

Table of Contents



This page is related to required updates of the OLDUX Config App.

Issues should be raised related to the O-RAN-SC OAM EPIC: OAM-410: ODLUX Config APPTo Do

For rapid communication the following slack is used: https://o-ran-sc-lf.slack.com/archives/C07NKM2Q256


During the integration by https://ios-mcn.org issues where found related to the configuration via ODLUX ConfigApp thought SDN-R, SDNC, CCSDK towards NETCONF Servers exposing 3GPP and O-RAN-Allinace YANG modules.

This page should analyse situations and document decision, to develop solutions (short-term, long-term)

ODLUX - ODL User Experience - LFN OpenDaylight project - User Experience


Config App

The ConfigApp is a generic WebApplication of the ODLUX framework developed in the context of SDN-R within the ONAPs SDNC project.

The software is developed in typescript and bases on react.

ODLUX inquires the yang modules form ONAP SDN-R and generates a UI from the yang models only.

Therefore it is important to understand YANG → RFC7950

Build process


java --version # openjdk 17.0.12 2024-07-16

mvn ---version # Apache Maven 3.6.3


Please align your IDE setting according to https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Setting+Up+Your+Development+Environment

Please use the following command for updating your maven settings:


wget https://git.onap.org/oparent/plain/settings.xml


The ODLUX code repository is in the ONAP project CCSDK/Features
- https://gerrit.onap.org/r/admin/repos/ccsdk/features,general


git clone "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/ccsdk/features" && (cd "features" && mkdir -p git rev-parse --git-dir/hooks/ && curl -Lo git rev-parse --git-dir/hooks/commit-msg https://gerrit.onap.org/r/tools/hooks/commit-msg && chmod +x git rev-parse --git-dir/hooks/commit-msg)

cd features/sdnr/wt-odlux/

mvn clean install # to install all dependencies

### The process should end like this:
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-helpserver-provider ....... SUCCESS [ 10.131 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-helpserver-top ............ SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-framework ................. SUCCESS [04:44 min]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-apiDemo ............... SUCCESS [ 27.610 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-connectApp ............ SUCCESS [ 40.269 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-demoApp ............... SUCCESS [ 26.757 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-faultApp .............. SUCCESS [ 42.396 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-helpApp ............... SUCCESS [ 30.295 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-inventoryApp .......... SUCCESS [ 30.673 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-maintenanceApp ........ SUCCESS [ 28.647 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-minimumApp ............ SUCCESS [ 27.075 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-performanceHistoryApp . SUCCESS [ 48.316 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-eventLogApp ........... SUCCESS [ 27.859 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-app-configurationApp ...... SUCCESS [ 41.517 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-apps-installer ............ SUCCESS [ 4.753 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: sdnr-odlux-installer ................. SUCCESS [ 0.884 s]
[INFO] SDNR ODLUX :: odlux-top ............................ SUCCESS [ 3.517 s]
[INFO] ccsdk-sdnr :: micro-services odlux only ............ SUCCESS [ 0.015 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

## to build only the config app please use
cd odlux/apps/configurationApp

mvn clean install
