2022 Q1 (Jan, Feb, Mar)

2022 Q1 (Jan, Feb, Mar)

2022 03 30

Recording: 2022-03-30


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): MASAFUMI MASUDA

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    David Kinsey

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    James Li

    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl

    Ondřej Hudousek


    John-Paul Lane


    John Keeneyx


    Masafumi Masuda


    Anil Umesh


    Arunkumar Halebid

    Thoralf Czichyx


    William Diego


    Vincent Danno


    Ganesh Shenbagaraman

    Manasi Padhy


    Andrea Buldorini

    xScarpina Salvatore
    Wind RiverBin Yang
    Jackie Huang x
    Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxKexuan Sun

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by MASAFUMI MASUDA seconded by Andrea Buldorini [TIM]. The motion is approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Release Votes and Approval

  6. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team.

  7. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. F2F Meeting

      1. Jinri: EC has decided to make the June F2F Meeting virtual and the October one physical.
      2. Jack: Where is the October one?
      3. Jinri: It has not been decided yet.
      4. Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
    2. TOC Nomination

      1. Action Point: Jinri to get reaffirmation from TSC for the 6 seats including Samsung as of April 6.

    3. Plugfest
      1. Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
      2. Jack: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
  8. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "F" Release:
      1. Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release by March 30.
    2. OSC labs
      1. James Li: We are trying to do some testing on the O-Cloud already set up in the New Jersey lab.
      2. Thoralf: Did you send an email on this topic?
      3. James Li: Yes(https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/discuss/message/492).
      4. David Kinsey: We are trying to address network issues.
      5. Jack: Let's keep working. Anything else?
      6. James Li: The Taiwan lab is active in lab setup. IEEE will have the international symposium.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
      1. Tag this activity for G release.
  9. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee
      1. Updates
      2. OTF Workshop
        1. OTF Workshop will be held on the April 7.
      3. "G" Release
        1. David Kinsey: We haven't been pushing G Release. We are trying to make sure we get a firm foundation.
        2. Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
        3. David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
        1. Jack: Do you have updates on how you are doing with code coverage and software testing?
        2. Mahesh: We have the capability of code testing that's been committed.
        3. Jack: I'd like you to add a section that documents what percentage coverage.
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

        1. John Keeney: The code coverage is excellent. I'm trying to figure out what should be shown here.
        2. Jack: If people have an idea how we can improve, I'm happy to discuss it.
      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

        1. Jack: There is a number of xApps, so we are focusing on the active ones getting the most attention. If you can update the page, that would be great. 
        2. Sunil: Sure.
      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

        1. Jack: You can create a line in the table that conveys code coverage percentage or other useful information.
        2. Thoralf: I can put the link to what we discussed in the project.
      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

        1. Ankit: There is a challenge. I'll discuss in the team.
        2. Jack: Let's make progress.
      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

        1. Martin: I need to add lists and links. The code coverage is about 60%.
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. Martin: Alex has a little trouble with setting up. He will contact LF.
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. Jackie: This is a downstream project. The code coverage relies on the upstream community.
        2. Jack: You need to put some information here.
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  11. Planning for Next Meeting
  12. Any Other Business (AOB)

  13. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 03 23

Recording: 2022-03-23


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): MASAFUMI MASUDA

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    David Kinsey

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    James Li

    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl


    Ondřej Hudousek


    John-Paul Lane


    John Keeneyx


    Masafumi Masuda


    Anil Umesh


    Arunkumar Halebid

    Thoralf Czichyx


    William Diego

    Vincent Danno


    Ganesh Shenbagaraman


    Manasi Padhy


    Andrea Buldorini

    xScarpina Salvatore
    Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
    Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxKexuan Sun

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by MASAFUMI MASUDA seconded by Thoralf Czichy . The motion is approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Release Votes and Approval

  6. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team.

  7. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. June F2F Meeting

      1. Jinri: There was no conclusion in the TSC meeting last Friday. Probably there will be a decision this week.
    2. TOC Nomination

      1. Action Point: Jinri to get reaffirmation from TSC for the 6 seats including Samsung as of April 6.

  8. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. "F" Release:
      1. Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release by March 30.
      2. Jack: Is there any progress for the initial Dev cycle?
      3. David Kinsey: We have been trying to get OCU.
      4. Jack: Who is the point person?
      5. David Kinsey: There is no real development team. Ankit from Radisys, Jakie from WInd River and myself are trying to figure out where the parts are.
      6. Ankit: YANG model file needs to be filled by a person from O-Cloud.
      7. Bin: I'm following this activity as a O-Cloud provider.
      8. Jack: David, can you kick off an email? We also need to improve documentations on the lab.
      9. David Kinsey: We are trying to collect a good set of documentation repeatable across the different labs. We have to work with our documentation PTL.
      10. Jack: You can work with James as a key contributor.
    2. OSC labs
      1. Jack: There is some progress on the clock issue at the New Jersey Lab.
      2. Jack: Please encourage your companies to participate the spring plugfest.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
      1. Tag this activity for G release.
  9. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee
      1. Updates
      2. OTF Workshop
        1. David Kinsey: My recommendation is to push the OTF Workshop for a week.
        2. Jack: Let's push it for 2 weeks and take the time to get it working, tested and documented.
        3. Jinri: Will it be recorded?
        4. David: Yes. We will do that on the April 7.
        5. Jinri: I recommend you to announce this event.
      3. Security
        1. Jack: Robert, do you have any follow-up questions?
        2. Robert Webb: My questions are answered well.
        3. Jack: This is something that we want to make continuous improvement.
      4. "G" Release
        1. Jack: They start gathering things for the G Release. The F2F meeting is an opportunity to interact with key activities. Our biggest challenge is our limited integration and test team size.
        2. Jack: What's the next piece after the OCU?
        3. David Kinsey: It would be trying to get the SMO and the Near-RT RIC pieces.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  11. Planning for Next Meeting
  12. Any Other Business (AOB)

  13. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 03 16

Recording: 2022-03-16


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): MASAFUMI MASUDA

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    David Kinsey

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    James Li

    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl


    Ondřej Hudousek


    John-Paul Lane


    John Keeneyx


    Masafumi Masuda


    Anil Umesh


    Arunkumar Halebid


    Thoralf Czichy


    William Diego

    Vincent Danno


    Ganesh Shenbagaraman

    Manasi Padhy


    Andrea Buldorini

    xScarpina Salvatore
    Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
    Viavi SolutionsUltan Kelly
    Kexuan Sun x

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by MASAFUMI MASUDA  seconded by John Paul Lane . The motion is approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. TOC Renewal
      1. Jack: Every year in March we renew the participants in the TOC 6 open positions.
    2. Security Requirement
      1. Robert: I want to understand security requirements and aspects around the software community.
  5. Release Votes and Approval

  6. Copyright update

    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.

      1. This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team.

  7. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
    1. O-RAN ALLIANCE Funding

      1. Action Point: There is some O-RAN Alliance funding available for a one-time investment in improving our activity. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve / accelerate the work that we are doing, please bring your suggestions and ideas forward and we will discuss at the next TOC meeting.

    2. F2F Meeting

      1. Jinri: June F2F meeting has not been decided. TSC will discuss this Friday.

    3. TOC Nomination

      1. Jack: We recently filled our 12th position and approved with Samsung, correct?

      2. Jinri: Yes, is has been approved and reflected in the Board report.

      3. Jack: We need re-approval from TSC for the 6 seats as of April 6.

      4. Jinri: I can do that.

      5. Action Point: Jinri to get re-approval from TSC for the 6 seats including Samsung as of April 6.

  8. Old business and Status of Open Actions
    1. Charter Update
    2. Document Modification and Creation
    3. "F" Release:
      1. Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.
    4. OSC labs
      1. Jinri: O-RAN ALLIANCE recently began the call for participation for the spring plugfest.
    5. 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
      1. Tag this activity for G release.
  9. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee
      1. Updates
        1. Rittwik: Yesterday we talked about the PTP thing and the Taiwan OSC Lab. With regard to the OCU deployment, Yang model file is being sent to all the labs.
        2. Jack: We don't have an open-source OCU. In the interim, we will use a test fixture that we get a binary from Radisys.
      2. OTF Workshop
        1. James: OTF workshop was pushed back for 2 weeks. We want to have all the projects understand how it works.
      3. Security
        1. Jack: All the active projects have completed the security badging. We have talked about security requirements in the RSAC committee.
        2. Rittwik: There are risk and threat analysis. If they come up with a concreate recommendation out of that in July train, then maybe we can implement some of that.
        3. Jinri: Do we have a regular communication channel with SFG?
        4. Rittwik: We join some of the SFG meetings.
        5. Jack: It's everyone's responsibility to bring these topics forward.
        6. Robert: There might be some opportunities to drive some security requirements in the RSAC.
      4. "G" Release
        1. Jack: The next F2F is the opportunity to highlight things for "G" Release.
    3. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
        1. James: We talked about the POWDER testbed. It's a good resource.
        2. Tracy: The question is that is it reasonable or possible to commingle what they are doing now with acting as OSC Lab.
        3. Jack: We focused those labs on the bigger plugfests and other activities. It's the community to decide to leverage that.
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  11. Planning for Next Meeting
  12. Any Other Business (AOB)

  13. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 03 09



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): MASAFUMI MASUDA

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    David Kinsey

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair

    James Li


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl


    Ondřej Hudousek


    John-Paul Lane


    John Keeney


    Masafumi Masuda


    Anil Umesh


    Arunkumar Halebid


    Thoralf Czichy


    William Diego

    Vincent Danno


    Ganesh Shenbagaraman


    Manasi Padhy


    Andrea Buldorini

    xScarpina Salvatore
    Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
    Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxKexuan Sun

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by MASAFUMI MASUDA seconded by John Paul Lane. The motion is approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Daylight saving time handling
      1. All agreed to shift the meeting time one hour earlier starting the Mar-16 meeting being aligned with the US daylight saving time.
  5. Release Votes and Approval

    1. AAL project
      1. Request is to create a new repo under the O-DU Low project. Contribution is from Intel. Different license (BSD) needed for this repo.
        1. Need to approve the creation of the repo in O-DU Low project.
        2. Need to approve use of BSD license for contributions to the new repo.
        3. Need to approve a committer for the repo - proposal is Niall Power (Intel). 
      2. A written proposal was requested to describe the proposal and also questions have been sent to Intel. It would be good to get clarification on these issues before taking a vote.
      3. Response to request for further information is still outstanding. This issue will remain tabled.
      4. Niall presented the WG6 AAL repo details and his answers to Thoralf's questions.
        1. Jack: Is that part of ODU LOW project?
        2. Niall: That makes sense.
        3. John-Paul: Do we need to make an exception for the BSD license?
        4. Jack: TOC can approve a different open source license.
        5. Decision: Request to create a new repo using the BSD-3 license under the ODU LOW project is proposed by Niall Power seconded by Former user (Deleted). Ten of 11 voting members (more than two-thirds defined in the charter) are for the proposal. The motion is approved.
    2. SMO project
      1. Mahesh: I sent a request to change the name of a repo under the SMO (https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/toc/message/666).
      2. Jack: When we created the Near-RT RIC, we separated out a project for xApps. What should we do for rApps?
      3. Thoralf: One of the key criteria was the license issues.
      4. John-Paul: We would consider keeping the rApp in the same project as the Non-RT RIC and if we saw a need to split them later, then we could create a separate project.
      5. Jack: We don't need an answer for the topic today. We need to have periodical discussions on those items. I'll return to Mahesh's request.
      6. Decision: Request to change the name of smo/app to smo/pkg is proposed by Mahesh Jethanandani seconded by John Paul Lane. The motion is approved.
  6. Copyright update
    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
      1. This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team.
        1. John-Paul: It is unlikely to see SCCL license being published before the March train cut off.
        2. Jack: I'll raise the question to see if we can get an answer from Jinri in next week's call.
  7. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.
    1. Action Point: There is some O-RAN Alliance funding available for a one-time investment in improving our activity. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve / accelerate the work that we are doing, please bring your suggestions and ideas forward and we will discuss at the next TOC meeting.
    2. TOC nomination
      1. Avinash: I want to check the status of the TOC nomination. I will send a reminder email.
      2. Jack: To follow the process, I'm going to look for a confirmation that the company wants to continue in the existing role for another year. We have no new requests.
      3. Jack: Would Ericsson like to continue to participate for the next year?
      4. John-Paul: Yes.
      5. Jack: Nokia?
      6. Arunkumar: Yes.
      7. Jack: Radisys?
      8. Ganesh: Yes.
      9. Jack: Wind River?
      10. Bin: Yes.
      11. Jack: Viavi?
      12. Ultan: Yes.
      13. Jack: And obviously Samsung.
      14. Jack: I will try to get clarification on Samsung's request from Jinri next week.
    3. RSAC activities
      1. MVP SMO project
        1. RIttwik: There was a call yesterday about the MVP release package. It will be nice if OSC can do some validations.
        2. Jack: The question is how we can track those requirements and work through the process including implementation.
        3. Rittwik: We can do that.
      2. O-CU deployment
        1. Rittwik: Bin is trying to sync up with Radisys on the O-CU deployment on the O-Cloud.
  8. Old business and Status of Open Actions 

    1. "F" Release:
      1. Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.
    2. OSC labs
      1. Action Point: Mahesh to attach a video of SMO testing to the link for the project.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
      1. Tag this activity for G release.
  9. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling

      1. Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee

      1. David: We had a request out for an OTF workshop. I have an OTF resource for the next RSAC call on March 10th. The goal is to have an actual test use case. We need somebody from RIC platform.
      2. James: I can be the person.
    3. OSC lab
    1. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers

      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  11. Planning for Next Meeting
  12. Any Other Business (AOB)

  13. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 03 02



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): MASAFUMI MASUDA

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    David Kinsey

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair

    James Li


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl

    Ondřej Hudousek


    John-Paul Lane


    John Keeney


    Masafumi Masuda


    Anil Umesh


    Arunkumar Halebid


    Thoralf Czichy


    William Diego

    Vincent Danno


    Ganesh Shenbagaraman

    Manasi Padhy


    Andrea Buldorini

    xScarpina Salvatore
    Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
    Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxKexuan Sun

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by John Paul Lane seconded by James Li . The motion is approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. John-Paul: Access to TOC Zoom account. Trishan made an update which would see Jack's email replaced with an alias. This would allow others to access the TOC Zoom account. Jack needs to take action to accept this change. 
    2. Jack: Day-light saving time to be reminded next week.
    3. Sunil: Request to create a new repo for KPIMON-GO xApp (https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/toc/message/660).
  5. Release Votes and Approval

    1. RICAPP repo
      1. Decision: Request to create a new repo for KPIMON-GO xApp is proposed by Sunil Singh seconded by James Li The motion is approved.
    2. AAL project
      1. Request is to create a new repo under the O-DU Low project. Contribution is from Intel. Different license (BSD) needed for this repo.
        1. Need to approve the creation of the repo in O-DU Low project.
        2. Need to approve use of BSD license for contributions to the new repo.
        3. Need to approve a committer for the repo - proposal is Niall Power (Intel). 
      2. A written proposal was requested to describe the proposal and also questions have been sent to Intel. It would be good to get clarification on these issues before taking a vote.
      3. Response to request for further information is still outstanding. This issue will remain tabled.
    3. LF representative
      1. A representative from the LF to replace Trishan is being identified.
  6. Copyright update
    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
      1. This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team.
  7. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.
    1. O-RAN virtual face-to-face meetings report
      1. Rittwik: There were some security meetings providing security requirements. It is a good way to participate for F Release planning. There is also a security report from a private company in Germany.
      2. Jack: The issue is what we focus on as a team. We need some structures and plans.
      3. Rittwik: We should follow the MVP track.
      4. Jack: The problem is sometimes the specifications are just high level concepts.
      5. Rittwik: They are trying to create a principle that stage-3 specifications should be in MVP releases.
    2. Action Point: There is some O-RAN Alliance funding available for a one-time investment in improving our activity. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve / accelerate the work that we are doing, please bring your suggestions and ideas forward and we will discuss at the next TOC meeting.
  8. Old business and Status of Open Actions 

    1. "F" Release:
      1. Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.
    2. OSC labs
      1. Jack: We are still struggling with the equipment delivery timing.
      2. Mahesh: Just to update, SMO is up and running in the New Jersey lab being tested with other components.
      3. Jack: Great news. Can we do a recording and attach it to the link for the SMO project?
      4. Mahesh: We can.
      5. Action Point: Mahesh to attach a video of SMO testing to the link for the project.
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
      1. Tag this activity for G release. 
  9. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling

      1. Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee

      1. Rittwik: We are tracking the O-Cloud project development. Another one is the security one in the Taiwan lab. We are picking MVP items for G Release.
      2. Jack: TOC members and participants need to be involved and speak up what is important to you and your company. Testing is also important. How are we doing with OCU?
      3. Ankit: I'll discuss with Ganesh tomorrow. Is synchronization done between O-RU and O-DU in any of the labs?
      4. David: It's still in progress.
      5. David: We had a request out for an OTF workshop. I have an OTF resource for the next RSAC call on March 10th. The goal is to have an actual test use case. We need somebody from RIC platform.
      6. James: I can be the person.
    3. OSC lab
    1. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers

      1. Jack: 
      2. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      3. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      4. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      5. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      6. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC) 

      7. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      8. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      9. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)

      10. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      11. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      12. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      13. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      14. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  11. Planning for Next Meeting
  12. Any Other Business (AOB)

  13. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 02 23

Recording: 2022-02-23


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): John Paul Lane

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    David Kinsey

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    James Li

    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl


    Ondřej Hudousek


    John-Paul Lane


    John Keeney


    Masafumi Masuda


    Anil Umesh


    Arunkumar Halebid


    Thoralf Czichy


    William Diego


    Vincent Danno


    Ganesh Shenbagaraman

    Manasi Padhyx


    Andrea Buldorini

    Scarpina Salvatorex
    Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 
    Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyxKexuan Sun

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by John Paul Lane seconded by huangjinri@chinamobile.com The motion is approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Request from WG6 to support stage 3 AAL FEC profile. Request is to create a new repo under the O-DU Low project. Contribution is from Intel. Different license (BSD) needed for this repo. Need to approve the creation of the repo, in addition to the use of BSD license and also approve a committer - Niall Power (Intel). 
    2. John-Paul: Access to TOC Zoom account. Trishan made an update which would see Jack's email replaced with an alias. This would allow others to access the TOC Zoom account. Jack needs to take action to accept this change. 
    3. Jinri: Intel made a proposal to replace Zhimin as the O-DU Low PTL. I will include Lvfarias (Deactivated) (Intel) as O-DU Low PTL in my OSC presentation to the O-RAN board. 
  5. Release Votes and Approval

    1. AAL project
      1. Request is to create a new repo under the O-DU Low project. Contribution is from Intel. Different license (BSD) needed for this repo.
        1. Need to approve the creation of the repo in O-DU Low project.
        2. Need to approve use of BSD license for contributions to the new repo.
        3. Need to approve a committer for the repo - proposal is Niall Power (Intel). 
      2. A written proposal was requested to describe the proposal and also questions have been sent to Intel. It would be good to get clarification on these issues before taking a vote.
      3. Response to request for further information is still outstanding. This issue will remain tabled.
  6. Copyright update
    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
      1. This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team.
  7. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.
    1. Aiming to get formal approval for Viavi Solutions' membership of OSC TOC at the O-RAN TOC meeting on Friday 18th February.
    2. Action Point: There is some O-RAN Alliance funding available for a one-time investment in improving our activity. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve / accelerate the work that we are doing, please bring your suggestions and ideas forward and we will discuss at the next TOC meeting.
  8. Old business and Status of Open Actions 

    1. "F" Release:
      1. Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.  
    2. OSC labs
    3. 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
      1. Tag this activity for G release. 
  9. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling

      1. Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee 

    3. OSC lab
    1. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers 

      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

        1. Jack: What is planned in F release?
        2. Sunil: We plan to enhance existing xApps. We will add support for the latest E2 version. This has a dependency on the Near RT RIC delivering support. We will also investigate OTF support for xApps. Network slicing enhancements for Anomaly Detection xApp. We will take over support for KPIMON xApp and may need a new repo for this.
        3. Jack: One of the goals of RICAPP project is to make it easier for different teams to develop xApps. Do we have any feedback from the teams on progress towards this goal?
        4. Sunil: Started with Traffic Steering, now moving to Network Slicing.
        5. Ultan: From the OTIC lab in Utah, the feedback we received is that it is difficult to install the OSC Near RT RIC.
        6. Jack: This relates to the Near RT RIC platform rather than the xApps themselves.
        7. Ultan: Correct.
        8. Tracy: They were experimenting with Near RT RICs from different sources in the labs.
        9. James: Yes, the North America OTIC has profiles for installation of different Near RT RIC implementations. 
        10. Ultan: Viavi is working with the lab in Taiwan. We can ask them for their assessment on installation effort and feedback to OSC. 
        11. Jack: Great. We should always be looking to improve. Hopefully, as SMO evolves its LCM support the overall installation process will be improved. 
      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)

        1. Jack: What is being planned for F release?
        2. Thoralf: Firstly, I will reach out to Ultan to understand more about the Near RT RIC platform installation issues observed in labs? 
        3. Ultan: Sure. I believe interoperability issues were the main observations.
        4. Thoralf: For F release, Near RT RIC platform needs improvements in scripting and Helm charts for installation and deployment. There are videos which explain the procedure. We will work on A1 mediator which is Python based - we are investigating migration to Golang. There is a change in E2 AP version from v1 to v2. Samsung is also working on this. Feature parity is straightforward but new features from E2 AP need more investigation. The O-DU must adapt to the E2 version if they want to use the Near RT RIC platform. Planned updates to xApp subscription support for Python and C++ frameworks. There are Jira links for the F release content in the Near RT RIC platform wiki pages.
        5. Jack: Are the Jira links in the release section of the wiki?
        6. Thoralf: Not yet, they are currently in the project wiki.
        7. Jack: Each of the PTLs are invited to update the release wiki with their F release plans so we can get a clearer picture on the overall OSC F release plans. As work progresses the release wiki should be updated accordingly. This gives some overview on overall OSC progress. Remember that older releases of OSC are still being supported.  
      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

        1. Jack: No code project but we have a test fixture from Radisys which is important for other components around it. The plan is that some of the new interfaces will be included in this test fixture.
        2. Manasi: O-CU binary with O1 interface compliance will be available by end of February but I will confirm.
        3. Jack: This will allow other components to test towards the binary.
        4. Mahesh: <inaudible> Will O-CU binary with O1 support be available in OSC lab?
        5. Jack: The agreement is to put it in NJ lab and also discussing installation in Taiwan lab too.
        6. Manasi: We delivered to Taiwan last week. No need for agreement to deliver to OSC labs but we would need an agreement to deliver to labs outside.
      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

        1. Jack: Where are we with O-DU?
        2. Manasi: O-DU (High) we have 2 features for F release. Support for commercial UE or UE simulator over the air. We need OSC lab up to install and test L2 over the air. We have made some scheduler enhancement which also needs to be validated in the OSC lab. Also we are investigating paging and power saving feature in F release. Inter DU handover (within the same CU) is also being investigated. This may spillover to G though. Update of E2 v2 in O-DU has been completed. Need to verify with Near RT RIC platform when it is available. 
        3. James: Can I get the O-CU binary too? Maybe we can talk offline?
        4. Manasi: Yes, we can talk offline about the CA lab - we may need a signed agreement.
        5. Jack: On the journey towards a working O-DU in open source, where do you think we are along the path?
        6. Manasi: We have delivered most of the basic and required idle and mobility features so far. In terms of functionality we are close to 3GPP Rel 15 level of support. However, in terms of hardening and other non-functional requirements we see some challenges. We have a plan to test O-DU high in Radisys lab with O-CU and O-RU. Functionality-wise, I think we are on tract. Maturity-wise, we need to work on hardening and other similar tasks. We are aligned with WG8 AD specifications and in future we will align with WG5 CU plane. This will allow interoperability with other O-RAN compliant vendors. 
      8. Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)

        1. Jack: O-DU low is mainly a test fixture wrapped in some open source contributions.
      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

        1. Jack: What is planned for F release?
        2. Martin: We are reviewing the July train specs. Updates from WG10, WG4, WG5 and WG6 are planned. So, we will update OAM support accordingly. RSAC has made a request to update O2 support. Some more work is needed on this so we can expose O2 to3wards Non-RT RIC for rApps. We will continue working on testing and integrating with the labs. This will allow us to showcases the use cases from previous releases working with the updated OAM. 
      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

        1. Jack: What are the main updates being planned for F release?
        2. Alex: we are creating a new Topology service which exposes a simulated topology. Need to investigate simulator support for O2 updates. Also, OTF integration is being investigated. For the E2 simulator we need to synch with Viavi offline.
        3. Ultan: Yes, let's chat offline
      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

        1. Jack: Can you give us a view of the F release plans?
        2. Jackie: We plan to include some K8S plugins for INF. We will also investigate adding new deployment scenarios - distributed cloud and also support for OpenStack. Currently we only support AIO simplex, AIO duplex, AOI duplex with  extra worker nodes. For O2 interface plans in F release, Bin has a clearer view.
        3. Bin: Our focus is to integrate O2 support into SMO which will then allow SMO to support O-Cloud. We will use O-CU as a proof point for being able to deploy a NF using O2. There are a number of options under investigation here - OpenStack Tacker & ONAP for example. We would also like to work on deploying Near RT RIC on O-Cloud and this depends on E2 version support which the Near RT RIC platform team is planning.
        4. Jack: You talked about a number of different options there. Please ensure you are talking with RSAC about these. We could also push this to the O-RAN community to take a poll of where the interest is. This is an option you may wish to consider in terms of understanding which activities you should prioritise. 
      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  11. Planning for Next Meeting
  12. Any Other Business (AOB)

  13. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 02 16

Recording: 2022-02-16


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): John Paul Lane

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    David Kinsey

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    James Li

    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl

    Ondřej Hudousek


    John-Paul Lane


    John Keeney


    Masafumi Masuda


    Anil Umesh


    Arunkumar Halebid

    Thoralf Czichyx


    William Diego


    Vincent Danno


    Ganesh Shenbagaraman

    Manasi Padhyx


    Andrea Buldorini

    xScarpina Salvatore
    Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by John Paul Lane seconded by huangjinri@chinamobile.com The motion is approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Request from WG6 to support stage 3 AAL FEC profile. Request is to create a new repo under the O-DU Low project. Contribution is from Intel. Different license (BSD) needed for this repo. Need to approve the creation of the repo, in addition to the use of BSD license and also approve a committer - Niall Power (Intel). 
    2. John-Paul: Support from Linux Foundation to access the Zoom Recordings of the TOC meetings. This is part of a more general question about LF support for OSC since Trishan moved to a new company. 
    3. Ultan: Viavi would like to discuss their application to join the TOC.
  5. Release Votes and Approval

    1. AAL project
      1. Request is to create a new repo under the O-DU Low project. Contribution is from Intel. Different license (BSD) needed for this repo.
        1. Need to approve the creation of the repo in O-DU Low project.
        2. Need to approve use of BSD license for contributions to the new repo.
        3. Need to approve a committer for the repo - proposal is Niall Power (Intel). 
      2. A written proposal was requested to describe the proposal and also questions have been sent to Intel. It would be good to get clarification on these issues before taking a vote.
      3. Jack: Response to request for further information is still outstanding. This issue will remain tabled.
  6. Copyright update
    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
      1. Jack: This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team.
      2. Thoralf: There is no updates on how to structure the OSC repos?
      3. Jack: We need to figure out how to advance this. We need to check on the status of the CLA.
      4. Thoralf: Can you send a reminder?
      5. Jack: Yes, I will take that. 
  7. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.
    1. Jinri: There is no specific O-RAN business to report this week. The O-RAN Alliance vFTF is ongoing. I am preparing the TSC report for the board meeting to be held at the end of the month. I received comments and will update in time for this Friday's TSC meeting.
    2. Jack: This is a good point to discuss the Viavi request. Can you provide some background here?
    3. Jinri: Last year, Viavi expressed interest in TOC membership and this has been raised again. 
    4. Thoralf: There is someone from Viavi on the call, correct?
    5. Ultan: We applied last year for membership of the TOC. We have been working with OSC for 2 years. We are predominantly a tool vendor. For OSC we have provided the Near RT RIC tester. Our application got 
    6. Jack: We currently have 2 available slots for open members. We have criteria for contributors to meet to qualify for a TOC slot. Then, it is brought up to the O-RAN TSC for vote. None of the votes to date have been contentious beyond meeting the contribution criteria. It has been recognized that Viavi has made significant contributions across OSC, from code, lab to integration / test scenarios. There was an oversight in the process to include Viavi as a TOC member. We also have in process a request from Samsung to join the TOC. Will take a poll next week to determine if current members wish to remain on the TOC. This typically takes place March / April each year. This is the process which is included in the OSC Charter - it can be accessed from the O-RAN Alliance website.
    7. Avinash: Thanks for clarifying the process. We have provided some information and we have requested some feedback. When is the deadline to provide input to the next TSC vote?
    8. Jinri: There is a TSC meeting this Friday. If you can provide before Friday 18th February that would be good. 
    9. Avinash: Understood.
    10. Jack: The key vote for applying for TOC membership is the TSC one. 
    11. Jinri: For Viavi, the TSC vote took place last year. I think we can add Viavi to the TOC membership list.
    12. Jack: Agreed. The TSC vote has already been approved. Who will be Viavi's primary contact in TOC?
    13. Ultan: I am primary contact. Kexuan Sun is the alternate.
    14. Thoralf: Does Viavi have any plans in terms of source code contributions in addition to your current activities?
    15. Ultan: We are a tool provider but we are open to suggestions on other possible contributions. For example, we are working with the OSC lab in Taiwain on xApp and rApp test scripting support.
    16. Jack: Any updates fromvF2F?
    17. Action Point: There is some O-RAN Alliance funding available for a one-time investment in improving our activity. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve / accelerate the work that we are doing, please bring your suggestions and ideas forward and we will discuss at the next TOC meeting.
  8. Old business and Status of Open Actions 

    1. "E" Maintenance release
      1. We should consider "E" maintenance release closed and move forward to focusing on F Release.
      2. Jack: Remove the reference to E release.
    2. "F" Release:
      1. Jack: Does anyone have any updates they want to raise?
      2. Rittwik: We are working with Bin from Wind River to install and stand up the O-Cloud in Jersey lab. From a requirements standpoint, that has been closed out.
      3. Rittwik: We presented SMO plans at O-RAN Alliance MVP-C session in the vF2F. There were questions about how SMO and OAM projects interrelate and also on how OSC provides feedback on any gaps in the specification(s) to the Alliance?
      4. Jack: How did that question get answered?
      5. Rittwik: The SMO and OAM projects work hand in hand. We drive OSC alignment via use cases agreed at RSAC. Do we need to do more in OSC to formalise the process of providing feedback to O-RAN Alliance on specifications?
      6. Jack: OSC contributors can go to the O-RAN Alliance WGs and raise issues / discuss gaps directly. Alternatively, gaps can be raised within OSC (RSAC and TOC). There are multiple paths but the burden is on participants to move issues forward.
    3. OSC labs
      1. Jack: Any updates from Prof Ray in Taiwan?
      2. Rittwik: He is very interested in exploring O-RAN security requirements. He seems to have a team of security engineers. I pointed him to the CII badging activity which we have undertaken in OSC.
      3. Jack: Has Prof Ray and his team applied as a university to the O-RAN Alliance? If they have, then they can attend the SFG (Security Focus Group) and learn about the work which is ongoing there. We can support him if he is interested in securing university membership of O-RAN Alliance. Additionally, there have been a range of articles written on Open RAN and security in the media. Prof Ray's team might be able to pull together a list of the main security issues from the public domain and raise them to OSC then we could look at these.  
      4. Ultan: Viavi has been researching this space. It is difficult if we only have access to the published interfaces. Perhaps there is an area of interest for OSC contributors to use open source scanning tools against their contributions? 
      5. Jack: Sounds good. This could perhaps be coordinated through the requirements phase.
    4. 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
      1. Tag this activity for G release. 
  9. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling

      1. Jack: Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
    2. Requirements Software Architecture Committee 

    3. OSC lab
      1. Jack: Making progress with Nokia on the Fronthaul gateway.
      2. James: OTF should be implemented across all projects in F release. Just a reminder to all PTLs that this should be considered in your F planning. Maybe we need some help from OTF team to demonstrate OTF capabilities. Maybe in the future we should  identify a purpose for each of the 3 OSC labs e.g. different types of testing etc.
      3. Jack: We haven't really talked about software code coverage recently. There are tools and best practices out there which can be used. We assume the PTLs understand this is an expectation of OSC contributors. We need to make a table to capture code coverage from each OSC project, James. Are there any questions from the PTLs?
      4. James: We raised this at project meetings and it sounds like we are looking at results from Sonar. This is at a repo level, not at a project level and it may be that not all repos have Sonar support yet.
      5. Jack: I am trying to make this useful without driving lots of work. It would be good if the PTLs could understand and summarise the code coverage of their projects / contributions. This will allow us to track and make sure that we are not falling behind too far.
    1. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers 

      1. James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
      2. Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
      3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)

      4. Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)

      5. Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)

      6. (TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU) 

      7. Former user (Deleted)  O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)

      8. Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)

      9. Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)

      10. Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)

      11. Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)

      12. Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)

      13. (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  11. Planning for Next Meeting
  12. Any Other Business (AOB)

  13. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

2022 02 09

Recording: 2021-02-09


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner): John Paul Lane

  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    David Kinsey

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    James Li

    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl

    Ondřej Hudousek


    John-Paul Lane


    John Keeney


    Masafumi Masuda


    Anil Umesh


    Arunkumar Halebid


    Thoralf Czichy


    William Diego


    Vincent Danno


    Ganesh Shenbagaraman

    Manasi Padhyx


    Andrea Buldorini

    xScarpina Salvatore
    Wind RiverBin YangxJackie Huang 

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.   

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by John Paul Lane seconded by Bin Yang The motion is approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Request from WG6 to support stage 3 AAL FEC profile. Request is to create a new repo under the O-DU Low project. Contribution is from Intel. Different license (BSD) needed for this repo. Need to approve the creation of the repo, in addition to the use of BSD license and also approve a committer - Niall Power (Intel). 
    2. Samsung request some time to discuss possibility of becoming a member of TOC.
      1. Avinash Bhat: We have contributed to OSC for close to 2 years, main focus on Near RT RIC platform (E2 AP) and RICAPP (RICDMS). We are very interested in the intelligence part of the Near RT RIC. We would like to take this forward in F release by contributing to E2 AP and A1 mediator among other enhancements. We would like to be more active over the coming year - one area where we feel there is an OSC gap is AI/ML framework. Framework is defined in WG2 but it requires larger focus. Samsung has 2 full time resources and 5 part time resource for this activity. We would like to become a member of TOC so that we could actively drive this over the coming years. 
      2. David: How would this become integrated into the environment? Would it be part of SMO?
      3. Avinash: A combination of SMO and external components.
      4. Jinri: Which other OSC projects do you see being impacted? Non-RT RIC?
      5. Avinash: It really depends on the use case. 
      6. Jinri: Are the 2 dedicated resources seen as committers?
      7. Avinash: Yes, this would be a least one senior person.
      8. Jinri: Would all resource be 'new' to OSC?
      9. Avinash: Some resources are existing OSC resource, others can be brought in on an as-needs basis.
      10. Jack: Thank-you for the initial information. We hold elections for TOC at end of March. Your presentation helps provide background to support your application. We'll continue the discussion over the coming weeks.
      11. Jinri: For TOC delegates, does Samsung have thoughts on who they would propose?
      12. Avinash: It would be a senior person from Samsung Korea.
      13. Jack: TOC seats are managed by companies whereas OSC contributors are based on the individual developer. We will continue this dialog.
  5. Release Votes and Approval

    1. AAL project
      1. Request is to create a new repo under the O-DU Low project. Contribution is from Intel. Different license (BSD) needed for this repo.
        1. Need to approve the creation of the repo in O-DU Low project.
        2. Need to approve use of BSD license for contributions to the new repo.
        3. Need to approve a committer for the repo - proposal is Niall Power (Intel). 
      2. A written proposal was requested to describe the proposal and also questions have been sent to Intel. It would be good to get clarification on these issues before taking a vote.
      3. Jack: Response to request for further information is still outstanding. This issue will remain tabled.
    2. Mahesh: Propose to unarchive the smo/o2 repo. This is to support integration of OpenStack Tacker and O2 related adapters into SMO. 
      1. Jinri: Is this contribution under Apache 2.0 license?
      2. Mahesh: Yes, I believe it is.
      3. Mahesh Jethanandani makes a motion to approve the unarchiving of smo/o2. huangjinri@chinamobile.com seconds. Vote approved.
      4. Jack: You need to raise a ticket with Linux Foundation to enable this. Trishan is no longer the point of contact for LF support. Reach out directly to me if you require help contacting LF.
  6. Copyright update
    1. Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
      1. Jack: No updates to report this week.
  7. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.
    1. Jack: The O-RAN Alliance vFTF session for OSC took place this week. Is there anything to report on this?
    2. Rittwik: I think it was well received. We gave a recap of E release and plans for F release. 
    3. Dave: We have an action item to refresh the OSC presentation material to show all OSC projects. 
    4. Jack: Is there anything else for OSC on the vFTF agenda?
    5. Dave: We have App LCM on the agenda on Monday 14th February.
    6. Rittwik: In the MVP-C session, JIO mentioned that testing / certification of features is as important as the feature plans. Is there something which OSC could do to support this?
    7. Dave: The simulators would need to be updated to support test scenarios. 
    8. Jack: This is a good discussion about OSC value proposition. There are a number o different models which could be followed e.g. the RedHat model where all their software is available in open source and they offer more verification and support for a subset of their open source offering. Usually, this is part of the post open source community efforts. 'Certification' can be a tricky space to get into as it can be interpreted differently in different jurisdictions. More inclusive testing to demonstrate maturity and compatibility of the components seems like the space we want to be in but this would require more effort from the OSC community. We could look to partner with others if the community thought this would be interesting.  
    9. Jinri: The OSC blogpost will be raised with the O-RAN EC to determine whether or not it can be released.
    10. Jack: Any other O-RAN items which need to be raised now?
    11. Jinri: I am preparing the O-RAN TSC report on OSC. I can distribute to the group for review.
    12. Action Point: There is some O-RAN Alliance funding available for a one-time investment in improving our activity. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve / accelerate the work that we are doing, pleas