2019 07 31

Zoom Recording: 2019-07-31-toc.mp4


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu (AT&T)
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl


    Masafumi Masuda



    Vincent Danno


    Viswa Kumar

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quoram and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by Jinri and seconded by David the minutes of the July 24, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. Action/ Former user (Deleted)  provide the voting outcome for naming of release "A". 
      1. Release A will be the color Amber
    2. Action / Jack Murray CLA status.
      1. We had a discussion with Ziminek from the Oran Alliance on setting up the website and the information on the website to describe what's going on.  We are also getting a demo from LF tomorrow on how the CLA process will work.  Tristan is supporting us now that we have the official copy of both charters and CLAs.  Will be in place for all our projects.  We are in the execution phase and not the waiting for approval stage.
    3. Actionhuangjinri@chinamobile.com Check with the co-chairs regarding a demo.  I will need more information about the demo.
      1. This is for the ONS in Europe.  I have set out to WG co chairs.  Announced to TOC on Friday.  So far no feedback.  Today is the deadline for the proposal.
        1. As we get more organized we need to pull together events and coordinating with the ORAN Alliance and members as well.  We need to get a community facing organization in the events.  Do we formalize it as a sub committee or is it based on volunteer.  In our case it is complicated so it may make sense to make a sub committee.  Let us discuss and see if it is something we want to do.  In addition there is an OSS meeting in North America San Diego I will be there.  If anyone wants to get involved send Jack Murray a note.  This is not the networking one.  This if for general open source projects.
          1. There is a less formal wiki process to self nominate yourself for the on conference track.
          2. Trishan - If you have a demo for ONS EU talk to Trishan de Lanerolle.  If you already attending ONS you can get a talk in. 
            1. Vincent -  We will not have a demo at ONS.  We are too young.  We will have a key note on ORAN so there is some visibility on what we are doing.  Jack you raised a point about future events.  I am not sure that we need an Events planning committee yet.  Jinri agrees.  
              1. Jack - We need to continue to discuss going forward.  There may be an on conference track at the european event if someone wants to 
    4. ActionXiaohua Zhang send an email to Former user (Deleted) regarding your request for a repo for Infrastructure.  
      1. ActionFormer user (Deleted) will take care of creating the INF project.  Xiaohua Zhang will be the committer.
        1. TOC vote taken on Xiaohua Zhang for creation of PTI/RTP for the INF project.  This is an additional repo in the INF project. 
          1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    5. ActionFormer user (Deleted) send out an email reflector to toc regarding voting and approval for the list of repos for the Non realtime RIC project.
    6. Action/ TOC elect PTL.  Intel and Radisys agreed to have Zhimin Yuan be the PTL and Sachin Srivastava as Co-PTL of the O-DU project. Zhimin and Sachin will coordinate on the O-DU project management going forward.
      1. LF doesn't support co PTLs.  There are discussions on how best to handle this.  They are deciding whether or not to break out for layer 1 and layer 2 activities with two PTLs.  We are not ready for a vote today but I will open the floor for any discussions. 
        1. 2 PTLs on one project vs. 2 projects led by 1 PTL. The same thing we did for NONRTRIC and RICNRT.  
        2. This team has to continue discussions.  
          1. Rittwik - The project will be delayed.  We are already in sprint 1.  
            1. Is it one project or two projects?  
              1. For RSAC we put it in the OCU.  
                1. Jack - We will move forward and close this next week.
    7. CMCC would like to nominate Weichen Ni for PTL of INF project
      1. We also have a nomination from Wind River for the INF project.  What is the best path forward.  What's the best path for the INF project for us to consider?
        1. @weichan The PTL from Radisys is the best option.  I don't have a good idea to go through it.
        2. Xiaohua Zhang  self nominated as PTL for 
          1. Xiaohua 20 years experience in telecom and networking.  Six years ago worked on technology domain CRAN.  Taking responsibility for Open Stack.  Lots of experience working at Wind River.  
            1. PTL role for a project like INF there will be sub efforts or threads that the community wants to do.  You have to wear that hat and support the community with that community project.  Wind River will have to support different INF threads of the sub community.  You have to keep an open mind to what the community is trying to accomplish and may require support of the project of all the different sub activities under that project.  Because the PTL is associated with a company there may be bias but he or she must support the open community including community members from competing companies. 
              1. Xiaohua - Understood.
              2. Vincent - Suggesting Xiaohua has discussed collaboration of the project.  Have you had discussions.  Weichen Ni collaborated in the past and had involved in demos.  For future work Xiaohua submitted to mail list his plans.  
              3. Jinri - They both have experience.
              4. Jack - No matter which way the vote goes thank you both for participating.
        3. Motion made by Jinri to consider approval of Weichen the PTL for INF project.  Not seconded.
        4. No TOC made a motion to consider approval of Xiaohua.  
          1. Vincent wants to discuss more. 
          2. Action/ TOC take a vote for PTL of INF.
    8. CMCC would like to nominate Yingying Wang for PTL of O-CU project
      1. Motion made by huangjinri@chinamobile.com to approve Former user (Deleted) seconded by vincent.danno@orange.com seconded.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    9. Remaining open PTL positions   Documentation, Simulator, O-RU
      1. Action/ huangjinri@chinamobile.comsort out the PTLs for Documentation PTL.
      2. We need to resolve the lack of a PTL for the Simulator project.
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)

    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Release planning link
        1. Jinri noticed that hte ORAN demo is scheduled for he week of 10/28.  We want to capture the event.  
        2. Jack - we can do the demo at the event.  It's one week earlier.  I'd like to leave it on the calendar.  This is the completion of the ETE testing cycle so the demo is working.  We don't need to move the schedule.  It will completed by that date but there may be bug fixes.
          1. Jinri - It would be good to keep in mind.  
            1. Jack - we'll put it on the agenda but we'll keep the target for that week.  We will certainly do a demo that week.
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. Non Real Time RIC - John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
        1. Some contribution in the A release would be helpful to the project.  
          1. John - agree we are still working on getting situated. 
          2. Jirnri - Why can't we get something in release A?
            1. They are unnecessary until release B.
    3. Test & Integration Planning - Lusheng

    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
      1. Requirements Software Architecture Committee - Rittwik
      2. Closing out the design documents and epics are wrapping up.  Design document is getting flushed out now.  Some tasks are clear others are not.  those that are unclear are incentivized to come up with suggestions.  
      3. Jack - Start thinking about release B input ahead of time. 
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. a. TOC schedule on O-RAN F2F meeting in Mexico in October
      1. Jinri - There will be ORAN Alliance working group face to face the week of October 14.  Like previous meeting.  In Tokyo we occupied two days.  Monday and Wednesday. Each one lasting 3 hours.  In total we had six hours for our face to face.  For the upcoming Mexico meeting will we use the same schedule or do you want to change?  Each session will last three hours.
      2. Jack - When is the deadline to decide? 
        1. next friday feedback to Ziminek.
          1. At the same time the working groups can meet like the Architecture subcommittee.
          2. ActionFarheen Cefalu set up the page for the meeting and put the power point slide from Ziminek on the schedule.
    2. 3GPP specifications and copyright discussions
      1. Jack - We need to have permission to use this copyright.  In 
    3. William will take over Vincent spot as TOC.  Actionvincent.danno@orange.com send an email reflector about your replacement as the TOC member of the O-RAN Software Community
    4. Request for new repos from John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
  8. Any Other Business (AOB)
  9. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. Votes: 
      1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by Jinri and seconded by David the minutes of the July 24, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      2. TOC vote taken on Xiaohua Zhang for creation of PTI/RTP for the INF project.  This is an additional repo in the INF project. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      3. CMCC would like to nominate Yingying Wang for PTL of O-CU project.  On Motion made by huangjinri@chinamobile.com to approve Former user (Deleted) seconded by vincent.danno@orange.com seconded.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    2. Action
      1. Action/ Former user (Deleted)  provide the voting outcome for naming of release "A". 
      2. Action / Jack Murray CLA status.
      3. ActionFormer user (Deleted) will take care of creating the INF project.  Xiaohua Zhang will be the committer.
      4. Action/ TOC elect PTL.  Intel and Radisys agreed to have Zhimin Yuan be the PTL and Sachin Srivastava as Co-PTL of the O-DU project. Zhimin and Sachin will coordinate on the O-DU project management going forward.
      5. Action/ TOC take a vote for PTL of INF.
      6. Action/ huangjinri@chinamobile.comsort out the PTLs for Documentation PTL
      7. ActionFarheen Cefalu set up the page for the meeting and put the power point slide from Ziminek on the schedule.
      8. Actionvincent.danno@orange.com send an email reflector about your replacement as the TOC member of the O-RAN Software Community