2019 06 19
2019 06 19
- Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
x Jinri Huang Co-Chair
David Streibl
Toshiro Kawahara
Orange Vincent Danno
Viswa Kumar
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance. We do not have a qoram and can not vote on activities. No votes can be taken today.
- Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meetings (skipping, no quorum)
- Review of Today's Agenda
- Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
- Action/ Phil Robb provide plugin to allow users to send out a poll. ( Trishan de Lanerolle <tdelanerolle@linuxfoundation.org> replaced Phil Robb from LF)
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) put out a poll to select a fish and which fish name for release A. Try not to pick a complicated name.
- Action / Jack send out the CLA to the list. Stefan published it ahead of the EC meeting to approve.
- CLA pending approval. Jack will share once available. The charter, license and CLA will be available on the open source site.
- Action / Former user (Deleted) send the request to the mail list for creating the new repos and projects include the projects names that we voted on today. Have the TOC approve 10 projects and their committers like we did for NRT RIC and Thoralf.
Action/ Farheen Cefalu update the wiki.o-ran-sc.org events page with changes from Jinri regarding the face to face meeting.Action/ Farheen Cefalu Add Sub-committee calendar and add Tokyo meeting to the main calendar.
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- Release planning link
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
Test & Integration Planning
- Report Out of Sub-Committees
- Action / Former user (Deleted) put the slides that were reviewed at the Tuesday night TOC in Tokyo in the community page.
- Jinri is talking internally ironing out issues to put epics in jira.
- Radisys are working on their epics.
- RU no epics.
- Documentation epics are not there.
- inspur and radisys and lenovo are providing epics.
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Vote for PTLs
- Former user (Deleted) for Integration and Test team this is for software testing not O-RAN Alliance or ETE testing. This testing will be pulling together the software package.
- Matti Hiltunen will lead the xApp project as PTL. Lead platform architect. Built the xApps from the beginning. Experienced with ONAP projects in the past.
- Action / Former user (Deleted) send out a mail regarding the PTL nominations above.
- Discuss possible PTL nominations
- Tracy van Brakle proposed for the PTL Martin Skorupsk fori non real time RIC.
- Action / Tracy Van Brakle send out the proposal to the mail list.
- Was there discussion at the TOC about nominating PTLs? No
- Focus of this call is to start to get epics into Jira
- Scott Daniels is not able to commit his code. Action / Former user (Deleted) Open a ticket with LF. Work with Former user (Deleted)
- Vote for PTLs
- Planning for Next Meeting
- Open Discussion
- There were two TOC meetings held in Tokyo. Meeting minutes will be posted.
- Lusheng introduced where we are in the process of seed code and history of O-RAN working groups.
- We had a discussion with WG8 and WG6.
- On Sunday there was a discussion on how the working group will get organized.
- Build a structure around how the working groups will work.
- KJ from AT&T supplied structure.
- Last night we went thru the requirements slide deck.
- One slide that needs work is the interaction with OSC and O-RAN and software community. Jinri has some actions to take.
- Architecture was
- By mid next week they should finalize the WG epics. We need to close on this by mid next week. We are waiting on the Jira system to become available.
- Jinri said that by mid next week we need the WG co-chairs to review and finalize the epics.
- Lusheng - regarding Jira progress. Requires PTLs to be established before we can move forward with jira.
- TOC nominates the PTL? Yes, in some cases we appoint a working PTL until more of the community can be established before we can work out who the longer term PTL can be.
- Action / Jack bring the PTL elections to the broader TSC.
- Can we move forward with that PTL? They require the PTL to login to Jira first.
- Friday June 28 in the events calendar.
O-RAN WG4 Open Fronthaul PoC with ONAP rel 4 Dublin
Open Wireless Lab - Rutgers Univ Winlab / COSMOS
10:00 AM - 11:30 PM
- There were two TOC meetings held in Tokyo. Meeting minutes will be posted.
- Any Other Business (AOB)
- Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
- No quorum, no votes taken
- Action/ @Trishan de Lanerolleprovide. Provide Former user (Deleted) the ability to take a poll on https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/main/topics. ( Trishan de Lanerolle <tdelanerolle@linuxfoundation.org> replaced Phil Robb from LF)
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) put out a poll to select a fish and which fish name for release A. Try not to pick a complicated name.
- Action / Jack Murray Jack send out the CLA to the list.
- Action / Former user (Deleted) send the request to the mail list for creating the new repos and projects include the projects names that were voted on. Have the TOC approve 10 projects and their committers like we did for NRT RIC and Thoralf.
- Action / Former user (Deleted) put the slides that were reviewed at the Tuesday night TOC in Tokyo in the community page.
- Action / TOC Vote for PTL nominees.
- Former user (Deleted) for Integration and Test team this is for software testing not O-RAN Alliance or ETE testing. This testing will be pulling together the software package.
- Matti Hiltunen will lead the xApp project as PTL. Lead platform architect. Built the xApps from the beginning. Experienced with ONAP projects in the past.
- Action / Former user (Deleted) send out a mail regarding the PTL nominations above.
- Tracy Van Brakle proposed for the PTL Martin Skorupsk fori non real time RIC.
- Action / Tracy Van Brakle send out the proposal to the mail list.
- Scott Daniels is not able to commit his code. Action / Former user (Deleted) Open a ticket with LF. Work with Former user (Deleted)
, multiple selections available,
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