2019 07 17

zoom meeting: 2019-07-17-toc.mp4


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu (AT&T)
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair

    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl



    Masafumi Masuda



    Vincent Danno


    Viswa Kumar


    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quorum and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by David and seconded by Vincent the minutes of the July 10, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. Action/ Former user (Deleted) - update the access for the poll so Jinri can vote on the release name. 
      1. Polls are not visible if you are not logged in.  An LF account is needed.
      2. Colors are winning.  
    2. ActionFormer user (Deleted) - provide an update of Release "A" name. 
    3. Action / Jack Murray CLA status.
      1. Jack - Exchanged email with Tristan.  There is work to get the LF work set up.  I am talking to the PM on the ORAN Alliance side.  The ORAN charter and license will be hosted on ORAN Alliance site referenced from this site.  I have not yet received final approval for the license from the board.  I will reach out to the leadership.
    4. ActionJohn Keeney (Ericsson EST) send out a proposal to the TOC email list for the non real time RIC proposal from Ericsson.   John Keeney is based out of Ireland.
    5. Action / TOC - Vote for non realtime RIC PTL change and consider High Street for the OAM Project PTL
      1. Proposal submitted from Martin Skorupski from High Street.  A Berlin software company. 
      2. Proposal change for Ericsson to lead non real-tine RIC Project PTL
      3. We received two PTL proposal.
        1. John Keeney for Non real time RIC.
          1. John - In terms of NrtRIC and OAM scoping will be a challenge.  Both rely on A1 interfaces.
        2. Martin Skorupski for OA&M
          1. Martin - there is some overlap we need to minimize the overlap by working together.  
            1. When will you define the scope between the two?
              1. John and Martin will have their first discussion this week to define the scope.  It has not been discussed yet.
              2. ActionJohn Keeney (Ericsson EST) Martin Skorupski define the scope of the projects.
      4. Proposal to place Martin Skorupski  as PTL for OA&M. On motion made by Jack and seconded by David.  Martin Skorupski was approved by the TOC members for the OA&M project. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      5. Proposal to place John Keeney (Ericsson EST) as Non real time RIC PTL.  On motion made by Jack and seconded by David.  John Keeney (Ericsson EST) was approved by the TOC members as the PTL for the Non real time RIC project. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    6. Action/ Jack Murray will provide a contact from WG8 to David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    7. Actionvincent.danno@orange.com start an email discussion about who wants to participate at ONS Europe and how best to represent the ORAN software community space there.
      1. Vincent - I was late to start the discussion.  It has been started.
        1. Is there a deadline?
          1. There is a deadline for submission to the LF for talks or demos.  The deadline has passed.  We have to coordinate amongst ourselves to support the conference.
    8. Actionhuangjinri@chinamobile.com come up with a naming convention to differentiate the Near real time RIC with the Non real time RIC that prevents the duplication of the short name (KEY) NRTRIC in LF Jira and Confluence.  Jira/Confluence do not support mixed case keys.  Keys are all upper case.
    9. ActionDavid Kinsey [AT&T] start populating the Projects page on the wiki to describe projects.
      1. Rittwik - How do we proceed without a PTL on the project? We have epics that need to be worked.
        1. we may need to recruit temporary PTLs.  Not ideal but we need PTLs in order to proceed.
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Release planning link
        1. Jack has updated the page.  Aligned the calendar with the working groups.  The current timeline we are in week 17 getting ready to start dev sprint 1.  The projects that are in place can participate in the dev1 sprint.  A lot of what's going to happen in this release is seed code.  We still have to discuss if we want to change the schedule.  Stick to the schedule and deliver.  I've added another row at the bottom of the calendar to map the connection points of the overall schedule.  We want to make sure we meet with the working groups.  The schedule reflects the reviews with the working groups.  After two development sprints we can come back to the working groups and give them a demo of the second sprint.  Once we complete all the dev. sprints and have something working we will review with ORAN at the end of the cycle.  
          1. Rittwik - It will be good to align with the face to face meetings.  Can we do the demonstrations (demos).  
            1. The face to face meetings are not currently aligned.  
          2. These are the alignments that best fit with the software process.  I have come up with a first draft of "B" release and the dates.  This is a proposal.  There is a break in the calendar from December 21 -January 6.  Most of the groups are unavailable during this time.  Let me know if there are other dates that the team needs to manage.
          3. Action/ TOC Review, refine the calendars
            1. Chinese new year?  
              1. Yes, that is the feedback I am looking for.  We will follow what the community wants to do.  We can't do too many but want to make it fair.
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. Non Real Time RIC
    3. Test & Integration Planning - Lusheng

    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
      1. Requirements Software Architecture Committee - Rittwik
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com is concerned that there has not bee enough discussion around the PTL selection.
      1. Both Martin and David agreed to work out the scope of their projects amongst themselves.   
  8. Any Other Business (AOB)
  9. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. Votes
      1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by David and seconded by Vincent the minutes of the July 10, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      2. Proposal to place Martin Skorupski of HighStreet as PTL for OA&M. On motion made by Jack and seconded by Former user (Deleted)Martin Skorupski was approved by the TOC members for the OA&M project. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      3. Proposal to place John Keeney (Ericsson EST) as Non real time RIC PTL.  On motion made by Jack and seconded by Former user (Deleted)John Keeney (Ericsson EST) was approved by the TOC members as the PTL for the Non real time RIC project. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    2. Actions
      1. ActionFormer user (Deleted) - provide an update of Release "A" name. 
      2. Action / Jack Murray CLA status.
      3. Action/ Jack Murray will provide a contact from WG8 to David Kinsey [AT&T] 
      4. Actionvincent.danno@orange.com status of the email discussion about who wants to participate at ONS Europe and how best to represent the ORAN software community space there.
      5. Actionhuangjinri@chinamobile.com come up with a naming convention to differentiate the Near real time RIC with the Non real time RIC that prevents the duplication of the short name (KEY) NRTRIC in LF Jira and Confluence.  Jira/Confluence do not support mixed case keys.  Keys are all upper case.