2019 08 07

Zoom recording2019-08-07-toc_audio_only.m4a


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu (AT&T)
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl



    Masafumi Masuda



    William Diego

    xVincent Danno

    Viswa Kumar

    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quoram and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by David and seconded by Jinri the minutes of the July 31, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      2. Lusheng can not add a repo until the TOC votes for the PTL of the INF repo.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. Action/ Former user (Deleted)  provide the voting outcome for naming of release "A". 
      1. Release name is "Amber" for release "A".  We will be calling our releases by colors beginning with Amber.
      2. We will take a break and will start planning the poll for the "B" release naming convention.
    2. Action / Jack Murray CLA status.  
      1. LF gave demos on CLA platform.  We've decided to use that platform for this project.  It will be in place later this week or next week.  It is currently in beta stage for August 22, 2019.  They are refining.  Jack is working with Zbynek (ZD).  In the CLA platform there is a link that we can add here.  ActionJack Murray will send Farheen Cefalu the link to CLAs that will link to from here.  They have a manager that will create a wide list a people which will make is easier for people to contribute to the project.  Signing the CLA is managed by a manager of a company.  Will support both ORAN Alliance and Apache 2.  Once you sign up for one you will be covered by both licenses. 
      2. We will have it in place by next Wednesday. 
    3. ActionFormer user (Deleted) will take care of creating the INF project.  Xiaohua Zhang will be the committer.
      1. INF project - We did not officially decide on the INF PTL last week.  Discussed and decided Weitchen will be nominated for the Documentation project.  That will cover Wind River Xiaohua Zhang to be nominated for the INF project.  
      2. On motion made by huangjinri@chinamobile.com and seconded by Former user (Deleted) to make Xiaohua Zhang the PTL for the INF project.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    4. Action/ TOC elect PTL.  Intel and Radisys agreed to have Zhimin Yuan be the PTL and Sachin Srivastava as Co-PTL of the O-DU project. Zhimin and Sachin will coordinate on the O-DU project management going forward. Can not have co PTL needs discussion.
      1. We can not have a co-PTL for the O-DU project and we want to split it up as two separate projects or keep it as one project.
        1. Ganesh from Radisys decided to have two projects Layer 1 and Layer 2.  Sachin Srivastava from Radisys and someone from Intel.
          1. We need approval for project name. 
            1. Ganesh - this will not impact software development.
            2. Rittwik - forcast of epics has to change.
        2. On motion to create a project name for Layer 1 ODU-phi made by Jianli Sun
        3. Action/  Ganesh Shenbagaraman and Jianli Sun decide on a names for Layer 1 and Layer 2.
          1. ODL
          2. ODL-phi
    5. Action/ TOC take a vote for PTL of INF.  See votes above.
    6. ActionFarheen Cefalu set up the page for the meeting and put the power point slide from  Zbynek  on the schedule.
    7. Actionvincent.danno@orange.com send an email reflector about your replacement as the TOC member of the O-RAN Software Community.  
    8. ActionFormer user (Deleted) set up repos for John Keeney (Ericsson EST)  Martin Skorupski
      1. Lusheng can not move forward until TOC approval.
      2. On motion made by Former user (Deleted) to create a repos for the OAM project seconded by Jinri.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      3. On motion made by Former user (Deleted) to create a repos for the NONRTRIC seconded by Jinri.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      4. On motion made by Thoralf Czichy to create repos for the near-RIC seconded by huangjinri@chinamobile.com
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      5. On motion made by Thoralf Czichy change the committers under the near-RIC project seconded by David
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
      6. Today the process for obtaining repos is:
        1. First get TOC approval
        2. PTL files a help desk ticket
      7. LF is implementing a new process for creating repos which will also need community (TOC) approval.
      8. Instead of creating a ticket the PTL will submit to a CI process.
  1. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)

    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Release planning link
        1. Added ORAN release formal checkpoints
        2. Discussed how to work with other open source upstream process such as ONAP.  
        3. ActionFarheen Cefalu linkage to other upstream projects such as ONAP.
        4. We will move this to Amber release schedule.  By the end September after two dev sprints we'll invite the working groups to participate.
        5. Partnerships and Alliances
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. Non Real Time RIC - John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
      2. Rittwik WG8 scope: What are the release B items?  Last week we met with WG8.  
    3. Test & Integration Planning - Lusheng

      1. In process of getting Nexus IQ and Sonar scans in place.
        1. Jack - Poll the community and get more people involved in the test.  Look to service providers to get involved in test activities.
        2. Lusheng - we need shared lab resources.  may we have a dedicated session or a separate meeting to discuss that issue?
          1. Jack - Add a dedicated meeting following this TOC meeting but it would not be a voting meeting.
          2. Action/ Former user (Deleted) set up the meeting to follow TOC.
    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
      1. Requirements Software Architecture Committee - Rittwik
        1. Jack - Include target demos in your planning.  If you have big epics demonstrate your work at the end of each sprint.  Major epics should show progress after each sprint.  Demos that will be given at conferences.
  2. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. CMCC would like to nominate Weichen Ni Weichen Ni to be the PTL for DOC project.

      1. Action/ TOC vote on it next week.
    2. Action/ TOC: Alex Stancu, Senior Software and Telecommunications Engineer at highstreet technologies. I would like to nominate myself as the PTL of the SIM project through this email and in addition in tomorrow's (2019-08-07) ToC Meeting.
      1.  Alex Stancu based in Bucharest, Romania. 
        1. Tracy - on June 28 Alex created a simulator that can be seen on the OSC wiki.
    3. POC and Spec investigation from EC discussion.
      1. Jinri - upcoming NWC North America, and Barcelona next year.  They need to collect specifications.  We are not generating and specs.  EC also wants to know the planning for the POC for both NWCs.  The deadline for feedback will be on August 23.  Do we have a plan for POC for NWC?  If so we need to feedback information to EC. 
        1. Deadline is August is for the North America or Barcelona? 
          1. Both
          2. If anyone is interested in getting involved with that demo.  The Action/ Former user (Deleted)  the RSAC should organize the POC for NWC.  It can be a video or power point slides.
        2. Which committee will be responsible for future POCs?
          1. TOC is responsible for making the decision but we need to enable people from other committees to contribute.  Companies will bring their expertise.  
  3. Any Other Business (AOB)
    1. Last week Jinri mentioned the ORAN face to face meeting in October.  Do we need more time zones in the upcoming face to face?  If so we need to let Zbynek know.  We foresee a large audience.  
    2. Farheen Cefalu  add to events page.
  4. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. Votes
      1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by David and seconded by Jinri the minutes of the July 31, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      2. On motion made by huangjinri@chinamobile.com and seconded by Former user (Deleted) to make Xiaohua Zhang the PTL for the INF project.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      3. On motion made by Former user (Deleted) to create a repos for the OAM project seconded by Jinri.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      4. On motion made by Former user (Deleted) to create a repos for the NONRTRIC seconded by Jinri.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      5. On motion made by Thoralf Czichy to create repos for the near-RIC seconded by huangjinri@chinamobile.com
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      6. On motion made by Thoralf Czichy change the committers under the near-RIC project seconded by David
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
    2. Actions
      • Action/ Correct spelling for Zbynek's name in meeting minutes  Farheen Cefalu  
      • Action/ Jack Murray CLA status.  
      • ActionJack Murray will send Farheen Cefalu the link to CLAs that will link to from here. 
      • ActionFormer user (Deleted) will take care of creating the INF project.  Xiaohua Zhang will be the committer.
      • ActionFarheen Cefalu set up the page for the face to face ORAN meeting and put the power point slide from  Zbynek  on the schedule.
      • Action/  Ganesh Shenbagaraman and Jianli Sun decide on a names for Layer 1 and Layer 2.  
      • ActionFarheen Cefalu  add link to other upstream projects such as ONAP on the Release Planning page.
      • ActionFormer user (Deleted) set up the meeting to follow TOC meeting to discuss the shared lab environment.
      • Action/ TOC CMCC would like to nominate Weichen Ni Weichen Ni to be the PTL for DOC project.
      • Action/ TOC Alex Stancu Alex Stancu, Senior Software and Telecommunications Engineer at highstreet technologies. Would like to nominate himself as the PTL of the SIM project
      • Action/ Former user (Deleted)  the RSAC should organize the POC for NWC (conference demos).  It can be a video or power point slides.