2020-02-12 meeting agenda and minutes
2020-02-12 meeting agenda and minutes
- Xiaohua Zhang
Owned by Xiaohua Zhang
Wednesday 10~11 pm Beijing time
- Meeting schedule: from weekly to bi-weekly, Wednesday 10~11 pm Beijing time
- JIRA for Release B:
- O-RAN WG6 define the O-Cloud, align with O2 interface specification.
- Please check the page INF project EPICs in Release Bronze, and give the feedback.
- Jackie Huang, check the availability of the NXP ARM BSP status in Yocto. → INF-7 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Weichen Ni , will collect the requirement from CMCC side.
- Bin Yang , will take the resposibility of the INT related. → INT-88 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- Xiaohua Zhang , discuss how to map the INF epics to O-Cloud/O2 defination in next meeting.
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