cross-demonstration is done, updated wiki page.
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. 2022-11-03:Mahesh Anjanappa O1/VES interface the focus was on internal operability with Radisys ODU, expand standard message format support, O1 interface stable with only some bug-fixes. O2 interface making progress as well.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC):

        1. 2022-11-03: John Keeney (Ericsson EST)  making good progress. Three main activities in this release: Demo of sevice exposure and management; data management exposure (demo with PM bulk data use-case); rApp. rApp had slow start but hopes for demo before the end of the sprint. 

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP):

        1. 2022-11-03: no update

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC):

        1. 2022-11-03: Thoralf Czichy no meeting last week, still implementing many items, November 13th set as a last day of the sprint.  

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU):

        1. 2022-11-03: no update

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH):

        1. 22-11-03: Ankit Barve Good progress on integration side with the labs, debugging between L1 and L2. Focus on integration in the labs, mobility mode support feature shifted to a next release. Big achievement will be to see the broadcast.

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW):

        1. 2022-11-03: no update
      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM):

        1. 2022-11-03: Martin Skorupski VES messages integrated, improvement on version updates. O1 notify PNF registration message implemented with the SIM project. Still working on Fire Readz

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2022-11-03:Alex Stancu New VES format for some messages, alignment with the latest YANG models, code from the Northeastern University is right now in Gerrit
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2022-11-03: Jackie Huang on track, most of the main features completed for both platform and O2 interface.

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework (AIMLFW)
        1. 2022-11-03 Joseph Thaliath source code for training flow committed, working on deployment scripts. Working on a prediction. Jack Murray would like to see a flow/block-diagram for AI/ML based application deployed as part of the r/xApp framework - what are the steps, flows, etc. with description of current status of each block.
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  10.  Planning for Next Meeting 
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
    2. 2022-11-10: Jack Murray will leave the AT&T before the end of the month and will handle the role of the co-chair to David Kinsey [AT&T] starting next week. Thank you for the great work here in OSC, Jack!
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 11 03


Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/F2SyiThtEHiWZdu-u1oCWETDDPrgu6d_0DiB73mfPbT4bDL-iV5pVpKsc77iGBb2.Un0QApLxwQAJpCSV


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner):  Jakub Novy [DTAG]

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John KeeneyX


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang X
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Kexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

XAvinash Bhat

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-10-27) approval: Motion to be proposed by William DIEGO  second by  huangjinri@chinamobile.com and the Motion was Accepted.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-10-06: John Paul Lane request revised Technical Charter and CCLA before to be submitted to the validation by the board. 
      2. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com request from Hank: how many codes under O-RAN software license? How many code of that have being donwloaded from our website? how many os those code have being integrated in our main gerrit? Thoralf Czichy can check it from our gerrit. There are currently 4 projects coming up, and none of them are active (no contribution, or the contribuition was probably replaced by another). Action Sridhar Rao will provide a report to Jinri https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/q/filter:scp (number of repos, description, how many times was downloaded, etc.). Action Martin Skorupski: will provide a description of yang model repo to Jinri.
      3. 2022-10-20: Jack - there are meetings ongoing with the legal team in meeting, they are trying to work out some details on the charter, an e-mail vote will be set up.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the charter is the main issue, there are 2 options: (1) to have 2 license O-RAN and SCCL depending on the project or (2) to have only one license for all the projects (the future ones). It does not impact the Apache v2.0 in the OSC.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com one slide on the topic was presented at the board meeting, Jinri will continue follwing this topic. 
      6. 2022-10-27: Martin Skorupski https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/toc/message/812 → Licensing Headers. Jinri will update on that as soon as legal aspect will clarified.
      7. 2022-11-03: No progress last week
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. Plugfest

      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th

      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
      4. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the process is ongoing. summary session will be held at the end of Nov.
    2. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
      2. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: We need a place where to record the relationship between our activities and ORAN specifications. Right now we have one page with projects describing the release highlights. We can add a table to identify which specification the project covers and what specification it targets. Jack Murray: Architecture team can disuss it during their meeting to see what makes sense.
    3. Budget:
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack  - budget plan will be reviewed during the next board meeting. OSC stayed under the budget, it covers cost relative to the repos, support for the community. OSC founds 100% of the community fees.
      2. 2022-10-13: Sridhar Rao: two types of scanning: (1) license scanning of release code, twice a year, and (2) dependecy scanning (nexus). There is an increase in the license scanning part by ~30%, there is a discussion on going with team with is responsable. Action Sridhra: will provide a short presentation on the existing years budgets where the major line items spends. Two options: (1) accept the increase, (2) look for a new provider (and (3) cut budget from somewhere else).
      3. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao  he is finalising the slides, it should be ready for next week. The previus AP should be adress next meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com some budget alocation from EC could be possible, some contributors are planning to buy some equipments in particular vendor members, you will be contacted.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com OSC budget was validated by the board, Junri is working with James and David to the allocation. 
    4. F2F
      1. 2022-11-03: James Li There was an Open Source session during the Fuse event in Madrid, participation was good.
      2. 2022-11-03: huangjinri@chinamobile.com next F2F will be during February, location not yet decided.
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
      1. 2022-11-03: Jack Murray : this is the last week of the Dev sprint. People should think about what they will share for the press release.
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack - New Jersey OSC lab will experiment a small window of the disruption mid next year (one week at the most).
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
      3. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] meeting with people from the 5G super blueprint organization, the slice SLA has been identified as a use case of interest, so we will work on that (H release). Connection from OSC lab to their lab is expected as part of H release.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
      2. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao have being working with James on the use of xTesting, and also updating wiki page with the use of xtesting.
      3. 2022-10-20:  avinash.bhat AI/ML project is doing well afetr some issues with the creation of repos,the seed cide is completely committed, they have a basic version of the C code available, they will presnet a demo during F2F meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: Jack - the scan of new code has to be planned in advance in order to avoir last minute issues. Sridhar Rao is planning to scan all the current release in the midle of the release schedule. Jack - November the 10th should be a good Time. AP Sridhar Rao launch a code scan on November 10th.
      5. 2022-10-27: avinash.bhat AI/ML project has been started in the group, work is ongoing and cross-project coordination is also ongoing, a presentation on topic can be expected by December.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-09-22: Former user (Deleted) : rounding up demos for f2f event (links are posted to wiki), intend to gather representers from almost all project and provide summary of lab status during f2f.
      2. 2022-11-03: Jack Murray: David and Rittwick working with RSAC for some time, we need someone else who will drive a broader view across the project and the ORAN
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
        1. 2022-11-03: James Li updated how the cross-demonstration is done, updated wiki page.
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. 2022-11-03:Mahesh Anjanappa O1/VES interface the focus was on internal operability with Radisys ODU, expand standard message format support, O1 interface stable with only some bug-fixes. O2 interface making progress as well.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC):

        1. 2022-11-03: John Keeney (Ericsson EST)  making good progress. Three main activities in this release: Demo of sevice exposure and management; data management exposure (demo with PM bulk data use-case); rApp. rApp had slow start but hopes for demo before the end of the sprint. 

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP):

        1. 2022-11-03: no update

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC):

        1. 2022-11-03: Thoralf Czichy no meeting last week, still implementing many items, November 13th set as a last day of the sprint.  

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU):

        1. 2022-11-03: no update

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH):

        1. 22-11-03: Ankit Barve Good progress on integration side with the labs, debugging between L1 and L2. Focus on integration in the labs, mobility mode support feature shifted to a next release. Big achievement will be to see the broadcast.

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW):

        1. 2022-11-03: no update
      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM):

        1. 2022-11-03: Martin Skorupski VES messages integrated, improvement on version updates. O1 notify PNF registration message implemented with the SIM project. Still working on Fire Readz

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2022-11-03:Alex Stancu New VES format for some messages, alignment with the latest YANG models, code from the Northeastern University is right now in Gerrit
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2022-11-03: Jackie Huang on track, most of the main features completed for both platform and O2 interface.

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework (AIMLFW)
        1. 2022-11-03 Joseph Thaliath source code for training flow committed, working on deployment scripts. Working on a prediction. Jack Murray would like to see a flow/block-diagram for AI/ML based application deployed as part of the r/xApp framework - what are the steps, flows, etc. with description of current status of each block.
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  10.  Planning for Next Meeting 
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 10 27


Meeting Recording:



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): William DIEGO

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda

Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego

Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang X
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Kexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash BhatX

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-10-20) approval: Motion to be proposed by huangjinri@chinamobile.com  second by John Paul Lane  and the Motion was Accepted.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
    1. Jack is retiring from AT&T over the course of November, David Kinsey will take over. 
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-10-06: John Paul Lane request revised Technical Charter and CCLA before to be submitted to the validation by the board. 
      2. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com request from Hank: how many codes under O-RAN software license? How many code of that have being donwloaded from our website? how many os those code have being integrated in our main gerrit? Thoralf Czichy can check it from our gerrit. There are currently 4 projects coming up, and none of them are active (no contribution, or the contribuition was probably replaced by another). Action Sridhar Rao will provide a report to Jinri https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/q/filter:scp (number of repos, description, how many times was downloaded, etc.). Action Martin Skorupski: will provide a description of yang model repo to Jinri.
      3. 2022-10-20: Jack - there are meetings ongoing with the legal team in meeting, they are trying to work out some details on the charter, an e-mail vote will be set up.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the charter is the main issue, there are 2 options: (1) to have 2 license O-RAN and SCCL depending on the project or (2) to have only one license for all the projects (the future ones). It does not impact the Apache v2.0 in the OSC.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com one slide on the topic was presented at the board meeting, Jinri will continue follwing this topic. 
      6. 2022-10-27: Martin Skorupski https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/toc/message/812 → Licensing Headers. Jinri will update on that as soon as legal aspect will clarified.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

      1. 2022-10-06: Former user (Deleted) demos (videos 5min/10min) are in preparation, H release planning discussion (RSAC Meetings). An agenda proposal was sent by Jinri. Organization is ongoing.
      2. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com OSC session on October 20, link to the registration will be sharing (the agenda and other details will be also shared) → https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OAH/pages/2517565622/Agenda+of+the+F2F+meeting+October+17-21+2022+Madrid 
      3. 2022-10-13: Former user (Deleted) list of demos already available (https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/12518526/OSC_F2F_Oct20_2022.pptx?api=v2) plase complet if needed. 10/15 min per project is expected.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com F2F meeting, Junri has sent an e-mail with a webex link. Jinri has also updated the agenda adn included a link for the demo materials.
      5. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com 15 min will be allocated for G release discussion.
      6. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Quite good feedback from OSC F2F meeting, at least 50 peaople participating (on site + online). The link/colaboration betwen OSC PG and O-RAN WG is not visible. Jinri suggest one table to map OSC PGs and O-RAN WGs.
      7. 2022-10-27: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Regarding demos, it was probably a bit difficult for people spend efford on looking all this demos that were quite technical. Some improvements could be done adding some introductions and narrative, maybe the O-RAN office could help on that.
    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
      4. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the process is ongoing. summary session will be held at the end of Nov.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. Budget:
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack  - budget plan will be reviewed during the next board meeting. OSC stayed under the budget, it covers cost relative to the repos, support for the community. OSC founds 100% of the community fees.
      2. 2022-10-13: Sridhar Rao: two types of scanning: (1) license scanning of release code, twice a year, and (2) dependecy scanning (nexus). There is an increase in the license scanning part by ~30%, there is a discussion on going with team with is responsable. Action Sridhra: will provide a short presentation on the existing years budgets where the major line items spends. Two options: (1) accept the increase, (2) look for a new provider (and (3) cut budget from somewhere else).
      3. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao  he is finalising the slides, it should be ready for next week. The previus AP should be adress next meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com some budget alocation from EC could be possible, some contributors are planning to buy some equipments in particular vendor members, you will be contacted.
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com OSC budget was validated by the board, Junri is working with James and David to the allocation. 
    5. Fyuz event :
      1. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] Fyuz event organization. There is a template presentation for the event, contributions will put together in a drive. The event will take place on the first day (25 Oct on evening breakout) at 16h30 CET.
      2. 2022-10-06: huangjinri@chinamobile.comfyuz event: lack of some informations from speakers (e.g. photos, mail adress), Later on Jinri will loop all the speakers.
      3. 2022-10-13: Jinri, We are waiting for further information from the organisers.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com all the information is complet. you can check the agenda - https://www.fyuz.events/EN/pages/Agenda
      5. 2022-10-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com 7 presentation during the event.
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack - New Jersey OSC lab will experiment a small window of the disruption mid next year (one week at the most).
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
      3. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] meeting with people from the 5G super blueprint organization, the slice SLA has been identified as a use case of interest, so we will work on that (H release). Connection from OSC lab to their lab is expected as part of H release.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
      2. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao have being working with James on the use of xTesting, and also updating wiki page with the use of xtesting.
      3. 2022-10-20:  avinash.bhat AI/ML project is doing well afetr some issues with the creation of repos,the seed cide is completely committed, they have a basic version of the C code available, they will presnet a demo during F2F meeting.
      4. 2022-10-20: Jack - the scan of new code has to be planned in advance in order to avoir last minute issues. Sridhar Rao is planning to scan all the current release in the midle of the release schedule. Jack - November the 10th should be a good Time. AP Sridhar Rao launch a code scan on November 10th.
      5. 2022-10-27: avinash.bhat AI/ML project has been started in the group, work is ongoing and cross-project coordination is also ongoing, a presentation on topic can be expected by December.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-09-22: Former user (Deleted) : rounding up demos for f2f event (links are posted to wiki), intend to gather representers from almost all project and provide summary of lab status during f2f.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  10.  Planning for Next Meeting 
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 10 20


Meeting Recording:



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): William DIEGO

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Kexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash Bhatx

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-10-13) approval: Motion to be proposed by William DIEGO  second by  huangjinri@chinamobile.com and the Motion was Approved.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-09-08: John Paul Lane and Thoralf Czichy have feedbacked, huangjinri@chinamobile.com will follow up.
      2. 2022-09-22: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the approval process is slowing down due to exchanges of comments, will push forward.
      3. 2022-10-06: John Paul Lane request revised Technical Charter and CCLA before to be submitted to the validation by the board. 
      4. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com request from Hank: how many codes under O-RAN software license? How many code of that have being donwloaded from our website? how many os those code have being integrated in our main gerrit? Thoralf Czichy can check it from our gerrit. There are currently 4 projects coming up, and none of them are active (no contribution, or the contribuition was probably replaced by another). Action Sridhar Rao will provide a report to Jinri https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/q/filter:scp (number of repos, description, how many times was downloaded, etc.). Action Martin Skorupski: will provide a description of yang model repo to Jinri.
      5. 2022-10-20: Jack - there are meetings ongoing with the legal team in meeting, they are trying to work out some details on the charter, an e-mail vote will be set up.
      6. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the charter is the main issue, there are 2 options: (1) to have 2 license O-RAN and SCCL depending on the project or (2) to have only one license for all the projects (the future ones). It does not impact the Apache v2.0 in the OSC.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

      1. 2022-10-06: Former user (Deleted) demos (videos 5min/10min) are in preparation, H release planning discussion (RSAC Meetings). An agenda proposal was sent by Jinri. Organization is ongoing.
      2. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com OSC session on October 20, link to the registration will be sharing (the agenda and other details will be also shared) → https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OAH/pages/2517565622/Agenda+of+the+F2F+meeting+October+17-21+2022+Madrid 
      3. 2022-10-13: Former user (Deleted) list of demos already available (https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/12518526/OSC_F2F_Oct20_2022.pptx?api=v2) plase complet if needed. 10/15 min per project is expected.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com F2F meeting, Junri has sent an e-mail with a webex link. Jinri has also updated the agenda adn included a link for the demo materials.
      5. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com 15 min will be allocated for G release discussion.
    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. Budget:
      1. 2022-09-01: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: some budget has been approved by board meeting, can be used to buy some tools for o-ran alliance purpose, call for proposals. David Kinsey [AT&T]  is expecting quotes for additionaly RU simulation tools (software). will send them to Jinri to see how to move forward.
      2. 2022-10-06: Jack  - budget plan will be reviewed during the next board meeting. OSC stayed under the budget, it covers cost relative to the repos, support for the community. OSC founds 100% of the community fees.
      3. 2022-10-13: Sridhar Rao: two types of scanning: (1) license scanning of release code, twice a year, and (2) dependecy scanning (nexus). There is an increase in the license scanning part by ~30%, there is a discussion on going with team with is responsable. Action Sridhra: will provide a short presentation on the existing years budgets where the major line items spends. Two options: (1) accept the increase, (2) look for a new provider (and (3) cut budget from somewhere else).
      4. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao  he is finalising the slides, it should be ready for next week. The previus AP should be adress next meeting.
      5. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com some budget alocation from EC could be possible, some contributors are planning to buy some equipments in particular vendor members, you will be contacted.
    5. Fyuz event :
      1. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] Fyuz event organization. There is a template presentation for the event, contributions will put together in a drive. The event will take place on the first day (25 Oct on evening breakout) at 16h30 CET.
      2. 2022-10-06: huangjinri@chinamobile.comfyuz event: lack of some informations from speakers (e.g. photos, mail adress), Later on Jinri will loop all the speakers.
      3. 2022-10-13: Jinri, We are waiting for further information from the organisers.
      4. 2022-10-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com all the information is complet. you can check the agenda - https://www.fyuz.events/EN/pages/Agenda
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-10-06: Jack - New Jersey OSC lab will experiment a small window of the disruption mid next year (one week at the most).
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
      3. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] meeting with people from the 5G super blueprint organization, the slice SLA has been identified as a use case of interest, so we will work on that (H release). Connection from OSC lab to their lab is expected as part of H release.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-01 Sridhar Rao on new project, most of things are done, report is ready, gerrit project is created, wiki page has been setup, ready to contribute code from AL/ML framework. on report generation issue scan of smo/ves project, 2 types of scan, one is dependency type which is done in nexus clm jobs, another is source level scanning. with next clm jobs, there is no dedicated policy configured for O-RAN, wondering to know the background of the missing of these policies.  Sridhar Rao will gather related materials for discussion in future TOC meetings.
      2. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
      3. 2022-10-20: Sridhar Rao have being working with James on the use of xTesting, and also updating wiki page with the use of xtesting.
      4. 2022-10-20:  avinash.bhat AL/ML project is doing well afetr some issues with the creation of repos,the seed cide is completely committed, they have a basic version of the C code available, they will presnet a demo during F2F meeting.
      5. 2022-10-20: Jack - the scan of new code has to be planned in advance in order to avoir last minute issues. Sridhar Rao is planning to scan all the current release in the midle of the release schedule. Jack - November the 10th should be a good Time. AP Sridhar Rao launch a code scan on November 10th.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-09-01: Jack mentioned AL/ML project need to update the wiki for release management: G Release.
        2. 2022-09-15: Former user (Deleted) want some update on lab status, David Kinsey [AT&T] : creating onboarding package to deploy ocu to ocloud. might be a target for H release. MVP-C and network slicing use cases is also discussed.
        3. 2022-09-22: Former user (Deleted) : rounding up demos for f2f event (links are posted to wiki), intend to gather representers from almost all project and provide summary of lab status during f2f.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. Avinash Bhat AL/ML framework
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Thoralf : GS getting started "site space" cleanup: Getting Started 
      1. Update the page to notify people that it is under construction (Action : Mahesh)
        1. 2022-09-01 Mahesh and Thoralf Czichy  updated progress
    2. Network slicing from WS1
      1. 2022-09-01: Jack Murraybrought this topic on the table for discussion
    3. 2022-09-22: avinash.bhat  seeks help for an issue about encoder/decoder for 3gpp message provided by Nokia. Thoralf Czichy will offer help.
    4. 2022-09-22: Matt Watkins: need some maintainence work on jenkins infrastructure which results short time service down.
  10.  Planning for Next Meeting 
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 10 13


Meeting Recording:



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): William DIEGO

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego

Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang X
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXKexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash BhatX

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-09-29) approval: Motion to be proposed by Jackie Huang  second by John Paul Lane  and the Motion was Approved.
    2. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-10-06) approval:Motion to be proposed by  huangjinri@chinamobile.com  second by John Paul Lane  and the Motion was Approved.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
    1. Sridhar Rao: cost associated with scanning the code base for releases.
  3. Release Votes and Approval

    1. Jack: cost structure discussion.
  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-09-08: John Paul Lane and Thoralf Czichy have feedbacked, huangjinri@chinamobile.com will follow up.
      2. 2022-09-22: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the approval process is slowing down due to exchanges of comments, will push forward.
      3. 2022-10-06: John Paul Lane request revised Technical Charter and CCLA before to be submitted to the validation by the board. 
      4. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com request from Hank: how many codes under O-RAN software license? How many code of that have being donwloaded from our website? how many os those code have being integrated in our main gerrit? Thoralf Czichy can check it from our gerrit. There are currently 4 projects coming up, and none of them are active (no contribution, or the contribuition was probably replaced by another). Action Sridhar Rao will provide a report to Jinri https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/q/filter:scp (number of repos, description, how many times was downloaded, etc.). Action Martin Skorupski: will provide a description of yang model repo to Jinri.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

      1. 2022-10-06: Former user (Deleted) demos (videos 5min/10min) are in preparation, H release planning discussion (RSAC Meetings). An agenda proposal was sent by Jinri. Organization is ongoing.
      2. 2022-10-13:  huangjinri@chinamobile.com OSC session on October 20, link to the registration will be sharing (the agenda and other details will be also shared) → https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OAH/pages/2517565622/Agenda+of+the+F2F+meeting+October+17-21+2022+Madrid 
      3. 2022-10-13: Former user (Deleted) list of demos already available (https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/12518526/OSC_F2F_Oct20_2022.pptx?api=v2) plase complet if needed. 10/15 min per project is expected.
    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. Budget:
      1. 2022-09-01: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: some budget has been approved by board meeting, can be used to buy some tools for o-ran alliance purpose, call for proposals. David Kinsey [AT&T]  is expecting quotes for additionaly RU simulation tools (software). will send them to Jinri to see how to move forward.
      2. 2022-10-06: Jack  - budget plan will be reviewed during the next board meeting. OSC stayed under the budget, it covers cost relative to the repos, support for the community. OSC founds 100% of the community fees.
      3. 2022-10-13: Sridhar Rao: two types of scanning: (1) license scanning of release code, twice a year, and (2) dependecy scanning (nexus). There is an increase in the license scanning part by ~30%, there is a discussion on going with team with is responsable. Action Sridhra: will provide a short presentation on the existing years budgets where the major line items spends. Two options: (1)accept the increase, (2) look for a new provider (and (3) cut budget from somewhere else).
    5. Fyuz event :
      1. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] Fyuz event organization. There is a template presentation for the event, contributions will put together in a drive. The event will take place on the first day (25 Oct on evening breakout) at 16h30 CET.
      2. 2022-10-06: huangjinri@chinamobile.comfyuz event: lack of some informations from speakers (e.g. photos, mail adress), Later on Jinri will loop all the speakers.
      3. 2022-10-13: Jinri, We are waiting for further information from the organisers.
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-07-21 : David mentioned that some steps has been provided to zero in on the issues. If not resolved Ganesh from Radisys to provide support 
      2. 2022-09-01: Timing issue has been resolved. ready for usage by du/simulators etc.
      3. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T]:experiencing lab access issue.  About the purchase testing tool, will have a meeting to review the quote. James Li: The lab in west coast will have similar test partner with keysight, wait for the quote. huangjinri@chinamobile.com asks for brief in slides for this purchasing, and David Kinsey [AT&T] will follow up. David Kinsey [AT&T]:  update for Taiwan lab, setup cu/du testing environments, with addiontal budget, they are looking for setup a set of O-Clouds just like NJ lab. by purchasing hardware with specification shared by David Kinsey [AT&T]
      4. 2022-10-06: Jack - New Jersey OSC lab will experiment a small window of the disruption mid next year (one week at the most).
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
      3. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] meeting with people from the 5G super blueprint organization, the slice SLA has been identified as a use case of interest, so we will work on that (H release). Connection from OSC lab to their lab is expected as part of H release.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-01 Sridhar Rao on new project, most of things are done, report is ready, gerrit project is created, wiki page has been setup, ready to contribute code from AL/ML framework. on report generation issue scan of smo/ves project, 2 types of scan, one is dependency type which is done in nexus clm jobs, another is source level scanning. with next clm jobs, there is no dedicated policy configured for O-RAN, wondering to know the background of the missing of these policies.  Sridhar Rao will gather related materials for discussion in future TOC meetings.
      2. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao :will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-09-01: Jack mentioned AL/ML project need to update the wiki for release management: G Release.
        2. 2022-09-15: Former user (Deleted) want some update on lab status, David Kinsey [AT&T] : creating onboarding package to deploy ocu to ocloud. might be a target for H release. MVP-C and network slicing use cases is also discussed.
        3. 2022-09-22: Former user (Deleted) : rounding up demos for f2f event (links are posted to wiki), intend to gather representers from almost all project and provide summary of lab status during f2f.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. (TBD) AL/ML framework
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Thoralf : GS getting started "site space" cleanup: Getting Started 
      1. Update the page to notify people that it is under construction (Action : Mahesh)
        1. 2022-09-01 Mahesh and Thoralf Czichy  updated progress
    2. Network slicing from WS1
      1. 2022-09-01: Jack Murraybrought this topic on the table for discussion
    3. 2022-09-22: avinash.bhat  seeks help for an issue about encoder/decoder for 3gpp message provided by Nokia. Thoralf Czichy will offer help.
    4. 2022-09-22: Matt Watkins: need some maintainence work on jenkins infrastructure which results short time service down.
  10.  Planning for Next Meeting 
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 10 06


Meeting Recording:



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): William DIEGO

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyyes


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barveyes


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangyesJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Kexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

yesAvinash Bhat

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-09-29) will be voted next week.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
  3. Release Votes and Approval

    1. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Request for new NONRTRIC Repo: to be discussed next meeting: https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/toc/topic/94014537#774
      1. 2022-10-06 Voting request from John (Ericsson) seconded by David Kinsey [AT&T]was approved.
  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-07-14 : Need to work on clarification for SCCL license and start having O-RAN WG Material.   Refer to the website on O-RAN Alliance and update the charter Following work with TSC for contributing material to be used down stream. Setup a Meeting with Stephan (he needs to approve the CLA). (Action Point : Jinri)
      2. 2022-07-21 : Meeting planned today and there will be update on this topic next week. The current focus in on O-RAN (does'nt cover 3GPP, ETSI etc)
      3. 2022-07-28 : Meeting with O-RAN Legal Team, the draft of the Project Charter as well as CLA are ready. Once the documents are reviewed the same will be added to the process. There is a continued discussion with ETSI and O-RAN WG on how to organize the documents to make them available to O-RAN SC. Documents will be shared on the reflector . Feedback to be provided by everyone after discussing with their respective legal team.
      4. 2022-08-04: Jinri is out sick, hopefully work on that will make some progress here soon as he's feeling better.
      5. 2022-09-1: Jinri has sent out 2 materials after TOC meeting, no feedback yet so far. Will look for feedback till next TOC meeting.
      6. 2022-09-08: John Paul Lane and Thoralf Czichy have feedbacked, huangjinri@chinamobile.com will follow up.
      7. 2022-09-22: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the approval process is slowing down due to exchanges of comments, will push forward.
      8. 2022-10-06: John Paul Lane request revised Technical Charter and CCLA before to be submitted to the validation by the board. 
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

      1. 2022-10-06: Former user (Deleted) demos (videos 5min/10min) are in preparation, H release planning discussion (RSAC Meetings). An agenda proposal was sent by Jinri. Organization is ongoing.
    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. 2022-09-01: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: some budget has been approved by board meeting, can be used to buy some tools for o-ran alliance purpose, call for proposals. David Kinsey [AT&T]  is expecting quotes for additionaly RU simulation tools (software). will send them to Jinri to see how to move forward.
    5. 2022-09-01:  Matt Watkins introduced himself to community, will do so as well on email reflactor.
    6. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com joint event by O-RAN and TIP
    7. 2022-09-15: huangjinri@chinamobile.com  call for more participants from OSC to join the FYUZ event
    8. 2022-09-22: huangjinri@chinamobile.com updates on FYUZ event: great progess on receving participating interests from community.
    9. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] Fyuz event organization. There is a template presentation for the event, contributions will put together in a drive. The event will take place on the first day (25 Oct on evening breakout) at 16h30 CET.
    10. 2022-10-06: huangjinri@chinamobile.comfyuz event: lack of some informations from speakers (e.g. photos, mail adress), Later on Jinri will loop all the speakers.
    11. 2022-10-06: Jack  - budget plan will be reviewed during the next board meeting. OSC stayed under the budget, it covers cost relative to the repos, support for the community. OSC founds 100% of the community fees.
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-07-21 : David mentioned that some steps has been provided to zero in on the issues. If not resolved Ganesh from Radisys to provide support 
      2. 2022-09-01: Timing issue has been resolved. ready for usage by du/simulators etc.
      3. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T]:experiencing lab access issue.  About the purchase testing tool, will have a meeting to review the quote. James Li: The lab in west coast will have similar test partner with keysight, wait for the quote. huangjinri@chinamobile.com asks for brief in slides for this purchasing, and David Kinsey [AT&T] will follow up. David Kinsey [AT&T]:  update for Taiwan lab, setup cu/du testing environments, with addiontal budget, they are looking for setup a set of O-Clouds just like NJ lab. by purchasing hardware with specification shared by David Kinsey [AT&T]
      4. 2022-10-06: Jack - New Jersey OSC lab will experiment a small window of the disruption mid next year (one week at the most).
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
      3. 2022-10-06:  David Kinsey [AT&T] meeting with people from the 5G super blueprint organization, the slice SLA has been identified as a use case of interest, so we will work on that (H release). Connection from OSC lab to their lab is expected as part of H release.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-01 Sridhar Rao on new project, most of things are done, report is ready, gerrit project is created, wiki page has been setup, ready to contribute code from AL/ML framework. on report generation issue scan of smo/ves project, 2 types of scan, one is dependency type which is done in nexus clm jobs, another is source level scanning. with next clm jobs, there is no dedicated policy configured for O-RAN, wondering to know the background of the missing of these policies.  Sridhar Rao will gather related materials for discussion in future TOC meetings.
      2. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao :will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-07-14 : Rittwik: Updated on the AI/ML Project and mentioned that  pro & Con of separate project were discussed and it was agreed to go with new project.
          1. Samsung will commit 3-5 resources for the AI/ML Project
          2. Call Flow, data Model, touch points should be defined
          3. Define the scope and key other projects that will have deliverables
          4. Jack : Track deliverables. How will it get integrated
          5.  what are the associated project that are tied
          6. Rittwik :  Project disclosure
          7. Tracy: Use case management with respect to AI/ML
          8. Jack : Model Management, what SMO role etc should be covered, What we can do now 
          9. Other G Release activity status was discussed.
          10. Mahesh : Overview of the SMO Plan.
          11. Jack : brought up the documentation readiness and integration touch points .
          12. Rittwik : virtualized DU and collaboration with OAI . Jack clarified the challenges
        2. 2022-07-21 : Review of all project plan are in progress
          1. primer for "G" Release (Action : David/Rittwik)
          2. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T] this is done
        3. 2022-08-04: Continued the discussion on the proposed AI/ML project
        4. 2022-08-11: Jack Murray: I hope to spend a little more time reviewing we're doing in the G release. Thanks to Dave for putting the timeline together and we're getting ready for our Dev sprint 1. We will just the maintenance release status on the Non RT RIC and O-DU-high projects next week.
        5. 2022-09-01: Jack mentioned AL/ML project need to update the wiki for release management: G Release.
        6. 2022-09-15: Former user (Deleted) want some update on lab status, David Kinsey [AT&T] : creating onboarding package to deploy ocu to ocloud. might be a target for H release. MVP-C and network slicing use cases is also discussed.
        7. 2022-09-22: Former user (Deleted) : rounding up demos for f2f event (links are posted to wiki), intend to gather representers from almost all project and provide summary of lab status during f2f.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here 
        2. 2022-09-15: experiencing jenkins issue which blocks comments. will continue to push for help from deployment team.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

        1. 2022-09-22: Ankit Barve undergoning testing in AT&T lab and Taiwan Lab. Ganesh Shenbagaraman updates the status on plugfest.
      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

        1. 2022-09-22 Martin Skorupski :improved identity service for securtiy, new image are based java 11, not java8, working on notified pnf registration.
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2022-09-22 Alex Stancu : working with oam project on notified pnf registration.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2022-09-22 Jackie Huang Add supporting to debian OS. working on O2 service to align to latest  ORAN spec. Bin Yang will initiate the discussion of integration with SMO with help from RSAC.
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. (TBD) AL/ML framework
        1. 2022-09-15: avinash.bhat: had first kickoff meeting, having minor issue about setting up zoom call. Will upload seed codes in upcoming sprint. will attend f2f event to present this project to community. Former user (Deleted) David Kinsey [AT&T]  to add introduction to this project.
        2. 2022-09-22: avinash.bhat : setting up repositories. had discussion about
    4. oran f2f event:
      1. 2022-09-15: David Kinsey [AT&T] : preparing demos (near rt ric, odu) for f2f event, and potential ocu deployment to ocloud if possible, Mahesh mentions they are working on odu and smo demo for f2f event. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will find possible demo to show.
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Thoralf : GS getting started "site space" cleanup: Getting Started 
      1. Update the page to notify people that it is under construction (Action : Mahesh)
        1. 2022-09-01 Mahesh and Thoralf Czichy  updated progress
      2. LF should give permission to all O_RAN SC members (Action : Sridhar)
        1. 2022-07-21 : Action Closed
    2. Network slicing from WS1
      1. 2022-09-01: Jack Murraybrought this topic on the table for discussion
    3. O-RAN and TIP joint "open-ran summit" on FUYZ event, Oct. 25-27, Madrid, Spain
      1. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com:  one dedicated session for "open source", 90~120 minutes, trying to setup the framework for the agenda. Call for volunteers for speaker of topics in agenda.
    4. 2022-09-22: avinash.bhat  seeks help for an issue about encoder/decoder for 3gpp message provided by Nokia. Thoralf Czichy will offer help.
    5. 2022-09-22: Matt Watkins: need some maintainence work on jenkins infrastructure which results short time service down.
  10.  Planning for Next Meeting
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 09 29


Meeting Recording:



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Bin Yang

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair

David Kinsey


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveYes


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang Yes
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyYesKexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash BhatYes

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-09-15) approval: Motion to be proposed by Jackie Huang ... second by John-Paul and the Motion was Approved
    2. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-09-22) approval:Motion to be proposed by  Jackie Huang ... second by John-Paul and the Motion was Approved
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-07-14 : Need to work on clarification for SCCL license and start having O-RAN WG Material.   Refer to the website on O-RAN Alliance and update the charter Following work with TSC for contributing material to be used down stream. Setup a Meeting with Stephan (he needs to approve the CLA). (Action Point : Jinri)
      2. 2022-07-21 : Meeting planned today and there will be update on this topic next week. The current focus in on O-RAN (does'nt cover 3GPP, ETSI etc)
      3. 2022-07-28 : Meeting with O-RAN Legal Team, the draft of the Project Charter as well as CLA are ready. Once the documents are reviewed the same will be added to the process. There is a continued discussion with ETSI and O-RAN WG on how to organize the documents to make them available to O-RAN SC. Documents will be shared on the reflector . Feedback to be provided by everyone after discussing with their respective legal team.
      4. 2022-08-04: Jinri is out sick, hopefully work on that will make some progress here soon as he's feeling better.
      5. 2022-09-1: Jinri has sent out 2 materials after TOC meeting, no feedback yet so far. Will look for feedback till next TOC meeting.
      6. 2022-09-08: John Paul Lane and Thoralf Czichy have feedbacked, huangjinri@chinamobile.com will follow up.
      7. 2022-09-22: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the approval process is slowing down due to exchanges of comments, will push forward.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. 2022-09-01: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: some budget has been approved by board meeting, can be used to buy some tools for o-ran alliance purpose, call for proposals. David Kinsey [AT&T]  is expecting quotes for additionaly RU simulation tools (software). will send them to Jinri to see how to move forward.
    5. 2022-09-01:  Matt Watkins introduced himself to community, will do so as well on email reflactor.
    6. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com joint event by O-RAN and TIP
    7. 2022-09-15: huangjinri@chinamobile.com  call for more participants from OSC to join the FYUZ event
    8. 2022-09-22: huangjinri@chinamobile.com updates on FYUZ event: great progess on receving participating interests from community.
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-07-21 : David mentioned that some steps has been provided to zero in on the issues. If not resolved Ganesh from Radisys to provide support 
      2. 2022-09-01: Timing issue has been resolved. ready for usage by du/simulators etc.
      3. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T]:experiencing lab access issue.  About the purchase testing tool, will have a meeting to review the quote. James Li: The lab in west coast will have similar test partner with keysight, wait for the quote. huangjinri@chinamobile.com asks for brief in slides for this purchasing, and David Kinsey [AT&T] will follow up. David Kinsey [AT&T]:  update for Taiwan lab, setup cu/du testing environments, with addiontal budget, they are looking for setup a set of O-Clouds just like NJ lab. by purchasing hardware with specification shared by David Kinsey [AT&T]
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-01 Sridhar Rao on new project, most of things are done, report is ready, gerrit project is created, wiki page has been setup, ready to contribute code from AL/ML framework. on report generation issue scan of smo/ves project, 2 types of scan, one is dependency type which is done in nexus clm jobs, another is source level scanning. with next clm jobs, there is no dedicated policy configured for O-RAN, wondering to know the background of the missing of these policies.  Sridhar Rao will gather related materials for discussion in future TOC meetings.
      2. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao :will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-07-14 : Rittwik: Updated on the AI/ML Project and mentioned that  pro & Con of separate project were discussed and it was agreed to go with new project.
          1. Samsung will commit 3-5 resources for the AI/ML Project
          2. Call Flow, data Model, touch points should be defined
          3. Define the scope and key other projects that will have deliverables
          4. Jack : Track deliverables. How will it get integrated
          5.  what are the associated project that are tied
          6. Rittwik :  Project disclosure
          7. Tracy: Use case management with respect to AI/ML
          8. Jack : Model Management, what SMO role etc should be covered, What we can do now 
          9. Other G Release activity status was discussed.
          10. Mahesh : Overview of the SMO Plan.
          11. Jack : brought up the documentation readiness and integration touch points .
          12. Rittwik : virtualized DU and collaboration with OAI . Jack clarified the challenges
        2. 2022-07-21 : Review of all project plan are in progress
          1. primer for "G" Release (Action : David/Rittwik)
          2. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T] this is done
        3. 2022-08-04: Continued the discussion on the proposed AI/ML project
        4. 2022-08-11: Jack Murray: I hope to spend a little more time reviewing we're doing in the G release. Thanks to Dave for putting the timeline together and we're getting ready for our Dev sprint 1. We will just the maintenance release status on the Non RT RIC and O-DU-high projects next week.
        5. 2022-09-01: Jack mentioned AL/ML project need to update the wiki for release management: G Release.
        6. 2022-09-15: Former user (Deleted) want some update on lab status, David Kinsey [AT&T] : creating onboarding package to deploy ocu to ocloud. might be a target for H release. MVP-C and network slicing use cases is also discussed.
        7. 2022-09-22: Former user (Deleted) : rounding up demos for f2f event (links are posted to wiki), intend to gather representers from almost all project and provide summary of lab status during f2f.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here 
        2. 2022-09-15: experiencing jenkins issue which blocks comments. will continue to push for help from deployment team.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

        1. 2022-09-22: Ankit Barve undergoning testing in AT&T lab and Taiwan Lab. Ganesh Shenbagaraman updates the status on plugfest.
      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

        1. 2022-09-22 Martin Skorupski :improved identity service for securtiy, new image are based java 11, not java8, working on notified pnf registration.
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2022-09-22 Alex Stancu : working with oam project on notified pnf registration.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2022-09-22 Jackie Huang Add supporting to debian OS. working on O2 service to align to latest  ORAN spec. Bin Yang will initiate the discussion of integration with SMO with help from RSAC.
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. (TBD) AL/ML framework
        1. 2022-09-15: avinash.bhat: had first kickoff meeting, having minor issue about setting up zoom call. Will upload seed codes in upcoming sprint. will attend f2f event to present this project to community. Former user (Deleted) David Kinsey [AT&T]  to add introduction to this project.
        2. 2022-09-22: avinash.bhat : setting up repositories. had discussion about
    4. oran f2f event:
      1. 2022-09-15: David Kinsey [AT&T] : preparing demos (near rt ric, odu) for f2f event, and potential ocu deployment to ocloud if possible, Mahesh mentions they are working on odu and smo demo for f2f event. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will find possible demo to show.
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Thoralf : GS getting started "site space" cleanup: Getting Started 
      1. Update the page to notify people that it is under construction (Action : Mahesh)
        1. 2022-09-01 Mahesh and Thoralf Czichy  updated progress
      2. LF should give permission to all O_RAN SC members (Action : Sridhar)
        1. 2022-07-21 : Action Closed
    2. Network slicing from WS1
      1. 2022-09-01: Jack Murraybrought this topic on the table for discussion
    3. O-RAN and TIP joint "open-ran summit" on FUYZ event, Oct. 25-27, Madrid, Spain
      1. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com:  one dedicated session for "open source", 90~120 minutes, trying to setup the framework for the agenda. Call for volunteers for speaker of topics in agenda.
    4. 2022-09-22: avinash.bhat  seeks help for an issue about encoder/decoder for 3gpp message provided by Nokia. Thoralf Czichy will offer help.
    5. 2022-09-22: Matt Watkins: need some maintainence work on jenkins infrastructure which results short time service down.
  10.  Planning for Next Meeting
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 09 22


Meeting Recording:



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Bin Yang

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda

Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyx


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Kexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash Bhatx

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-09-15) approval: deferred to next TOC meeting
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-07-14 : Need to work on clarification for SCCL license and start having O-RAN WG Material.   Refer to the website on O-RAN Alliance and update the charter Following work with TSC for contributing material to be used down stream. Setup a Meeting with Stephan (he needs to approve the CLA). (Action Point : Jinri)
      2. 2022-07-21 : Meeting planned today and there will be update on this topic next week. The current focus in on O-RAN (does'nt cover 3GPP, ETSI etc)
      3. 2022-07-28 : Meeting with O-RAN Legal Team, the draft of the Project Charter as well as CLA are ready. Once the documents are reviewed the same will be added to the process. There is a continued discussion with ETSI and O-RAN WG on how to organize the documents to make them available to O-RAN SC. Documents will be shared on the reflector . Feedback to be provided by everyone after discussing with their respective legal team.
      4. 2022-08-04: Jinri is out sick, hopefully work on that will make some progress here soon as he's feeling better.
      5. 2022-09-1: Jinri has sent out 2 materials after TOC meeting, no feedback yet so far. Will look for feedback till next TOC meeting.
      6. 2022-09-08: John Paul Lane and Thoralf Czichy have feedbacked, huangjinri@chinamobile.com will follow up.
      7. 2022-09-22: huangjinri@chinamobile.com the approval process is slowing down due to exchanges of comments, will push forward.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. 2022-09-01: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: some budget has been approved by board meeting, can be used to buy some tools for o-ran alliance purpose, call for proposals. David Kinsey [AT&T]  is expecting quotes for additionaly RU simulation tools (software). will send them to Jinri to see how to move forward.
    5. 2022-09-01:  Matt Watkins introduced himself to community, will do so as well on email reflactor.
    6. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com joint event by O-RAN and TIP
    7. 2022-09-15: huangjinri@chinamobile.com  call for more participants from OSC to join the FYUZ event
    8. 2022-09-22: huangjinri@chinamobile.com updates on FYUZ event: great progess on receving participating interests from community.
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-07-21 : David mentioned that some steps has been provided to zero in on the issues. If not resolved Ganesh from Radisys to provide support 
      2. 2022-09-01: Timing issue has been resolved. ready for usage by du/simulators etc.
      3. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T]:experiencing lab access issue.  About the purchase testing tool, will have a meeting to review the quote. James Li: The lab in west coast will have similar test partner with keysight, wait for the quote. huangjinri@chinamobile.com asks for brief in slides for this purchasing, and David Kinsey [AT&T] will follow up. David Kinsey [AT&T]:  update for Taiwan lab, setup cu/du testing environments, with addiontal budget, they are looking for setup a set of O-Clouds just like NJ lab. by purchasing hardware with specification shared by David Kinsey [AT&T]
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
      2. 2022-09-29: bwick  : will discuss offline with David Kinsey [AT&T]  to brainstorm ideas.
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-01 Sridhar Rao on new project, most of things are done, report is ready, gerrit project is created, wiki page has been setup, ready to contribute code from AL/ML framework. on report generation issue scan of smo/ves project, 2 types of scan, one is dependency type which is done in nexus clm jobs, another is source level scanning. with next clm jobs, there is no dedicated policy configured for O-RAN, wondering to know the background of the missing of these policies.  Sridhar Rao will gather related materials for discussion in future TOC meetings.
      2. 2022-09-22 Sridhar Rao :will setup a meeting for interacting for PTLs and LF teams.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-07-14 : Rittwik: Updated on the AI/ML Project and mentioned that  pro & Con of separate project were discussed and it was agreed to go with new project.
          1. Samsung will commit 3-5 resources for the AI/ML Project
          2. Call Flow, data Model, touch points should be defined
          3. Define the scope and key other projects that will have deliverables
          4. Jack : Track deliverables. How will it get integrated
          5.  what are the associated project that are tied
          6. Rittwik :  Project disclosure
          7. Tracy: Use case management with respect to AI/ML
          8. Jack : Model Management, what SMO role etc should be covered, What we can do now 
          9. Other G Release activity status was discussed.
          10. Mahesh : Overview of the SMO Plan.
          11. Jack : brought up the documentation readiness and integration touch points .
          12. Rittwik : virtualized DU and collaboration with OAI . Jack clarified the challenges
        2. 2022-07-21 : Review of all project plan are in progress
          1. primer for "G" Release (Action : David/Rittwik)
          2. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T] this is done
        3. 2022-08-04: Continued the discussion on the proposed AI/ML project
        4. 2022-08-11: Jack Murray: I hope to spend a little more time reviewing we're doing in the G release. Thanks to Dave for putting the timeline together and we're getting ready for our Dev sprint 1. We will just the maintenance release status on the Non RT RIC and O-DU-high projects next week.
        5. 2022-09-01: Jack mentioned AL/ML project need to update the wiki for release management: G Release.
        6. 2022-09-15: Former user (Deleted) want some update on lab status, David Kinsey [AT&T] : creating onboarding package to deploy ocu to ocloud. might be a target for H release. MVP-C and network slicing use cases is also discussed.
        7. 2022-09-22: Former user (Deleted) : rounding up demos for f2f event (links are posted to wiki), intend to gather representers from almost all project and provide summary of lab status during f2f.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here 
        2. 2022-09-15: experiencing jenkins issue which blocks comments. will continue to push for help from deployment team.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

        1. 2022-09-22: Ankit Barve undergoning testing in AT&T lab and Taiwan Lab. Ganesh Shenbagaraman updates the status on plugfest.
      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

        1. 2022-09-22 Martin Skorupski :improved identity service for securtiy, new image are based java 11, not java8, working on notified pnf registration.
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2022-09-22 Alex Stancu : working with oam project on notified pnf registration.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2022-09-22 Jackie Huang Add supporting to debian OS. working on O2 service to align to latest  ORAN spec. Bin Yang will initiate the discussion of integration with SMO with help from RSAC.
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. (TBD) AL/ML framework
        1. 2022-09-15: avinash.bhat: had first kickoff meeting, having minor issue about setting up zoom call. Will upload seed codes in upcoming sprint. will attend f2f event to present this project to community. Former user (Deleted) David Kinsey [AT&T]  to add introduction to this project.
        2. 2022-09-22: avinash.bhat : setting up repositories. had discussion about
    4. oran f2f event:
      1. 2022-09-15: David Kinsey [AT&T] : preparing demos (near rt ric, odu) for f2f event, and potential ocu deployment to ocloud if possible, Mahesh mentions they are working on odu and smo demo for f2f event. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will find possible demo to show.
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Thoralf : GS getting started "site space" cleanup: Getting Started 
      1. Update the page to notify people that it is under construction (Action : Mahesh)
        1. 2022-09-01 Mahesh and Thoralf Czichy  updated progress
      2. LF should give permission to all O_RAN SC members (Action : Sridhar)
        1. 2022-07-21 : Action Closed
    2. Network slicing from WS1
      1. 2022-09-01: Jack Murraybrought this topic on the table for discussion
    3. O-RAN and TIP joint "open-ran summit" on FUYZ event, Oct. 25-27, Madrid, Spain
      1. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com:  one dedicated session for "open source", 90~120 minutes, trying to setup the framework for the agenda. Call for volunteers for speaker of topics in agenda.
    4. 2022-09-22: Ankit Barve  seeks help for an issue about encoder/decoder for 3gpp message provided by Nokia. Thoralf Czichy will offer help.
    5. 2022-09-22: Matt Watkins: need some maintainence work on jenkins infrastructure which results short time service down.
  10.  Planning for Next Meeting
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 09 15


Meeting Recording:



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Bin Yang

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang x
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxKexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

xAvinash Bhat

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (2022-09-08) approval: Motion to be proposed by Jackie Huang second by Andrea Buldorini [TIM]   and the Motion was approved
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-07-14 : Need to work on clarification for SCCL license and start having O-RAN WG Material.   Refer to the website on O-RAN Alliance and update the charter Following work with TSC for contributing material to be used down stream. Setup a Meeting with Stephan (he needs to approve the CLA). (Action Point : Jinri)
      2. 2022-07-21 : Meeting planned today and there will be update on this topic next week. The current focus in on O-RAN (does'nt cover 3GPP, ETSI etc)
      3. 2022-07-28 : Meeting with O-RAN Legal Team, the draft of the Project Charter as well as CLA are ready. Once the documents are reviewed the same will be added to the process. There is a continued discussion with ETSI and O-RAN WG on how to organize the documents to make them available to O-RAN SC. Documents will be shared on the reflector . Feedback to be provided by everyone after discussing with their respective legal team.
      4. 2022-08-04: Jinri is out sick, hopefully work on that will make some progress here soon as he's feeling better.
      5. 2022-09-1: Jinri has sent out 2 materials after TOC meeting, no feedback yet so far. Will look for feedback till next TOC meeting.
      6. 2022-09-08: John Paul Lane and Thoralf Czichy have feedbacked, huangjinri@chinamobile.com will follow up.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. 2022-09-01: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: some budget has been approved by board meeting, can be used to buy some tools for o-ran alliance purpose, call for proposals. David Kinsey [AT&T]  is expecting quotes for additionaly RU simulation tools (software). will send them to Jinri to see how to move forward.
    5. 2022-09-01:  Matt Watkins introduced himself to community, will do so as well on email reflactor.
    6. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com joint event by O-RAN and TIP
    7. 2022-09-15: huangjinri@chinamobile.com  call for more participants from OSC to join the FYUZ event
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-07-21 : David mentioned that some steps has been provided to zero in on the issues. If not resolved Ganesh from Radisys to provide support 
      2. 2022-09-01: Timing issue has been resolved. ready for usage by du/simulators etc.
      3. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T]:experiencing lab access issue.  About the purchase testing tool, will have a meeting to review the quote. James Li: The lab in west coast will have similar test partner with keysight, wait for the quote. huangjinri@chinamobile.com asks for brief in slides for this purchasing, and David Kinsey [AT&T] will follow up. David Kinsey [AT&T]:  update for Taiwan lab, setup cu/du testing environments, with addiontal budget, they are looking for setup a set of O-Clouds just like NJ lab. by purchasing hardware with specification shared by David Kinsey [AT&T]
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-01 Sridhar Rao on new project, most of things are done, report is ready, gerrit project is created, wiki page has been setup, ready to contribute code from AL/ML framework. on report generation issue scan of smo/ves project, 2 types of scan, one is dependency type which is done in nexus clm jobs, another is source level scanning. with next clm jobs, there is no dedicated policy configured for O-RAN, wondering to know the background of the missing of these policies.  Sridhar Rao will gather related materials for discussion in future TOC meetings.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-07-14 : Rittwik: Updated on the AI/ML Project and mentioned that  pro & Con of separate project were discussed and it was agreed to go with new project.
          1. Samsung will commit 3-5 resources for the AI/ML Project
          2. Call Flow, data Model, touch points should be defined
          3. Define the scope and key other projects that will have deliverables
          4. Jack : Track deliverables. How will it get integrated
          5.  what are the associated project that are tied
          6. Rittwik :  Project disclosure
          7. Tracy: Use case management with respect to AI/ML
          8. Jack : Model Management, what SMO role etc should be covered, What we can do now 
          9. Other G Release activity status was discussed.
          10. Mahesh : Overview of the SMO Plan.
          11. Jack : brought up the documentation readiness and integration touch points .
          12. Rittwik : virtualized DU and collaboration with OAI . Jack clarified the challenges
        2. 2022-07-21 : Review of all project plan are in progress
          1. primer for "G" Release (Action : David/Rittwik)
          2. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T] this is done
        3. 2022-08-04: Continued the discussion on the proposed AI/ML project
        4. 2022-08-11: Jack Murray: I hope to spend a little more time reviewing we're doing in the G release. Thanks to Dave for putting the timeline together and we're getting ready for our Dev sprint 1. We will just the maintenance release status on the Non RT RIC and O-DU-high projects next week.
        5. 2022-09-01: Jack mentioned AL/ML project need to update the wiki for release management: G Release.
        6. 2022-09-15: Former user (Deleted) want some update on lab status, David Kinsey [AT&T] : creating onboarding package to deploy ocu to ocloud. might be a target for H release. MVP-C and network slicing use cases is also discussed.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here 
        2. 2022-09-15: experiencing jenkins issue which blocks comments. will continue to push for help from deployment team.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. (TBD) AL/ML framework
        1. 2022-09-15: avinash.bhat: had first kickoff meeting, having minor issue about setting up zoom call. Will upload seed codes in upcoming sprint. will attend f2f event to present this project to community. Former user (Deleted) David Kinsey [AT&T]  to add introduction to this project.
    4. oran f2f event:
      1. 2022-09-15: David Kinsey [AT&T] : preparing demos (near rt ric, odu) for f2f event, and potential ocu deployment to ocloud if possible, Mahesh mentions they are working on odu and smo demo for f2f event. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will find possible demo to show.
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Thoralf : GS getting started "site space" cleanup: Getting Started 
      1. Update the page to notify people that it is under construction (Action : Mahesh)
        1. 2022-09-01 Mahesh and Thoralf Czichy  updated progress
      2. LF should give permission to all O_RAN SC members (Action : Sridhar)
        1. 2022-07-21 : Action Closed
    2. Network slicing from WS1
      1. 2022-09-01: Jack Murraybrought this topic on the table for discussion
    3. O-RAN and TIP joint "open-ran summit" on FUYZ event, Oct. 25-27, Madrid, Spain
      1. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com:  one dedicated session for "open source", 90~120 minutes, trying to setup the framework for the agenda. Call for volunteers for speaker of topics in agenda.
  10.  Planning for Next Meeting
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 09 08


Meeting Recording:



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Bin Yang

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair

David Kinsey


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


William Diego

Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Kexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash Bhatx

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (1st Sept. 2022) approval: Motion to be proposed by Bin Yang second by avinash.bhat  and the Motion was approved
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-07-14 : Need to work on clarification for SCCL license and start having O-RAN WG Material.   Refer to the website on O-RAN Alliance and update the charter Following work with TSC for contributing material to be used down stream. Setup a Meeting with Stephan (he needs to approve the CLA). (Action Point : Jinri)
      2. 2022-07-21 : Meeting planned today and there will be update on this topic next week. The current focus in on O-RAN (does'nt cover 3GPP, ETSI etc)
      3. 2022-07-28 : Meeting with O-RAN Legal Team, the draft of the Project Charter as well as CLA are ready. Once the documents are reviewed the same will be added to the process. There is a continued discussion with ETSI and O-RAN WG on how to organize the documents to make them available to O-RAN SC. Documents will be shared on the reflector . Feedback to be provided by everyone after discussing with their respective legal team.
      4. 2022-08-04: Jinri is out sick, hopefully work on that will make some progress here soon as he's feeling better.
      5. 2022-09-1: Jinri has sent out 2 materials after TOC meeting, no feedback yet so far. Will look for feedback till next TOC meeting.
      6. 2022-09-08: John Paul Lane and Thoralf Czichy have feedbacked, huangjinri@chinamobile.com will follow up.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
      3. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com : CFH is closed, with about 80 participants.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. 2022-09-01: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: some budget has been approved by board meeting, can be used to buy some tools for o-ran alliance purpose, call for proposals. David Kinsey [AT&T]  is expecting quotes for additionaly RU simulation tools (software). will send them to Jinri to see how to move forward.
    5. 2022-09-01:  Matt Watkins introduced himself to community, will do so as well on email reflactor.
    6. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com joint event by O-RAN and TIP
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-07-21 : David mentioned that some steps has been provided to zero in on the issues. If not resolved Ganesh from Radisys to provide support 
      2. 2022-09-01: Timing issue has been resolved. ready for usage by du/simulators etc.
      3. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T]:experiencing lab access issue.  About the purchase testing tool, will have a meeting to review the quote. James Li: The lab in west coast will have similar test partner with keysight, wait for the quote. huangjinri@chinamobile.com asks for brief in slides for this purchasing, and David Kinsey [AT&T] will follow up. David Kinsey [AT&T]:  update for Taiwan lab, setup cu/du testing environments, with addiontal budget, they are looking for setup a set of O-Clouds just like NJ lab. by purchasing hardware with specification shared by David Kinsey [AT&T]
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-01 Sridhar Rao on new project, most of things are done, report is ready, gerrit project is created, wiki page has been setup, ready to contribute code from AL/ML framework. on report generation issue scan of smo/ves project, 2 types of scan, one is dependency type which is done in nexus clm jobs, another is source level scanning. with next clm jobs, there is no dedicated policy configured for O-RAN, wondering to know the background of the missing of these policies.  Sridhar Rao will gather related materials for discussion in future TOC meetings.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-07-14 : Rittwik: Updated on the AI/ML Project and mentioned that  pro & Con of separate project were discussed and it was agreed to go with new project.
          1. Samsung will commit 3-5 resources for the AI/ML Project
          2. Call Flow, data Model, touch points should be defined
          3. Define the scope and key other projects that will have deliverables
          4. Jack : Track deliverables. How will it get integrated
          5.  what are the associated project that are tied
          6. Rittwik :  Project disclosure
          7. Tracy: Use case management with respect to AI/ML
          8. Jack : Model Management, what SMO role etc should be covered, What we can do now 
          9. Other G Release activity status was discussed.
          10. Mahesh : Overview of the SMO Plan.
          11. Jack : brought up the documentation readiness and integration touch points .
          12. Rittwik : virtualized DU and collaboration with OAI . Jack clarified the challenges
        2. 2022-07-21 : Review of all project plan are in progress
          1. primer for "G" Release (Action : David/Rittwik)
          2. 2022-09-08: David Kinsey [AT&T] this is done
        3. 2022-08-04: Continued the discussion on the proposed AI/ML project
        4. 2022-08-11: Jack Murray: I hope to spend a little more time reviewing we're doing in the G release. Thanks to Dave for putting the timeline together and we're getting ready for our Dev sprint 1. We will just the maintenance release status on the Non RT RIC and O-DU-high projects next week.
        5. 2022-09-01: Jack mentioned AL/ML project need to update the wiki for release management: G Release.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here 
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. (TBD) AL/ML framework
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Thoralf : GS getting started "site space" cleanup: Getting Started 
      1. Update the page to notify people that it is under construction (Action : Mahesh)
        1. 2022-09-01 Mahesh and Thoralf Czichy  updated progress
      2. LF should give permission to all O_RAN SC members (Action : Sridhar)
        1. 2022-07-21 : Action Closed
    2. Network slicing from WS1
      1. 2022-09-01: Jack Murraybrought this topic on the table for discussion
    3. O-RAN and TIP joint "open-ran summit" on FUYZ event, Oct. 25-27, Madrid, Spain
      1. 2022-09-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com:  one dedicated session for "open source", 90~120 minutes, trying to setup the framework for the agenda. Call for volunteers for speaker of topics in agenda.
  10.  Planning for Next Meeting
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 09 01


Meeting Recording:

Topic: Zoom3 O-RAN SC's Personal Meeting Room

Start Time: Aug 25, 2022 09:01 AM EST

Meeting Recording:  



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Bin Yang

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Jack Murray Co-Chair


David Kinsey

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyx


William Diego


Vincent Danno


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxKexuan Sun

JinGuk Jeong

Avinash Bhatx

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (25th August 2022) approval: Motion to be proposed by James Li second by John Paul Lane  and the Motion was approved
  2. Review of Today's Agenda.
    1. Jack will be off for next TOC meeting, Jinri agreed to cover for him to run next TOC meeting
  3. Release Votes and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. 2022-07-14 : Need to work on clarification for SCCL license and start having O-RAN WG Material.   Refer to the website on O-RAN Alliance and update the charter Following work with TSC for contributing material to be used down stream. Setup a Meeting with Stephan (he needs to approve the CLA). (Action Point : Jinri)
      2. 2022-07-21 : Meeting planned today and there will be update on this topic next week. The current focus in on O-RAN (does'nt cover 3GPP, ETSI etc)
      3. 2022-07-28 : Meeting with O-RAN Legal Team, the draft of the Project Charter as well as CLA are ready. Once the documents are reviewed the same will be added to the process. There is a continued discussion with ETSI and O-RAN WG on how to organize the documents to make them available to O-RAN SC. Documents will be shared on the reflector . Feedback to be provided by everyone after discussing with their respective legal team.
      4. 2022-08-04: Jinri is out sick, hopefully work on that will make some progress here soon as he's feeling better.
      5. 2022-09-1: Jinri has sent out 2 materials after TOC meeting, no feedback yet so far. Will look for feedback till next TOC meeting.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting (Oct'22)

    2. Plugfest
      1. 2022-07-21 : O-RAN Alliance will initiate the Call for Host on July 24th
      2. 2022-08-11: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: Call for host for the fall Plugfest has been issued, and there are quite a few applications for host.
    3. Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
      1. 2022-07-14 : There is no update this week
    4. 2022-09-01: huangjinri@chinamobile.com: some budget has been approved by board meeting, can be used to buy some tools for o-ran alliance purpose, call for proposals. David Kinsey [AT&T]  is expecting quotes for additionaly RU simulation tools (software). will send them to Jinri to see how to move forward.
    5. 2022-09-01:  Matt Watkins introduced himself to community, will do so as well on email reflactor.
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "G" Release 
    2. OSC Lab
      1. 2022-07-21 : David mentioned that some steps has been provided to zero in on the issues. If not resolved Ganesh from Radisys to provide support 
      2. 2022-09-01: Timing issue has been resolved. ready for usage by du/simulators etc.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2022-07-21 : David  mentioned that there hasnt been any progress on this. Decided to move to H release. (Updated the title header from G to H to reflect the same)
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2022-09-01 Sridhar Rao on new project, most of things are done, report is ready, gerrit project is created, wiki page has been setup, ready to contribute code from AL/ML framework. on report generation issue scan of smo/ves project, 2 types of scan, one is dependency type which is done in nexus clm jobs, another is source level scanning. with next clm jobs, there is no dedicated policy configured for O-RAN, wondering to know the background of the missing of these policies.  Sridhar Rao will gather related materials for discussion in future TOC meetings.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. "G" Release
        1. 2022-07-14 : Rittwik: Updated on the AI/ML Project and mentioned that  pro & Con of separate project were discussed and it was agreed to go with new project.
          1. Samsung will commit 3-5 resources for the AI/ML Project
          2. Call Flow, data Model, touch points should be defined
          3. Define the scope and key other projects that will have deliverables
          4. Jack : Track deliverables. How will it get integrated
          5.  what are the associated project that are tied
          6. Rittwik :  Project disclosure
          7. Tracy: Use case management with respect to AI/ML
          8. Jack : Model Management, what SMO role etc should be covered, What we can do now 
          9. Other G Release activity status was discussed.
          10. Mahesh : Overview of the SMO Plan.
          11. Jack : brought up the documentation readiness and integration touch points .
          12. Rittwik : virtualized DU and collaboration with OAI . Jack clarified the challenges
        2. 2022-07-21 : Review of all project plan are in progress
          1. primer for "G" Release (Action : David/Rittwik)
        3. 2022-08-04: Continued the discussion on the proposed AI/ML project
        4. 2022-08-11: Jack Murray: I hope to spend a little more time reviewing we're doing in the G release. Thanks to Dave for putting the timeline together and we're getting ready for our Dev sprint 1. We will just the maintenance release status on the Non RT RIC and O-DU-high projects next week.
        5. 2022-09-01: Jack mentioned AL/ML project need to update the wiki for release management: G Release.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here 
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) 

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
  8. Collaboration with OAI
    1. 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
  9. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Thoralf : GS getting started "site space" cleanup: Getting Started 
      1. Update the page to notify people that it is under construction (Action : Mahesh)
        1. 2022-09-01 Mahesh and Thoralf Czichy  updated progress
      2. LF should give permission to all O_RAN SC members (Action : Sridhar)
        1. 2022-07-21 : Action Closed
    2. Network slicing from WS1
      1. 2022-09-01: Jack Murraybrought this topic on the table for discussion
  10.  Planning for Next Meeting
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. ONES in Seattle in Nov.
      1. 2022-09-01: David Kinsey [AT&T]: focus on o-ran/o-ran-sc, wondering if project of osc planning to demo or speak at that event. Martin Skorupski mentioned the deployment of solution with oem and simulators and non-rt ric.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) will share the related links. Thoralf Czichy Nokia will have representation there related to O-Cloud infrastructure.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)