2020-04-07 meeting agenda and minutes
2020-04-07 meeting agenda and minutes
Items need to be paid attention:
- The TOC has proposed the schedule of the C and D releases. Check the details at the page : Releases.
- Sonarcloud coverage is required. (Link is O-RAN Developer's Guide to CI Resources and Processes at the LF#ConfigureProjectforSonarAnalysis)
- Sprint demo is require. Demo video has been updadted with scripts. (INF Demo and Presentation)
Status udpate:
- ARM based cluster status
- Because K8S upgrade, need do the validation Xiaohua Zhang.
- Kubernetes version upgrade → Done (
INF-20Getting issue details...
- K8S version from 1.15 to 1.16.2, tested include
- Flannel, Multus, and SRIOV
- Tested: 1) CPU manager K8S native, 2) HugePage, 3) SR-IOV
- Next step: 1) FPGA device functionality in the SR-IOV device plugin; 2) real time performance;
- Kernel source and dev integration
- Not yet, AR for Jackie Huang → Done ( - INF-21Getting issue details... STATUS )
- Golang dev integration
- Not yet, AR for Jackie Huang
- AR for Xiaohua Zhang, send offline email to Jackie Huangto create the JIRA for upper 2 items.
- StarlingX services enabling
- Ongoing, scheduel is very challenging.