2024-04-23 meeting agenda and minutes
2024-04-23 meeting agenda and minutes
- WindRiver: Jackie Huang Jon Zhang
- Redhat: Federico Rossi Chris Wheeler, Bala
Meeting records:
Passcode: %.1Kl?Ux
Status update:
- Prepare an update for TSC co-chairs.
- Overview of the project: e.g. # of releases so far, # of committers, which companies, # of lines of code, which companies are the most active etc....
Compared to the architecture/functionalities defined in O-RAN spec., what functionalities/entities/interfaces have been implemented? Which spec. version are they corresponding to? What are missing? why? any timeplan for developing the missing parts.
- Which upsteam/downstrem open source communities involved in the development? What are their roles, i.e. what functionalities/interface do they provide?
Any difficulty/challenges the project is currently facing?
- Resource issue
- Multi platform support.
- O2 DMS ETSI profile, we don't have active contributor form Tacker.
- Any suggestions to OSC, or O-RAN TSC?
Any other information you want to share?
- [INF-441] [MultiOCloud] Develop OKD as alternative O-Cloud platform - ORAN Jira (o-ran-sc.org)
- Added story to mirror images.
- Pushed WIP gerrit review.
- [INF-442] [O2] Update O2 implementation to aligned with new Spec Ver 5.0 - ORAN Jira (o-ran-sc.org)
- Plan: INF O2 IMS and DMS Spec Compliance - Infrastructure - Confluence (o-ran-sc.org)
- Completed the design of the gaps
- Added new api change for alarms.
- [INF-443] [MultiOS] Update INF Platform to aligned with StarlingX 9.0 - ORAN Jira (o-ran-sc.org)
Action Items:
- WindRiver:
- None
- Redhat:
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