O-RAN RU Fronthaul Software Management
O-RAN RU Fronthaul Software Management
- Martin Skorupski
- Tracy Van Brakle
Owned by Martin Skorupski
The SMO O1 controller based on ONAP CCSDK/OpenDaylight exposes northbound a ResConf API for Software Management derived from O-RAN Fronthaul M-Plane.
This page shows the steps for a µServer northbound of the O1-controller implementing Software Management functions on SMO.
Please see the RestConf API generated from YANG by ODL:
O-RAN Members please see Chapter 5 "Software Management" - https://www.o-ran.org/s/O-RAN-Fronthaul-Specifications-v20-2019-07.zip
Please see attached bash example to retrieve the Software-Inventory.