2020-06-16 meeting agenda and minutes

Cherry Release EPICs refresh:

  • AIO Duplex
  • AIO Duplex with additional worker nodes
  • Interoperability include the ODULOW, ODUHIGH and OCU
  • ARM Simplex (stretch goal)

Integration Lab:

  • No update yet (Intel team is working on the hardware issue)

For Cherry Release:

  • The bi-weekly meeting will move 1 hour early

Build process improvement:

ceph building ( officially requires 50G disk space):

Jackie environment: 2.2GHz CPU (O-RAN Jenkins 2.5GHz CPU, 2 cores + 8 G mem)

  •     4 cores + 8 G mem → OK 
  •     2 cores + 8 G mem → OK
  •     2 cores + 4 G mem → OK

Bin environment:  2.4GHz CPU

  •     8 cores + 16G mem → Error

→ →  Should not be the resource limitation cause the ceph building error.

Todo: Try the build the ceph by using single thread.