2019 08 28

Zoom meeting2019-08-28-toc.mp4


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu (AT&T)
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair

    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl



    Masafumi Masuda



    William Diego

    xVincent Danno

    Viswa Kumar


    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quorum and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by Former user (Deleted)  and seconded by William DIEGO  the minutes of the August 21, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. ActionFarheen Cefalu correct audio recording of previous minutes.
    2. Action/ Thoralf Czichy  open a ticket with LF regarding your issues with CLA instructions.  Or email Trishan de Lanerolle directly.
      1. Issues are related to CLA.  Lusheng - Companies are having problems signing the O-RAN CLA.  When our contributors try to sign they see their company already listed due to the previous signing of ONAP CLA.  Most companies have already gone thru the process with ONAP. They see their company already listed because of previous signing of ONAP.  When a CLA manager who has already signed the document for ONAP uses the CLA tool they get a message that their company has not signed with O-RAN. This can be resolved by having the company sign both O-RAN and ONAP CLAs by the same legal entity or have LF support the process to accept a signature that has previously signed the ONAP CLA.
        1. Trishan - We have been working the issue.
        2. Thoralf - We had a discussion with Jacob.  Seems to work to the extent that the CLA manager can add individual emails to the white list.  The issue is in progress.  White list requirement is the signing of CLA.  Keeping the ticket open until we confirm it works.
        3. Jinri - Lusheng has written a tutorial on the CLA but it is only for a sunny day scenario.
        4. ActionThoralf Czichy read out the status of the issue with signing of the CLA and the open ticket.
    3. ActionFarheen Cefalu  add a link to other upstream projects such as ONAP on the Release Planning page.
    4. Action/ Brian Freeman will send Architecture link to Jack Murray.
    5. ActionFarheen Cefalu update the navigation bar and the TOC page.
    6. ActionFormer user (Deleted) post the recorded test and integration team meetings on the wiki.
    7. Action/ Farheen Cefalu  take a look at email from yesterday to main@list regarding the Events page. Encouraged to register.
      1. Will the meetings in Costa Rica be available remotely?
        1. Yes.
    8. ActionFormer user (Deleted) discuss new Linux Foundation process for repo/committer management using an INFO.YAML file at TOC.
      1. LF is stream lining the process by updating the INFO.yml file added to the root of each repo.  We need TOC support to switch to the new operating procedure.  Trishan and Andy can support us with the new automated procedure.
        • Andrew Grimberg - Info.yml is how to see who the committers on the project are.  The current schema was worked on for six months.  The initial schema was built out last year long before O-RAN.  Info.yml is a simple file that defines the repo who the committers are and regular meeting info and mailing lists.  Well defined schema.  Automation - self automation for committers.  Committers can vote amongst themselves and notify the TOC and can allow committers to self commit and add the governing body as well.  We have a job on Jenkins that checks if there are enough people to vote such as plus 1 and plus 2 and quorum before it can be merged.  Back end gives committer rites.  Not quite ready with the automation yet.
          • Thoralf - How can TOC approval be done?
            • committer voting is plus one and plus two.
            • repo creation will hold the initial seed info.yml files and the TOC will be able to vote.
            • How will the TOC approval for committers be done?
              • The TOC approvers will be able to do the plus one in Gerrit.  This is in beta.  
            • What about multiple sub-repos?
              • Each repo will have to have this info.yml file. Hierarchical inheritance is not viable in GitHub so add an info.yml file at the root of every repo including sub-repos.
            • Let's say verify job passes do we need to explicitly add the committers or will the system auto-add the reviewers?
              • ActionAndrew Grimberg will check with the engineer of whether or not the automated process to auto-add the reviewers.
            • When will it be ready?
              • Technically it is being used now.  Chris Lott made a push to get most of the info.yml files but there is no documentation.  Documentation has to be added.
              • ActionAndrew Grimberg provide documentation and proposal.  
              • ActionAndrew Grimberg vet the TOC process with the TOC members.
                • Issue with TOC members who don't log into gerrit.  Not difficult but the TOC have logged in at least once.
                • Martin Skorupski  - Having issues with invalid info.yml file.  
              • ActionAndrew Grimberg provide clear instructions on how TOC members how to get a gerrit account and the process through email list.
    9. ActionFormer user (Deleted) discuss MWC americas 2019 demo plan
      1. Demo got gate 1 approval. 
      2. Pending booth approval.
      3. Thoralf check with Ramsey for approval.
        1. Thoralf - I sent him a reminder.
        2. Rittwik - it is an urgent request.
        3. Jinri - next meeting is September 9.  Paul will bring this.
  1. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
    2. Release planning link.
      1. Ganesh (Radisys) - assistance with Jira access for Sachin?
        1. Lusheng - I can assist. 
  2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    1. Non real time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) - John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
      1. We are struggling with multiple java versions.  Such as ONAP is running with java 8 and O-RAN is running with java 7.  This may be an issue for the test and integration planning.
        1. Lusheng - Let's discuss at test meeting.  We will try to provide base doc image layers to unify the platform but not prepared to do this in release Amber.
    2. RIC Applications - Matti Hiltunen
    3. RIC Platform - Thoralf Czichy
      1. Add committer request for Hila Anina  ric-plt/nodeb-rnib. On motion made by Thoralf Czichy and seconded by Former user (Deleted)
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    4. O-RAN Centralized Unit Former user (Deleted)
    5. O-RAN Distributed Unit High Sachin Srivastava
    6. O-RAN Distributed Unity Low Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated)
    7. O-RAN Radio Unit (TBD)
    8. Operations and Maintenance - Martin Skorupski
    9. Simulations - Alex Stancu
    10. Infrastructure - Xiaohua Zhang
    11. DOC - Weichen Ni
  3. Test & Integration Planning - Lusheng

    1. Sonar reporting issue.  No longer blocked.  
      1. Thoralf - We are blocked for two weeks but it is complicated.
        1. Andrew is OK with getting the repo in pieces.  Include Thoralf.
  4. Requirements Software Architecture Committee - Rittwik
  5. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. An AP from Executive Committee: to evaluate & identify any content during our SW development requiring 3GPP's permission and, to estimate when it needs interaction with 3GPP;
    2. Jinri - 3GPP copyrite issue.  during software development for O-CU some content such as a table from 3GPP specs. Table is from 3GPP spec.  Before implementing this code it needs to be approved by 3GPP.  Jack brought this to EC.  Two ways.  Treat this issue case by case.  EC to EGPP.  O-RAN Alliance is seeking an umbrella agreement with 3GPP that will cover all the cases.
      1. Development focus member will have a general discussion.  Evaluate and identify content that requires 3GPP conditions.  We do have a lot.  If so we have issues.  
        1. What does 3GPP permission mean?
          1. Lets say we have modulation scheme index (table) will be defined in 3GPP.  We need to implement something with this table then we need the copy-rite permission from 3GPP to permission.
          2. This is pre-spec.  Concerned that we will have to get permission from every table on a case by case basis.
            1. Team is investigating an umbrella agreement to simplify the process.
  6. Any Other Business (AOB)
    1. Jinri will talk to Jack about covering progress as well as blockers from the PTLs.  Suggestion to make it monthly or use release milestones.
  7. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. Votes
      1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by Former user (Deleted)  and seconded by William DIEGO  the minutes of the August 21, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      2. Add committer request for Hila Anina  ric-plt/nodeb-rnib. On motion made by Thoralf Czichy and seconded by Former user (Deleted)
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    2. Actions
      1. ActionThoralf Czichy read out the status of the issue with signing of the CLA and the open ticket.
      2. ActionFarheen Cefalu  add a link to other upstream projects such as ONAP on the Release Planning page.
      3. Action/ Brian Freeman will send Architecture link to Jack Murray.
      4. ActionAndrew Grimberg will check with the engineer of whether or not the automated process to auto-add the reviewers.
      5. ActionAndrew Grimberg provide documentation and proposal.  
      6. ActionAndrew Grimberg vet the TOC process with the TOC members.
      7. ActionAndrew Grimberg provide clear instructions to TOC mail list on how TOC members can get a gerrit account and the process.