2020-05-18 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting

2020-05-18 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting

NOTE: During the "Daylight Savings Time" changeover periods (US vs Europe vs Asia) the time of the meetings may fluctuate. Please keep an eye on the calendar on the Meetings page

Note about daylight savings time

Please note that the weekly OAM/NONRTRIC scrum team meeting will continue on Monday’s at 13:00 UTC.

Daylight Savings time changes have now completed for a few months so times are

  • 6am PDT | 9am EDT | 13:00 UTC | 14:00 BST | 15:00 CEST | 16:00 EEST | 18:30 IST | 21:00 CST | 22:00 JST

See also:

2020-05-18 OAM Meeting notes





  1. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Ongoing work: 
    1. HTTPs support & testing
    2. Fixing bugs identified in testing edge cases (e.g. synchronization bug in DMaaP support)
    3. Small memory bug identified where >27000 policy instances for an individual near-RT-RIC - Fix ongoing
    4. Initial policy performance analysis - ~30ms on average latency per policy request (REST), ~120ms on average latency per policy request (DMaaP)
    5. Stress testing continuing
    6. Integration tests with near-RT-RIC A1 mediator are now working fine.
    7. Issue with near-RT-RIC undeployment where NONRTRIC and nearRTRIC are co deployed
    8. Added support for "Transient" policies - where policy is not resynced on nearrtric restart
    9. Supporting GUI editing of "No Type" policies - Policy types without schema (A1 v1.1 std)
    10. Improving Documentation
  2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Initial/Early plans for Cherry/Guilin (All TBC)
    1. alignment with ONAP Guilin (features under definition)
    2. A1-adapter extensions in ONAP
    3. requirements for rApps, and initial prototypes / technology selection for R-APP platform
    4. Requirements gathering and initial version of A1 enrichment information coordination functions
    5. Cherry use cases will go beyond Bronze use cases
    6. Need to examine support required for ML models in R-APPs - e.g. ML Model LCM as seperate from P-APP LCM
    7. Requirements gathering for Dynamic Data collection - and use by R-APPs
    8. Requirements gathering for acessing CMDB, Inventory, Topology information
    9. First steps with UE-ID alignment - once agreed by O-RAN WGs.

OAM: (2020-05-18 OAM Meeting notes)


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