2024-01-30 meeting agenda and minutes
2024-01-30 meeting agenda and minutes
- WindRiver: Jackie Huang Litao Gao
- Redhat: Chris Wheeler, Federico Rossi
Meeting records:
Passcode: g5W=9=5o
Clean-up for I Release:
INF: I Release - ORAN Jira (o-ran-sc.org)
Review plan of J Release (drafted):
- Update INF Platform to aligned with StarlingX 9.0
- Update O2 implementation to aligned with new Spec Ver 5.0
- Keep working on the integration with ETSI DMS by NTT.
- RH Contribution goals:
- To make O-RAN SC INF project more accessible by supporting multiple kinds of O-Cloud. In this case RH will support OKD
- RH Execution Plan:
- RH will start with automated deployment of OKD. RH will upstream the automated deployment scripts for OKD to the O-RAN SC gerrit.
- RH will document the procedure in the O-RAN SC Wiki.
- RH will automate the deployment of the O-RAN SC components on OKD. RH will upstream the automation scripts to gerrit and document the procedure in the wiki. To begin with RH will deploy the RIC component.
- Once RH achieve these, RH can even think of a common automated platform for all these deployments.
Action Items:
- WindRiver:
- Clean-up all issues in I release: update the stataus or move to J-release.
- Create EPIC in Jira for alignment with StarlingX.
- Create EPIC in Jira for alignment with O2 IMS spec
- Redhat:
- Create EPICs or stories for items in the execution plan.
, multiple selections available,
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