2019 09 18

Audio recording: oransc-toc-20190918-audio_only.m4a


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl



    Masafumi Masuda



    William Diego

    xVincent Danno

    Viswa Kumar


    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quorum and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. Moved by Former user (Deleted) , seconded by huangjinri@chinamobile.com
      1. VOTE: 5-0.  approved.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
    1. New agenda items requested (DOC project committer approval request, INF project committer approval request, discussing license header) added to PTL reporting section.
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. Action/ Jack Murray will try to get a representative from each PTL to provide someone to participate in the integration and test team activities.
      1. Service providers should be involved because they will understand what is expected of them.  It will understand what is working and what will work.  We need help in this community.  There is a high and low level activities.  Please reach out to Lusheng and get involved.  I expect all the PTLs to find a representative to participate.
        1. Former user (Deleted): Nokia participation, further discussion with Highstreet and Rutgers.  Asking each project with software deliverables to send rep participating in integration and testing activities.
        2. Gil Hellmann: (windriver) will participate from INF.
    2. ActionTracy Van Brakle   continue discussion about Plugfest.  See where we can do plug and play activities at the MWC North Americas event.
      1. On track for December 2 and a white paper on December 5.  We should figure out something synergistic with China mobile. 
      2. Plugfest in Beijing and POC 
        1. Plugfest in Beijing, with real equipment
        2. PoC with OWL (Rutgers Winlab): Amber release
        3. How to promote.
          1. huangjinri@chinamobile.com encourage taking this opportunity.
          2. Tracy Van Brakle to provide writeup next week as base for blog, etc.   
          3. Jack Murray add to the wiki events page.  ToC member 
          4. huangjinri@chinamobile.com to talk to CMCC how to promote at Beijing slugfest
    3. ActionAndrew Grimberg will check with the engineer of whether or not there is an automated process to auto-add the reviewers.
      1. ActionAndrew Grimberg provide documentation and proposal.  
      2. ActionAndrew Grimberg vet the TOC process with the TOC members.
      3. ActionAndrew Grimberg provide clear instructions to TOC mail list on how TOC members can get a gerrit account and the process.
      4. Former user (Deleted) no update from LF.  We should not be blocked by INFO.yaml.  If any blocker for new repo, we will raise to LF. 
    4. ActionJack Murray discuss the B release name.
      1. Action/ Former user (Deleted) start a poll for B release.
        1. Former user (Deleted) will work on this
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Former user (Deleted) got all the reports.  Will invite O-RAN WG cochairs to RSAC meeting, group by group so people going into F2F knowing the progress. Reports available from the RSAC link in the original Farheen email.
    2. Release planning link.
      1. Jack Murray We are at week 36.  Risk for near Realtime RIC Platform and xApp.  Start talking about B release schedule.  Plan to be approved: B release Dec 2nd.to June.  At the beginning there is a window for Amber maintenance release, --opportunity to close Release A tech debts.  
    3. Copyright
  7. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    1. Non real time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) - John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
    2. RIC Applications - Matti Hiltunen
    3. RIC Platform - Thoralf Czichy
      1. Jack Murray any update on the contribution blocked
        1. Thoralf Czichy escalated high up in Nokia.  we have verbal okay.  there are couple of conditions, none problematic.  One thing we must have clear scope.  Publishing E2 spec and ASN.1, legal discussion still on going.
        2. Jack Murray Filled copyright permission form for OAM project, currently under LF review, will submit to 3GPP as the first example.  Since the code hosted on LF repo, we work through LF.  We will see how this first one goes then others to follow.  O-RAN Alliance is also working with 3GPP.  This also include ASN.1 specifications.  
          1. ActionThoralf Czichyto send details of which spec, section, version, to Jack Murray 2019-09-25: done for RICP
          2. Jack Murray Move this item to Standing Agenda Items from now on.
        3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com TSC requested AT&T and Nokia to report on misalignments between Near Realtime RIC OSC implementation and WG3.  Former user (Deleted) we will need Paul Stevens from WG3 and Matti and other from OSC to start.  Jack Murray Start to work on this before the F2F.  Also how to manage the time line e.g. when Near Realtime RIC started there was no E2 yet.  huangjinri@chinamobile.comencourage other PTLs to think how to work with WGs, suggesting good documentation for communication.
          1. Action/ Former user (Deleted) To organize meeting
    4. O-RAN Centralized Unit Former user (Deleted)
    5. O-RAN Distributed Unit High Sachin Srivastava
    6. O-RAN Distributed Unity Low Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated)
    7. O-RAN Radio Unit (TBD)
    8. Operations and Maintenance - Martin Skorupski
    9. Simulations - Alex Stancu
    10. Infrastructure - Xiaohua Zhang
      1. Committer approval request for Jackie Huang (Jackie.huang@windriver.com) from Wind River for pti/rtp repo and Jianqiang Lu (lujq1@lenovo.com)from Lenovo for AAL repos.
        1. Motion seconded by huangjinri@chinamobile.com,  5 - 0, vote passes.
        2. Discussion Jack Murray PTL should maintain a contact list for committers in each project.
          1. ActionFormer user (Deleted)to work with LF to get the current listing. Completed:  20190920-oran-audit
    11. DOC - Weichen Ni
      1. Committer approval request for Farheen from AT&T, Eric from LF.  
        1. Discussion: Jack Murray future plan for community approval process.  currently we ask this activity to come to ToC.
        2. Motion seconded by huangjinri@chinamobile.com, 4 - 0, vote passes.
    12. O-CU Former user (Deleted) 
  8. Test & Integration Planning - Lusheng

    1. Former user (Deleted) Need standard text for O-RAN Software License.  
      1. Jack Murray Forwarded to O-RAN Alliance, no response yet.  huangjinri@chinamobile.com Next week EC call I will remind them.
    2. Former user (Deleted) SPDX identifier for Apache 2.
      1. Jack Murray email Trishan de Lanerolle to confirm there is no issue from LF, if no objection I am okay with it.  Bring this back next week.
      2. Action/ Former user (Deleted)contact Trishan de Lanerolle
  9. Requirements Software Architecture Committee - Rittwik
    1. Former user (Deleted) B release requirements to share on this meeting next week.
    2. Jack Murray clear demonstrable use cases as high priority.
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

  11. Any Other Business (AOB)
    1. Thoralf Czichy just got email we got green light.  we can move back to open source now.
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)