2019 05 29

Zoom Meeting Recording (Zoom meetings are not uploading to this wiki.  A ticket was opened with Helpdesk linuxfoundation.org #75652)

Audio only


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) 
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meetings
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    3. Test & Integration Planning

    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items 

  8. Planning for Next Meeting
  9. Open Discussion
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
  2. Roll Call and Quorum Check


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl



    Toshiro Kawahara



    Vincent Danno


    Viswa Kumar


  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meetings
    1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by David Streibl and seconded by Vincent the minutes of the May 22, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    • Action / Jinri send a reflector to highlight O-RAN members to attend the Shanghai f2f meeting.
    • What other projects we need to open to kick off our A release.  
    • Add descriptions of repos.
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. Action Farheen remove Registration and Visa letter from Tokyo face to face.
    2. Action David Streibl send a note to the community about the color naming convention.
      1. If anyone has other naming conventions other than colors update the wiki page.
      2. How do we decide the name like a poll on the wiki?
      3. Posting a poll is acceptable and anyone and everyone can vote on the poll.
      4. If we don't have any other options we'll use color.  ActionFormer user (Deleted) put a poll for a color for the A release.
    3. Action Lusheng share repo changes and committers spreadsheet with Farheen to attach to these minutes.  Repo and committer changes request on today's ToC call.eml.  June 5th is the deadline for seed code contributions. 

      1. Action / Former user (Deleted)  will make a request over the email chain about June 5th deadline.  Maybe half a dozen to one dozen repos are interested.  Intel, Radisys, Inspur, China Mobile has seed code ready to contribute and they will need the O-RAN licenses in standard plain text.  Phil said he wants to get the Contributors License (CLA).  Phil is out of office this week returning June 4th.  Action  Former user (Deleted) will follow up with Phil's backup.  Action / Former user (Deleted)  contact Former user (Deleted) about making a change to the matrix below.

        New Repos and Committers



        Committer Name



        Various development support tools and artifacts

        Lusheng Ji


        Daved Korman


        Chris Lott


        Zhe Huang



        artifacts for the (near realtime) RIC xapp framework, including common libararies, etc

        Abukar Mohamed


        Juha Hyttinen


        Antti Puhakka



        Golang implementation of the common logging library

        Katri Turunen


        Roni Riska


        Heikk Ahola



        Utilities and common configurations for the (near realtime) RIC Platform

        Matti Hiltunen


        Tommy Carpenter


        Lusheng Ji



        (near-realtime) RIC Platform Subscription Manager

        Peter Szilagyi


        Kalman Nagy


        Bálint Üveges


        Viktor Bekesi


        Update existing Repo's committers







        Tommy Carpenter


        Scott Daniels


        Chris Lott




        Tommy Carpenter


        Gueyoung Jung




        Varun Gupta



        Raja Sivaraj




        Arvo Heinonen


        (Lusheng update:  LF helpdesk tickets: #75906 and #75705)

    4. Action Lusheng provide gerret repo descriptions to LF technical team.
      1. In Progress for new seed code contributors.
    5. Action Farheen Send out a reminder to the TOC to take a vote on finalizing the release calendar.  
    6. The A Release schedule was reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by Jack and seconded by Vincent the "A" release schedule was approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      1. Jinri - Who is organizing the discussion for the epics?  
        1. The epics will be driven by the Requirements and Architecture subcommittee.
          1. Action / Former user (Deleted)from AT&T is coordinating the Requirements and Software sub-committee meetings.
        2. Are there software architecture meetings?  
          1. Next week we will formerly kickoff  one in the evening time in NYC and one is in the morning NYC time.
          2. Jinri - We need to inform Working Groups.  David agrees.  We need to work out how we are going to work with the Alliance.  For example with RIC WG 3, and 2 have to know what is going on in the requirements.
            1. Jinri and Jack are socializing how to leverage WG1 as an interface.  It's going to be hard to build interfaces with every WG.  Could we leverage WG1 as an interface to the broader WG community.
            2. Jinri - Action/Rittwik or Jinri invite all the WG chairs to the Requirements and Software Architecture meetings.  One of the principles of TOC is to align the WGs.  
            3. Viswa - I don't understand. I thought this was already aligned.
              1. Jinri - It is hosted by LF and TOC has to report to the O-RAN community.
              2. Gian Michele Dell'Aera (TIM) please have them sign up asap.
              3. Jack - Many of the software decisions will bubble up to a very terse line.  Key is E1, and E2 specifications.  There will be another package that will provide guidelines.  We will eventually consolidate on the key types like E2 or radio resource management.  There is a lot of other work that won't be pressing such as OA&M  functions.  The things that you need to make the software solution but don't get feature attention.
              4. Viswa - I have added a series of questions.  I find it hard to find via wiki.  
                1. Have you seen the requirements document yet? 
                  1. No
                  2. We have it posted on the wiki https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RSAC/
                  3. Rittwik will be leading setting up the calls and notifying users.  Lusheng is gathering code contributed by different people and uploaded to gerret.  Seed code has not been approved to be a part of the project.  This code is available to move into the official project for our A release.  In the weeks ahead we will have discussions over whether or not to move the seed code.
                  4. In O-RAN WG8.  How is that different than what we are trying to do here?
                    1. We've had discussions.  WG8 will not generate code.  The emphasis there is more on CU, RU, DU layers than the non RT RIC.  Code will come from O-RAN SC.
                    2. Requiremets & Software Architecture will cover post CU and post DU.
                    3. Jinri - concerned about day after tomorrow we have a TSC call.  Typically in O-RAN Alliance there are three big events.  They usually want to release during these events.  Is it possible to get this completed by NWC North America in September time frame?  
                      1. You can look at the schedule and there is no way to put this in September time frame.  Looking at the schedule this gives us a short development schedule.  We can try to align with Barcelona.  This schedule tends to be the pattern that works.  The original goal was to try to have an impact this year.
                    4. Jun Song (Samsung) We found mistakes on the requirements document.  You can post the document back on the reflector.  Action/Jun Send out the corrections to the reflector.
    7. Action David Tallgren send the proposal to the mail list.  There is a proposal to make the RIC a project in gerret.  RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) under the Apache2 license.
      1. David proposed making RIC a project.  The TOC has the right to create sub-projects in the TOC.  The proposal is to make RIC into an official project.  We have the people from Nokia as proposers for the projects. Sharing official proposal deck.  Scope is this Near RT RIC as a part of release A as the timeline that was accepted.  Nokia will start development work as soon as it's approved.  Hosted in the Akraino REC platform.  We would like to have a gerret repo, jira, wiki space, host a weekly zoom meeting, #RIC, and slack channel.  Nokia has a bunch of committers.  We are proposing  Thoralf Czichy (Nokia) be PTL of the RIC project.   
        1. Could you touch on xApp framework?
          1. The plan is there is at least one demo xapp as part of the RIC project but the actual x-apps are not a part of this effort.
          2. Peter Moonki Hong (Samsung) asked Is this separate development? 
            1. No the main development will transition the seed code to the project and the code would be classified as the project code where the community can move to near RTRIC.  AT&T has been very involved with Nokia.  AT&T has a number of developers also working into the seed repository.  This is a proposal from Nokia and AT&T is very active in this along with the WGs for the requirements and specifications.  The difference with the x-apps will be creating a separate project for the xapp development which will depend on near RTRIC platform and framework.  x-apps will be less about framework and more about RAN.  It will be under a separate Apache license.  
          3. Post questions to the reflector and we will work on getting a wiki page set up.
        2. Action/TOC take a vote on the RIC project.
    8. Action Jack will talk to TOC about extending the TOC call to 90 minutes as opposed to 60 minutes.
      1. We will shoot for 2 hours next week.  We will spend more time talking about requirements and the proposal for projects.  We will have a repo structure as a part of the architecture.  We are struggling with getting the O-RAN license approved. My opinion is take DU, there is a lot of implementation of code that people want to do under the O-RAN licensing.  I recommend we create an Apache and O-RAN repo to that project.  This way the framework may not involve the O-RAN licensence.  That way it can be an upstream feed to the O-RAN license and be a complete build.  People should give feedback.  This will allow anyone who wants to know what has been contributed under Apache or O-RAN license.  Action / Farheen update next weeks meeting to two hours.
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Releases
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    3. Test & Integration Planning

    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items 

    1. Jinri - The week following the Tokyo meeting there will be an O-RAN Symposium June 25 whole day in Shanghai.  It is open to everyone and I encourage everyone to add to the event.  Next week will run this meeting for two hours.  We will start talking about Epics.  So start to think about the epics in the "A" Release.  We will take a poll on naming the releases and we will move forward.
  8. Planning for Next Meeting
  9. Open Discussion
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. The A Release schedule was reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by Jack and seconded by Vincent the "A" release schedule was approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    2. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by David Streibl and seconded by Vincent the minutes of the May 22, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    3. Action/TOC take a vote on the RIC project.
    4. Action / Jinri send a reflector to highlight O-RAN members to attend the Shanghai f2f meeting.
    5. ActionFormer user (Deleted) send out a poll for a color that begins with "a" for the A release.
    6. Action / Former user (Deleted) will make a request over the email chain about June 5th deadline.  Maybe half a dozen to one dozen repos are interested.  Intel, Radisys, Inspur, China Mobile has seed code ready to contribute and they will need the O-RAN licenses in standard plain text.
    7. Action  Former user (Deleted) will follow up with Phil's backup regarding the CLA because China Mobile is ready to contribute code.
    8. Action / Former user (Deleted)from AT&T is coordinating the Requirements and Software sub-committee meetings.
    9. Action Former user (Deleted)invite all the WG chairs to the Requirements and Software Architecture meetings.  One of the principles of TOC is to align the WGs.
    10. Action/ Jun Hyuk Song Send out the corrections on the requirements document to the reflector toc@lists.o-ran-sc.org.
    11. ActionFarheen Cefalu update next weeks meeting to two hours.