
Writing cursive forms of G


Table of Contents

Sub pages

The OAM project focus on the following topics:

Provide complete implementation for OAM functions (FCAPS).


  • support of O-RAN WG10 VES message bodies
  • update of OAM-Controller to ODL version Sulfur
    • Note: team is discussion the possibility to switch from Java11 to Java17 - discussion ongoing
  • update to keycloak version 18
  • even more secure keycloak configuration
  • there is a request for a "bare-metal" deployment which is not in scope of O-RAN, but still useful - also for development and module test
  • support of AI/ML based on RSAC and other input.


The following Specifications needs to be considered for software updates:

  • O-RAN Architecture Description 6.0 - March 2022
  • O-RAN Use Cases Detailed Specification 8.0 - July 2022
  • O-RAN Operations and Maintenance Architecture 7.0 - July 2022
  • O-RAN Operations and Maintenance Interface 7.0 - July 2022
  • O-RAN Management Plane Specification - YANG Models 9.0 - July 2022
  • O-RAN O1 Interface specification for O-CU-UP and O-CU-CP 3.0 - July 2022

  • O-RAN O1 Interface for O-CU-UP and O-CU-CP - YANG Models 3.0 - July 2021

  • O-RAN O1 Interface specification for O-DU 2.0 - July 2021

  • O-RAN O1 Interface for O-DU 4.0 - YANG Models - July 2022

  • O-RAN O1 Interface for O-DU 4.0 - configuration tables - July 2022

  • O-RAN Management interfaces for Transport Network Elements 4.0 - July 2022 (O-RAN.WG9.XTRP-MGT.0-v04.00)

VES JSON-Schemas

  • ONAP VES 7,2.1
  • 3GPP TS 28.532 V16.9.0
    (according to O-RAN Operations and Maintenance Interface Specification 7.0 and its 'Harmonized VES format')  
    • Annex B (Informative):
      Guidelines for the integration of 3GPP MnS notifications with ONAP VES
    • Configuration Management Notifications
      • notifyMOIAttributeValueChanges
      • notifyMOICreation
      • notifyMOIDeletion
      • notifyMOIChanges
    • Fault Management Notifications
      • notifyNewAlarm
      • notifyChangedAlarmGeneral and/or
      • notifyChangedAlarm
      • notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged

      • notifyAckStateChanged

      • notifyClearedAlarm
      • notifyAlarmListRebuilt
    • FileReady Notification (as part of Performance Monitoring)
      • notifyFileReady
    • PM Streaming
      • based on WebSockets and ASN.1 (no contributions expected)
    • Software Management
      (for future study by O-RAN Operations and Maintenance Interface Specification 7.0)
      • 3GPP-specified notifyFileDownload vs O-RAN-specified o1NotifyFileDownload
    • Heartbeat
      • notifyHeartbeat
  • O-RAN Operations and Maintenance Interface Specification 7.0
    • PNF Registration
      • o1NotifyPNFRegistration
        Idea: WordTable → YANG → OpenAPISpecification
    •  CNF Registration
      • o1NotifyCloudNFRegistration
        (reference to: 'O-RAN Information Model and Data Models Specification' which does not include o1NotifyCloudNFRegistration yet)
  • O-RAN-SC PM-Measurement streaming


Source of Data model O-RAN-SC

Status: 2020-10-07

Fault3GPP: _3gpp-common-fm
(Fallback from Bronze RFC8632: ietf-alarms)
Configuration(see next lines)
  • interfaces and/or termination points

O-RAN-FH: RFC8343: ietf-interfaces

  • synchronization

(see next lines)

-- Network Time Protocol

RFC7317: ietf-system,yang

-- Precision Time Protocol

RFC8575: ietf-ptp,yang
(check if new IEEE standard was adopted)
  • DCN
    • OAM IF

  • Ehternet OAM
  • Loopback config 
  • Link supervision
  • others
to be updated based on SDO progress
Accountingnot scope of O-RAN and O-RAN-SC - listed just for completeness of FCAPS
Performance3GPP-xml, file, VES


(see next lines)
  • Protocol TLS (for Rest, RestConf and NetConf)
RFC8446: Transport Layer Security
  • User Management

RFC7317: ietf-system,yang

Open: o-ran-user-management

Inventory (hardware)

RFC8348: ietf-hardware,yang and iana-hardware.yang
and of cause o-ran-hardware@2019-07-03.yang for the O-RAN identities.

Open: only for O-RU and O-DU; O-DU anyhow optional

Software Management

Management interfaces:

Use case:

Start with and xRan-fronthaul radio unit and perform and upgrade to an o-ru with the OpenFronthaul M-plane and upgrade further to an O-RU with an O-RAN/3GPP common O1 management interface.

Backup and restoreOpenROADM manifest file
xApp onboarding (from O1 point of view)under development by WG2 and Near-RT-RIC project
Subscription for VES