2020-03-09 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting
2020-03-09 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting
NOTE: During the "Daylight Savings Time" changeover periods (US vs Europe vs Asia) the time of the meetings may fluctuate. Please keep an eye on the calendar on the Meetings page
See also:
- Martin Skorupski
- Alex Stancu
- Maxime Bonneau
- David Kinsey [AT&T]
- Some other people joined the call later ... please add yourself ...
Short meeting today with reduced attendance. Possibly due to daylight savings time confusion.
NONRTRIC report:
- Making progress with repo re-alignment: GUI to portal repo, and A1 simulator to sim repo.
- Plans for bronze health-check use case ongoing - hope to make progress on message sequences etc in coming days. Want to make sure there is some alignment between internal function tests impleemnted in the project and integration tests implemented using OTF in INT project.
- Haven't made much progress on traffic steering use case, but SMO/NONRTRIC parts in bronze are very limited.
Tracy: any update on OSM for cherry release? Martin - no. Is anyone interested enough to provide development resources? John - no. No resources or requirement right now. Need to extend discussion to 3rd party SMOs beyond ONAP and OSM - possible more likle to get traction when considering 3rd party commercial SMO functions.