2019 05 22

Zoom Meeting Recording (Zoom meetings are not uploading to this wiki.  A ticket was opened with Helpdesk linuxfoundation.org #75652)

Audio Only Recording


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) 
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 
  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meetings
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    3. Test & Integration Planning

    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items 

  8. Planning for Next Meeting
  9. Open Discussion
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)


  • Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
  • Roll Call & Quorum Check


Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


Jack Murray Co-Chair


China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


Deutsche Telekom 

David Streibl



Toshiro Kawahara


Vincent Danno


Viswa Kumar


  • Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meetings
    • The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there was a correction to attendance.  Vince was removed and David Streibl was added. On motion made by David Streibl and seconded by Viswa, the minutes of the May 15, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      • VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    • The minutes of the 5/8/19 meeting were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections. On motion made by David and seconded by Vince, the minutes of the May 08, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members.
      • VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
  • Review of Today's Agenda
  • Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    • Action Lusheng post the Rittwik's requirements document master mailing list.
    • Action Farheen share Rittwik's document on the wiki. (Done)
    • Action Farheen talk to Lusheng about gaining access to O-RAN alliance wiki in order to update the events page with the face to face meeting in Tokyo.
    • Is the O-RAN SC community open to people outside of the O-RAN Alliance?
      • Yes, this is open source LF project.  All activities here will occur as an open source project and any one can contribute under Apache2 and we're putting a process in place for you to participate.
    • Action Farheen remove Registration and Visa letter from Tokyo face to face.
    • Action Phil send Jack the acumos non-discriminatory document.
    • Action David Naming of Releases 
      • Colors are promising except for Magenta which is a name of a company. 
      • Action David send a note to the community about the color naming convention.
  • Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    • Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      • Action Farheen Send out a reminder for the TOC to take a vote on finalizing the release calendar. 
    • Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    • Test & Integration Planning
      • Jinri - we have to keep the test and integration separated.
        • In this space we will be focusing on operation of the software while they will look at the RAN operations using the software as a key component of what is being delivered to them.
        • Can a non-TOC during the conference call?  How does the open source community align with O-RAN Alliance?  How do the working groups align with each other?  There is no channel of communication between the groups.
          • Jinri - There is an annoucement about the O-RAN face to face.  The TOC will talk on Monday and Wednesday.  For us we haven't drawn the agenda for face to face. We need to figure out how to have the face to face meetings between the WGs.  WG 6, 8, will not be overlapping.  We only have 4 days and 4 meeting rooms.  Every time there will be 4 working groups in parallel.  We may collide with the schedule of WG2 or WG3.  If we think it is important to join working groups I will talk to Amir about joining the working groups in the evening.
    • Report Out of Sub-Committees
      • Requirements and Software Architecture
  • New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
    • Lusheng - Proposed changes to the gerrit repositories.  Updates to committers.  We will need to get the community approval to execute the changes.  From Andrew Grimberg (LF) to Everyone: (08:55 AM) 
FYI LF Release Engineering will take results of votes over the mailing list as valid too
    • Lusheng - reviewed new and updated repositories and committers.
    • Are many of the projects are related to near real time RIC project? Yes  This is seed code.  This gives people to see the activities going on in the seed code space.
    • Action Lusheng share repo changes and committers spreadsheet with Farheen to attach to these minutes.
    • Jinri - I want to understand moving the seed code to project and it's process.  We need to decide what kind of seed code is good enough for the project.
      • O-RAN SC form a project for the RIC that will report up to the TOC and anyone who wants to be involved.
      • The new committers and changes to the repositories.  On motion made by Jack and seconded by Jinri, new committers and repositories was approved by the TOC members. 
        • VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
        • Lusheng update: LF helpdesk ticket #75705 and #75906.
      • There are no descriptions for the repos because I have not been given any. 
        • Action Lusheng provide descriptions to LF.  
      • David Tallgren - Permission to add RIC as a new project  
        • Action David Tallgren send the proposal to the mail list.  Proposal is to make the RIC as an O-RAN project.  Start a new project called RAN Intelligent Controller or RIC under the Apache2 license.
      • Jinri - How do you share the alignment between the project and WG3? 
        • The TOC has to figure out.  Individual companies are not funding the O-RAN Alliance is funding the open source community to be formed.  There is software that is not high profile software such as OA&M operations.  So there is a series of activities that need to go on that may not appear to the O-RAN Alliance.  In a release software developers can go so far.  The challenge is to pull together goals that the O-RAN Alliance is asking for as the end goal.  There is a process that will take an incremental path towards those goals.  And if someone wants a function x and no one is willing to write the software x so the community takes a vote.  If the people who want x should gather the resources and step forward and execute on x.
        • The goal is the get the interested parties to develop the features.  Developers and contributors drive the week to week software contributions.  It is a relationship between specifications and developers.  Our goal is to achieve an O-RAN aligned implementation thru developers participation.  We take what O-RAN specifications are in place.  We accept all input from O-RAN and open participants.  We hand it back to the O-RAN Alliance test and they decide if what was developed is aligned with O-RAN Alliance.  We will continue to evolve the standards. 
      • Concern that the release will not meet the WG3 plan.  E2 specifications.
        • Open source does not wait for specifications.  It's highly iterative.  How it works is not defined until the developer starts to make it work.  In the open source space we don't wait.  We build it and propose ideas.  The WG3 will approve or not approve as a compliant implementation.  Documentation is important in the open source approach.  By the end of November you'll have software that may be acceptable or not.  Then you move on to B release.  That's the open source software driven approach. 
      • Rittwik gave a high level description of the release A requirements
        • We will have two meetings.  Both in the evening NYC time to accommodate Europe and Asia.
  • Planning for Next Meeting
    • Should we extend the TOC to 90 minutes? 
      • Action Jack will talk to TOC about extending the TOC call to 90 minutes as opposed to 60 minutes.
  • Open Discussion
    • The scope of the project.  Does it include the CU, DU, RU Edgeware?  Yes, the names keep changing.  It includes the Non Real Time RIC like ONAP.  It includes the Near Real Time RIC OCU, ODU, what we can do with the ORU.  Open to other ideas that people have to what software tools, or components to round out making the whole O-RAN Alliance specification available to the broader community.  People take the source code.
  • Any Other Business (AOB)
  • Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.
    • The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there was a correction to attendance.  Vince was removed and David Streibl was added. On motion made by David Streibl and seconded by Viswa, the minutes of the May 15, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      • VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    • The minutes of the 5/8/19 meeting were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections. On motion made by David and seconded by Vince, the minutes of the May 08, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members.
      • VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    • The new committers and repositories.  On motion made by Jack and seconded by Jinri, new committers and repositories was approved by the TOC members. 
      • VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    • Action Farheen remove Registration and Visa letter from Tokyo face to face.
    • Action David Streibl send a note to the community about the color naming convention.
    • Action Lusheng share repo changes and committers spreadsheet with Farheen to attach to these minutes.
    • Action Lusheng provide gerret repo descriptions to LF technical team.
    • Action David Tallgren send the proposal to the mail list.  Proposal is to make the RIC as an O-RAN project.  Start a new project called RAN Intelligent Controller or RIC under the Apache2 license.
    • Action Jack will talk to TOC about extending the TOC call to 90 minutes as opposed to 60 minutes.

Chat Summary

From Jun Song (Samsung) to Everyone: (08:48 AM)


From Andrew Grimberg (LF) to Everyone: (08:55 AM)

FYI LF Release Engineering will take results of votes over the mailing list as valid too

From Peter Moonki Hong to Everyone: (09:04 AM)

seems time is up, but I would like to leave some questions to O-RAN TOC for clarifying several stuff from open source perspectives. O-RAN SC is an open source project hosted by LF and will be releases under Apache2.o license. In the meantime, there is O-RAN Specification Code Project and it will rease the code under a different source code license, if I am undersrading correctly. What is the relationship between O-RAN SC and SCP and what is a role of TOC for dealing with them?

From Viswa ( Verizon ) to Everyone: (09:05 AM)

dropping for another call. thank you

From Peter Moonki Hong to Everyone: (09:06 AM)

And who can be a "Contributor" in ORAN SCP? any open source developers? or developers of O-RAN Alliance members?
Thank you in advance.

From TSC Zoom to Everyone: (09:07 AM)

probably we could answer peter 's question offline

From Andrew Grimberg (LF) to Everyone: (09:08 AM)

Anyone that has an LFID is potentially a contributor. IIRC we aren't requiring CLAs and just DCO so there's no barrier of needing someone to sign either a Corporate CLA or an Individual CLA before they can contribute. Just login and start contributing
DCO == Signed-off-by line in the commit message footer
CLA == Contributor Licsense Agreement

From Peter Moonki Hong to Everyone: (09:09 AM)

SCP is also under Apache2.0 license?
From Lusheng Ji to Everyone: (09:12 AM)

@Peter SCP is not under Apache 2. It is under a different license O-RAN Software License

From Peter Moonki Hong to Everyone: (09:13 AM)

Yahh that is my understanding as well. Then SCP is under SC?
or under O-RAN Alliance?

From Jun Song (Samsung) to Everyone: (09:16 AM)


From Lusheng Ji to Everyone: (09:16 AM)

SCP and SC are sister projects under Linux Foundation. They have the same relationship W.R.T. O-RAN Alliance. They (will) share a lot of resources in LF but under different software licenses.

From Peter Moonki Hong to Everyone: (09:17 AM)

Okay, now I get it. Thank you for your kind information.

From Lusheng Ji to Everyone: (09:17 AM)

You are welcome.

From Peter Moonki Hong to Everyone: (09:20 AM)

need to drop off. thank you for all kind information.

From Farheen Cefalu (AT&T) to Everyone: (09:36 AM)
Please send the requirements proposals to main@lists.o-ran-sc.org

From Jun Song (Samsung) to Everyone: (09:39 AM)


From David (DT) to Everyone: (09:44 AM)

Sorry, have to go to other meeting.