2023 Q4 (Oct, Nov, Dec)

2023 Q4 (Oct, Nov, Dec)

2023 12 21


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jinri Huang (CMCC) (12/7 from Recording), David Kinsey (AT&T) (12/14 from recording), David Kinsey (AT&T) (12/21 from recording)
  • Previous scribe: December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani



Ganesh Shenbagaraman

 Ankit BarveX


Andrea Buldorini

Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2023-12-14 : Motion proposed by Julien and seconded by Ankit, motion was approved without objection.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Walk Ons? No new items added
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 12-07: No New Items this week
    2. 12-07: OAI Roadmap 12-14
    3. 12-14: OAI Vision presented by Irfan and Ganesh.
    4. 12-14: Luis nominates Peng Lu from Intel to take the O-DU Low Phy PTL role as he will be retiring from Intel effective January 5, 2024. link
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-02: The f2f meeting recording was put on the wiki. See here: 2023-10 O-RAN F2F Phoenix
      2. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: huangjinri@chinamobile.com  to reach O-RAN office to discuss the joint PR draft
        1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com From Zbynek & Jindrich: O-RAN changing PR process so no new PRs this year.
          1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com O-RAN can promote the PR if issued through OAI channel & Add links to it
        2. OpenAir Interface OAI can help here. Draft proposed. Ongoing & will revert with an update.
          1. 11-09 AP OpenAir Interface For OAI/OSC workshop: will revert with an update on PR content & channel
        3. 12-14 David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface Action Item is complete
      3. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com No update this week. Will continue
    2. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Nothing pending.
    3. 12-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] Nothing pending.
    4. 12-14: Motion from Thoralf to approve the release with the condition that the three outstanding projects, which the PTL were not represented (RICAPP, SMO, DOC) would close their project activities by 12/21. Seconded by John-Paul. Motion was Approved
    5. 12-21: Release Review, Conditions were met so 12-14 vote is confirmed.
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy [DTAG] mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy [DTAG] There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy [DTAG] to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey [AT&T] currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey [AT&T] R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. Joint Workshop: https://openairinterface.org/joint-osc-oai-workshop-end-to-end-open-source-reference-designs-for-o-ran/ 
            1. 11-02: the joint workshop, full and good agenda. Plus, OAI has good relationship with SRSRAN; 
            2. 11-09: OpenAir Interface reminder that workshop happens at Innovation Campus in Burlington not Boston Downtown. Approx 150 registered participants. Full agenda.
              1. 11-09 AP OpenAir Interface to resend agenda to mailing list.
            3. 11-02: AP: Jinri Huang to reach O-RAN office to discuss the joint PR draft -
              1. 11-02: O-RAN and OAI will consider and work on a joint PR. 
              2. 11-09: See AP review above.
                1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com From Zbynek & Jindrich: O-RAN changing PR process so no new PRs this year.
                  1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com O-RAN can promote the PR if issued through OAI channel & Add links to it
                2. OpenAir Interface OAI can help here. Draft proposed. Ongoing & will revert with an update.
                  1. 11-09 AP OpenAir Interface For OAI/OSC workshop: will revert with an update on PR content & channel
            4. 11-16: OpenAir Interface The workshop was generally very well attended. NTIA and NSF attended to give government perspective on O-RAN. Good to get the opportunity to address government agencies directly. Demos were very well received. Presented the next phases of collaboration between OSC and OAI e.g. Nephio and OSC collaboration for SMO and relationship to OAI. Meeting next week with Radisys to discuss potential integration of OAI CU with OSC. Next steps are to try to operationalise the OSC collaboration roadmap with, for example, Nephio. Recordings of workshop, poster sessions and demo sessions to be made available online shortly. Need to have a plan / roadmap for OSC features through 2024 similar to the OAI roadmap.
            5. 11-16: Tracy Van Brakle There is an opportunity for teams to present demo proposals at the upcoming North America O-RAN plugfest readout on Nov 29th. Tracy will post further information to the public mailing list. 
            6. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Readout meeting took place for North American O-RAN plugfest. Some outstanding demonstrations were presented. Demonstrators and participants from industry an university faculty students. Mini-PR to be discussed to mark this event. Funding is starting to come from O-RAN Alliance and government agencies (in US and beyond). Martin Skorupski it was good to see things moving in alignment between the O-RAN Alliance and open source.
            7. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] will prepare PR regarding the Boston meeting of OSC and OAI. OpenAir Interface has shared the summary of meeting with OAI steering meeting. Interesting to learn that Nephio has input into the SMO (FOCOM). 
            8. 11-30: OpenAir Interface Next steps are to present a joint roadmap. Should be presented to and reviewed by the OSC TOC. David Kinsey [AT&T] there is a challenge for OSC to do better with creating a multi-release feature roadmap.
            9. 11-30: OpenAir Interface follow-up discussions are already taking place for the traffic network functions. For example, Radisys are working on the O-DU integration with OAI. The workshop really helped to kickstart this collaboration between OSC and OAI. David Kinsey [AT&T] Do we continue to use the OSC O-DU (Low) or do we start to look towards OAI for this function? Ankit Barve has taken an action point at RSAC to investigate a mix n match approach with OSC and OAI for O-DU. Should have a clearer picture on this over the coming weeks.
            10. 12-07: OpenAir Interface  The document that I prepared basically was co-signed by Ganesh and I'd like permission from Ganesh to be able to present. David Kinsey [AT&T] we'll put it on for next week.
            11. 12-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] has a draft for the joint workshop PR but needs get approval from AT&T. Still a pending question about O-DU-low, needs a decision with the roadmap to whether to keep the O-DU-low project. Need to send those questions to Lewis from Intel.
            12. 12-14: We walked through the OAI O-CU + OSC O-DU-High + OAI O-DU-Low presentation by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and OpenAir Interface to be found in the Toc Documents folder
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          1. 11-09: Tracy Van Brakle: Draft of First version - aiming for Release 0 at end of year.
            1. Link for those who can access O-RAN Wiki: https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OSFG/pages/3020881939/2023-11-06+OSFG+Agenda 
          2. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Meeting planned for December 14th to review the roadmap with O-RAN Alliance TSC co-chairs. OSFG meeting Monday 4th will review (5am PT). 
          3. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Need blueprint status, technical issues and roadmap as input to the TSC co-chair meeting.
          4. 11-30: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Plans to approach Jindrich Brett in O-RAN Alliance to confirm process for voting on a vendor co-chair for OSFG
          5. 12-07: Tracy Van Brakle The roadmap of the blueprint is in the form of a white paper and it's a drafty draft on OSFG contribution page. David Kinsey [AT&T] where's O-Cloud in this phase 1 (early iteration)? Nephio is just an enabler. We need O-Cloud to interconnect our labs. Tracy Van Brakle For the road map, introduce O-Cloud as a starting point, 4th quarter 2023; and then Cloudify O-Cloud, 2nd quarter 2024 (deployment by the SMO using O2 interface). David Kinsey [AT&T] when should we be targeting a demonstration with an OAI network function, using an OSC SMO to deploy it with Nephio enablers? 3 roadmaps (OSC, OAI, Nephio) have to be aligned. Saw demo at the workshop that use SMO + Near RT RIC + xApp on A1 to make policy change for DU bandwidth. So something is there but needs to be more generalized. Bala from Red Hat indicates that Nephio is creating their user stories and priorities for the R3 release (starting early 2024 towards the middle of 2024), and O2 IMS is one of them. Tracy Van Brakle Doug and I will see where srsRAN might fit in, and when if they do. srsRAN expressed their interest to participate.
        4. Other
          1. 11-09: Mix up with times for this week's OSFG meeting. Calendar has now been updated to 7AM EST (huangjinri@chinamobile.com).
          2. 12-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] need to work out the scribe. huangjinri@chinamobile.com will do 12/7, and David Kinsey [AT&T] can do 12/14. May need one for 12/21. jboudani can do January 2024, starting from 1/4.
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 11-09: Tracy Van Brakle Looking forward to discussions in Boston of having OSC labs working for upcoming plugfest, but also for experimentation & demos
        1. See also links from OSFG last week. For those who can access O-RAN Wiki: https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OSFG/pages/3020881939/2023-11-06+OSFG+Agenda
      2. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Bedminster lab remains down. Considering consolidation into a different AT&T lab, in a different location (still NJ), which is more aligned with OSC work. Access processes should be similar to current access process. AP on David Kinsey [AT&T] and Tracy Van Brakle to review and revert.
      3. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] proposals for lab contract to be reviewed within AT&T. Work is ongoing and progress is being made. Next two weeks are critical in order to get funding from O-RAN Alliance and finalise lab plans. 
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 11-02: Mapping b/w OSC project work and WG spec. work discussed. There is a table for this mapping for H release. See here: H Release (The table at the end of the page). Good example from INF project with a detailed excel file to record the detailed mapping. Jinri encourage the PTL to make such efforts, or at least fill in the table. Some echos on this suggestion. Some comments are that the work is beyond trial and time-consuming. sometime difficult since some spec. may not have stage-3 defined. Another suggestion is to use the conformance spec. Jinri responded that the value of the work is significant. Yet admitted community is contribution-driven. Yet still strongly encourage the team to do this.
      2. 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1.  11-09: See AP review above.
          1.  huangjinri@chinamobile.com: This table is for mapping template between project & specs. No update this week. Will continue
      3. 11-09: Sridhar Rao License Scanning will be complete with report by 10 Dec. See checklist on wikipage: Release Checklist#I-Release
      4. 11-09: AP: Sridhar Rao will report back next week on progress/status of release process & checklist
      5. 11-16: Sridhar has reviewed the status of release I documentation. Many documents still outstanding. AP: All PTLs to update release I checklist and ensure a plan to finalise release docs. 
      6. 11-30: Sridhar Rao is not seeing updates on wiki release pages. Based on current lack of progress, it may be difficult to meet release deadlines for December. PTLs and teams need more urgency in updating release I pages / wiki, highlights, release checklist and other release-relevant documentation. Once all documentation is ready, the only thing required is a TOC release vote. 
      7. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Release I date is provisionally targeting 25th - 29th December. This may be challenging for some. Need to agree a date for the release vote to take place. Thoralf Czichy suggests the 14th December (keeping 21st December as a backup) for the Release I vote. David Kinsey [AT&T] made motion to release on 14th December, Thoralf Czichy seconded. Motion approved.
      8. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey [AT&T] It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

    • 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template. 11-16: Ongoing
    • 12-14: 12-7 Minutes Approved
    • 12:14: AP for Joint Workshop PR Closed
    • 12-14: Release Conditionally Approved
    • 12-21: 12-14 Minutes Approved
    • 12-21: Release Conditions are satisfied within the time bound so the release is approved.
    • Next Meeting 1/4/24.

2023 12 14


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jinri Huang (CMCC) (12/7 from Recording), David Kinsey (AT&T (12/14 from recording), TBD (12/21)
  • Previous scribe: December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 


Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair

James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový


Ondřej Hudousek


John-Paul Lane


John Keeney


Masahiro Fujii


Minami Ishii


Arunkumar Halebid

Thoralf CzichyX


Julien Boudani


Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve


Andrea Buldorini


Wind RiverJackie Huang XJon Zhang
Viavi SolutionsUltan KellyXBaruch Friedman

Avinash Bhat

XPeter Moonki Hong

*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Minutes approval for last TOC meeting 2023-12-07 (maintain only the items for current month): Motion proposed by John-Paul  and seconded by Avinash, motion approved unanimously.
  2. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. Walk Ons? No new items added
  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    1. 12-07: No New Items this week
    2. 12-07: OAI Roadmap 12-14
    3. 12-14: OAI Vision presented by Irfan and Ganesh.
    4. 12-14: Luis nominates Peng Lu from Intel to take the O-DU Low Phy PTL role as he will be retiring from Intel effective January 5, 2024. link
  4. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

    1. AP Review
      1. 11-02: The f2f meeting recording was put on the wiki. See here: 2023-10 O-RAN F2F Phoenix
      2. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: huangjinri@chinamobile.com  to reach O-RAN office to discuss the joint PR draft
        1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com From Zbynek & Jindrich: O-RAN changing PR process so no new PRs this year.
          1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com O-RAN can promote the PR if issued through OAI channel & Add links to it
        2. OpenAir Interface OAI can help here. Draft proposed. Ongoing & will revert with an update.
          1. 11-09 AP OpenAir Interface For OAI/OSC workshop: will revert with an update on PR content & channel
        3. 12-14 David Kinsey [AT&T] OpenAir Interface Action Item is complete
      3. 11-09: Review AP: 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com No update this week. Will continue
    2. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Nothing pending.
    3. 12-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] Nothing pending.
    4. 12-14: Motion from Thoralf to approve the release with the condition that the three outstanding projects, which the PTL were not represented (RICAPP, SMO, DOC) would close their project activities by 12/21. Seconded by John-Paul. Motion was Approved
  5. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 
      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 
        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:
          1. 11-02: Jakub: currently handled in WG10 tooling team; 2 main topics: SCCL itself, should be included in the code artifact, 2nd is the repository to make the file public; in progress, some braining storming, nothing for OSC to use directly; WG10 to generate the requirements; take to other WG, OFFICE, or OCOP, working on the design part of the thing; more difficult than expected; 
          2. 11-09: Jakub Novy [DTAG] mentioned that SCCL was discussed at this week's OSFG meeting, Suggest to follow up at next week TOC. More decisions needed at O-RAN level.
          3. 11-16: Jakub Novy [DTAG] There is a meeting with O-RAN legal next week to review any potential issues. 
          4. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] A meeting took place with tooling within WG10. ACOP also needs to be consulted over the process. Jakub Novy [DTAG] to provide update on meeting with O-RAN legal.
          5. 12-07: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Not much to report. Got some feedback from O-RAN legal on brainstorming phase of WG10; Also checking with ETSI, Doug is helping. David Kinsey [AT&T] currently  pushing SCCL with WG3, WG10 and WG4.John Keeney (Ericsson EST) is of interest of publishing R1 related files with SCCL from WG2. David Kinsey [AT&T] R1 related file may end up be an Open API.
        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) James Li Former user (Deleted) 
          1. Joint Workshop: https://openairinterface.org/joint-osc-oai-workshop-end-to-end-open-source-reference-designs-for-o-ran/ 
            1. 11-02: the joint workshop, full and good agenda. Plus, OAI has good relationship with SRSRAN; 
            2. 11-09: OpenAir Interface reminder that workshop happens at Innovation Campus in Burlington not Boston Downtown. Approx 150 registered participants. Full agenda.
              1. 11-09 AP OpenAir Interface to resend agenda to mailing list.
            3. 11-02: AP: Jinri Huang to reach O-RAN office to discuss the joint PR draft -
              1. 11-02: O-RAN and OAI will consider and work on a joint PR. 
              2. 11-09: See AP review above.
                1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com From Zbynek & Jindrich: O-RAN changing PR process so no new PRs this year.
                  1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com O-RAN can promote the PR if issued through OAI channel & Add links to it
                2. OpenAir Interface OAI can help here. Draft proposed. Ongoing & will revert with an update.
                  1. 11-09 AP OpenAir Interface For OAI/OSC workshop: will revert with an update on PR content & channel
            4. 11-16: OpenAir Interface The workshop was generally very well attended. NTIA and NSF attended to give government perspective on O-RAN. Good to get the opportunity to address government agencies directly. Demos were very well received. Presented the next phases of collaboration between OSC and OAI e.g. Nephio and OSC collaboration for SMO and relationship to OAI. Meeting next week with Radisys to discuss potential integration of OAI CU with OSC. Next steps are to try to operationalise the OSC collaboration roadmap with, for example, Nephio. Recordings of workshop, poster sessions and demo sessions to be made available online shortly. Need to have a plan / roadmap for OSC features through 2024 similar to the OAI roadmap.
            5. 11-16: Tracy Van Brakle There is an opportunity for teams to present demo proposals at the upcoming North America O-RAN plugfest readout on Nov 29th. Tracy will post further information to the public mailing list. 
            6. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Readout meeting took place for North American O-RAN plugfest. Some outstanding demonstrations were presented. Demonstrators and participants from industry an university faculty students. Mini-PR to be discussed to mark this event. Funding is starting to come from O-RAN Alliance and government agencies (in US and beyond). Martin Skorupski it was good to see things moving in alignment between the O-RAN Alliance and open source.
            7. 11-30David Kinsey [AT&T] will prepare PR regarding the Boston meeting of OSC and OAI. OpenAir Interface has shared the summary of meeting with OAI steering meeting. Interesting to learn that Nephio has input into the SMO (FOCOM). 
            8. 11-30OpenAir Interface Next steps are to present a joint roadmap. Should be presented to and reviewed by the OSC TOC. David Kinsey [AT&T] there is a challenge for OSC to do better with creating a multi-release feature roadmap.
            9. 11-30OpenAir Interface follow-up discussions are already taking place for the traffic network functions. For example, Radisys are working on the O-DU integration with OAI. The workshop really helped to kickstart this collaboration between OSC and OAI. David Kinsey [AT&T] Do we continue to use the OSC O-DU (Low) or do we start to look towards OAI for this function? Ankit Barve has taken an action point at RSAC to investigate a mix n match approach with OSC and OAI for O-DU. Should have a clearer picture on this over the coming weeks.
            10. 12-07: OpenAir Interface  The document that I prepared basically was co-signed by Ganesh and I'd like permission from Ganesh to be able to present. David Kinsey [AT&T] we'll put it on for next week.
            11. 12-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] has a draft for the joint workshop PR but needs get approval from AT&T. Still a pending question about O-DU-low, needs a decision with the roadmap to whether to keep the O-DU-low project. Need to send those questions to Lewis from Intel.
            12. 12-14: We walked through the OAI O-CU + OSC O-DU-High + OAI O-DU-Low presentation by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and OpenAir Interface to be found in the Toc Documents folder
        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.
          1. 11-09: Tracy Van Brakle: Draft of First version - aiming for Release 0 at end of year.
            1. Link for those who can access O-RAN Wiki: https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OSFG/pages/3020881939/2023-11-06+OSFG+Agenda 
          2. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Meeting planned for December 14th to review the roadmap with O-RAN Alliance TSC co-chairs. OSFG meeting Monday 4th will review (5am PT). 
          3. 11-30: Tracy Van Brakle Need blueprint status, technical issues and roadmap as input to the TSC co-chair meeting.
          4. 11-30: huangjinri@chinamobile.com Plans to approach Jindrich Brett in O-RAN Alliance to confirm process for voting on a vendor co-chair for OSFG
          5. 12-07: Tracy Van Brakle The roadmap of the blueprint is in the form of a white paper and it's a drafty draft on OSFG contribution page. David Kinsey [AT&T] where's O-Cloud in this phase 1 (early iteration)? Nephio is just an enabler. We need O-Cloud to interconnect our labs. Tracy Van Brakle For the road map, introduce O-Cloud as a starting point, 4th quarter 2023; and then Cloudify O-Cloud, 2nd quarter 2024 (deployment by the SMO using O2 interface). David Kinsey [AT&T] when should we be targeting a demonstration with an OAI network function, using an OSC SMO to deploy it with Nephio enablers? 3 roadmaps (OSC, OAI, Nephio) have to be aligned. Saw demo at the workshop that use SMO + Near RT RIC + xApp on A1 to make policy change for DU bandwidth. So something is there but needs to be more generalized. Bala from Red Hat indicates that Nephio is creating their user stories and priorities for the R3 release (starting early 2024 towards the middle of 2024), and O2 IMS is one of them. Tracy Van Brakle Doug and I will see where srsRAN might fit in, and when if they do. srsRAN expressed their interest to participate.
        4. Other
          1. 11-09: Mix up with times for this week's OSFG meeting. Calendar has now been updated to 7AM EST (huangjinri@chinamobile.com).
          2. 12-07: David Kinsey [AT&T] need to work out the scribe. huangjinri@chinamobile.com will do 12/7, and David Kinsey [AT&T] can do 12/14. May need one for 12/21. jboudani can do January 2024, starting from 1/4.
  6. Standing/old business
    1. OSC Lab
      1. 11-09: Tracy Van Brakle Looking forward to discussions in Boston of having OSC labs working for upcoming plugfest, but also for experimentation & demos
        1. See also links from OSFG last week. For those who can access O-RAN Wiki: https://oranalliance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OSFG/pages/3020881939/2023-11-06+OSFG+Agenda
      2. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Bedminster lab remains down. Considering consolidation into a different AT&T lab, in a different location (still NJ), which is more aligned with OSC work. Access processes should be similar to current access process. AP on David Kinsey [AT&T] and Tracy Van Brakle to review and revert.
      3. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] proposals for lab contract to be reviewed within AT&T. Work is ongoing and progress is being made. Next two weeks are critical in order to get funding from O-RAN Alliance and finalise lab plans. 
    2. Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling Sridhar Rao 
      1. 11-02: Mapping b/w OSC project work and WG spec. work discussed. There is a table for this mapping for H release. See here: H Release (The table at the end of the page). Good example from INF project with a detailed excel file to record the detailed mapping. Jinri encourage the PTL to make such efforts, or at least fill in the table. Some echos on this suggestion. Some comments are that the work is beyond trial and time-consuming. sometime difficult since some spec. may not have stage-3 defined. Another suggestion is to use the conformance spec. Jinri responded that the value of the work is significant. Yet admitted community is contribution-driven. Yet still strongly encourage the team to do this.
      2. 11-02: AP: Jinri to work with Jackie to refine the table template.
        1.  11-09: See AP review above.
          1.  huangjinri@chinamobile.com: This table is for mapping template between project & specs. No update this week. Will continue
      3. 11-09: Sridhar Rao License Scanning will be complete with report by 10 Dec. See checklist on wikipage: Release Checklist#I-Release
      4. 11-09: AP: Sridhar Rao will report back next week on progress/status of release process & checklist
      5. 11-16: Sridhar has reviewed the status of release I documentation. Many documents still outstanding. AP: All PTLs to update release I checklist and ensure a plan to finalise release docs. 
      6. 11-30: Sridhar Rao is not seeing updates on wiki release pages. Based on current lack of progress, it may be difficult to meet release deadlines for December. PTLs and teams need more urgency in updating release I pages / wiki, highlights, release checklist and other release-relevant documentation. Once all documentation is ready, the only thing required is a TOC release vote. 
      7. 11-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Release I date is provisionally targeting 25th - 29th December. This may be challenging for some. Need to agree a date for the release vote to take place. Thoralf Czichy suggests the 14th December (keeping 21st December as a backup) for the Release I vote. David Kinsey [AT&T] made motion to release on 14th December, Thoralf Czichy seconded. Motion approved.
      8. 12-07: Sridhar Rao From the I release checklist page, only 5 projects NONRTRIC, RICPLT, ODUHIGH*, INF, AIMLFW completed the committed features. Need all PTLs to work and complete by next Thursday for release vote.For the "Release documentation for Blog/Article on Release" item will have a dedicated marketing person to update the wiki and generate a PR for I release. Ankit Barve how about "Features Implemented Mapping to O-RAN Spec by Project" table for I release? David Kinsey [AT&T] It might be kept at the project level for each PTL to fill in the details of the O-RAN specs impacting features. Ankit Barve Propose to add as a last section to the project. 
    3. Project reports (by features) (Note: From Aug. 3, it is decided that Project reports in groups will be strike out, and it will be done by features)

              7. Any Other Business (AoB)

              8. Meeting Summary and Closure

2023 12 07 


Meeting Recording: Link


  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Jinri Huang (CMCC) (12/7 from Recording), TBD (12/14), TBD (12/21)
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