2023 Q2 + Q3 (Apr-Sep)

2023 09 28


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner):  avinash.bhat (Samsung)
  • Next scribe:  October 2023: Ultan.Kelly (Viavi)
  • Previous scribe: September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John KeeneyX


Masahiro Fujii

Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by  Ankit Barve seconded by Ultan.Kelly   motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
      3. 2023-08-10: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop OpenAir Interface
      4. 2023-08-17: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop: In the process of writing tentative agenda for sharing next week. OpenAir Interface 
      5. 2023-08-24: 2023-FALL-JOINT-OSC-OAI-WORKSHOP-BOSTON OpenAir Interface
    2.  TSC meeting 
      1. 2023-08-31: Next TSC presentation will be on next Friday (2023-09-08)
    3. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    4. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
    5. 2023-08-10: ONF proposal Rittwik Jana 
    6. 2023-08-17: TSC approval for making following changes Sridhar Rao 
      1. Set a file size limit of 5m in all repos to prevent large files from being pushed. (This is the same size we allow in other communities)
      2. Cleanup the 2 repos (it/dep, pti/rtp), which requires a history rewrite to permanently remove large files. Reason: Failing GitHub replication
        1. ric-infra/10-Nexus/etc/conf.tar  (it/dep)
        2. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/cpu-manager-for-kubernetes/docker-img-cmk-v1.3.1.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
        3. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/multus-cni/docker-img-multus-v3.2.tar.bz2 (pti/rtp)
        4. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes/kubernetes/docker-img-kubernetes-v1.15.2.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
      3. **Both actions require a Gerrit downtime** 
      4. motion for cleaning up the 2 repos: approved unanimously.
      5. motion for setting the size limit of 5m: approved unanimously.
    7. 2023-08-24: ONF's new open RAN initiative Rittwik Jana 
    8. 2023-08-31: update on ONF proposal: energy saving use cases discussion, 3 data sets Rittwik Jana 
    9. 2023-08-31: ReadtheDocs has few deprecations coming up withch will affect the ORAN-SC reposMatt Watkins; Thoralf Czichy put it on a wiki: Configure Repo for Documentation
    10. 2023-09-07: No new Agenda Items
    11. 2023-09-21: David Kinsey [AT&T] & OpenAir Interface made a call for keynote speakers & demos to O-RAN SC members. Jackie Huang to comment on participation on the Panel Discussion on  Nephio & O-Cloud integration
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
    5. 2023-08-10: Approval of the Maintenance Release.
    6. 2023-09-07: None of the PTLs brought any items.
    7. 2023-09-21: New Repository Request - link - (aiml-fw/awmf/modelmgmtservice) by the AIMLFW PTL Joseph Thaliath 
      1. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) seeked clarification on WG2 compliance and the same was provided by Joseph Thaliath 
      2. Joseph Thaliathconfirmed a demo can be made by mid of Nov timeframe
      3. Decision: The proposal was unanimously approved 
    8. 2023-09-21: New Repository Request - link - (ric-plt/conflictmgr) by the near-RT RIC PTL Thoralf Czichy 
      1. Gunjan Rastogi from CapGemini mentioned that demo is mid of Nov-23 is challenging. David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested a basic demo is a good start. 
      2. Decision : The proposal was unanimously approved 
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
            2. 2023-09-14: Jakub Novy [DTAG] David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned it was more of an introductory meeting (setting our position) . Next meeting is scheduled on post the ToC Meeting
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
          3. 2023-09-07: OpenAir Interface shared the updates on the event details. This is an "in person only" event, refer to Link for detailed Agenda. Action: huangjinri@chinamobile.com to send invite on O-RAN SC and relevant folks in O-RAN Alliance based on the format to be shared by OpenAir Interface 
          4. 2023-09-14: OpenAir Interface provided an update on Committee Meeting.
            1. Plan is to follow a workshop mode, 3 sessions (RAN, OAM and Lab Status) and demo.
            2. Made call for speakers and panels.
            3. Provide OAI ~Nephio and proposed a joint discussion on the topic.
            4. David Kinsey [AT&T] Proposed to showcase some O-RAN SC F2F demos at the event.
          5. 2023-09-28: David Kinsey [AT&T] highlighted the low participation from O-RAN SC in demo and keynote point of view. RIC, X-APP, AIML could be potential area. OpenAir Interface said O-RAN SC participation will be accommodated. 
            1. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested for clarification on OAI,OSFG & ORAN SC relationship. David Kinsey [AT&T] clarified that the objective is to support the common goal of O-RAN Proliferation and showcase of O-RAN Capabilities with reference design.
            2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested to get a clarification on the MoU. OpenAir Interface mentioned that it is very generic and is between O-RAN Alliance & OAI, doesn't cover any licensing details. 
            3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested clarification on licensing terms. OpenAir Interface clarified that each community will follow their respective community guidelines.
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. Whitepaper (2023-09-14: It was clarified to be a whitepaper)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October 17 to 19
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
        2. 2023-08-17: Discussed about Demos, the type of env screens needed. David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface 
        3. 2023-09-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a call for sessions and requested members to update them directly in the event page. Refer Link for updates. AIML, SMO de-compositions within O-Cloud & Energy Saving sessions were discussed and added to the list. Proposal is to have 6 slots. David Kinsey [AT&T] proposed to cancel the ToC Call during the event week.
        4. 2023-09-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned that we should have at least 5 sessions for the planned items (Refer Link). The schedule is yet to be finalized.  Details to be updated so that event can be planned better.
        5. 2023-09-21: David Kinsey [AT&T] reminded everyone to take care of hotel accommodations in advance as it is sold out. 
        6. 2023-09-28: David Kinsey [AT&T] clarified that we have received 5 session (against the 7 requested) . huangjinri@chinamobile.com to invite all the O-RAN Alliance WGs for the sessions. David Kinsey [AT&T] will organize the schedule and update the F2F Event Page. 
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2023-08-17: Our Bedminster Lab is in the process of move David Kinsey [AT&T] 
      2. 2023-09-21: No update on the move this week.
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML modeling; SMO discussion.
      6. 2023-08-31: Seshu Kumar Mudiganti David Kinsey [AT&T] Stretch to get the O-Cloud energy savings using policies into the I or J release. Jackie Huang need to check if it's doable.
      7. 2023-09-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a call to PTL to update the I Release plan. PTLs to complete this before the F2F Meeting.  Rittwik Jana provided updates on the data set.
      8. 2023-09-14: Rittwik Jana updated that there are 2 datasets Alex is working on one dataset and Viavi is working on the other. Ritwik to follow up with Ultan (Viavi)
      9. 2023-09-21: Rittwik Jana confirmed on behalf of Ultan.Kelly about the new dataset availability. (The old dataset cannot be make available). Next step would be to discuss with Joseph Thaliath 
      10. 2023-09-28 Rittwik Jana provided an offline update:
        • the TIM data set that would allow training of the AI/ML models is ready (it needed parsing). I will upload it to Nexus3 once we figure out how (LF is working on making Nexus3 host datasets - Sridhar will update once it is ready). Then, the AI/ML team will be able to play with that dataset.
        • Other dataset (synthetic) still to be produced by Viavi - maybe Rittwik has more information here
        • Discussions ongoing about the PM streaming (flow details here). Once we finalize the discussions there, implementation can start in the SIM and OAM projects.
    3. Project reports (by features)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-08-17: Features grouped as in RSAC.
      3. Project Reports
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy - Next : link-to-2023-09-28-report
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu - Next  
          • Alex Stancu Could not be available. Provided the following status update:
            • To summarize what has happened:

              • the TIM data set that would allow training of the AI/ML models is ready (it needed parsing). I will upload it to Nexus3 once we figure out how (LF is working on making Nexus3 host datasets - Sridhar will update once it is ready). Then, the AI/ML team will be able to play with that dataset.
              • Other dataset (synthetic) still to be produced by Viavi - maybe Rittwik has more information here
              • Discussions ongoing about the PM streaming (flow details here). Once we finalize the discussions there, implementation can start in the SIM and OAM projects.
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan  - 21 Sep 2023
          • 2023-09-21: Shankar is unavailable, to be planned in 3 weeks.
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
          • 2023-09-21: Seshu was unavailable
  1. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    2. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
    3. 2023-08-31: Done created page for I Release.
    4. 2023-08-31: David Kinsey [AT&T] will not be available end of October. huangjinri@chinamobile.com to take care in the absence of David.
  2.  Meeting Closure

2023 09 21


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner):  avinash.bhat (Samsung)
  • Next scribe:  October 2023:
  • Previous scribe: September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John KeeneyX


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by jboudani  seconded by  Ganesh Shenbagaraman  motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
      3. 2023-08-10: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop OpenAir Interface
      4. 2023-08-17: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop: In the process of writing tentative agenda for sharing next week. OpenAir Interface 
      5. 2023-08-24: 2023-FALL-JOINT-OSC-OAI-WORKSHOP-BOSTON OpenAir Interface
    2.  TSC meeting 
      1. 2023-08-31: Next TSC presentation will be on next Friday (2023-09-08)
    3. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    4. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
    5. 2023-08-10: ONF proposal Rittwik Jana 
    6. 2023-08-17: TSC approval for making following changes Sridhar Rao 
      1. Set a file size limit of 5m in all repos to prevent large files from being pushed. (This is the same size we allow in other communities)
      2. Cleanup the 2 repos (it/dep, pti/rtp), which requires a history rewrite to permanently remove large files. Reason: Failing GitHub replication
        1. ric-infra/10-Nexus/etc/conf.tar  (it/dep)
        2. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/cpu-manager-for-kubernetes/docker-img-cmk-v1.3.1.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
        3. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/multus-cni/docker-img-multus-v3.2.tar.bz2 (pti/rtp)
        4. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes/kubernetes/docker-img-kubernetes-v1.15.2.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
      3. **Both actions require a Gerrit downtime** 
      4. motion for cleaning up the 2 repos: approved unanimously.
      5. motion for setting the size limit of 5m: approved unanimously.
    7. 2023-08-24: ONF's new open RAN initiative Rittwik Jana 
    8. 2023-08-31: update on ONF proposal: energy saving use cases discussion, 3 data sets Rittwik Jana 
    9. 2023-08-31: ReadtheDocs has few deprecations coming up withch will affect the ORAN-SC reposMatt Watkins; Thoralf Czichy put it on a wiki: Configure Repo for Documentation
    10. 2023-09-07: No new Agenda Items
    11. 2023-09-21: David Kinsey [AT&T] & OpenAir Interface made a call for keynote speakers & demos to O-RAN SC members. Jackie Huang to comment on participation on the Panel Discussion on  Nephio & O-Cloud integration
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
    5. 2023-08-10: Approval of the Maintenance Release.
    6. 2023-09-07: None of the PTLs brought any items.
    7. 2023-09-21: New Repository Request - link - (aiml-fw/awmf/modelmgmtservice) by the AIMLFW PTL Joseph Thaliath 
      1. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) seeked clarification on WG2 compliance and the same was provided by Joseph Thaliath 
      2. Joseph Thaliathconfirmed a demo can be made by mid of Nov timeframe
      3. Decision: The proposal was unanimously approved 
    8. 2023-09-21: New Repository Request - link - (ric-plt/conflictmgr) by the near-RT RIC PTL Thoralf Czichy 
      1. Gunjan Rastogi from CapGemini mentioned that demo is mid of Nov-23 is challenging. David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested a basic demo is a good start. 
      2. Decision : The proposal was unanimously approved 
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
            2. 2023-09-14: Jakub Novy [DTAG] David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned it was more of an introductory meeting (setting our position) . Next meeting is scheduled on post the ToC Meeting
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
          3. 2023-09-07: OpenAir Interface shared the updates on the event details. This is an "in person only" event, refer to Link for detailed Agenda. Action: huangjinri@chinamobile.com to send invite on O-RAN SC and relevant folks in O-RAN Alliance based on the format to be shared by OpenAir Interface 
          4. 2023-09-14: OpenAir Interface provided an update on Committee Meeting.
            1. Plan is to follow a workshop mode, 3 sessions (RAN, OAM and Lab Status) and demo.
            2. Made call for speakers and panels.
            3. Provide OAI ~Nephio and proposed a joint discussion on the topic.
            4. David Kinsey [AT&T] Proposed to showcase some O-RAN SC F2F demos at the event.
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. Whitepaper (2023-09-14: It was clarified to be a whitepaper)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
        2. 2023-08-17: Discussed about Demos, the type of env screens needed. David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface 
        3. 2023-09-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a call for sessions and requested members to update them directly in the event page. Refer Link for updates. AIML, SMO de-compositions within O-Cloud & Energy Saving sessions were discussed and added to the list. Proposal is to have 6 slots. David Kinsey [AT&T] proposed to cancel the ToC Call during the event week.
        4. 2023-09-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned that we should have at least 5 sessions for the planned items (Refer Link). The schedule is yet to be finalized.  Details to be updated so that event can be planned better.
        5. 2023-09-21: David Kinsey [AT&T] reminded everyone to take care of hotel accommodations in advance as it is sold out. 
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2023-08-17: Our Bedminster Lab is in the process of move David Kinsey [AT&T] 
      2. 2023-09-21: No update on the move this week.
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML modeling; SMO discussion.
      6. 2023-08-31: Seshu Kumar Mudiganti David Kinsey [AT&T] Stretch to get the O-Cloud energy savings using policies into the I or J release. Jackie Huang need to check if it's doable.
      7. 2023-09-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a call to PTL to update the I Release plan. PTLs to complete this before the F2F Meeting.  Rittwik Jana provided updates on the data set.
      8. 2023-09-14: Rittwik Jana updated that there are 2 datasets Alex is working on one dataset and Viavi is working on the other. Ritwik to follow up with Ultan (Viavi)
      9. 2023-09-21: Rittwik Jana confirmed on behalf of Ultan.Kelly about the new dataset availability. (The old dataset cannot be make available). Next step would be to discuss with Joseph Thaliath 
    3. Project reports (by features)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-08-17: Features grouped as in RSAC.
      3. Project Reports
        • Disaggregated SMO Flows - N.K. Shankaranarayanan  - 21 Sep 2023
          • 2023-09-21: Shankar is unavailable, to be planned in 3 weeks.
        • Onboarding and Orchestration - Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
          • 2023-09-21: Seshu was unavailable
        • RIC Platform Enhancements - Thoralf Czichy - Next
        • Energy Savings - Alex Stancu - Next  
  1. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    2. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
    3. 2023-08-31: Done created page for I Release.
  2.  Meeting Closure

2023 09 14


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner):  avinash.bhat (Samsung)
  • Next scribe:  October 2023:
  • Previous scribe: September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by jboudani  seconded by John Paul Lane   motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
      3. 2023-08-10: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop OpenAir Interface
      4. 2023-08-17: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop: In the process of writing tentative agenda for sharing next week. OpenAir Interface 
      5. 2023-08-24: 2023-FALL-JOINT-OSC-OAI-WORKSHOP-BOSTON OpenAir Interface
    2.  TSC meeting 
      1. 2023-08-31: Next TSC presentation will be on next Friday (2023-09-08)
    3. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    4. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
    5. 2023-08-10: ONF proposal Rittwik Jana 
    6. 2023-08-17: TSC approval for making following changes Sridhar Rao 
      1. Set a file size limit of 5m in all repos to prevent large files from being pushed. (This is the same size we allow in other communities)
      2. Cleanup the 2 repos (it/dep, pti/rtp), which requires a history rewrite to permanently remove large files. Reason: Failing GitHub replication
        1. ric-infra/10-Nexus/etc/conf.tar  (it/dep)
        2. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/cpu-manager-for-kubernetes/docker-img-cmk-v1.3.1.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
        3. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/multus-cni/docker-img-multus-v3.2.tar.bz2 (pti/rtp)
        4. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes/kubernetes/docker-img-kubernetes-v1.15.2.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
      3. **Both actions require a Gerrit downtime** 
      4. motion for cleaning up the 2 repos: approved unanimously.
      5. motion for setting the size limit of 5m: approved unanimously.
    7. 2023-08-24: ONF's new open RAN initiative Rittwik Jana 
    8. 2023-08-31: update on ONF proposal: energy saving use cases discussion, 3 data sets Rittwik Jana 
    9. 2023-08-31: ReadtheDocs has few deprecations coming up withch will affect the ORAN-SC reposMatt Watkins; Thoralf Czichy put it on a wiki: Configure Repo for Documentation
    10. 2023-09-07: No new Agenda Items
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
    5. 2023-08-10: Approval of the Maintenance Release.
    6. 2023-09-07: None of the PTLs brought any items.
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
            2. 2023-09-14: Jakub Novy [DTAG] David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned it was more of an introductory meeting (setting our position) . Next meeting is scheduled on post the ToC Meeting
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
          3. 2023-09-07: OpenAir Interface shared the updates on the event details. This is an "in person only" event, refer to Link for detailed Agenda. Action: huangjinri@chinamobile.com to send invite on O-RAN SC and relevant folks in O-RAN Alliance based on the format to be shared by OpenAir Interface 
          4. 2023-09-14: OpenAir Interface provided an update on Committee Meeting.
            1. Plan is to follow a workshop mode, 3 sessions (RAN, OAM and Lab Status) and demo.
            2. Made call for speakers and panels.
            3. Provide OAI ~Nephio and proposed a joint discussion on the topic.
            4. David Kinsey [AT&T] Proposed to showcase some O-RAN SC F2F demos at the event.
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. Whitepaper (2023-09-14: It was clarified to be a whitepaper)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
        2. 2023-08-17: Discussed about Demos, the type of env screens needed. David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface 
        3. 2023-09-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a call for sessions and requested members to update them directly in the event page. Refer Link for updates. AIML, SMO de-compositions within O-Cloud & Energy Saving sessions were discussed and added to the list. Proposal is to have 6 slots. David Kinsey [AT&T] proposed to cancel the ToC Call during the event week.
        4. 2023-09-14: David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned that we should have at least 5 sessions for the planned items (Refer Link). The schedule is yet to be finalized.  Details to be updated so that event can be planned better.
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2023-08-17: Our Bedminster Lab is in the process of move David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML modeling; SMO discussion.
      6. 2023-08-31: Seshu Kumar Mudiganti David Kinsey [AT&T] Stretch to get the O-Cloud energy savings using policies into the I or J release. Jackie Huang need to check if it's doable.
      7. 2023-09-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a call to PTL to update the I Release plan. PTLs to complete this before the F2F Meeting.  Rittwik Jana provided updates on the data set.
      8. 2023-09-14: Rittwik Jana updated that there are 2 datasets Alex is working on one dataset and Viavi is working on the other. Ritwik to follow up with Ultan (Viavi)
    3. Project reports (by features)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-08-17: Features grouped as in RSAC.
      3. Project Reports
  1. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    2. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
    3. 2023-08-31: Done created page for I Release.
  2.  Meeting Closure

2023 09 07


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner):  avinash.bhat (Samsung)
  • Next scribe:  October 2023:
  • Previous scribe: September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by jboudani seconded by huangjinri@chinamobile.com  motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
      3. 2023-08-10: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop OpenAir Interface
      4. 2023-08-17: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop: In the process of writing tentative agenda for sharing next week. OpenAir Interface 
      5. 2023-08-24: 2023-FALL-JOINT-OSC-OAI-WORKSHOP-BOSTON OpenAir Interface
    2. All set for TSC meeting Friday, July 28?
      1. 2023-08-31: Next TSC presentation will be on next Friday (2023-09-08)
    3. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    4. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
    5. 2023-08-10: ONF proposal Rittwik Jana 
    6. 2023-08-17: TSC approval for making following changes Sridhar Rao 
      1. Set a file size limit of 5m in all repos to prevent large files from being pushed. (This is the same size we allow in other communities)
      2. Cleanup the 2 repos (it/dep, pti/rtp), which requires a history rewrite to permanently remove large files. Reason: Failing GitHub replication
        1. ric-infra/10-Nexus/etc/conf.tar  (it/dep)
        2. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/cpu-manager-for-kubernetes/docker-img-cmk-v1.3.1.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
        3. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/multus-cni/docker-img-multus-v3.2.tar.bz2 (pti/rtp)
        4. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes/kubernetes/docker-img-kubernetes-v1.15.2.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
      3. **Both actions require a Gerrit downtime** 
      4. motion for cleaning up the 2 repos: approved unanimously.
      5. motion for setting the size limit of 5m: approved unanimously.
    7. 2023-08-24: ONF's new open RAN initiative Rittwik Jana 
    8. 2023-08-31: update on ONF proposal: energy saving use cases discussion, 3 data sets Rittwik Jana 
    9. 2023-08-31: ReadtheDocs has few deprecations coming up withch will affect the ORAN-SC reposMatt Watkins; Thoralf Czichy put it on a wiki: Configure Repo for Documentation
    10. 2023-09-07: No new Agenda Items
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
    5. 2023-08-10: Approval of the Maintenance Release.
    6. 2023-09-07: None of the PTLs brought up any items.
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
          3. 2023-09-07: OpenAir Interface shared the updates on the event details. This is an "in person only" event, refer to Link for detailed Agenda. Action: huangjinri@chinamobile.com to send invite on O-RAN SC and relavant folks in O-RAN Alliance based on the format to be shared by OpenAir Interface 
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. roadmap (White Paper?  Info Report)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
        2. 2023-08-17: Discussed about Demos, the type of env screens needed. David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface 
        3. 2023-09-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a call for sessions and requested members to update them directly in the event page. Refer Link for updates. AIML, SMO de-compositions within O-Cloud & Energy Saving sessions were discussed and added to the list. Proposal is to have 6 slots. David Kinsey [AT&T] proposed to cancel the ToC Call during the event week.
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2023-08-17: Our Bedminster Lab is in the process of move David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML moddeling; SMO discussion.
      6. 2023-08-31: Seshu Kumar Mudiganti David Kinsey [AT&T] Stretch to get the O-Cloud energy savings using policies into the I or J release. Jackie Huang need to check if it's doable.
      7. 2023-09-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a call to PTL to update the I Release plan. PTLs to complete this before the F2F Meeting.  Rittwik Jana provided updates on the data set.
    3. Project reports (by features)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-08-17: Features grouped as in RSAC.
      3. Project Reports
  1. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    2. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
    3. 2023-08-31: Done created page for I Release.
  2.  Meeting Closure

2023 08 31


Meeting Recording: Link 


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jackie Huang (Wind River)
  • Next scribe:  September 2023: avinash.bhat (Samsung)
  • Previous scribe: August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyx


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang xJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Jackie Huang , seconded by Ganesh Shenbagaraman , motion approved unanimously.
    2. Jackie Huang The links for 07/27, 07/20, 07/13 and 07/06 are not correct, they are linked to the same recording as 06/29. Fixed by David Kinsey [AT&T]
    3. Sridhar Rao Storage capacity is 10Gig, so approximately 50+ meetings' recording can be stored.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
      3. 2023-08-10: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop OpenAir Interface
      4. 2023-08-17: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop: In the process of writing tentative agenda for sharing next week. OpenAir Interface 
      5. 2023-08-24: 2023-FALL-JOINT-OSC-OAI-WORKSHOP-BOSTON OpenAir Interface
    2. All set for TSC meeting Friday, July 28?
      1. 2023-08-31: Next TSC presentation will be on next Friday (2023-09-08)
    3. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    4. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
    5. 2023-08-10: ONF proposal Rittwik Jana 
    6. 2023-08-17: TSC approval for making following changes Sridhar Rao 
      1. Set a file size limit of 5m in all repos to prevent large files from being pushed. (This is the same size we allow in other communities)
      2. Cleanup the 2 repos (it/dep, pti/rtp), which requires a history rewrite to permanently remove large files. Reason: Failing GitHub replication
        1. ric-infra/10-Nexus/etc/conf.tar  (it/dep)
        2. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/cpu-manager-for-kubernetes/docker-img-cmk-v1.3.1.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
        3. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/multus-cni/docker-img-multus-v3.2.tar.bz2 (pti/rtp)
        4. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes/kubernetes/docker-img-kubernetes-v1.15.2.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
      3. **Both actions require a Gerrit downtime** 
      4. motion for cleaning up the 2 repos: approved unanimously.
      5. motion for setting the size limit of 5m: approved unanimously.
    7. 2023-08-24: ONF's new open RAN initiative Rittwik Jana 
    8. 2023-08-31: update on ONF proposal: energy saving use cases discussion, 3 data sets Rittwik Jana 
    9. 2023-08-31: ReadtheDocs has few deprecations coming up withch will affect the ORAN-SC reposMatt Watkins; Thoralf Czichy put it on a wiki: Configure Repo for Documentation
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
    5. 2023-08-10: Approval of the Maintenance Release.
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. roadmap (White Paper?  Info Report)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
        2. 2023-08-17: Discussed about Demos, the type of env screens needed. David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface 
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2023-08-17: Our Bedminster Lab is in the process of move David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML moddeling; SMO discussion.
      6. 2023-08-31: Seshu Kumar Mudiganti David Kinsey [AT&T] Stretch to get the O-Cloud energy savings using policies into the I or J release. Jackie Huang need to check if it's doable.
    3. Project reports (by features)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-08-17: Features grouped as in RSAC.
      3. Project Reports
  1. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    2. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
    3. 2023-08-31: Done created page for I Release.
  2.  Meeting Closure

2023 08 24


Meeting Recording: Link 


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jackie Huang (Wind River)
  • Next scribe:  September 2023: 
  • Previous scribe: August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyx


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang xJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Jackie Huang , seconded by avinash.bhat , motion approved unanimously.
    2. Jackie Huang The links for 07/27, 07/20, 07/13 and 07/06 are not correct, they are linked to the same recording as 06/29. Fixed by David Kinsey [AT&T]
    3. Sridhar Rao Storage capacity is 10Gig, so approximately 50+ meetings' recording can be stored.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
      3. 2023-08-10: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop OpenAir Interface
      4. 2023-08-17: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop: In the process of writing tentative agenda for sharing next week. OpenAir Interface 
      5. 2023-08-24: 2023-FALL-JOINT-OSC-OAI-WORKSHOP-BOSTON OpenAir Interface
    2. All set for TSC meeting Friday, July 28?
    3. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    4. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
    5. 2023-08-10: ONF proposal Rittwik Jana 
    6. 2023-08-17: TSC approval for making following changes Sridhar Rao 
      1. Set a file size limit of 5m in all repos to prevent large files from being pushed. (This is the same size we allow in other communities)
      2. Cleanup the 2 repos (it/dep, pti/rtp), which requires a history rewrite to permanently remove large files. Reason: Failing GitHub replication
        1. ric-infra/10-Nexus/etc/conf.tar  (it/dep)
        2. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/cpu-manager-for-kubernetes/docker-img-cmk-v1.3.1.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
        3. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/multus-cni/docker-img-multus-v3.2.tar.bz2 (pti/rtp)
        4. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes/kubernetes/docker-img-kubernetes-v1.15.2.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
      3. **Both actions require a Gerrit downtime** 
      4. motion for cleaning up the 2 repos: approved unanimously.
      5. motion for setting the size limit of 5m: approved unanimously.
    7. 2023-08-24: ONF's new open RAN initiative Rittwik Jana 
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
    5. 2023-08-10: Approval of the Maintenance Release.
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. roadmap (White Paper?  Info Report)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
        2. 2023-08-17: Discussed about Demos, the type of env screens needed. David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface 
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2023-08-17: Our Bedminster Lab is in the process of move David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML moddeling; SMO discussion.
    3. Project reports (by features)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-08-17: Features grouped as in RSAC.
  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    2. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 08 17


Meeting Recording: Link 


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jackie Huang (Wind River)
  • Next scribe:  September 2023: 
  • Previous scribe: August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang xJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedmanx

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Jackie Huang , seconded by James Li , motion approved unanimously.
    2. Jackie Huang The links for 07/27, 07/20, 07/13 and 07/06 are not correct, they are linked to the same recording as 06/29. Fixed by David Kinsey [AT&T]
    3. Sridhar Rao Storage capacity is 10Gig, so approximately 50+ meetings' recording can be stored.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
      3. 2023-08-10: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop OpenAir Interface
      4. 2023-08-17: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop: In the process of writing tentative agenda for sharing next week. OpenAir Interface 
    2. All set for TSC meeting Friday, July 28?
    3. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    4. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
    5. 2023-08-10: ONF proposal Rittwik Jana 
    6. 2023-08-17: TSC approval for making following changes Sridhar Rao 
      1. Set a file size limit of 5m in all repos to prevent large files from being pushed. (This is the same size we allow in other communities)
      2. Cleanup the 2 repos (it/dep, pti/rtp), which requires a history rewrite to permanently remove large files. Reason: Failing GitHub replication
        1. ric-infra/10-Nexus/etc/conf.tar  (it/dep)
        2. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/cpu-manager-for-kubernetes/docker-img-cmk-v1.3.1.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
        3. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes-plugins/multus-cni/docker-img-multus-v3.2.tar.bz2 (pti/rtp)
        4. meta-oran/recipes-containers/kubernetes/kubernetes/docker-img-kubernetes-v1.15.2.tar.bz (pti/rtp)
      3. **Both actions require a Gerrit downtime** 
      4. motion for cleaning up the 2 repos: approved unanimously.
      5. motion for setting the size limit of 5m: approved unanimously.
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
    5. 2023-08-10: Approval of the Maintenance Release.
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. roadmap (White Paper?  Info Report)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
        2. 2023-08-17: Discussed about Demos, the type of env screens needed. David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface 
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 2023-08-17: Our Bedminster Lab is in the process of move David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML moddeling; SMO discussion.
    3. Project reports (by features)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-08-17: Features grouped as in RSAC.
  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    2. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 08 10


Meeting Recording: Link 


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jackie Huang (Wind River)
  • Next scribe:  September 2023: 
  • Previous scribe: August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyx


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang xJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedmanx

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Jackie Huang , seconded by Andrea Buldorini [TIM] , motion approved unanimously.
    2. Jackie Huang The links for 07/27, 07/20, 07/13 and 07/06 are not correct, they are linked to the same recording as 06/29. Fixed by David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    3. Sridhar Rajagopal Storage capacity is 10Gig, so approximately 50+ meetings' recording can be stored.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-07-27
    2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
      3. 2023-08-10: Joint OSC-OAI Workshop OpenAir Interface
    3. All set for TSC meeting Friday, July 28?
    4. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    5. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
    6. 2023-08-10: ONF proposal Rittwik Jana 
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
    5. 2023-08-10: Approval of the Maintenance Release.
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. roadmap (White Paper?  Info Report)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML moddeling; SMO discussion.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted) Notes from RSAC meeting
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      3. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      4. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      5. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st) 

      6. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      7. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th)

      8. 2023-06-15: Group 4: 

        1. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (Skipped, new cycle to start July onwards)

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
    2. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    3. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 08 03


Meeting Recording: Link 


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jackie Huang (Wind River)
  • Next scribe:  September 2023: 
  • Previous scribe: August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang xJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hongx

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Jackie Huang, seconded by jboudani , motion approved unanimously.
    2. Jackie Huang The links for 07/27, 07/20, 07/13 and 07/06 are not correct, they are linked to the same recording as 06/29. Fixed by David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    3. Sridhar Rajagopal Storage capacity is 10Gig, so approximately 50+ meetings' recording can be stored.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-07-27
    2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
    3. All set for TSC meeting Friday, July 28?
    4. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    5. 2023-08-03: OAI proposal has been presented to the TSC, TSC said no money to fund it.
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    2. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
    3. 2023-08-03: Sunil Singh request for approval vote for a new xApp repo RICAPP project contributed & maintained by alexandrehuff from UTFPR Univ. New xApp implements the E2SM-CCC service model. Motion proposed by David Kinsey [AT&T] , seconded by James Li , motion passed unanimously.
    4. 2023-08-03: Tack Maintenance Release: RICAPP Sunil Singh , ODULOW Ankit Barve , NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) all on track, will close out next week.
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. roadmap (White Paper?  Info Report)
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. 2023-08-03: Next F2F registration is now opened. Rittwik Jana mentioned ONF reached out for the energy saving topics. Martin Skorupski put it on the agenda of OSFG meeting to talk about energy savings and the collaboration with ONF.
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
      5. 2023-08-03: Rittwik Jana Focus on energy savings; Figure out a plan of execution to get the metrics; ML moddeling; SMO discussion.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-08-03: Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features, which will need to be restructured.
      2. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted) Notes from RSAC meeting
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      3. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      4. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      5. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st) 

      6. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      7. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th)

      8. 2023-06-15: Group 4: 

        1. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (Skipped, new cycle to start July onwards)

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
    2. 2023-08-03: NTT DOCOMO voting member changed: Masafumi Masuda → Masahiro Fujii; Anil Umesh → Minami Ishii
    3. 2023-08-03: Action: to create I release page. David Kinsey [AT&T] mentioned DOC project not listed in H release, and we need to do Release Checklist
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 07 27


Meeting Recording: Not Available


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Tracy Van Brakle (AT&T)
  • Next scribe:  August 2023: Windriver (Jackie)
  • Previous scribe: June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda

Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: pending approval of recent updates (see below)
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-07-27
    2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
      1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
      2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
    3. All set for TSC meeting Friday, July 28?
    4. Super "Simplified" Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
    5. : For the release. we need to get the release approved.  Everybody filled in their contributions on release page except for RIC Apps - that is still pending (has not been done).  Are we not including RIC Apps in this release?
      1. Ankit Barve What about documentation?  James Li Not listed ... David Kinsey [AT&T] It is complete - heard from Tunisia ... and should (will) be included within list of release items.
      2. avinash.bhat Let's go for a vote ... the plan is to do the release without it the RIC Apps being pushed. David Kinsey [AT&T] As part of the H release … All those in favor say, aye, this is David Kinsey saying, Aye.
      3. Motion approved unanimously with a note that caps will be considered for the maintenance to this release
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-06-01: New repo request from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) for NONRTRIC Repo:rApp Manager: Approved
    2. 2023-07-27:  Track Maintenance Release
    3. 2023-07-27:  Release I & J planning
  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Link to O-RAN OSFG meeting minutes 7/21
          2. Work three things in parallel:
            1. demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions) - concurrent with O-RAN Fall 2023 PoC/Plugfest (readout week of November 26)
              1. AsiaPac - Taiwan and other locations
              2. EU
              3. North America
            2. sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
              1. O-RAN nGRG - application due August __, 2023
              2. Public Sector - NSF? NTIA?
            3. roadmap (White Paper?  Info Report)
          3. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase - prepare for upcoming F2F in Phoenix AZ, USA, October __ to __
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
          2023-06-08David Kinsey [AT&T] : recommended text based demo along with 2-3 min long video
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted) Notes from RSAC meeting
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st) 

      5. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      6. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th)

      7. 2023-06-15: Group 4: 

        1. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (Skipped, new cycle to start July onwards)

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 07 20


Meeting Recording: link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Tracy Van Brakle (AT&T)
  • Next scribe:  August 2023: _______________
  • Previous scribe: June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by John Paul Lane, seconded by Ultan.Kelly , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-06-01: New repo request from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) for NONRTRIC Repo:rApp Manager: Approved
  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
          2. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
          2023-06-08David Kinsey [AT&T] : recommended text based demo along with 2-3 min long video
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-07-06: David Kinsey [AT&T]  For the release. we need to get the release approved.  Everybody filled in their contributions on release page except for RIC Apps - that is still pending (has not been done).  Are we not including RIC Apps in this release?
      1. Ankit Barve What about documentation?  James Li Not listed ... David Kinsey [AT&T] It is complete - heard from Tunisia ... and should (will) be included within list of release items.
      2. avinash.bhat Let's go for a vote ... the plan is to do the release without it the RIC Apps being pushed. David Kinsey [AT&T] As part of the H release … All those in favor say, aye, this is David Kinsey saying, Aye.
      3. Motion approved unanimously with a note that caps will be considered for the maintenance to this release.
    2. 2023-07-06: Release H approved (with one condition); Release I planning to begin
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st) 

      5. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      6. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th)

      7. 2023-06-15: Group 4: 

        1. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (Skipped, new cycle to start July onwards)

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 07 13


Meeting Recording: link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Tracy Van Brakle (AT&T)
  • Next scribe:  August 2023: _______________
  • Previous scribe: June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový

Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by John Paul Lane, seconded by Ultan.Kelly , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-06-01: New repo request from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) for NONRTRIC Repo:rApp Manager: Approved
  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
          2. Review "OSC – OAI Collaboration Proposal" OpenAir Interface Robert Schmidt 
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. Work three things in parallel:  demonstrations within university labs (multiple regions); roadmap; sources of funding to assure sustain-ability
          2. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
          2023-06-08David Kinsey [AT&T] : recommended text based demo along with 2-3 min long video
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-07-06: David Kinsey [AT&T]  For the release. we need to get the release approved.  Everybody filled in their contributions on release page except for RIC Apps - that is still pending (has not been done).  Are we not including RIC Apps in this release?
      1. Ankit Barve What about documentation?  James Li Not listed ... David Kinsey [AT&T] It is complete - heard from Tunisia ... and should (will) be included within list of release items.
      2. avinash.bhat Let's go for a vote ... the plan is to do the release without it the RIC Apps being pushed. David Kinsey [AT&T] As part of the H release … All those in favor say, aye, this is David Kinsey saying, Aye.
      3. Motion approved unanimously with a note that caps will be considered for the maintenance to this release.
    2. 2023-07-06: Release H approved (with one condition); Release I planning to begin
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st) 

      5. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      6. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th)

      7. 2023-06-15: Group 4: 

        1. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (Skipped, new cycle to start July onwards)

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 07 06


Meeting Recording: link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Tracy Van Brakle (AT&T)
  • Next scribe:  August 2023: _______________
  • Previous scribe: June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda

Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang 
Jon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by John Paul Lane, seconded by Ultan.Kelly , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-06-01: New repo request from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) for NONRTRIC Repo:rApp Manager: Approved
  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
          3. Anything else?
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle James LiOpenAir InterfaceRobert Schmidt   
          1. 2023-05-18: decided to first clarify the terms of the OAI-OSC collaboration (AP: OSFG huangjinri@chinamobile.com Tracy Van Brakle ) before getting into the details of the demo scenario (initially proposed for Osaka F2F) and of labs interconnection. Lab aspects from OSC point of view could be discussed next week with "INF lab II" report 
          2. 2023-05-25: Tracy Van Brakle OAI proposed 3 demos. Details on the proposals will be shared by email to discuss which ones are more related to OSC development.
          3. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
          2023-06-08David Kinsey [AT&T] : recommended text based demo along with 2-3 min long video
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-07-06: David Kinsey [AT&T]  For the release. we need to get the release approved.  Everybody filled in their contributions on release page except for RIC Apps - that is still pending (has not been done).  Are we not including RIC Apps in this release?
      1. Ankit Barve What about documentation?  James Li Not listed ... David Kinsey [AT&T] It is complete - heard from Tunisia ... and should (will) be included within list of release items.
      2. avinash.bhat Let's go for a vote ... the plan is to do the release without it the RIC Apps being pushed. David Kinsey [AT&T] As part of the H release … All those in favor say, aye, this is David Kinsey saying, Aye.
      3. Motion approved unanimously with a note that RIC Apps will be considered for the maintenance to this release. 
    2. 2023-07-06: Release H approved (with one condition); Release I planning to begin
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st) 

      5. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      6. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th)

      7. 2023-06-15: Group 4: 

        1. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (Skipped, new cycle to start July onwards)

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 06 29


Meeting Recording: link


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Tracy Van Brakle (AT&T)

    1. next scribe:  06th July 2023: 
    2. previous scribe: June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch FriedmanX

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by    huangjinri@chinamobile.com   , seconded by  John Paul Lane   , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-06-01: New repo request from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) for NONRTRIC Repo:rApp Manager: Approved
  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. 2023-06-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com David Kinsey [AT&T] : Slots for F2F meeting and demo planning to be updated
            Reminder to be sent to AI/ML MVP-c feature rapporteurs
          3. 2023-06-15: David Kinsey [AT&T]  to send email invite for f2f meetings
          4. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com MOM from f2f to be updated
            Naming and directory structure has been agreed upon and next step will be to get it approve.
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-18: decided to first clarify the terms of the OAI-OSC collaboration (AP: OSFG huangjinri@chinamobile.com Tracy Van Brakle ) before getting into the details of the demo scenario (initially proposed for Osaka F2F) and of labs interconnection. Lab aspects from OSC point of view could be discussed next week with "INF lab II" report 
          2. 2023-05-25: Tracy Van Brakle OAI proposed 3 demos. Details on the proposals will be shared by email to discuss which ones are more related to OSC development.  
          3. 2023-06-29: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Discussion with OAI went well, OSC expressed willingness for collaboration which was supported by OAI. For implementation, OAI is to provide a repository mail so that OSC can leverage it once legal conditions are met.
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
          2023-06-08David Kinsey [AT&T] : recommended text based demo along with 2-3 min long video
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-06-01: Presentation by MVPC co-chair 'SU GU' on "MVP-C Releases and Features Introduction to OSC" 
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
      4. 2023-06-29 Integration, RICAPP, DOC, and O-DU Low PTLs to update the H release page.
        David Kinsey [AT&T] to send reminder  to above project PTLs to update the H release page and also to create I release page with project template.
        H release to be postponed on next TOC July 6th 
        Sridhar Rao created release checklist page, all PTLs expected to review and provide feedback if any.
        huangjinri@chinamobile.com to check regarding PR statement.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st) 

      5. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      6. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th)

      7. 2023-06-15: Group 4: 

        1. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (Skipped, new cycle to start July onwards)

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 06 22

Meeting cancelled due to F2F meetings in Osaka.

2023 06 15


Meeting Recording: link


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve (Radisys)

    1. next scribe:  22nd June 2023: Radysis 
    2. previous scribe: April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by    huangjinri@chinamobile.com   , seconded by  Andrea Buldorini [TIM]   , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-06-01: New repo request from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) for NONRTRIC Repo:rApp Manager: Approved
  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. 2023-06-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com David Kinsey [AT&T] : Slots for F2F meeting and demo planning to be updated
            Reminder to be sent to AI/ML MVP-c feature rapporteurs
          3. 2023-06-15: David Kinsey [AT&T]  to send email invite for f2f meetings
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-18: decided to first clarify the terms of the OAI-OSC collaboration (AP: OSFG huangjinri@chinamobile.com Tracy Van Brakle ) before getting into the details of the demo scenario (initially proposed for Osaka F2F) and of labs interconnection. Lab aspects from OSC point of view could be discussed next week with "INF lab II" report 
          2. 2023-05-25: Tracy Van Brakle OAI proposed 3 demos. Details on the proposals will be shared by email to discuss which ones are more related to OSC development.  
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
          2023-06-08David Kinsey [AT&T] : recommended text based demo along with 2-3 min long video
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-06-01: Presentation by MVPC co-chair 'SU GU' on "MVP-C Releases and Features Introduction to OSC" 
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
      3. 2023-06-15 All PTLs to update H release page and notify through email to get it review, if this gets done over the next week then we can call for the release vote on the 2023-06-29 TOC following the F2F.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st) 

      5. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      6. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th)

      7. 2023-06-15: Group 4: 

        1. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 29th)

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 06 08


Meeting Recording: link


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve (Radisys)

    1. next scribe:  15nd June 2023: Radysis 
    2. previous scribe: April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda

Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by    Andrea Buldorini [TIM] , seconded by  John Paul Lane  , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-06-01: New repo request from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) for NONRTRIC Repo:rApp Manager: Approved
  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
          2. 2023-06-08: huangjinri@chinamobile.com David Kinsey [AT&T] : Slots for F2F meeting and demo planning to be updated
            Reminder to be sent to AI/ML MVP-c feature rapporteurs
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-18: decided to first clarify the terms of the OAI-OSC collaboration (AP: OSFG huangjinri@chinamobile.com Tracy Van Brakle ) before getting into the details of the demo scenario (initially proposed for Osaka F2F) and of labs interconnection. Lab aspects from OSC point of view could be discussed next week with "INF lab II" report 
          2. 2023-05-25: Tracy Van Brakle OAI proposed 3 demos. Details on the proposals will be shared by email to discuss which ones are more related to OSC development.  
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
          2023-06-08David Kinsey [AT&T] : recommended text based demo along with 2-3 min long video
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-06-01: Presentation by MVPC co-chair 'SU GU' on "MVP-C Releases and Features Introduction to OSC" 
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
      2. 2023-06-08 Sridhar Rao License scanning completed and report has been sent to all PTLs
        James Li Patch has been submitted for the AI raised under integration project
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status Report
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (from previous meetings)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li (postponed to June 1st)

      5. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

      6. 2023-06-08: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  
          1. Status Report
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
          1. Status report
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 15th) 

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and Integration II (lab)
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 06 01


Meeting Recording: link


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve (Radisys)

    1. next scribe:  8th June 2023: Radysis 
    2. previous scribe: April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John KeeneyX


Masafumi Masuda

Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Andrea Buldorini [TIM]    , seconded by  avinash.bhat  , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. 2023-06-01: New repo request from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) for NONRTRIC Repo:rApp Manager: Approved
  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-18: decided to first clarify the terms of the OAI-OSC collaboration (AP: OSFG huangjinri@chinamobile.com Tracy Van Brakle ) before getting into the details of the demo scenario (initially proposed for Osaka F2F) and of labs interconnection. Lab aspects from OSC point of view could be discussed next week with "INF lab II" report 
          2. 2023-05-25: Tracy Van Brakle OAI proposed 3 demos. Details on the proposals will be shared by email to discuss which ones are more related to OSC development.  
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com  
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 2023-06-01: Presentation by MVPC co-chair 'SU GU' on "MVP-C Releases and Features Introduction to OSC" 
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 1st) 

      5. 2023-06-01: Group 4: 

        1. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        3. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        4. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 8th) 

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RICAPP, O-DU-HIGH, O-DU-LOW and Integration II (lab)
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 05 25


Meeting Recording: link


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM)

    1. next scribe: 1st June 2023: Radysis 
    2. previous scribe: April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John KeeneyX


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by John Keeney (Ericsson EST)  , seconded by  Andrea Buldorini [TIM] , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-18: decided to first clarify the terms of the OAI-OSC collaboration (AP: OSFG huangjinri@chinamobile.com Tracy Van Brakle ) before getting into the details of the demo scenario (initially proposed for Osaka F2F) and of labs interconnection. Lab aspects from OSC point of view could be discussed next week with "INF lab II" report 
          2. 2023-05-25: Tracy Van Brakle OAI proposed 3 demos. Details on the proposals will be shared by email to discuss which ones are more related to OSC development.  
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-25: discussions are still at an early phase. An update will be provided in the next meetings.
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
          2. 2023-05-25: Agenda for OSC presentations is still in progress. No request were made so far from PTLs. It is further clarified that the scope is to O-RAN Alliance an overview on how O-RAN features have been considered in OSC development. This does not necessarily involve all the OSC project so PTLs should make some proposal. At the last F2F in Prague, some O-RAN members (e.g. WG6 cochair) expressed their interest in receiving guidance from OSC.  
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com  
        4. 2023-05-25: huangjinri@chinamobile.com already received some proposals. It is clarified that the demos can either be a single project or multi-project initiative. A summary of the proposals will be provided next week (under AI 5) 
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 2023-05-26 Issues on moderation/permission for comments on the wiki (see message from John Keeney (Ericsson EST) )
        1. Matt Wilkins: the problem is acknowledged but due to the nature of the wiki, a solution to prevent unintended post/comments is not trivial.  Matt will keep on working on this and update the group.
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
          2. Status report
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
          1. Status report
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve  (not treated due to lack of time)
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) (not treated due to lack of time)
        6. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to June 1st) 

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week, project reports will start with RSAC, Integration I, Infrastructure and  Integration II
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 05 18


Meeting Recording: link


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM)

    1. next scribe: June 2023: Radysis 
    2. previous scribe: April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Andrea Buldorini [TIM] , seconded by  huangjinri@chinamobile.com ,motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

  4. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement
          1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
            1. 2023-05-18: waiting for a feedback from O-RAN Office
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle 
          1. 2023-05-18: decided to first clarify the terms of the OAI-OSC collaboration (AP: OSFG huangjinri@chinamobile.com Tracy Van Brakle ) before getting into the details of the demo scenario (initially proposed for Osaka F2F and of labs interconnection. Lab aspects from OSC point of view could be discussed next week with "INF lab II" report 
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
          1. 2023-05-18: huangjinri@chinamobile.com proposed date is May 30th. to be confirmed
        2. AP (from 2023-05-11): David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. All PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
          1. 2023-05-18: Clarified that the scope of the OSC presentations to F2F is to show what OSC is doing and how it related to O-RAN WGs work. These will be OSC open meeting (OSC zoom meeting).  Jackie Huang and Seshu Kumar Mudiganti mentioned that INF project discussed about ONAP/OSC cross-coordination on O-Cloud activities (from Sylva presentation last week). David Kinsey [AT&T] suggested to give an overview from INF to O-RAN WG6 in Osaka. 
        3. 2023-05-18: AP All PTLs: project interested in showing a video demo during Osaka F2F (as in Madrid F2F) to contact huangjinri@chinamobile.com  
    2. Others
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3:

        1. NONRTRIC John Keeney (Ericsson EST) 

          1. Status report
        2. SMO Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

          1. Status report
        3. SIM moved to May 25th 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: 

        1. SIM Alex Stancu (from previous meetings)
        2. OAM Martin Skorupski  (from previous meetings)
        3. RICAPP Sunil Singh (from previous meetings)
        4. O-DU-HIGH Ankit Barve 
        5. O-DU-LOW Lvfarias (Deactivated) 
        6. DOC Weichen Ni  
        7. Integration II (lab related) James Li  (postponed to May 30th) 

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Next week (2023-05-25) we will also treat project reports left over (SIM, OAM, RICAPP). INT II will be postponed to May 30th. 
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 05 11


Meeting Recording: link  


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM)

    1. next scribe: June 2023: Radysis 
    2. previous scribe: April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

Peter Moonki HongX

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Andrea Buldorini [TIM] , seconded by  moonki1.hong , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Sylva presentation (30 min)
    2. Project reports: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW, OAM: (30 min)
  3. Introduction of Sylva Project 
    1. Presentation by Guillaume Nevicato (Sylva co-chair) (find link here)
    2. Link to Sylva project gitlab: https://gitlab.com/sylva-projects/sylva
    3. jboudani will act as contact point for further questions and clarifications
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

  5. AP Review
    1. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. Copyright update
        1. AP (from 2023-02-23) huangjinri@chinamobile.com : push O-RAN legal to get feedback and get statement from O-RAN legal on how to enforce the SCCP CLA
          1. 2023-04-06: AP update: mail sent to O-RAN office requesting the SCCL CLA enforcement, waiting for the feedback
          2. 2023-04-13: response back from O-RAN Office. Details to be discussed later.
          3. 2023-05-04: no update
      2. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle 
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      3. O-RAN next phase
        1. AP (from 2023-05-04) For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
        2. 2023-05-11: David Kinsey [AT&T] presentation from OSC projects to O-RAN WGs to be planned for the O-RAN F2F meeting in June. AP: all PTLs to fill the table in https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/EV/2023-06+O-RAN+F2F+Osaka 
    2. Others
  6. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
  7. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
    3. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. 2023-05-11: Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW (+OAM)

        1. RIC Thoralf Czichy 
          1. Status report (H Release#Near-Real-timeRANIntelligentControllerPlatform(E2Interface)(RICPLT))
            • Original primary goals based on contributions from Nokia, Samsung, HCL, Capgemini, Parallel Wireless, Alexandre Huff (UTFPR) and Abhijit G:

              • We will deprecate the RMR-based E2 subscription interface and H-release xApps need to use the REST based interface already supported by the the C++, go, and python xApp frameworks (RIC-375). The subscription manager should handle subscriptions for failing xApps (RIC-929) and provide a callback on subscription delete success/failure (RIC-928)We plan to implement the RIC subscription delete required procedure (RIC-851)
              • Update to newer golang version of all components (RIC-881)
              • We will develop a CRD, i.e., a K8S operator on top of the DMS REST API to simplify xApp deployment (RIC-715). Also the DMS Rest interface gets the missing delete API (RIC-954). RIC-717 allows to deploy multiple cooperating xApps together.
              • On E2 side we will implement the E2 Reset procedure from RAN to RIC (RIC-949) and the RIC Subscription Delete procedure (RIC-851). We also implement robustness improvements (RIC-932 for reconnect cases) and troubleshooting improvements (RIC-813, RIC-814).
              • There's work planned to deploy the kserve-based model provisioning from the AI/ML project into the RIC platform (RIC-955)
              • The xapp frameworks for Golang (RIC-930), C++ and Rust (RIC-951) will get some enhancements that are already implemented in the other languages, incl. support for xApp registration in the xapp-framework-cpp (RIC-705).
              • E2T (RIC-813) and E2Mgr (RIC-814) support dynamic changing of log levels for better troubleshooting
              • RIC-953 A1 testing improvements and bug fixes
              • Added to plan during H:
                • Support for policy status notifications in A1 (RIC-973 (incl. RIC-975)
                • Faster timeout in SCTP heartbeats (E2) (RIC-976)
            • Achieved H release highlights = high-level release notes (TODO-date) below (note that the release image list is here: TODO-link)

              • E2 reset (from E2 node to RIC), E2 subscription delete required, A1 policy status notfications
              • Preparation of feature for I release, e.g., include xApps in subscription delete required decision

              For the H release of the near-RT RIC we do only limited integration testing: only the use cases: deploy RIC, deploy xApp, make E2 connection, get list of A1 policies has been tested.

              Filled in end-of-release checklist: TODO-link

            • Status 2023-05-11: From the 22 epics planned (link) we implemented 4 (link). 6 items have been moved out of the H release, e.g, because of implementation delays (link). Incomplete items: 12 (link). Additionally we fixed 8 bugs and small implementation tasks (link)
        2. RICAPP Sunil Singh 
          1. Not treated. Postponed to the next meeting
        3. AIMLFW Joseph Thaliath 
          1. Status report
        4. OAM Martin Skorupski 
          1. Status report
          2. Not treated due to lack of time. 
      3. 2023-05-18: Group 3: NONRTRIC, SMO. OAM, SIM moved to May 11th and May 25th respectively 

      4. 2023-05-25: Group 4: Integration II (lab related), O-DU-HIGH, O-DU-LOW (+SIM)

  8. Any Other Business (AoB)
  9.  Meeting Closure

2023 05 04


Meeting Recording:  find link here


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM)

    1. next scribe: June 2023: Radysis 
    2. previous scribe: April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by MASAFUMI MASUDA  , seconded by Jakub Novy [DTAG]  , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

  4. AP Review
    1. Copyright update
      1. AP (from 2023-02-23) huangjinri@chinamobile.com : push O-RAN legal to get feedback and get statement from O-RAN legal on how to enforce the SCCP CLA
        1. 2023-04-06: AP update: mail sent to O-RAN office requesting the SCCL CLA enforcement, waiting for the feedback
        2. 2023-04-13: response back from O-RAN Office. Details to be discussed later.
        3. 2023-05-04: no update
      2. AP (from 2023-03-16)Jakub Novy [DTAG]: Check on progress that Jindrich is making. We continue working on a way to publish O-RAN code-like segments.
            1. Jakub had a session with Jindrich on what is needed. Next step is with Jindrich. Jakub also had a discussion with WG3's Claudio.
            2. Jakub commented that we once this becomes clear, we should talk with other WG. WG3 needs are pretty clear.
            3. 2023-04-20: no update but Jakub Novy [DTAG] will keep on monitoring.
          1. 2023-03-23, 2023-03-30: no update, O-RAN office is looking for suitable solution. Jakub waiting for Jindrich.
          2. 2023-04-13: no update. Still waiting for Office to feed back.
          3. 2023-04-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com explained to the O-RAN office. Had conversations with Sridhar, and seems like the SCCL CLA was not that complicated. Recommend to close the AP and re-open it in case there's any issue in the future.
          4. 2023-04-27: Jakub Novy [DTAG] still following up on the solution. It's worth mentioning that OSFG should be informed about this activity because this seems to benefit to their agenda.
          5. 2023-05-04: AP is closed. Item is moved under OSFG agenda item. 
    2. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. Publishing O-RAN code-like segments under SCCL CLA huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) Tracy Van Brakle 
        3. Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle 
      2. O-RAN next phase
        1. (2023-04-13) AP: jboudani to reach Sylva and invite them to OSC to give an introduction;
          1. 2023-04-27: jboudani will invite Sylva to TOC to give a 30-minute presentation on 5/11 via email. Confirmed by email
          2. 2023-05-04: AP is closed.  
    3. Others
      1. AP (from 2023-04-27): David Kinsey [AT&T] next O-RAN F2F is 6/29-6/23 in Osaka, Japan. We need to have more conversations with the WGs by having some joint sessions with them. Now the topics are beginning to merge onto different team pages and we can plan ahead with WGs to make sure we have a slot with them. It's about 7 weeks before the F2F and let's have a talk on this at the next RSAC.
      2. 2023-05-04: AP is closed. Planning of F2F meeting agenda will be taken by RSAC
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. Presentation of project Sylva will be given to TOC on May 11th, for the first 30 minutes of the call. 
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. David Kinsey [AT&T]  Current focus is on the deployment of the tools O-RAN is purchasing (simulators and RIC tester) in Bedminster Lab. Cupertino will connect to Bedminster to federate and support end-to-end use cases. See also information in the RSAC status report 
    2. Collaboration with OAI
      1. AP (from 2023-03-09) David Kinsey [AT&T]OSC and OAI lab connection.  The overall goal is to have some result of such a cooperation that can be presented at next O-RAN f-2-f.
        1. 2023-04-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] no update. Talked to Rich on this and there shouldn't be any problem setting up the connection.
        2. 2023-04-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] heard that Tracy Van Brakle  and others are thinking of using OTIC lab to use our released software to interconnect with OAI. Need to hear from OSFG on the final decision before moving forward.
        3. 2023-05-04: AP is closed
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. AP (from 2023-04-20): Tracy Van Brakle is working on a update to TSC this week. Hopefully we'll get some update next week on the Super Wireless RAN blueprint next week.  Here is link to slide prepared for O-RAN TSC meeting 2023-04-21:  https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/132710560/OSFG-2023.04.21%20TSC-I-OSFG%20REPORT.pptx?api=v2
      2. 2023-05-04 discussion is now in O-RAN OSFG. AP is closed
    4. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. AP (from 2023-04-27): Sridhar Rao docker account has been created for OSC; Matt Watkins filed a request for open source credits on behalf of the project but not sure when will hear back the results.
      2. 2023-05-04: AP is closed
    5. Project reports (one group per week, rotating)

      1. 2023-05-04: Group 1: RSAC, Integration I (cross-project testing related), infrastructure

        1. RSAC Former user (Deleted)
          1. Status report
          2. For bilateral coordination with O-RAN Alliance on Feature Plan, it is agreed to hold the overall presentation from O-RAN MVP-C co-chair in TOC (AP huangjinri@chinamobile.com open), while further Iterations with individual feature rapporteurs will be arranged in RSAC
        2. Integration I (cross-project testing related) James Li 
          1. Status report
        3. Infrastructure Jackie Huang 
          1. Status report
      2. Group 2: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW

      3. Group 3: NONRTRIC, SMO, OAM, SIM

      4. Group 4: Integration II (lab related), O-DU-HIGH, O-DU-LOW

  7. Any Other Business (AoB)
    1. Due to national holidays on May 18th, for the next round, OAM will be presented on May 11th together with group 2 topics and SIM will be presented on May 25th  together with group 4 topics. Updated schedule:
      1. 2023-05-11: RIC, RICAPP, AIMLFW, OAM (30 min overall, due to Sylva presentation in the first half an hour)  
      2. 2023-05-18: NONRTRIC, SMO 
      3. 2023-05-25: Integration II (lab related), O-DU-HIGH, O-DU-LOW, SIM
  8.  Meeting Closure

2023 04 27


Meeting Recording:  find link here


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jinri Huang (CMCC)

    1. next scribe: May 2023: Andrea (TIM)
    2. previous scribe: March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys, May: TIM
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John Keeneyx


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid


Thoralf Czichy


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin Yang
Jackie Huang x
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by Andrea Buldorini [TIM] , seconded by avinash.bhat  , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. suggested and agreed by the team to go through AP list first, then continue the discussion on the proposal from last week. if time allows, then review the stand items.
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. AP (from 2023-02-23) huangjinri@chinamobile.com : push O-RAN legal to get feedback and get statement from O-RAN legal on how to enforce the SCCP CLA.
      1. Sridhar Rao I have checked with LF legal. SCCP is already created. LF will be hosting the repo, but it's not a legal entity for SCCP and SCCL (similar to SCP and SCL). It's O-RAN legal.
      2. 2023-03-23: David mentioned, for example, scans to be done by O-RAN.
        1. Jinri to check what this was about and if it is already resolved. David suggested that under this AP we also need knowledge on process for the checks that
      3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com To discuss SCCL implementation, a meeting with O-RAN office and some experts is arranged for next week (=last week of February).
      4. 2023-03-30: no update
      5. 2023-04-06: AP update: mail sent to O-RAN office requesting the SCCL CLA enforcement, waiting for the feedback;
        1. 23-04-13: response back from O-RAN Office. Details to be discussed later.
    2. AP (from 2023-03-16)Jakub Novy [DTAG]: Check on progress that Jindrich is making. We continue working on a way to publish O-RAN code-like segments.
          1. Jakub had a session with Jindrich on what is needed. Next step is with Jindrich. Jakub also had a discussion with WG3's Claudio.
          2. Jakub commented that we once this becomes clear, we should talk with other WG. WG3 needs are pretty clear.
          3. 2023-04-20: no update but Jakub Novy [DTAG] will keep on monitoring.
        1. 2023-03-23, 2023-03-30: no update, O-RAN office is looking for suitable solution. Jakub waiting for Jindrich.
        2. 2023-04-13: no update. Still waiting for Office to feed back.
        3. 2023-04-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com explained to the O-RAN office. Had conversations with Sridhar, and seems like the SCCL CLA was not that complicated. Recommend to close the AP and re-open it in case there's any issue in the future.
        4. 2023-04-27: Jakub Novy [DTAG] still following up on the solution. It's worth mentioning that OSFG should be informed about this activity because this seems to benefit to their agenda.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
    1. OSFG discussions
      1. 2023-03-09,2023-03-16, 2023-03-30: no news.
    2. O-RAN next phase
      1. 2023-02-09: James Li presented OSC revamp. A deep-dive session is scheduled during the F2F.
      2. 2023-02-23: James Li Next step is how we are going to execute. First thing is the impact OSC wants to make and the second is CI/CD/CT.
      3. 2023-03-02: Jinri: better mapping between OSC work and O-RAN working groups needed. Wish for OSC taking input from O-RAN working groups.
      4. 2023-03-09: AP (from 2023-03-09)David Kinsey [AT&T] to discuss with Jinri on what can be done to get this (=better cooperation) forward - goal should be refined and then we can come up with a plan. James commented that an e-mail to TOC (not "discuss") mailing list could help to refine this.
        1. 2023-03-30
          1. James: TSC co-chairs requested updated on "O-RAN next phase". Jinri preparing something for next week TSC
          2. OSFG/OSC and OAI workshop planned for second half of this year (~September). This is the same as David's AP above under "iv" above
        2. 2023-04-20: Tracy Van Brakle is working on a update to TSC this week. Hopefully we'll get some update next week on the Super Wireless RAN blueprint next week.  Here is link to slide prepared for O-RAN TSC meeting 2023-04-221:  https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/132710560/OSFG-2023.04.21%20TSC-I-OSFG%20REPORT.pptx?api=v2
      5. 2023-03-16:
        1. David: we should track what parts of specifications are implemented, e.g., on A1, E2 level
        2. David: in f-2-f better to have one-on-one sessions between OSC/OSFG and each WG to focus on topics of interest by WGs.
      6. 2023-03-23: Jinri remembers that Alex C. wanted to involve Orange in cooperation between OSC and other organizations (ONAP, OAI, nephio). Julien to check on Orange side
        1. AP  (from 2023-03-23)huangjinri@chinamobile.com jboudani : arrange a call on the external cooperation topic (ONAP, OAI, nephio, ...)
          1. 2023-04-20: jboudani sent an email to the Sylva co-chair and invite them to give a presentation at TOC. They are in the KubeCon this week.
          2. 2023-04-27: jboudani will invite Sylva to TOC to give a 30-minute presentation on 5/11 via email.
        2. 2023-03-30: not yet discussed. Julien mentioned some doubts on how nephio will fit it. David gave an example of nephio deployment philosophy.
          1. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti (WR) referred to the work on nephio side: https://wiki.nephio.org/display/HOME/Overview+of+Nephio and to a paper he is workon with Bin Yang
        3. 2023-04-13:call made b/w Jinri and Julien. It is pointed out that Sylva may have many interesting area with OSC. Suggested to invite them to come ot OSC to deliver an introduction.
          • Seshu: also working in Sylvia, realizing the potential relationship b/w OSC and sylvia. would like to help;
          • Jinri: request the delegate to send the material beforehand for review, for better discussion;

          • (2023-04-13) AP: jboudani to reach Sylva and invite them to OSC to give an introduction;

          • Seshu mentioned there will be an independent demo to showcase how the pieces (nephio, ONAP, OSC etc) could work together; It is suggested to do this in RSAC next week; The purpose is to showcase the ability of collaboration across dif. open source projects/communities. After the RSAC, the demo will be introduced in TOC next week.

          • It is request to broadcast the recording in the email reflector;

          • RSAC: next wed. 8AM, Rittwik to send the invite to Seshu;

        4. 2023-04-20: 

          • David Kinsey [AT&T] : Seshu Kumar Mudiganti gave a presentation yesterday at the RSAC/SMO meeting. We did a lot of discussion on Nephio and other projects that's in the ecosystem around OSC. It ran out of time before we actually did the demo.It might occur at the next Wednesday's SMO/RSAC meeting.

    3. Others
      1. (2023-04-06) TSC this week cancelled; OSC report will be in 6 weeks; 
      2. 2023-04-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] next O-RAN F2F is 6/29-6/23 in Osaka, Japan. We need to have more conversations with the WGs by having some joint sessions with them. Now the topics are beginning to merge onto different team pages and we can plan ahead with WGs to make sure we have a slot with them. It's about 7 weeks before the F2F and let's have a talk on this at the next RSAC.
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions 
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Collaboration with OAI
      1. 2023-03-09: AP (from 2023-03-09) David Kinsey [AT&T]OSC and OAI lab connection.  The overall goal is to have some result of such a cooperation that can be presented at next O-RAN f-2-f.
        1. James also interested in this. David seems to want the connection to be able to deploy from OSC SMO to OAI cloud. Also still discussion on OAI licensing and lab usage.
        2. 2023-04-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] no update. Talked to Rich on this and there shouldn't be any problem setting up the connection.
        3. 2023-04-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] heard that Tracy and others are thinking of using OTIC lab to use our released software to interconnect with OAI. Need to hear from OSFG on the final decision before moving forward.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2023-03-02: David Kinsey [AT&T]Talked with OAI. First step is to connect labs so as to be able to connect elements in different locations. Idea is that this becomes a continuous test environment (CT).
      2. 2023-03-30: on hold
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2023-03-30: to optimizie some of the daily-ran build jobs they will be moved to "on need basis" (cost optimization). See e-mail from Jessica.
      2. 2023-04-27: Sridhar Rao docker account has been created for OSC; Matt Watkins filed a request for open source credits on behalf of the project but not sure when will hear back the results.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. 2023-03-16:
        1. Tacker (as DMS endpoint) and integration with O-Cloud. SMO project continues to develop it, but deployed in central cloud. See also INF Presentation: O2DMS in ETSI NFV profile
        2. Some flows for O2 interface now defined. Now need a contributor for implementing the SMO part of this. To be checked with Tacker team. Already checking with NTUST team if they have someone.
        3. Rittwik: next RSAC call will be about AI/ML workflow and integration
      2. 2023-03-23: two presentations were given in RSAC call. One on SMO Decomposition and how that applies to OSC and one on interaction between OSC and ONAP (latter requires more discussion in RSAC). See RSAC meeting minutes link.
      3. 2023-03-30:
        1. RSAC discussed lab environments. Still plan to keep OAI CU in Taiwan lab only.
        2. ODU high contributions from Taiwan team.
      4. 2023-04-27: Former user (Deleted) O-DU integration ongoing at the Taiwan lab. They're trying to get the basic O-DU integration complete by the end of this month. Also the O-Cloud deployment and connection to the O-CU endpoint.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
        1. 2023-02-23: James Li We have started some conversation around O2 integration.
        2. 2023-03-16: Worked on O2 integration. Working with Sridhar on Xtesting to bring existing Robot test cases.
        3. 2023-03-23: Working on CI/CD/CT integration with some Amdocs platform in some public cloud. RIC platform deployment and testing is used as test case for this proof of concept using AWS. David suggested this to be brought to RSAC (2 weeks from now). Also preferred OSC lab over public clouds like AWS. David also preferred O-Cloud and O2, though. James referred to Bing (infra team) as there seem to be some work with Powder lab on infrastructure team side as well.
        4. 2023-03-30: WR applying x testing to cases in it/test for testing of IMS interface.
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. 2023-02-23: Mahesh Jethanandani We just kicked starting our activities. I'd like to ask David Kinsey [AT&T] to light up on the missing functionality.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC):

        1. 2023-03-09: successfully cleaned up jenkins jobs. Upgrade to JDK17 and springboot 3.
      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP):

        1. 2023-03-09: Sunil Singh INFO.yaml for a new repo is now fixed.
      5. Thoralf Czichy Near-RT RIC Platform (RIC):

        1. 2023-03-09: Happy to see new contributors: Cap gemini, Parallel wireless and Abhijit (rust CI), 
        2. 2023-03-16: Supporting deployment of the RIC platform using O2 is currently pending a discussion between James and the SMO project and on Bin Yang to check a helm-only deployment of the near-RT RIC.
        3. 2023-03-30: Bin Yang: working on helm charts now. patch set coming soon. David and Bin Yang discussed on different ways of distributing the logic of combining parts into an overarching CNF/VNF.
      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU):

      7. Ankit Barve O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH):

        1. 2023-03-16: gnb up in Taiwan lab and available for testing with G release.
        2. 2023-03-23: waiting for test  tool availability in Taiwan lab
        3. 2023-04-27: focusing on inter-CU activity, and the TM 500 and L1 synchronization need to be checked first before we can resume.
      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW):

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM):

        1. 2023-03-23: updating build models related to standard models, so they don't have to be in LF repos.
        2. 2023-04-27: look into the WG4 conformance test spec and try to automate it.
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2023-03-23: updating build models related to standard models, so they don't have to be in LF repos.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2023-02-23: Jackie Huang We are considering to support ARM architecture. We can think about AMD as well. We have a discussion on the O2 compliance testing.
        2. 2023-03-09: started porting the INF upstream project to ARM, incl. a demo at MWC on ARM. David asked: is this planned to be in OSC repos. Jackie: yes
        3. 2023-04-27: resource shortage due to some role and responsibility change. Keep on working in the upstream StarlingX project but at the PoC level now. Also consider to support the cross compiling but it's more difficult for us. We have a long term plan with ARM and may implement the product level support of ARM architecture in the 2nd half of this year, and for OSC this may be integrated in the next release. Also contributed the O2 compliance test automation to the INT project. Asked whether there are any ARM servers in OSC. David Kinsey [AT&T] can talk about that on the RSAC agenda.
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
        1. 2023-04-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] got approval to purchase RU simulator and RIC test tools. The current plan is to deploy them into the Bedminster lab, cross connect some of the RIC test tools with the Cupertino lab, and possibly with the Taiwan lab too. Now it needs a memorandum of understanding between AT&T and O-RAN alliance for hosting their tools. Working on a draft document to go though AT&T legal and then have O-RAN alliance to agree.
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework (AIMLFW)
        1. 2023-03-09: working on integration with non-RT RIC and Near-RT RIC. On track. David asked if work with near-RT RIC will be fed back to WG3? Any opinion? Avinash: sees this currently as an implementation issue. John (for non-RT RIC) still too early.
        2. 2023-04-27: Joseph Thaliath working on the integration with DME on the Non RT RIC side. Had an initial demo for that.
  8. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. (2023-04-06) Jinri Huang, a proposal on OSC release planning and TOC meeting arrangement
      1. See the proposal here
      2. Some discussion points regarding Proposal 1
        1. Suggested Step 4: need internal discussion to identify which aspects of the features should be targeted. Otherwise, a feature may be too large in magnitude to be completed end 2 end;
        2. Suggested Step 5: a readout could be arranged with communication back to working groups to tell them the features that OSC is working on;
        3. feedback mechanism is suggested so that user communities voice could be heard and taken into account in the next phase design; it is agreed yet the detailed mechanism needs to be figured out in the future;
      3. Some discussion points regarding Proposal 2
        1. A comment with suggestion on the feature matrix was made. A feature matrix could be used to indicate the relationship/priority of different pieces of a feature, to indicate the progress (as dashboard). could be in wiki, git or other place.
        2. concern was make that MVP-C features may be too vague to give actionable activities; MVP-C co-chairs need wo work with OSC to decompose the feature to actionable activities; this could be integrated into Step 3 (see the proposal) or Step 4 (see the comment above). Need to work with feature rapporteur.
        3. TIM pointed out that for each feature, there are correspondingly a set of documents/specifications detailing the feature. These could be detailed input for OSC work.
      4. huangjinri@chinamobile.com to integrate the comments and update the proposal (AP: 2023-04-06)
        1. 2023-04-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com sent a proposal a few hours ago. 
        2. 2023-04-27: huangjinri@chinamobile.com sent a updated new TOC meeting arrangement proposal. David Kinsey [AT&T] Next week will start with the new outline. RSAC, INT and INF will provide their reports.
    2. (2023-04-13) TOC meeting arrangement discussion:
      1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : bring new business forward and have only 3-4 projects to present at each meeting with more details and also allow enough time for discussion. My second thought now is that we may even reduce to 2-3 projects to present at each TOC meeting so it may rotate in every 6 weeks.
      2. avinash.bhat this is a good solution and I support it. I remember there's a comment from David Kinsey [AT&T] to have a fourth group to do it a monthly base.
      3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : in the original proposal there were 3 groups. No matter how many groups we end up forming, the important thing is that we agree on this framework.
      4. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti : Take a worst case of 10 minutes per project, 4 projects per group take up to 40 minutes; so perhaps we can have 3 projects per group to limit the project related discussion to 30 minutes and also allow time to cover other topics.
      5. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : let me re-group it later on, perhaps with 4 groups
      6. Former user (Deleted): just think out loud here – instead of PTL level grouping, can there be one where it's more overall linkage across all projects? Some projects, like O-DU-low may not have much to speak about due to its low activity. Rather I'd like to have TOC present to all projects like a umbrella thing that go over high level picture so we all worked in the same level direction. The conversation should happen both ways, including the project groups, and TOC taking one slot to provide feedback for all to align better.
      7. huangjinri@chinamobile.com I agree. Perhaps RSAC should be the one to present high level picture, but definitely TOC should be involved. In addition, we may need to figure out a way for PTLs to present their report not purely on a software development perspective, but also to cover the architecture, design, underlying intention, etc. We may not do it all correctly from the beginning but should give it a try.
      8. AP: huangjinri@chinamobile.com to contact MVP-C co-chairs Suzy and Koo to schedule a time to give a high-level introduction on feature packages in TOC.
        • 2023-04-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com haven't contacted the MVP-C co-chairs yet, wanted to have the Sylva meeting scheduled first.
    3. (2023-04-20) TOC meeting arrangement discussion:
      1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : sent an updated version in email a few hours ago. Per the proposal 1 of the release planning on slide 2, it's still rough but enough for us to take action. Proposed 4 groups. and projects in each group will present in one TOC meeting on progress and discussions.
      2. David Kinsey [AT&T] there're outliers, like the documentation project only reports near the release time.
      3. Alex Stancu it makes sense to have the SIM project together with NONRTRIC and OAM
      4. David Kinsey [AT&T] : suggest to have the infrastructure team to move to group 1 from group 4. In addition, no PTLs are associated with the Keysight/Viavi simulators, and the Radisys commercial CU that we are using in the labs.
      5. Former user (Deleted) : integration team might provide that overview? Essentially it's pulling together external dependencies, things that are down streaming from etc. Also do you want LF or release management to say a few words?
      6. David Kinsey [AT&T] INF, INT and RSAC are close together in one group
      7. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : These 3 may take too much time in 1 TOC meeting. Also O-DU-low may not use much time
      8. David Kinsey [AT&T] : There're 2 aspects on the integration: 1) the XTesting framework and automated testing across all projects; 2) integration around O-DU-high. Also we have 3 labs to report on their progress so it might be good to split up integration into 2 parts, with the 2nd parts on lab reports.
      9. David Kinsey [AT&T] : we need a motion to approve this new format, on the groupings, and what to do if there's a 5th week in a month. huangjinri@chinamobile.com made a motion, and David Kinsey [AT&T] second it. Votes approved. 
      10. AP: huangjinri@chinamobile.com will finalize the grouping, and what to do on the 5th week.
      11. Jackie Huang shared on how the O-RAN WG6 O2IMS interface v03.00 spec is aligned in the INF project in the G release.
      12. Yogendra Pal do you have a way to let others find out details if something is partially compliant?
      13. David Kinsey [AT&T] propose to have mandatory and optional fields to assist on the details.
  9. Planning for Next Meeting 
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. AP (from 2023-03-16) David Kinsey [AT&T]: SMO PTL position is open for a new PTL. Mahesh will have to move on by end of March. Candidates should send a short e-mail with their proposal including their qualifications.
    2. 2023-04-13:

      MATT: currently going through the process of applying for open source credits. therefore, asking about whether the projects have any docker account;
      2023-04-13 AP: suggest PTL to respond via email later;

      1. 2023-04-20: Sridhar Rao short answer is no. Sridhar Rao and Matt Watkins will take care of it.
    3. 2023-04-20: Sridhar Rao Joseph will replace Hoojoo Lee as PTL for the AI/ML project. David Kinsey [AT&T] let's confirm it on the next TOC meeting.
    4. 2023-04-27: Joseph is confirmed as the new AI/ML PTL (Motion made by David Kinsey [AT&T] second by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and without any objection) . Also Jackie Huang will replace Bin Yang as the voting TOC member, and Jon Zhang will serve as the alternate.
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2023 04 20


Meeting Recording:  see link here


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jinri Huang (CMCC)

    1. next scribe: April 2023: China Mobile 
    2. previous scribe: March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys, May: TIM
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyx


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
Baruch Friedmanx

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by huangjinri@chinamobile.com  , seconded by jboudani  , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. suggested and agreed by the team to go through AP list first, then continue the discussion on the proposal from last week. if time allows, then review the stand items.
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. AP (from 2023-02-23) huangjinri@chinamobile.com : push O-RAN legal to get feedback and get statement from O-RAN legal on how to enforce the SCCP CLA.
      1. Sridhar Rao I have checked with LF legal. SCCP is already created. LF will be hosting the repo, but it's not a legal entity for SCCP and SCCL (similar to SCP and SCL). It's O-RAN legal.
      2. 2023-03-23: David mentioned, for example, scans to be done by O-RAN.
        1. Jinri to check what this was about and if it is already resolved. David suggested that under this AP we also need knowledge on process for the checks that
      3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com To discuss SCCL implementation, a meeting with O-RAN office and some experts is arranged for next week (=last week of February).
      4. 2023-03-30: no update
      5. 2023-04-06: AP update: mail sent to O-RAN office requesting the SCCL CLA enforcement, waiting for the feedback;
        1. 23-04-13: response back from O-RAN Office. Details to be discussed later.
    2. AP (from 2023-03-16)Jakub Novy [DTAG]: Check on progress that Jindrich is making. We continue working on a way to publish O-RAN code-like segments.
          1. Jakub had a session with Jindrich on what is needed. Next step is with Jindrich. Jakub also had a discussion with WG3's Claudio.
          2. Jakub commented that we once this becomes clear, we should talk with other WG. WG3 needs are pretty clear.
          3. 2023-04-20: no update but Jakub Novy [DTAG] will keep on monitoring.
        1. 2023-03-23, 2023-03-30: no update, O-RAN office is looking for suitable solution. Jakub waiting for Jindrich.
        2. 2023-04-13: no update. Still waiting for Office to feed back.
        3. 2023-04-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com explained to the O-RAN office. Had conversations with Sridhar, and seems like the SCCL CLA was not that complicated. Recommend to close the AP and re-open it in case there's any issue in the future.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
    1. OSFG discussions
      1. 2023-03-09,2023-03-16, 2023-03-30: no news.
    2. O-RAN next phase
      1. 2023-02-09: James Li presented OSC revamp. A deep-dive session is scheduled during the F2F.
      2. 2023-02-23: James Li Next step is how we are going to execute. First thing is the impact OSC wants to make and the second is CI/CD/CT.
      3. 2023-03-02: Jinri: better mapping between OSC work and O-RAN working groups needed. Wish for OSC taking input from O-RAN working groups.
      4. 2023-03-09: AP (from 2023-03-09)David Kinsey [AT&T] to discuss with Jinri on what can be done to get this (=better cooperation) forward - goal should be refined and then we can come up with a plan. James commented that an e-mail to TOC (not "discuss") mailing list could help to refine this.
        1. 2023-03-30
          1. James: TSC co-chairs requested updated on "O-RAN next phase". Jinri preparing something for next week TSC
          2. OSFG/OSC and OAI workshop planned for second half of this year (~September). This is the same as David's AP above under "iv" above
        2. 2023-04-20: Tracy Van Brakle is working on a update to TSC this week. Hopefully we'll get some update next week on the Super Wireless RAN blueprint next week.
      5. 2023-03-16:
        1. David: we should track what parts of specifications are implemented, e.g., on A1, E2 level
        2. David: in f-2-f better to have one-on-one sessions between OSC/OSFG and each WG to focus on topics of interest by WGs.
      6. 2023-03-23: Jinri remembers that Alex C. wanted to involve Orange in cooperation between OSC and other organizations (ONAP, OAI, nephio). Julien to check on Orange side
        1. AP  (from 2023-03-23)huangjinri@chinamobile.com jboudani : arrange a call on the external cooperation topic (ONAP, OAI, nephio, ...)
          1. 2023-04-20: jboudani sent an email to the Sylva co-chair and invite them to give a presentation at TOC. They are in the KubeCon this week.
        2. 2023-03-30: not yet discussed. Julien mentioned some doubts on how nephio will fit it. David gave an example of nephio deployment philosophy.
          1. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti (WR) referred to the work on nephio side: https://wiki.nephio.org/display/HOME/Overview+of+Nephio and to a paper he is workon with Bin Yang
        3. 2023-04-13:call made b/w Jinri and Julien. It is pointed out that Sylva may have many interesting area with OSC. Suggested to invite them to come ot OSC to deliver an introduction.
          • Seshu: also working in Sylvia, realizing the potential relationship b/w OSC and sylvia. would like to help;
          • Jinri: request the delegate to send the material beforehand for review, for better discussion;

          • (2023-04-13) AP: jboudani to reach Sylva and invite them to OSC to give an introduction;

          • Seshu mentioned there will be an independent demo to showcase how the pieces (nephio, ONAP, OSC etc) could work together; It is suggested to do this in RSAC next week; The purpose is to showcase the ability of collaboration across dif. open source projects/communities. After the RSAC, the demo will be introduced in TOC next week.

          • It is request to broadcast the recording in the email reflector;

          • RSAC: next wed. 8AM, Rittwik to send the invite to Seshu;

        4. 2023-04-20: 

          • David Kinsey [AT&T] : Seshu Kumar Mudiganti gave a presentation yesterday at the RSAC/SMO meeting. We did a lot of discussion on Nephio and other projects that's in the ecosystem around OSC. It ran out of time before we actually did the demo.It might occur at the next Wednesday's SMO/RSAC meeting.

    3. Others
      1. (2023-04-06) TSC this week cancelled; OSC report will be in 6 weeks; 
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions 
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Collaboration with OAI
      1. 2023-03-09: AP (from 2023-03-09) David Kinsey [AT&T]OSC and OAI lab connection.  The overall goal is to have some result of such a cooperation that can be presented at next O-RAN f-2-f.
        1. James also interested in this. David seems to want the connection to be able to deploy from OSC SMO to OAI cloud. Also still discussion on OAI licensing and lab usage.
        2. 2023-04-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] no update. Talked to Rich on this and there shouldn't be any problem setting up the connection.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2023-03-02: David Kinsey [AT&T]Talked with OAI. First step is to connect labs so as to be able to connect elements in different locations. Idea is that this becomes a continuous test environment (CT).
      2. 2023-03-30: on hold
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2023-03-30: to optimizie some of the daily-ran build jobs they will be moved to "on need basis" (cost optimization). See e-mail from Jessica.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. 2023-03-16:
        1. Tacker (as DMS endpoint) and integration with O-Cloud. SMO project continues to develop it, but deployed in central cloud. See also INF Presentation: O2DMS in ETSI NFV profile
        2. Some flows for O2 interface now defined. Now need a contributor for implementing the SMO part of this. To be checked with Tacker team. Already checking with NTUST team if they have someone.
        3. Rittwik: next RSAC call will be about AI/ML workflow and integration
      2. 2023-03-23: two presentations were given in RSAC call. One on SMO Decomposition and how that applies to OSC and one on interaction between OSC and ONAP (latter requires more discussion in RSAC). See RSAC meeting minutes link.
      3. 2023-03-30:
        1. RSAC discussed lab environments. Still plan to keep OAI CU in Taiwan lab only.
        2. ODU high contributions from Taiwan team.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
        1. 2023-02-23: James Li We have started some conversation around O2 integration.
        2. 2023-03-16: Worked on O2 integration. Working with Sridhar on Xtesting to bring existing Robot test cases.
        3. 2023-03-23: Working on CI/CD/CT integration with some Amdocs platform in some public cloud. RIC platform deployment and testing is used as test case for this proof of concept using AWS. David suggested this to be brought to RSAC (2 weeks from now). Also preferred OSC lab over public clouds like AWS. David also preferred O-Cloud and O2, though. James referred to Bing (infra team) as there seem to be some work with Powder lab on infrastructure team side as well.
        4. 2023-03-30: WR applying x testing to cases in it/test for testing of IMS interface.
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. 2023-02-23: Mahesh Jethanandani We just kicked starting our activities. I'd like to ask David Kinsey [AT&T] to light up on the missing functionality.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC):

        1. 2023-03-09: successfully cleaned up jenkins jobs. Upgrade to JDK17 and springboot 3.
      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP):

        1. 2023-03-09: Sunil Singh INFO.yaml for a new repo is now fixed.
      5. Thoralf Czichy Near-RT RIC Platform (RIC):

        1. 2023-03-09: Happy to see new contributors: Cap gemini, Parallel wireless and Abhijit (rust CI), 
        2. 2023-03-16: Supporting deployment of the RIC platform using O2 is currently pending a discussion between James and the SMO project and on Bin Yang to check a helm-only deployment of the near-RT RIC.
        3. 2023-03-30: Bin Yang: working on helm charts now. patch set coming soon. David and Bin Yang discussed on different ways of distributing the logic of combining parts into an overarching CNF/VNF.
      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU):

      7. Ankit Barve O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH):

        1. 2023-03-16: gnb up in Taiwan lab and available for testing with G release.
        2. 2023-03-23: waiting for test  tool availability in Taiwan lab
      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW):

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM):

        1. 2023-03-23: updating build models related to standard models, so they don't have to be in LF repos.
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2023-03-23: updating build models related to standard models, so they don't have to be in LF repos.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2023-02-23: Jackie Huang We are considering to support ARM architecture. We can think about AMD as well. We have a discussion on the O2 compliance testing.
        2. 2023-03-09: started porting the INF upstream project to ARM, incl. a demo at MWC on ARM. David asked: is this planned to be in OSC repos. Jackie: yes
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework (AIMLFW)
        1. 2023-03-09: working on integration with non-RT RIC and Near-RT RIC. On track. David asked if work with near-RT RIC will be fed back to WG3? Any opinion? Avinash: sees this currently as an implementation issue. John (for non-RT RIC) still too early.
  8. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. (2023-04-06) Jinri Huang, a proposal on OSC release planning and TOC meeting arrangement
      1. See the proposal here
      2. Some discussion points regarding Proposal 1
        1. Suggested Step 4: need internal discussion to identify which aspects of the features should be targeted. Otherwise, a feature may be too large in magnitude to be completed end 2 end;
        2. Suggested Step 5: a readout could be arranged with communication back to working groups to tell them the features that OSC is working on;
        3. feedback mechanism is suggested so that user communities voice could be heard and taken into account in the next phase design; it is agreed yet the detailed mechanism needs to be figured out in the future;
      3. Some discussion points regarding Proposal 2
        1. A comment with suggestion on the feature matrix was made. A feature matrix could be used to indicate the relationship/priority of different pieces of a feature, to indicate the progress (as dashboard). could be in wiki, git or other place.
        2. concern was make that MVP-C features may be too vague to give actionable activities; MVP-C co-chairs need wo work with OSC to decompose the feature to actionable activities; this could be integrated into Step 3 (see the proposal) or Step 4 (see the comment above). Need to work with feature rapporteur.
        3. TIM pointed out that for each feature, there are correspondingly a set of documents/specifications detailing the feature. These could be detailed input for OSC work.
      4. huangjinri@chinamobile.com to integrate the comments and update the proposal (AP: 2023-04-06)
        1. 2023-04-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com sent a proposal a few hours ago. 
    2. (2023-04-13) TOC meeting arrangement discussion:
      1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : bring new business forward and have only 3-4 projects to present at each meeting with more details and also allow enough time for discussion. My second thought now is that we may even reduce to 2-3 projects to present at each TOC meeting so it may rotate in every 6 weeks.
      2. avinash.bhat this is a good solution and I support it. I remember there's a comment from David Kinsey [AT&T] to have a fourth group to do it a monthly base.
      3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : in the original proposal there were 3 groups. No matter how many groups we end up forming, the important thing is that we agree on this framework.
      4. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti : Take a worst case of 10 minutes per project, 4 projects per group take up to 40 minutes; so perhaps we can have 3 projects per group to limit the project related discussion to 30 minutes and also allow time to cover other topics.
      5. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : let me re-group it later on, perhaps with 4 groups
      6. Former user (Deleted): just think out loud here – instead of PTL level grouping, can there be one where it's more overall linkage across all projects? Some projects, like O-DU-low may not have much to speak about due to its low activity. Rather I'd like to have TOC present to all projects like a umbrella thing that go over high level picture so we all worked in the same level direction. The conversation should happen both ways, including the project groups, and TOC taking one slot to provide feedback for all to align better.
      7. huangjinri@chinamobile.com I agree. Perhaps RSAC should be the one to present high level picture, but definitely TOC should be involved. In addition, we may need to figure out a way for PTLs to present their report not purely on a software development perspective, but also to cover the architecture, design, underlying intention, etc. We may not do it all correctly from the beginning but should give it a try.
      8. AP: huangjinri@chinamobile.com to contact MVP-C co-chairs Suzy and Koo to schedule a time to give a high-level introduction on feature packages in TOC.
        • 2023-04-20: huangjinri@chinamobile.com haven't contacted the MVP-C co-chairs yet, wanted to have the Sylva meeting scheduled first.
    3. (2023-04-20) TOC meeting arrangement discussion:
      1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : sent an updated version in email a few hours ago. Per the proposal 1 of the release planning on slide 2, it's still rough but enough for us to take action. Proposed 4 groups. and projects in each group will present in one TOC meeting on progress and discussions.
      2. David Kinsey [AT&T] there're outliers, like the documentation project only reports near the release time.
      3. Alex Stancu it makes sense to have the SIM project together with NONRTRIC and OAM
      4. David Kinsey [AT&T] : suggest to have the infrastructure team to move to group 1 from group 4. In addition, no PTLs are associated with the Keysight/Viavi simulators, and the Radisys commercial CU that we are using in the labs.
      5. Former user (Deleted) : integration team might provide that overview? Essentially it's pulling together external dependencies, things that are down streaming from etc. Also do you want LF or release management to say a few words?
      6. David Kinsey [AT&T] INF, INT and RSAC are close together in one group
      7. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : These 3 may take too much time in 1 TOC meeting. Also O-DU-low may not use much time
      8. David Kinsey [AT&T] : There're 2 aspects on the integration: 1) the XTesting framework and automated testing across all projects; 2) integration around O-DU-high. Also we have 3 labs to report on their progress so it might be good to split up integration into 2 parts, with the 2nd parts on lab reports.
      9. David Kinsey [AT&T] : we need a motion to approve this new format, on the groupings, and what to do if there's a 5th week in a month. huangjinri@chinamobile.com made a motion, and David Kinsey [AT&T] second it. Votes approved. 
      10. AP: huangjinri@chinamobile.com will finalize the grouping, and what to do on the 5th week.
      11. Jackie Huang shared on how the O-RAN WG6 O2IMS interface v03.00 spec is aligned in the INF project in the G release.
      12. Yogendra Pal do you have a way to let others find out details if something is partially compliant?
      13. David Kinsey [AT&T] propose to have mandatory and optional fields to assist on the details.
  9. Planning for Next Meeting 
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. AP (from 2023-03-16) David Kinsey [AT&T]: SMO PTL position is open for a new PTL. Mahesh will have to move on by end of March. Candidates should send a short e-mail with their proposal including their qualifications.
    2. 2023-04-13:

      MATT: currently going through the process of applying for open source credits. therefore, asking about whether the projects have any docker account;
      2023-04-13 AP: suggest PTL to respond via email later;

      1. 2023-04-20: Sridhar Rao short answer is no. Sridhar Rao and Matt Watkins will take care of it.
    3. 2023-04-20: Sridhar Rao Joseph will replace Hoojoo Lee as PTL for the AI/ML project. David Kinsey [AT&T] let's confirm it on the next TOC meeting.
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2023 04 13

Recording: find link here

Meeting Recording:  


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jinri Huang (CMCC)

    1. next scribe: April 2023: China Mobile 
    2. previous scribe: March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys, May: TIM
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair

China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyx


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by huangjinri@chinamobile.com , seconded by  jboudani , motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. suggested and agreed by the team to go through AP list first, then continue the discussion on the proposal from last week. if time allows, then review the stand items.
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. AP (from 2023-02-23) huangjinri@chinamobile.com : push O-RAN legal to get feedback and get statement from O-RAN legal on how to enforce the SCCP CLA.
      1. Sridhar Rao I have checked with LF legal. SCCP is already created. LF will be hosting the repo, but it's not a legal entity for SCCP and SCCL (similar to SCP and SCL). It's O-RAN legal.
      2. 2023-03-23: David mentioned, for example, scans to be done by O-RAN.
        1. Jinri to check what this was about and if it is already resolved. David suggested that under this AP we also need knowledge on process for the checks that
      3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com To discuss SCCL implementation, a meeting with O-RAN office and some experts is arranged for next week (=last week of February).
      4. 2023-03-30: no update
      5. 2023-04-06: AP update: mail sent to O-RAN office requesting the SCCL CLA enforcement, waiting for the feedback;
        1. 23-04-13: response back from O-RAN Office. Details to be discussed later.
    2. AP (from 2023-03-16)Jakub Novy [DTAG]: Check on progress that Jindrich is making. We continue working on a way to publish O-RAN code-like segments.
          1. Jakub had a session with Jindrich on what is needed. Next step is with Jindrich. Jakub also had a discussion with WG3's Claudio.
          2. Jakub commented that we once this becomes clear, we should talk with other WG. WG3 needs are pretty clear.
        1. 2023-03-23, 2023-03-30: no update, O-RAN office is looking for suitable solution. Jakub waiting for Jindrich.
        2. 2023-04-13: no update. Still waiting for Office to feed back.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
    1. OSFG discussions
      1. 2023-03-09,2023-03-16, 2023-03-30: no news.
    2. O-RAN next phase
      1. 2023-02-09: James Li presented OSC revamp. A deep-dive session is scheduled during the F2F.
      2. 2023-02-23: James Li Next step is how we are going to execute. First thing is the impact OSC wants to make and the second is CI/CD/CT.
      3. 2023-03-02: Jinri: better mapping between OSC work and O-RAN working groups needed. Wish for OSC taking input from O-RAN working groups.
      4. 2023-03-09: AP (from 2023-03-09)David Kinsey [AT&T] to discuss with Jinri on what can be done to get this (=better cooperation) forward - goal should be refined and then we can come up with a plan. James commented that an e-mail to TOC (not "discuss") mailing list could help to refine this.
        1. 2023-03-30
          1. James: TSC co-chairs requested updated on "O-RAN next phase". Jinri preparing something for next week TSC
          2. OSFG/OSC and OAI workshop planned for second half of this year (~September). This is the same as David's AP above under "iv" above
      5. 2023-03-16:
        1. David: we should track what parts of specifications are implemented, e.g., on A1, E2 level
        2. David: in f-2-f better to have one-on-one sessions between OSC/OSFG and each WG to focus on topics of interest by WGs.
      6. 2023-03-23: Jinri remembers that Alex C. wanted to involve Orange in cooperation between OSC and other organizations (ONAP, OAI, nephio). Julien to check on Orange side
        1. AP  (from 2023-03-23)huangjinri@chinamobile.com jboudani : arrange a call on the external cooperation topic (ONAP, OAI, nephio, ...)
        2. 2023-03-30: not yet discussed. Julien mentioned some doubts on how nephio will fit it. David gave an example of nephio deployment philosophy.
          1. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti (WR) referred to the work on nephio side: https://wiki.nephio.org/display/HOME/Overview+of+Nephio and to a paper he is workon with Bin Yang
        3. 2023-04-13:call made b/w Jinri and Julien. It is pointed out that Sylva may have many interesting area with OSC. Suggested to invite them to come ot OSC to deliver an introduction.
          • Seshu: also working in Sylvia, realizing the potential relationship b/w OSC and sylvia. would like to help;
          • Jinri: request the delegate to send the material beforehand for review, for better discussion;

          • (2023-04-13) AP: jboudani to reach Sylva and invite them to OSC to give an introduction;

          • Seshu mentioned there will be an independent demo to showcase how the pieces (nephio, ONAP, OSC etc) could work together; It is suggested to do this in RSAC next week; The purpose is to showcase the ability of collaboration across dif. open source projects/communities. After the RSAC, the demo will be introduced in TOC next week.

          • It is request to broadcast the recording in the email reflector;

          • RSAC: next wed. 8AM, Rittwik to send the invite to Seshu;

    3. Others
      1. (2023-04-06) TSC this week cancelled; OSC report will be in 6 weeks; 
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions 
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Collaboration with OAI
      1. 2023-03-09: AP (from 2023-03-09) David Kinsey [AT&T]OSC and OAI lab connection.  The overall goal is to have some result of such a cooperation that can be presented at next O-RAN f-2-f.
        1. James also interested in this. David seems to want the connection to be able to deploy from OSC SMO to OAI cloud. Also still discussion on OAI licensing and lab usage.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2023-03-02: David Kinsey [AT&T]Talked with OAI. First step is to connect labs so as to be able to connect elements in different locations. Idea is that this becomes a continuous test environment (CT).
      2. 2023-03-30: on hold
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2023-03-30: to optimizie some of the daily-ran build jobs they will be moved to "on need basis" (cost optimization). See e-mail from Jessica.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. 2023-03-16:
        1. Tacker (as DMS endpoint) and integration with O-Cloud. SMO project continues to develop it, but deployed in central cloud. See also INF Presentation: O2DMS in ETSI NFV profile
        2. Some flows for O2 interface now defined. Now need a contributor for implementing the SMO part of this. To be checked with Tacker team. Already checking with NTUST team if they have someone.
        3. Rittwik: next RSAC call will be about AI/ML workflow and integration
      2. 2023-03-23: two presentations were given in RSAC call. One on SMO Decomposition and how that applies to OSC and one on interaction between OSC and ONAP (latter requires more discussion in RSAC). See RSAC meeting minutes link.
      3. 2023-03-30:
        1. RSAC discussed lab environments. Still plan to keep OAI CU in Taiwan lab only.
        2. ODU high contributions from Taiwan team.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
        1. 2023-02-23: James Li We have started some conversation around O2 integration.
        2. 2023-03-16: Worked on O2 integration. Working with Sridhar on Xtesting to bring existing Robot test cases.
        3. 2023-03-23: Working on CI/CD/CT integration with some Amdocs platform in some public cloud. RIC platform deployment and testing is used as test case for this proof of concept using AWS. David suggested this to be brought to RSAC (2 weeks from now). Also preferred OSC lab over public clouds like AWS. David also preferred O-Cloud and O2, though. James referred to Bing (infra team) as there seem to be some work with Powder lab on infrastructure team side as well.
        4. 2023-03-30: WR applying x testing to cases in it/test for testing of IMS interface.
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. 2023-02-23: Mahesh Jethanandani We just kicked starting our activities. I'd like to ask David Kinsey [AT&T] to light up on the missing functionality.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC):

        1. 2023-03-09: successfully cleaned up jenkins jobs. Upgrade to JDK17 and springboot 3.
      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP):

        1. 2023-03-09: Sunil Singh INFO.yaml for a new repo is now fixed.
      5. Thoralf Czichy Near-RT RIC Platform (RIC):

        1. 2023-03-09: Happy to see new contributors: Cap gemini, Parallel wireless and Abhijit (rust CI), 
        2. 2023-03-16: Supporting deployment of the RIC platform using O2 is currently pending a discussion between James and the SMO project and on Bin Yang to check a helm-only deployment of the near-RT RIC.
        3. 2023-03-30: Bin Yang: working on helm charts now. patch set coming soon. David and Bin Yang discussed on different ways of distributing the logic of combining parts into an overarching CNF/VNF.
      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU):

      7. Ankit Barve O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH):

        1. 2023-03-16: gnb up in Taiwan lab and available for testing with G release.
        2. 2023-03-23: waiting for test  tool availability in Taiwan lab
      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW):

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM):

        1. 2023-03-23: updating build models related to standard models, so they don't have to be in LF repos.
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2023-03-23: updating build models related to standard models, so they don't have to be in LF repos.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2023-02-23: Jackie Huang We are considering to support ARM architecture. We can think about AMD as well. We have a discussion on the O2 compliance testing.
        2. 2023-03-09: started porting the INF upstream project to ARM, incl. a demo at MWC on ARM. David asked: is this planned to be in OSC repos. Jackie: yes
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework (AIMLFW)
        1. 2023-03-09: working on integration with non-RT RIC and Near-RT RIC. On track. David asked if work with near-RT RIC will be fed back to WG3? Any opinion? Avinash: sees this currently as an implementation issue. John (for non-RT RIC) still too early.
  8. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. (2023-04-06) Jinri Huang, a proposal on OSC release planning and TOC meeting arrangement
      1. See the proposal here
      2. Some discussion points regarding Proposal 1
        1. Suggested Step 4: need internal discussion to identify which aspects of the features should be targeted. Otherwise, a feature may be too large in magnitude to be completed end 2 end;
        2. Suggested Step 5: a readout could be arranged with communication back to working groups to tell them the features that OSC is working on;
        3. feedback mechanism is suggested so that user communities voice could be heard and taken into account in the next phase design; it is agreed yet the detailed mechanism needs to be figured out in the future;
      3. Some discussion points regarding Proposal 2
        1. A comment with suggestion on the feature matrix was made. A feature matrix could be used to indicate the relationship/priority of different pieces of a feature, to indicate the progress (as dashboard). could be in wiki, git or other place.
        2. concern was make that MVP-C features may be too vague to give actionable activities; MVP-C co-chairs need wo work with OSC to decompose the feature to actionable activities; this could be integrated into Step 3 (see the proposal) or Step 4 (see the comment above). Need to work with feature rapporteur.
        3. TIM pointed out that for each feature, there are correspondingly a set of documents/specifications detailing the feature. These could be detailed input for OSC work.
      4. huangjinri@chinamobile.com to integrate the comments and update the proposal (AP: 2023-04-06)
    2. (2023-04-13) TOC meeting arrangement discussion:
      1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : bring new business forward and have only 3-4 projects to present at each meeting with more details and also allow enough time for discussion. My second thought now is that we may even reduce to 2-3 projects to present at each TOC meeting so it may rotate in every 6 weeks.
      2. avinash.bhat this is a good solution and I support it. I remember there's a comment from David Kinsey [AT&T] to have a fourth group to do it a monthly base.
      3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : in the original proposal there were 3 groups. No matter how many groups we end up forming, the important thing is that we agree on this framework.
      4. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti : Take a worst case of 10 minutes per project, 4 projects per group take up to 40 minutes; so perhaps we can have 3 projects per group to limit the project related discussion to 30 minutes and also allow time to cover other topics.
      5. huangjinri@chinamobile.com : let me re-group it later on, perhaps with 4 groups
      6. Former user (Deleted): just think out loud here – instead of PTL level grouping, can there be one where it's more overall linkage across all projects? Some projects, like O-DU-low may not have much to speak about due to its low activity. Rather I'd like to have TOC present to all projects like a umbrella thing that go over high level picture so we all worked in the same level direction. The conversation should happen both ways, including the project groups, and TOC taking one slot to provide feedback for all to align better.
      7. huangjinri@chinamobile.com I agree. Perhaps RSAC should be the one to present high level picture, but definitely TOC should be involved. In addition, we may need to figure out a way for PTLs to present their report not purely on a software development perspective, but also to cover the architecture, design, underlying intention, etc. We may not do it all correctly from the beginning but should give it a try.
      8. AP: huangjinri@chinamobile.com to contact MVP-C co-chairs Suzy and Koo to schedule a time to give a high-level introduction on feature packages in TOC.
  9. Planning for Next Meeting 
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. AP (from 2023-03-16) David Kinsey [AT&T]: SMO PTL position is open for a new PTL. Mahesh will have to move on by end of March. Candidates should send a short e-mail with their proposal including their qualifications.
    2. 2023-04-13:

      MATT: currently going through the process of applying for open source credits. therefore, asking about whether the projects have any docker account;
      2023-04-13 AP: suggest PTL to respond via email later;

  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2023 04 06


Meeting Recording:  20230406 TOC meeting 


  1. Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jinri Huang (CMCC)

    1. next scribe: April 2023: China Mobile 
    2. previous scribe: March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys, May: TIM
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li

Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane

John Keeneyx


Masafumi Masuda


Anil Umesh


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf Czichyx


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit Barvex


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

xPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting: Motion proposed by CMCC seconded by Wind River, motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. suggested to leave off the standing items and go to any other business. so that to have time for Yogendra to introduce himself.
  3. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

  4. Copyright update

    1. AP (from 2023-02-23) huangjinri@chinamobile.com : push O-RAN legal to get feedback and get statement from O-RAN legal on how to enforce the SCCP CLA.
      1. Sridhar Rao I have checked with LF legal. SCCP is already created. LF will be hosting the repo, but it's not a legal entity for SCCP and SCCL (similar to SCP and SCL). It's O-RAN legal.
      2. 2023-03-23: David mentioned, for example, scans to be done by O-RAN.
        1. Jinri to check what this was about and if it is already resolved. David suggested that under this AP we also need knowledge on process for the checks that
      3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com To discuss SCCL implementation, a meeting with O-RAN office and some experts is arranged for next week (=last week of February).
      4. 2023-03-30: no update
      5. 2023-04-06: AP update: mail sent to O-RAN office requesting the SCCL CLA enforcement, waiting for the feedback;
    2. AP (from 2023-03-16)Jakub Novy [DTAG]: Check on progress that Jindrich is making. We continue working on a way to publish O-RAN code-like segments.
          1. Jakub had a session with Jindrich on what is needed. Next step is with Jindrich. Jakub also had a discussion with WG3's Claudio.
          2. Jakub commented that we once this becomes clear, we should talk with other WG. WG3 needs are pretty clear.
        1. 2023-03-23, 2023-03-30: no update, O-RAN office is looking for suitable solution. Jakub waiting for Jindrich.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
    1. OSFG discussions
      1. 2023-03-09,2023-03-16, 2023-03-30: no news.
    2. O-RAN next phase
      1. 2023-02-09: James Li presented OSC revamp. A deep-dive session is scheduled during the F2F.
      2. 2023-02-23: James Li Next step is how we are going to execute. First thing is the impact OSC wants to make and the second is CI/CD/CT.
      3. 2023-03-02: Jinri: better mapping between OSC work and O-RAN working groups needed. Wish for OSC taking input from O-RAN working groups.
      4. 2023-03-09: AP (from 2023-03-09)David Kinsey [AT&T] to discuss with Jinri on what can be done to get this (=better cooperation) forward - goal should be refined and then we can come up with a plan. James commented that an e-mail to TOC (not "discuss") mailing list could help to refine this.
        1. 2023-03-30
          1. James: TSC co-chairs requested updated on "O-RAN next phase". Jinri preparing something for next week TSC
          2. OSFG/OSC and OAI workshop planned for second half of this year (~September). This is the same as David's AP above under "iv" above
      5. 2023-03-16:
        1. David: we should track what parts of specifications are implemented, e.g., on A1, E2 level
        2. David: in f-2-f better to have one-on-one sessions between OSC/OSFG and each WG to focus on topics of interest by WGs.
      6. 2023-03-23: Jinri remembers that Alex C. wanted to involve Orange in cooperation between OSC and other organizations (ONAP, OAI, nephio). Julien to check on Orange side
        1. AP  (from 2023-03-23)huangjinri@chinamobile.com jboudani : arrange a call on the external cooperation topic (ONAP, OAI, nephio, ...)
        2. 2023-03-30: not yet discussed. Julien mentioned some doubts on how nephio will fit it. David gave an example of nephio deployment philosophy.
          1. Seshu Kumar Mudiganti (WR) referred to the work on nephio side: https://wiki.nephio.org/display/HOME/Overview+of+Nephio and to a paper he is workon with Bin Yang
    3. Others
      1. (2023-04-06) TSC this week cancelled; OSC report will be in 6 weeks; 
  6. Old business and Status of Open Actions 
    1. OSC Lab
    2. Collaboration with OAI
      1. 2023-03-09: AP (from 2023-03-09) David Kinsey [AT&T]OSC and OAI lab connection.  The overall goal is to have some result of such a cooperation that can be presented at next O-RAN f-2-f.
        1. James also interested in this. David seems to want the connection to be able to deploy from OSC SMO to OAI cloud. Also still discussion on OAI licensing and lab usage.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for H release.
      1. 2023-03-02: David Kinsey [AT&T]Talked with OAI. First step is to connect labs so as to be able to connect elements in different locations. Idea is that this becomes a continuous test environment (CT).
      2. 2023-03-30: on hold
  7. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager  Sridhar Rao  /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. 2023-03-30: to optimizie some of the daily-ran build jobs they will be moved to "on need basis" (cost optimization). See e-mail from Jessica.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
      1. 2023-03-16:
        1. Tacker (as DMS endpoint) and integration with O-Cloud. SMO project continues to develop it, but deployed in central cloud. See also INF Presentation: O2DMS in ETSI NFV profile
        2. Some flows for O2 interface now defined. Now need a contributor for implementing the SMO part of this. To be checked with Tacker team. Already checking with NTUST team if they have someone.
        3. Rittwik: next RSAC call will be about AI/ML workflow and integration
      2. 2023-03-23: two presentations were given in RSAC call. One on SMO Decomposition and how that applies to OSC and one on interaction between OSC and ONAP (latter requires more discussion in RSAC). See RSAC meeting minutes link.
      3. 2023-03-30:
        1. RSAC discussed lab environments. Still plan to keep OAI CU in Taiwan lab only.
        2. ODU high contributions from Taiwan team.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
        1. 2023-02-23: James Li We have started some conversation around O2 integration.
        2. 2023-03-16: Worked on O2 integration. Working with Sridhar on Xtesting to bring existing Robot test cases.
        3. 2023-03-23: Working on CI/CD/CT integration with some Amdocs platform in some public cloud. RIC platform deployment and testing is used as test case for this proof of concept using AWS. David suggested this to be brought to RSAC (2 weeks from now). Also preferred OSC lab over public clouds like AWS. David also preferred O-Cloud and O2, though. James referred to Bing (infra team) as there seem to be some work with Powder lab on infrastructure team side as well.
        4. 2023-03-30: WR applying x testing to cases in it/test for testing of IMS interface.
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. 2023-02-23: Mahesh Jethanandani We just kicked starting our activities. I'd like to ask David Kinsey [AT&T] to light up on the missing functionality.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC):

        1. 2023-03-09: successfully cleaned up jenkins jobs. Upgrade to JDK17 and springboot 3.
      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP):

        1. 2023-03-09: Sunil Singh INFO.yaml for a new repo is now fixed.
      5. Thoralf Czichy Near-RT RIC Platform (RIC):

        1. 2023-03-09: Happy to see new contributors: Cap gemini, Parallel wireless and Abhijit (rust CI), 
        2. 2023-03-16: Supporting deployment of the RIC platform using O2 is currently pending a discussion between James and the SMO project and on Bin Yang to check a helm-only deployment of the near-RT RIC.
        3. 2023-03-30: Bin Yang: working on helm charts now. patch set coming soon. David and Bin Yang discussed on different ways of distributing the logic of combining parts into an overarching CNF/VNF.
      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU):

      7. Ankit Barve O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH):

        1. 2023-03-16: gnb up in Taiwan lab and available for testing with G release.
        2. 2023-03-23: waiting for test  tool availability in Taiwan lab
      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW):

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM):

        1. 2023-03-23: updating build models related to standard models, so they don't have to be in LF repos.
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. 2023-03-23: updating build models related to standard models, so they don't have to be in LF repos.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. 2023-02-23: Jackie Huang We are considering to support ARM architecture. We can think about AMD as well. We have a discussion on the O2 compliance testing.
        2. 2023-03-09: started porting the INF upstream project to ARM, incl. a demo at MWC on ARM. David asked: is this planned to be in OSC repos. Jackie: yes
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
      14. avinash.bhat AI/ML framework (AIMLFW)
        1. 2023-03-09: working on integration with non-RT RIC and Near-RT RIC. On track. David asked if work with near-RT RIC will be fed back to WG3? Any opinion? Avinash: sees this currently as an implementation issue. John (for non-RT RIC) still too early.
  8. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. (2023-04-06) Jinri Huang, a proposal on OSC release planning and TOC meeting arrangement
      1. See the proposal here
      2. Some discussion points regarding Proposal 1
        1. Suggested Step 4: need internal discussion to identify which aspects of the features should be targeted. Otherwise, a feature may be too large in magnitude to be completed end 2 end;
        2. Suggested Step 5: a readout could be arranged with communication back to working groups to tell them the features that OSC is working on;
        3. feedback mechanism is suggested so that user communities voice could be heard and taken into account in the next phase design; it is agreed yet the detailed mechanism needs to be figured out in the future;
      3. Some discussion points regarding Proposal 2
        1. A comment with suggestion on the feature matrix was made. A feature matrix could be used to indicate the relationship/priority of different pieces of a feature, to indicate the progress (as dashboard). could be in wiki, git or other place.
        2. concern was make that MVP-C features may be too vague to give actionable activities; MVP-C co-chairs need wo work with OSC to decompose the feature to actionable activities; this could be integrated into Step 3 (see the proposal) or Step 4 (see the comment above). Need to work with feature rapporteur.
        3. TIM pointed out that for each feature, there are correspondingly a set of documents/specifications detailing the feature. These could be detailed input for OSC work.
      4. huangjinri@chinamobile.com to integrate the comments and update the proposal (AP: 2023-04-06)
  9. Planning for Next Meeting 
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. AP (from 2023-03-16) David Kinsey [AT&T]: SMO PTL position is open for a new PTL. Mahesh will have to move on by end of March. Candidates should send a short e-mail with their proposal including their qualifications.
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)