One Click Deployment

One Click Deployment

Redirect link: OTF Instance: 1-click Installation

Delivery Status


Only the Integration PTL should edit the delivery status table to track the release validation progress

Code submission under review

OTF codes are currently under review. It needs multiple iteration of further revision and integration until it is stable enough for release. 

Defer to Cherry Maintenance Release

The OTF one-click deployment helm charts will be released in the Cherry maintenance release

Deployment Artifacts

Docker Container

O1-vTH images are missing
Helm Charts

Deployment scripts

E2E Flows

deploy one-click-dbs

deploy one-click-core

deploy otf-vths

Deploy one-click-dbs

Step 1: Git clone OTF repo

git clone "https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/it/otf"
cd otf/one-click

Step 2: Update Helm dependency

helm dep build ./one-click-dbs

Step 2: Install DBs without PV

helm install one-click-dbs -n otf --set mongodb.persistence.enabled=false --set mysql.persistence.enabled=false ./one-click-dbs/