2019 06 12

2019 06 12

Zoom Meeting Recording (Zoom meetings are not uploading to this wiki.  A ticket was opened with Helpdesk linuxfoundation.org #75652)

Audio Recording


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu 
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact Name


    Alternate Contact



    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl



    Toshiro Kawahara


    Vincent Danno


    Viswa Kumar


  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meetings
    1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by David Streibl and seconded by Jinri the minutes of the June 06, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. ActionFormer user (Deleted) put out a poll to select a fish and which fish name for release A.  Try not to pick a complicated name. Waiting for Phil Robb to provide instructions of how to take a poll using 
      1. David -  I was unable to poll the mail list recipients.  I need permission. 
      2. ActionPhil Robb provide a plugin to allow subscribers of toc@lists to send out a poll.
    2. Action / Former user (Deleted)  - I will provide a more detailed spreadsheet to Farheen.  I received more information last night.
      1. This was the request for committers and new repos in gerrit. 
      2. Action / Former user (Deleted) send the request to the mail list for creating the new repos and committers.
    3. Action / Jack send out the CLA to the list.  Stefan published it ahead of the EC meeting to approve.  
    4. Action/ Farheen Cefalu Farheen  update the time on the F2F.  Morning 8:30AM - noon Tokyo Japanese time.  This will make is easier for the U.S. to join.  
      1. Farheen Cefalu  Starting time has changed from 8:30 PM on Sunday evening for USA ET.
      2. Jinri sent and invitation to Farhee.  Action Farheen Cefalu Copy/paste Jinri's invitation to the events section of wiki.o-ran-sc.org.
    5. Action / Farheen Cefalu Farheen For the F2F use the zoom meeting bridge for people to join remotely and post on the wiki.
    6. Action / Former user (Deleted) work with Phil offline regarding setting up subcommittees under an umbrella project and do the approval through email.
      1. Done
    7. Action/ Jack Bring a proposal to approve a list of projects.
      1. Explored seed code content.  We need to get the proposed projects out to everyone.  
      2. Referencing requirements document.  Next step is to start laying out the project as O-RAN has already defined most of the projects we are working under.  For example non real-time RIC, RIC, OCU, ODU, ORU, then we've added create a separate repo for RIC applications (xApps).  
        1. xApps - independent apps that run on the platform.  Proposing a RIC application project and an
        2. OA&M project as a broad umbrella projects.  Logging, performance data collection, dashboards.
        3. Simulation project will be hard for everyone to have an infrastructure
        4. Infrastructure project includes Akraino work.  A large community interest in this project.  This includes white box work.
        5. Integration and Test - for software pull and coordinate software.  This is the main output team that will integrate the software.  This is not a full O-RAN compliance test or evaluation.  The output of this will be handed off to O-RAN experts to be able to test for software functionality.
        6. RAN Project
        7. Documentation - common
        8. 11 projects proposed.  Named by O-RAN.  Non real time RIC is in discussion to change the names.
      3. Open discussion
        1. Viswa - Have we identified the seed code here or is that coming?
          1. Will we have either seed code or new code in the development of each of the projects?
            1. nRT RIC has developed seed code with an ONAP demonstration.  It may be further developed during the project.  As far as I know each of the projects will have some code contribution with the exception of the ORU project.  It won't have code we include it for documentation as the focus of how we are going to simulate or test.  That is the only one that will not get some code. 
          2. Do we have a view already of what we are developing or what are we making it up as we go along.
            1. Making it up on these calls.
        2. Vincent - Question about blueprint.
          1. Akraino is the upstream project.  Especially the infrastructure Akraino has Radio Edge Cloud works closely with RIC contribution but as an appliance itself it is a collaboration.
          2. Deploying NRT RIC as an appliance.  The blueprint is evolving with the O-RAN project.
          1. Jinri - request change NRT RIC to nRT RIC.
            1. Phil Robb Jira keys are always capitalized in Jira and repos are all lower-case.
            2. One name will be NRT RIC and another will be RIC.  Jinri comment on project name: can we call it near real time RIC.  Leave the project key as is.  Project keys are 3 - 15 characters and all caps and no numerics.
        3. Rittwik concerned about the time left to start the work in two weeks.  We need to accelerate the projects and PTL selections to make the deadline.
          1. In Co create we have an end to end testing.  ETE testing is the functionality is an O-RAN Alliance function.  ETE job is to test the RAN functionality.  The software developers will test the end to end flow of software.  ETE testing is O-RAN Alliance can get the radio and O-RAN alliance testing.
          2. Action / huangjinri@chinamobile.com bring up End to end testing with the O-RAN Alliance at the F2F meeting.
        4. Vincent - Question about O-RAN RU line says it's not in scope of release A.
          1. Software development (right column).  These are seed code repos.  We are not focusing on code for ORU for release A.  It is a documentation project.
      4. Jack made a motion to approve all 11 project names and keys at this time for the O-RAN Software Community. This is for names and keys only. Creation of 10 projects and 11 project names and project keys.  Jinri seconded the motion.
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed. 
      5. PTLs can self-nominate themselves for the project.
        1. Farheen Cefalu create the new proposed projects in the wiki drop down.
      6. Will we have weekly public meetings for the projects?  yes.  We will need new projects.
        1. We have two zoom accounts right now.  
          1. Two is enough and we will be using a shared calendar to schedule those.  We are planning to start the RIC meetings week after next when Thoralf comes back from holiday.
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Release planning link.  
      2. Requirements group is working out the requirements and breaking out epics.  Now that we have projects we can start to generate epics and user stories.  
      3. Now that we have projects and setting up Jira we can start getting the epics in.  This will be the next push to wrap up the requirements discussions for release A and get the epics into jira.  The key is the 7/1 - 7/6 window where we need the epics in so we can plan which epics will be in the A release.  We want to start the pilot work and simple framework activity which will prime us for the B release.  We can spend the rest of A release planning while the developers work on the A release framework.  Normally we would like to have the epics right now.  We are a little behind.  That updates the calendar and project planning of where we are in the cycle.
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. Thoralf is out on vacation
      2. Lusheng We submitted the help desk ticket with O-RAN -SC to start the repos. 
      3. Action / Former user (Deleted) work with Jack and add the projects.
    3. Test & Integration Planning

      1. Jack nominated Former user (Deleted)  as a Test & Integration Planning PTL.
    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
      1. Epics for Requirements and Architecture sub-committee are almost complete.   
        1. Jinri - When is the deadline for epics?
          1. Ideally we should have it ready by this Friday June 15.  We will map the epics next week.
      2. Rittwik reached out to Claudio.  They have quite a few discussion items.  
      3. Action huangjinri@chinamobile.com Jinri send out the invitation to remind the co-chairs about Rittwik's meeting
      4. Action Former user (Deleted) will prepare something for the face to face meeting with TOC WG3
        1. Jinri - Next week WG meetings in Tokyo all week.  Sunday and Tuesday for Rittwik closed to O-RAN members.
        2. On June 25 there is a symposium open to the industry with many distinguished speakers.  Most working groups will be at the Tokyo meeting.
        3. Farheen Cefalu  Add Sub-committee calendar and add Tokyo meeting to the main calendar.
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items 

    1. O-RAN meeting discussion Jinri
      1. Jinri - sent out invitations to WG3 and WG8 co-chairs.
    2. Chris Lott would like to discuss https://rt.linuxfoundation.org/SelfService/Display.html?id=76514
      1. The o-ran-sc project needs to publish and consume several C libraries as Debian packages. I'm writing to ask what CI support can be provided for this workflow. Basically we need the usual two features that are exactly analogous to Maven repo for jars, Docker registry for images:

        1) a receiver to which Jenkins jobs that create packages can push .deb artifacts
        2) a publisher from which Jenkins jobs that use packages can pull .deb artifacts

        So that's the problem statement.

        As for solutions, I could imagine either using an apt repository, or a bare HTTP server. Either can be handled easily in a Dockerfile on the consuming side. Obviously we have to rely on you guys to open permissions etc. so Jenkins jobs can do their work on the publishing side

      2. We have a way to share common libraries so people can use tested libraries and not have to build themselves.
  8. Planning for Next Meeting
    1. Jack will post two nominations for PTLs. 
      1. Lusheng for Integration and Test team
      2. Matti Hiltunen will lead the xApp application as PTL.
    2. Discuss possible PTL nominations. 
    3. Focus will be trying to get the epics into jira.
    4. Next week O-RAN meetings will be going on.  Not sure of the timing at least for us will be joining quite late in the night.  
      1. It's easier to keep a consistent time.  If people can not attend the meeting then it is understandable.  
  9. Open Discussion
    1. Irfan from Open Interface - Regarding the seed code does that require CLA? 
      1. All seed code is under the Apache license so it doesn't require CLA but once we get the seed code into the projects we will have the CLA in place for the O-RAN Specification license so people can clearly identify which CLA they are contributing to.
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by David Streibl and seconded by Jinri the minutes of the June 06, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    2. Jack made a motion to the TOC to approve all 11 project names from the O-RAN SC Ver A SW Requirements 20190603c.docx and their keys at this time for the O-RAN Software Community. This is for names and keys only. Creation of 10 projects and 11 project names and project keys.  Jinri seconded the motion.
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed. 
    3. ActionPhil Robb provide plugin to allow users to send out a poll.
    4. ActionFormer user (Deleted) put out a poll to select a fish and which fish name for release A.  Try not to pick a complicated name.
    5. Action / Jack send out the CLA to the list.  Stefan published it ahead of the EC meeting to approve.  
    6. Action / Former user (Deleted) send the request to the mail list for creating the new repos (remaining repos as originally requested during 06/05 ToC meeting), and JIRA projects include the projects names that we voted on today.  Have the TOC approve 10 projects and their committers like we did for NRT RIC and Thoralf.
      1. Lusheng update 20190613: Request for JIRA project creation submitted to LF releng, ticket number #76839.  Repos creation approval sent to toc@lists.o-ran-sc.org list. 
    7. Action Farheen Cefalu update the wiki.o-ran-sc.org events page with changes from Jinri regarding the face to face meeting.
    8. Action / Farheen Cefalu Add Sub-committee calendar and add Tokyo meeting to the main calendar.

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