2020-06-02 meeting agenda and minutes
2020-06-02 meeting agenda and minutes
Integration & test with ODULOW
- 40G NIC and FPGA are not working, because of the HW/firmware. It is still blocked.
Cyclictest for latest kernel 5.0.19
- 24 Hours Test: Min/Avg/Max = 3/3/5 us @cpu(2.50GHz) @(ProLiant DL380p Gen8)
- 90 Hours Test: Min/Avg/Max = 3/3/7 us @cpu(2.50GHz) @(ProLiant DL380p Gen8)
- run the cyclictest after the bootstrap and AI configuration.
- run the cyclictest in container.
Bronze release update
JIRA status:
Bronze release demo video
- INF Demo and Presentation #demo 2
Image building
- Resource for building → Remove the source code during the building. Time to build will be 3x Amber release.
- Script change for building → Defautl release image is with starlingx service enabled. Need modify the jenkins job to release the new image.
- Revision management → Use the text file as the vesion, Jenkins job read the content of this file. (will discuss more later)