2019-10-23 meeting agenda and minutes
2019-10-23 meeting agenda and minutes
- Xiaohua Zhang
Owned by Xiaohua Zhang
Release A status update:
- The committer role request of Jackie Huang and lujq1 had been setttled by LF. Please verify the committer role.
- Status update for
- a) pti/rtp by Jackie Huang → Kubernetes CNI plugins, flannel, dashboard, NFD has been done; CMD and Multus are ongoing. And the issue resolve. Communicate with CI-Management to impove and update the scripts. Docuement the process and readme file.
- b) AAL by Xiaohua Zhang and lujq1 → AAL will be delayed to next release, because currently the AAL has been discussed at WG6 and WG8, no final spec is released. And According to the WG6 schedule, the final spec include the API defination will be available next Q1. AAL will use the DPDK BBDEV as baseline or framework, and will define a new common API for the accelerator life cycle management.
- Inspur repo (imp/..., total 3 repos) will be removed, discussed during TOC. Inspur is looking for how/what can contribute for next release.
- CI integration of the pti/rtp update by Bin Yang
- CI has 2 jobs, one is "verify", work with Chris and Jackie to ask the CI team to add a template into CI-Management. The other is "build image and upload to repo", the challenge right now is "need 10 hours to build" and "need a big storage for image". During the last TOC, these items has been discussed. Chris will try to follow the Akraino to see how to resolve it.
- Document of the prti/rtp.
- Currently there is only "readme" file in repo include the "building requirement, building process". Will add the "how to install, deploy, setup k8s cluster and CNI plulgins.
- "Release Note", "User Guide", and "Developer Guide", Xiaohua Zhangneed send Jackie Huangthe template. The DOC could be implemented after the 2nd Nov.
- Sharing about the O-RAN SC f2f meeting.
- Release crtiteria → INF will have not enought time to go through INT process, we need define our test criteria. Get the result of the tests such as "Real time performance", and basic functionalities, and send the report to INT team.
- Release B feature → RSCA has been started nail down the EPICs of Release B through use case, current there is one "traffic steering" use case. Setup offline meeting to sync up.
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