2022-05-25 Meeting notes

2022-05-25 Meeting notes




A link to the recording can be found here.


  • Discuss F-release timelines
  • Demo of SMO/VES solution


  • James Li mentioned that the SMO plan for MVP-C was approved in March. Therefore SMO needs to track the progress of the item. A quick check of the O-RAN Alliance Wiki page showed the items listed, but there were no timelines associated with when the documents related to the MVP-C items will be released. The earliest date appeared to be in G-release timeframe.
  • Toshiaki Takahashi mentioned that he added a link to code coverage for the Tacker project to the SMO page for F-release. This is for code coverage for the Tacker code that is in OpenStack repo, not O-RAN SC repo. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) wanted to know if TOC wanted to see code coverage of what is in O-RAN SC repo, or any code that is being used by an O-RAN SC project.

Discussion items

Mahesh Jethanandani
5 minAgenda bashingAll
5 min F-release 

10 minDemoShrinivas Joshi

Action items

  • Mahesh Jethanandanito get clarification in TOC on whether each project should provide code coverage for code in O-RAN SC repo only or any code that a project might use from other repos.